Biker Gang Surrounds This Little Girls Lemonade Stand Then Comes An Unexpected Surprise!

When you hear the distinctive sound of loud, rumbling tailpipes, and then a leather clad group of tough looking bikers comes into view, you may feel a little apprehensive. After all, there’s a reason why bikers have earned a reputation as being outlaws in modern society.  Just recently, national news surrounding motorcycle gangs has shown the public an aggressive and volatile side to them.

However, the isolated and sad instance in Texas betrays the majority of the men and women who love nothing more than enjoying a nice, peaceful ride. Today, there are more than 6 million American motorcyclists and far less than even 1% of them are members of outlaw motorcycle gangs.

Nothing better illustrates this point than the group Bikers-Against-Child-Abuse (BACA). They are not a gang but rather a nonprofit law abiding motorcycle association dedicated to protecting children from abuse. The entire chapter organizes a ride when they are referred a child so they can meet and give him or her the names and numbers of the closest members.

If the child ever feels scared or threatened they can call the bikers who show up and support them. Recently, BACA members out on a group ride in Des Moines, Iowa pulled up to a lemonade stand staffed by several young girls. They made a memorable sight, with all the bikers stretched far down the block, as well as a lot of noise.

The girls and their father, DeKarlo Long, were beyond thrilled at the turnout and he wrote on Facebook “One of the most amazing things just happened. Our girls were doing a lemonade stand and the biker group called BACA stopped at the house for lemonade. Watch the video. How awesome….”

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This Mom Was Sick Of Her Son Ignoring All Her Calls. Her Solution To The Problem Is Brilliant!

If you own a cell phone it is almost 100% likely that you are guilty of ignoring certain phone calls. Whether it is a friend, family member, employer, or an unknown number, we all screen our calls and actively ignore some of them. In this day and age of caller id and almost constant mobile connectivity, it is easy to look at the phone screen, see who is calling, and let the voice-mail pick up the call instead of answering it.

However, those who are trying to contact a person who is ignoring them often know what is going on and that they are likely being ignored. This has led to innumerable fights, hurt feelings, anger, and overall, frustration. Parents are especially irked when their kids ignore their phone calls. Mothers and fathers often call just to check in with their kids and to make sure they are safe. They want to be aware of who, where, and what their children are doing and if they plan on being home for dinner.

One mother who was fed up with trying to get a hold of her son, and constantly being ignored, decided to put an end to it. She devised an app, called “ignore no more,” which allows a parent to lock their kids smartphone until they call back and check in.

Once it ‘s installed and activated the app restricts the child’s access to nearly everything on the phone. They cannot play video games, go online, download, play music, use any other apps, or call anyone else except for those on a preset list and 911. Once they check in with mom or dad they can get the password that will then unlock their phones back to normal.

The high tech answer to a frustrating problem is relief for worried parents and an annoyance for their kids. However, the least kids can do to help ease their worried parent’s minds is to timely return their calls. After all, mom and/or dad are likely footing the bill for the expensive smartphones and got them in the first place to stay connected with their kids.

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This Lady Begins With A Normal Piece Of Paper. But After She Makes A Few Folds Brilliant!

If you find buying paper bags to be a waste of money, but want or need a decorative gift bag, make it yourself! You can custom make one out of newspaper, magazines, craft paper, decorative paper, wrapping paper, or whatever else you may have lying around. If you require something sturdier than a plain old brown bag then this Innova Crafts video tutorial is perfect for you! I tried to distill the information into the description below, but for optimum results watch the video to see the step by step method used.

For this craft project you will need your choice of paper, glue, and some ribbon. To begin, fold the paper in half length-wise to see where the middle is, but do not crease it. Then, fold the sides in so that they meet at that middle point, with one of them slightly overlapping the other. Take a glue stick and apply glue to the edge that overlaps, then press it firmly together.

Fold the bottom of the paper upwards so that the folded part is about 3 fingers wide and crease it firmly. Open up the fold at the two bottom corner edges and press down on each side, so it looks similar to origami, then crease down the 4 triangles that should have formed. Now fold the top half of this bottom part you are working on down so that it reaches over the middle portion by 1cm.

Do the same to the bottom half, folding it up and over by 1cm. There should be 2 diamond shapes on each side of the bottom section you folded at this point. Unfold the last two parts you did, glue each corner, and refold. Turn the paper 90 degrees so it’s on its side and fold the bottom edge up to meet the corner crease, like an envelope, and do this to the opposite side as well.

Now unfold the last two side folds you just did, pick up the paper, and open the top part as you would any old paper bag. Go around the bag creases and scour them into place, folding them in the opposite direction as the original folds, and check to make sure they are all in place and firmly defined.

At this point, you should have a regular looking paper bag! Take the top part of the bag and fold it under and over itself several times, like an accordion, then pinch the center while fanning the sides up and out into the shape of a bow. Take a piece of ribbon and wrap it around the center of the bag so that it runs through the pinched-area of the bag’s built in, fanned out bow.

Tie the ribbon into a pretty little bow and adjust it upwards so that it meets the paper bow part. You’re done! Be sure to watch the video for more information and remember to share the knowledge and love. Happy crafting and enjoy!

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Nobody Believed Him When He Described This Ducklings Morning Ritual. So He Caught THIS

Most people believe that dogs are the most loyal pets to humans, but after you watch this you may change your mind. Meet this adorable little feathered duckling named Charley who has become a huge hit on Youtube.  This cute little one loves his human so much that he follows him down the driveway every morning.

He quacks chirps and makes all types of sounds as he tries to keep up with his daddy.  His little webbed feet only travel so fast though. If I was going to choose one stalker to have in my life, I think I would choose this Charley.  Having him follow me around would be so much fun.

