She Cuts The Waistband Off A Used Pair Of Jeans When She Reveals The Final Result It’s Priceless!

Jeans can be extremely durable and last a long time if they are made well and with quality fabric. When they no longer fit or go out of style we usually donate or throw them away. Instead of doing either of those things, get creative and re-use your old denim by turning unwanted jeans into wonderfully durable garden aprons. The method shown in this video, published by YouTube channel Chow, is fast, easy, and best of all, doesn’t require any sewing. All you need is a pair of old jeans, a pair of scissors, and a minute or two of time to spare.

To make your own garden apron follow the instructions on the video and read on. Start by cutting the legs off the jeans about an inch below the back pockets. Then flip them over so the front faces up towards you. Starting at the zipper, cut along the seam right below the waistband until you reach the side seam on both sides. Continue to cut down each of the side seams and then you’re finished.

The front portion can be discarded and when it’s time to wear your new apron simply put it on around your waist and securely button it in place like a regular pair of pants. You can button it in the back so that the back pockets are in front, or off to one side so that one pocket is in front and the other is in back. For maximum apron coverage make 2 jean aprons and wear one on each side, like how the video shows it.

When you’re in the garden the extra pockets on the apron will definitely come in handy. They easily store shears, tools, seeds and more in a convenient and easy to reach place. Since denim is so strong and durable it makes for a great apron that can take a beating and still hold up for multiple uses. Plus, if it ever gets too dirty or worn out you can throw it away without feeling guilty or wasteful!

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Woman Cuts This Bread Into A Bunch Of Little Squares. When She’s Done YUM!

If you are ever in need of a quick, easy to make, crowd pleasing recipe to serve or bring to a gathering, then look no further. This cheesy bloomin’ onion bread looks just as good as it tastes and everyone will want to try a piece. It goes well with almost anything and is a tasty treat all on its own. Check out the recipe below and video for instructions on how to make it at home, and be sure to save and file it away for later use!

This recipe makes between 6 and 8 servings and can be made in under 30 minutes. Ingredients you will need include; 1 pound loaf of unsliced bread, 3.5 oz. matured cheddar cheese sliced thinly, 3.5 oz. mozzarella cheese sliced thinly, 1/3 cup melted butter, ½ cup chopped green onions, 2 tsp. flax and sesame seeds (optional). Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit before cutting the bread length and width-wise, without cutting all the way through to the bottom crust, so it stays in one piece.

Place the cut bread on a foil lined baking sheet and insert the cheese slices between the cuts on the bread so they are evenly distributed throughout the loaf. Combine the chopped green onions with the melted butter and seeds, if you choose to use them, then pour the mixture into the bread cracks. Cover the bread with tinfoil and bake for 15 minutes. When time is up, remove the foil and place back in the oven for an additional 10 minutes, or until the cheese is melted, gooey, and golden.

With a bake time of 25 minutes and prep time of about 5 minutes or less, this bread is the perfect item to make for a last minute snack. Plus, you can easily add on other ingredients or substitute alternative types of cheeses that better suit your tastes. Personally, I like to serve this with dipping sauces and olives; to each their own!

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This Little Girl In The Back Of A Zumba Class Steals The Whole Show When She Does THIS

Working out can be incredibly boring. For some people, running on a treadmill and staring straight ahead at a mirror or wall is just plain excruciating and every minute that ticks by seems like an hour. There are much better ways to get fit while having fun and dancing up a sweaty storm is one of them.

Taking Zumba classes has become a tried and true method to get the easily bored type person motivated, moving, and into shape. If you are wondering whether or not it is really all that fun, check out this video and then decide.

The back story to this adorable video is that a mother decided to take Zumba classes and took her young daughter along with her. Once they warmed up, started moving, and blasted the music, the little girl took notice. She clearly wanted to be a part of the excitement and joined in with her mom and the others.

This doesn’t appear to be her first class because her moves are well executed and very on point. She shakes, twirls, and steps expertly around the dance floor like she has been doing this for years. If she keeps at it she will be in great shape and know all the best dance moves! Note: If video doesn’t play on mobile device or tablet turn device horizontal.

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Little Boy Is Waiting For His Best Friend To Come. Who Shows Up This Tore My Heart Up!

A child’s first real and true friend is special and will always hold a place near and dear in their hearts. When we are young and innocent we are drawn to certain individuals simply because they’re nice and we feel safe around them. It doesn’t matter what they’ve done in life or have to offer us, it’s more basic and simple than that. Which is partly why 2 year old Deacon Ross developed a special connection with his family garbage man, O Dee, and calls him his best friend. The little boy eagerly awaits O Dee’s arrival every Friday, or O Dee Day, when he stops by the family house to collect the recycling.

This video shows the bittersweet last day that Deacon will get to see O Dee. His family just sold their house and are moving to a bigger one in order to accommodate another child. Deacon has already chosen the unborn baby’s name and would like to see his parents call the child O Dee.

When Deacon and his sister detect the familiar rumble of the garbage truck down the street she excitedly yells to her mother “We hear O Dee’s truck!” Deacon is already outside waiting by the road for his best friend to stop by. He has on a special green t-shirt emblazoned with an I heart emoticon garbage truck picture on the front.

Finally, the garbage truck pulls up in front of the house with O Dee on back and Deacon’s face lights up with joy and delight at the sight. He jumps off and greets Deacon with a fist bump for the last time.

Deacon’s mother thinks he is not quite aware of the fact that this is the last time O Dee will stop by the house. She does know that he holds a special place in her son’s heart, which is why she made baskets filled with an assortment of cookies and mugs for Deacon to give to O Dee and his crew.

