Baby Pygmy Goat Stands Up For The First Time Then He Does THIS and I Lost It!

There are few things on Earth that come close to being as cute as a newborn pygmy goat. They look like the happiest and most precious baby animals that exist in nature. The two that are in this video are only a couple of days old and have only just begun to use their legs and feet. The little guys wobble around and every now and then they hop sideways. Their care-free dance is so innocent and adorable, and you never know where they are headed or where they will end up!

Pygmy goats are known to be very active and playful animals. They love nothing more than to jump up onto different things, like small vehicles and low roofs, and then they leap off. Other popular videos show them even jumping off of each other, so they must be natural born comics and performers! Pretty soon these two will be steady enough on their feet to get to jumping around, but for now they should stick to solid ground.

Several commentators on the YouTube page noted that the baby goats are possibly being harassed by flies. They dance around erratically because they are trying to get away from the pests and are not yet used to the barnyard annoyance. That conceivable fact, combined with learning how to walk for the first time, results in the baby goats doing what can only be described as what looks like a happy dance. Check it out and please share their infectious happiness!

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At First This Looked Like A Normal Bird But What He Says To His Girl Is Priceless!

The incredible parrot is one of the world’s most intelligent birds and is among the few capable of imitating human speech. According to wikipedia, studies have shown that some parrots can even associate words with their meanings and form simple sentences, and their brain to body size ratio is comparable to the higher primates. Some are even able to use tools and solve puzzles.

Parrots use a different part of their brain for their higher intelligence than we do. Their cerebral cortex, which is the part of the brain we use for higher intelligence, is very small. But they use an area called the medio-rostral HVC. One parrot, named Alex, was trained to identify, count and answer questions about various objects with a high degree of accuracy. Another, named N’kisi, has a vocabulary of about a thousand words that he is able to use in complete sentences and correct context. He even is able to recognize photographs, name objects and has shown a sense of humor.

The parrots in this video are Rose-Ringed Parakeets, found in tropical regions in Asia and Africa. They are sexually dimorphic, which means the male and female look different. The male, on the right in the video, has the distinctive red ring around his neck. They are usually about 16 inches tall and are very popular as pets. Their ability to adapt has allowed escaped pet parakeets to thrive in cities around the world. Both males and females are able to mimic human speech.

The parrots in this hilarious video had me laughing the whole way through. The parakeet on the viewer’s left repeatedly asks, “Watcha doin?” and then, “Gimme a kiss!” and the one on the right complies!

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As The Plants Pressure Builds Seeds Are Exposed Then I Was Stunned When They Did THIS

Plants have evolved some unique ways to survive and prosper in every corner of the globe. Some give off horrible stenches to attract bugs to them so that they can pollinate it, like the corpse flower. Then there are those that are carnivorous and feast on insects, such as the Venus fly trap and pitcher plants. And now we can add plants that explode to the list, as the Smithsonian Channel has uploaded a video featuring this fascinating natural phenomenon. It may sound violent and harmful but the plants have a very good reason for developing the explosive tactics.

The plants shown in the video have evolved the tactic in order to disperse their seeds as far as away as possible from the mother plant. By dispersing seeds in this manner the plants can spread them anywhere from less than a foot away all the way up to 200 feet. That way the plants don’t have to rely on animals to eat them and spread the seeds by expelling them in their droppings. It also eliminates the need for the seeds to be light enough to travel and disperse by the wind, which is what many plant rely on to help scatter them far and wide.

The Smithsonian footage shows three different plants exploding, including violets, touch me nots, and squirting cucumbers. The violet pods slowly dry out and shrivel up which causes the shrinking pods to squeeze the seeds until the pressure becomes too great and they burst open. That is when the seeds launch through the air and away from the plant. Touch me nots are similar in that they build up immense pressure until the slightest disturbance sets them off like a firework.

Even a tiny droplet of water falling onto one can be just enough of a contact that makes them explode. Finally, the coolest and craziest plant in the video is the squirting cucumber. When it becomes ripe it can be set off by the slightest vibration or disturbance. As the cucumber falls away from the plant it forcefully spurts out a steady stream of seeds and liquid. This ensures that all of the seeds get randomly spread out all around and away from the mother plant, and the next generation lives on.

The awesome spectacle is neat to see, especially in slow motion. People like to say that mother nature always puts on a good show and that adage rings true here.

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After Walking Inside This Strange Structure I Don’t Ever Want To Go To A Hotel Again. WOW!

Imagine checking into a hotel that is located right along a scenic inland waterway. As you seek out and head toward your accommodations a portable walkway takes you over calm and serene waters. At the end of the short trip you arrive at your very own floating pod, a private catamaran that contains all the comforts of a first rate hotel room with unbeatable views of the surrounding nature and wildlife. After settling in you decide to explore and head off to find more isolated shores, so you navigate away from the dock and slowly motor off into the sunset.