After watching this video I think I am Charley’s new number 1 fan.  When you see how adorable he is, it is going to make your day!

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This Hilarious Pup Throws A Hissy Fit and Give His Human An Earful. At 1:40 I Totally Lost It.

Dogs are a lot like little kids. They love playing and eating and occasionally throw a tantrum. That is what Dinky, a Great Dane, is doing in this home video that his mom shot. His dad was spending too much time petting his brother, Romeo, so he let everyone know how annoyed he was.

Dinky whines and cries his way through the short clip and shows no sign of letting up. His dad explains that it’s Romeo’s turn for “lovies” and his will come later. Dinky does not care to hear this and talks back, which earns him a scolding from his dad. He tells him to get back on his couch bed and stop being so cranky.

The two argue back and forth, then at 1:40 Dinky throws his massive body back and flops on his side. He is either trying to look super cute or he’s about to give up in frustration. Regardless of what his motive is, he sure is adorable and quite the talker!

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I’ve Been Making Grilled Cheese For Years But I Have Never Thought Of Doing It Like THIS

As a kid growing up grilled cheese was the go to meal in my family. I really can’t remember a time when the grilled cheese sandwich wasn’t an important part of my life! It’s so simple yet so delicious. The video below takes the traditional grilled cheese sandwich and completely takes it to a whole new level of awesome. The chef in the video below has figured out an innovation that will raise the bar for grilled cheese makers all around the world.

How does he do it? By adding more cheese of course!  They call this the Inside-Out Grilled Cheese Sandwich and it not only has cheese on the inside but it also has cheese on the outside!  Unlike the cheese on the inside that is all mushy, the cheese on the outside hardens and gets nice and crispy! Yum!

The idea for this sandwich seems so obvious after you see it, you’ll be wondering why you never thought about doing it this way in the first place.  The chef in the video claims there is only 1 cheese to use when it comes to making these sandwiches and it’s cheddar.  But, we know some people may not agree.  What kind of cheese do you mainly use for your grilled cheese? let us know in the comments.

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This Guy Mixes Cream Cheese With Nutella. When He’s Done YUM!

If you like all things Nutella then you have to try making this incredibly simple recipe. It is for a no-bake Nutella cheesecake that features a buttery, crumbly, graham cracker crust. Once you view the OnePotChef Show’s video you will be amazed at how basic the ingredients are and how easy it can be to whip up a cheesecake at home. I always thought cheesecakes were really hard to make and figured it best to just leave it to a professional chef. Not anymore! I made this last night and have to share because it turned out so well.

The whole recipe can be prepared in about 15 minutes but, before it is ready to eat, you will have to chill it in the refrigerator for around 4-5 hours. Begin by first making the crust. Take 100 grams of butter, add one tablespoon of Nutella to it and then microwave for about a minute until it’s all melted together.

Crush up 250 grams of graham crackers in a food processor and then add the chocolate butter to it, stirring and mixing until its texture is similar to wet sand. Place the cracker mixture in a pie tin and press it out so you evenly form a crust on the bottom and sides (Use the bottom of a flat glass to help do this part). Place it in the fridge to set and chill while you make the filling.

Take 500 grams of room temperature Philadelphia style cream cheese, chop it into little cubes, and place in a mixing bowl. Sift ½ cup (70 grams) of powdered sugar over the cream cheese and beat with an electric mixer until it’s fluffy. Scoop the remainder of the Nutella (a 400 gram jar was used in the video) into the cream cheese and mix it together until it’s very smooth. Finally, gently fill the cookie crust with the Nutella cream cheese, smooth out the top, and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

The Nutella is what makes this recipe so much more simple to make than other cheesecakes, because it automatically helps the cream cheese set and firm up in the fridge. If you just put Nutella in the fridge it would get really hard, but when combined with cream cheese, it stays softer.

If you prefer a firmer crust on your cheesecake, add in more butter when making it, and the opposite will get you a softer, more crumbly crust. This recipe turns out a smooth chocolate-hazelnut taste that is not too sweet. The cream cheese’s tangy flavor downplays the rich sweetness of the Nutella and powdered sugar, resulting in a well balanced flavor. Watch the video for more details.

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He Pours A Bottle Of Vinegar Into The Toilet. The Reason Is Totally Brilliant!

Hard stains on bathroom surfaces are caused by hard water and can be very hard to remove. The ugly spots and stains are caused by water that contains large amounts of minerals, such as limestone, calcium, and magnesium. These metals and minerals are naturally occurring, most often in areas with low water tables and mountainous regions, and water that contains them is perfectly safe to use and drink. The biggest downside to it is the unsightly mineral deposits and stubborn stains it leaves behind, which over time gradually build up on stuff. Many people struggle to remove these stains and often think that they need a strong chemical cleaner to effectively get rid of them.

Instead, there is a very simple way to go about cleaning hard stains off of a toilette. You don’t need harsh, pricey chemical cleaners or tons of muscle power to brighten up the commode. So go ahead and grab yourself a roll of paper towels, a bottle of distilled white vinegar, and a pair of rubber gloves.

What to do is simple and will take less than 5 minutes. Pour some vinegar onto squares of paper towels so they are thoroughly soaked. Fold them up and place them all around the rim of the toilet, making sure to cover all the stains. Stick them to the inside bowl as well as close to the water line as you can without them touching the water. Then, fill the bowl with vinegar until it is above the stains.

Let this all sit for a few hours while the vinegar works its magic. Remove the paper towels from the rim and bowl and scrub away any remaining stains. Make certain to fish out any paper towels from the water and do not flush them because they easily clog septic systems due to their thickness and absorbency. That’s it!

This may be the fastest, easiest, and most natural way to clean a stained toilette that requires minimal effort or exertion on your part. Try it yourself the next time you clean house!

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