It’s a simple way to thank them for the job they do, but more so for the friendship and care he has shown her son. After giving O Dee his gift, and a brief visit, Deacon says goodbye to his first best friend. The sight both breaks and warms the heart to watch. It is a sad final farewell, yet also so sweet and special that a young boy found such happiness in an unlikely best friend.

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This Crazy Bird Walks Over To A Couple. What He Says Makes Them Burst Out Laughing!

Birdwatching is a fun way to interact and connect with nature. Many people assume it is an activity for people who really, really, really like birds. While that is partly true, it’s also for those who want to get outside and explore new places while actively being aware of the many species and types of unique birds different places have to offer. Birding requires one to listen, search out, and pursue birds which can be very enjoyable and even therapeutic in a sense.  

Even if you are not an avid birdwatcher, hopefully you can appreciate a beautiful one when it crosses your path. The bird in this video is quite the brunch companion. The friendly feathered fella happily chirps up a storm, making odd and amusing sounds to the delight of a couple who taped the interaction.

They attempt to mimic and sing along with the black and white colored bird, laughing and smiling the whole time, as he noisily answers them back. A commenter below the video wrote that this type of bird is a black collared starling, and after an image search it appears that they are correct.

Wikipedia says this bird is not endangered and is mainly found in then tropical or subtropical dry forests of China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar and Brunei. One of those places is where this video was likely captured, and it must have made an awesome memory for the couple who interacted with the chirpy bird!

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This Guy Drops Food In The River Moments Later Something Terrifying Appears!

If you ever find yourself in the Amazon jungle, and value your health and safety, think twice before stepping into any body of fresh water. That is exactly where a dangerous and potentially lethal threat lurks. Piranhas are native to the Amazon River Basin and can be found in other river systems throughout South America. All of the estimated 30-60 piranha species have a single row of sharply packed interlocking teeth on both the upper and lower jaws. They are capable of shearing, puncturing, and ripping apart practically any and every thing that they sink their teeth into.

There have been stories and documented reports of piranha attacks on humans and large animals, such as cows, over the years. Oftentimes it is the young or weak who fall into the river, at the wrong place and time, only to end up being quickly killed. In one Brazilian city alone, Palmas, 190 attacks were reported in the first half of 2007. The fearsome reputation that surrounds these fish is well deserved and has even been perpetuated in Hollywood films.

So what does it look like when a school of these predators are feeding? Thanks to Joao Antonio Cruz Junior’s YouTube video we get to the view the fish in action. Freshly butchered red meat is thrown into the water near a dock and some boats.

As soon as the meat hits the calm surface the piranhas fight to get a bite, their bodies seem to writhe and twist all over the place, and the water is churned into a white, frothy, chaotic mess. More meat is thrown in several times but never lasts more than a few seconds.

By the end of the short clip their numbers have easily tripled, as more and more fish are drawn to the commotion and the smell of blood. It’s easy to see why they have the reputation that they do. Check out the video and be happy they (likely) don’t live near you!

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This Goat And Puppy Have A Stare Down. I Never Expected The Goat To React Like THIS

Practically everyone loves a good goat video and this one is sure to please even those on the fence about them. It features Pipsqueak, a pygmy goat, and a bunch of white, furry puppies. They all live together on a farm and get to run around outside all day long. The cute animals play freely and mingle with one another, but sometimes it takes a little bit of time and interaction to break the ice when new ones first meet.

Pipsqueak is known as the friendliest animal on the farm and loves making acquaintances with everyone she meets. In this video she can be seen trying to hang out with a group of puppies. She follows them around and attempts to play goat games by butting a couple of the tiny pups with her head. However, her approaches are rebuffed and the puppies, perhaps confused by her actions, choose to only hang out with one another.

Except for Snowflake, the shiest of the puppies, who looks like she adores Pipsqueak and follows after her. Delighted with her new friend, the goat excitedly plays with Snowflake, who merrily chases her new found sister all around the grass.

With the ice now broken, the other puppies take notice and begin to head over to play. In a matter of just a few moments all of the puppies and Pipsqueak are frolicking around with huge smiles on their cute little faces. They romp back and forth, growling in sheer delight, while Pipsqueak jumps up and down every now and then.

These animals saw past their differences and formed an adorable crew. Leave it to goats and puppies to help illustrate what us humans should strive to do. Be sure to spread the joy, lighten the day, and make someone smile by sharing the video!

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He Released His Two Pit Bulls Into The River. What They Find Made My Jaw Drop!

These two beautiful dogs have an unbelievable fishing tale to tell their puppies one day. The white and brown Pit bulls were down by the river on a walk when they decided to take a refreshing dip and play in the water. Much to their surprise, they noticed something strange as soon as they splashed in. They were not alone. Swimming upstream in the shallow waters were numerous scaly, slippery, huge, and kind of ugly, salmon. The gigantic fish were on their way to finish out one final act in their lives before they died, which was to spawn.

The fish were no match for the two large Pit bulls, whose massive jaws scooped them out of the shallows one by one. The dogs natural instincts kicked into high gear when they caught sight of the scaly river beasts and immediately they began fishing.

Once a salmon was snagged they would walk it over to the river bank and drop it on the ground. Even though a number of fish were caught, they all managed to slip back into the river and escape. The dogs at least have video proof of their catch and no one can deny how expertly they fished that day.

The YouTube user who uploaded this video, Ken Wiesner, wrote that he was not present when these events took place. His friend took his dogs for a walk and allowed them to catch the fish while recording it. Ken makes it clear that he does not approve of this behavior, but what is done is done, so we may as well view the unique and remarkable footage.

Nothing is intrinsically wrong with the behavior in this video. Many animals feed on spawning salmon every year, and what we see is nature running its course. Plus, the dogs look so happy and pleased, I am amazed at how they are able to handle a writhing, slippery salmon of that size so well!

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