If this sounds like heaven then check out this neat video that offers an inside look at the floating hotel design that recently won the Millennium Yacht Design Awards. The innovative and unique concept takes experiencing nature up close and personal to a whole new level and blends it with the comfort, privacy, and modern luxuries of a hotel stay.

Guests are free to pick and choose where they go and stay on the water, giving them the ability to seek out total and complete privacy away from others if they wish. The floating hotel features a central unit which serves as a reception area where guests would check in. In addition, the main unit would house a restaurant, event hall, staff offices, and a cafe. Portable walkways lead to guest pods which can easily be separated and navigated along the waterway. Each pod is designed with sleek, modern interiors, and sleeps 2-4 people comfortably.

The main goal of the design is to give guests an uninterrupted view of nature, and freedom of movement, as they slowly navigate around and explore the waterways. Thus, designers created pods with large glass windows, open floor plans, and spacious outdoor decks to allow nature in.

The fact that you can seek out more privacy simply by moving your room is a very attractive option for many travelers. For those who like being social and active, there is also a planned beach platform. It would host a variety of outdoor water sports activities available for guests to do, including swimming, fishing, diving, and sunbathing.

There is something for everyone to enjoy and there is so much more that a place like this could offer. At this stage the floating hotel is just a design concept and it has not been built. Whether or not it ever does come to fruition depends on where it will eventually be located. Hopefully it will happen soon because the idea and concept has already won many over.

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A Ring Got Stuck On His Swollen Finger. But He Removes It With This Unexpected Simple Trick!

Have you ever tried to remove a ring from a finger that has swollen, or tried one on that turned out to be too small? Trying to get it to come off without damaging the ring (or your finger!) can be quite frustrating, and can invoke more than a little panic. Fortunately, after watching this video, you will be able to remove any ring from any finger in no time!

Although this trick is especially useful in the hospital setting, where rings are consistently cut off due to swelling, it is equally useful anywhere rings and fingers are found. Using no more than a thin elastic strap and something pointy, a ring that would otherwise have to be cut can be saved.

For many of us, a ring represents a long term commitment and the immense love that goes with it. Having a trick up your sleeve that will allow you to save such a priceless piece of someone’s life may prove useful beyond measure. If you know any other useful tricks, let us know in the comments below.

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A Deer Family Is Partying In This Human’s Backyard. But Then THIS Unexpected Visitor Shows Up!

You won’t believe who crashes this backyard deer party! Friends can be found in the unlikeliest of places, just ask this mother deer and her two spotted fawns. While they are just minding their own business and having a nice family outing, an overly gregarious and frisky otter shows up and clearly wants to play. The otter’s antics and back flops had me in stitches the entire time!

The word otter comes from the same root word as water, which is appropriate as they are semi-aquatic. Otters are technically part of the weasel family, along with minks, martens, honey badgers and wolverines. The behavior of the otter in this video is typical, as they are known to be quite playful and often engage in activities for pure enjoyment. They sometimes make water slides or play with small stones.

The deer in this video are a subspecies of mule deer called the black-tailed deer. At one time, they could be found as far east as Wyoming, but are now limited primarily to the Pacific Northwest. Deer are gentle creatures that exemplify courage in intimidating circumstances. The otter, on the other hand, reminds us to see the lighter side of life, and to enjoy whatever opportunities arise.

What do you think about this rare rendezvous? Let us know!

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This Woman Shaved This Homeless Pup. What She Found Underneath His Fur Tore My Heart Up!

When we think about makeovers usually it’s for some type of vanity.  But in this case the makeover for this dog would end up saving his life. Meet Charlie the homeless dog who was found on the side of the road and brought to a high-kill shelter in Los Angeles.

His fur was over grown, matted and he was covered in agonizing burrs. Once the groomer got a hold of him, and gave him some TLC this pup was destined to get a second chance at life.  They made this adorable put glow!  They did such a good job that Charlie was adopted 2 days after his makeover.

Wait till the very end of the video to find out what happened to him. Remember always adopt not shop. This make-over transition is the perfect example of how a dog everybody gave up on can still be someone’s best friend and fur baby! I can’t stop smiling!

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He Catches A Stingray and Is About To Throw It Back. But When He Presses On Its Belly THIS Came Out

A fisherman caught a Stingray by accident and pulled it on the boat.  He was about to throw it back and release it when he noticed something strange.  He presses on the Stingray’s abdomen and out popped a baby Stingray! It is possible that the stingray went into shock because of being caught, which induced rapid labor.

If one baby stingray wasn’t enough a whole litter of adorable Stingray pups came out.  After the fisherman became a midwife/obgyn for the Stingray he acted fast and released the three family members back into the water.  They all seemed to swim away and the fisherman got the surprise of a lifetime.

Nature never ceases to amaze me.  Just when you think you have seen it all a video like this comes along and changes everything.  Have you ever seen anything like this?  let us know in the comments.

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