Woman Starts Cutting Into Her Old Leggings. When She’s Done Its Absolutely Stunning!

Do you have an old, tired pair of leggings taking up closet space? Instead of donating or tossing them out try getting creative and give them a style upgrade. With just a pair of scissors you can transform your leggings into a cute new crop top shirt. This DIY tutorial on the Handimania YouTube channel shows how to easily do it and it’s impossible to mess this one up. There is no sewing necessary and you can do this in under a minute so be sure to check it out and try it later. Plus, who doesn’t want a shirt that’s basically free, which looks great on, and that you can say you made!

Start off by laying out the leggings on a flat surface and fold them in half the long way, so that one leg overlaps the other and rests directly atop it. Smooth the fabric as evenly as you possibly can and then grab a pair of scissors.

Pinch the seams at where they meet in the crotch area and pull the fabric tight with one hand. With the other hand begin to cut, starting from about an inch or so below where you are pinching. Cut out a half-circle shape, which will become the neckline for the top, and it can be further adjusted to get the desired fit you’re looking for. The legs are now sleeves and the waistline is now the bottom part of the shirt.

This fashion trick is the perfect way to up-cycle and reuse leggings that no longer fit or ones you love but wore too much. It actually looks great too and you only need to make one cut, so there is no reason why you shouldn’t try this today!

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Video: This Woman Pours Paint Inside This Hula Hoop. Once She Starts Moving Hypnotizing!

When she arrived at Harvest Music Festival a few years ago, Katie Sunshine had no idea her life would be changed completely by the end of the weekend. She was just there to have fun and listen to music, just like most of her fellow revelers, until something caught her eye that hasn’t let go since. Spinning and twirling before her was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen: a hula hoop girl! Transfixed, she knew from that moment on that she would do whatever it took to become one of those beautiful, mesmerizing fairies.

For the rest of the festival, hula hooping was all she could think about, and upon arriving home she promptly went to the store and picked one up. After that, as she says, “the rest is history”. She started practicing in earnest, taking advantage of every available moment to improve her skills as quickly as possible.

Pretty soon her practice started to pay off, and she was truly becoming a real hula hoop girl just like she had seen on that fateful day. But now that she had so much momentum, she wasn’t about to stop there.

As her beautiful obsession progressed, she became more creative, making her own hoops and incorporating the sport into her art projects. She came up with the idea to design and create a hula hoop that could be filled with paint, with holes in just the right places to allow paint to spray out as she danced.

After watching this video, it’s hard to say whether the paintings or the whirling process she goes through to create them is more enthralling!

Please Share Katie’s beautiful creative process with your friends and family! 🙂

Video: This Woman With Asperger’s Tries To Hurt Herself But Her Loyal Dog Soothes and Protects Her.

Sometimes it takes a loving animal to snap a person out of an emotional breakdown. That is exactly what this recently posted YouTube video depicts. In it, Danielle Jacobs was having a meltdown and was crying in her bathroom, but she was not alone. Her loyal and concerned dog named Samson was right by her side and helping her through the waves of emotions that she was experiencing. Danielle has Asperger’s, which is an autism spectrum disorder that affects a persons ability to communicate and socialize effectively.

Sometimes, when she experiences too much stimulation, it causes her to have meltdowns. She trained Samson to help her deal with these occurrences, and that is exactly what he did in the video. She explained on the post, “I trained him to alert to depressive episodes and self harm not both but he alerted. It appears the response is late but it’s actually supposed to be as I’m coming out of the meltdown as I tend to have a panic attack after.”

In the emotional video Samson does all that he can to help Danielle. The large black dog nuzzles up to her in a comforting and loving manner. He places his head near her hands and tries to keep them focused on him and occupied, nipping and biting them when she moves.

At one point she begins to self harm by hitting herself, and that’s when Samson stops her by guiding her arms down with his front paws. Danielle then slides down to the floor and gets showered in happy, sloppy, puppy kisses that can only help to further snap her out of the scary episode.

Samson and Danielle’s story is being told and shown to the world because she opted to make the incredibly hard decision to open up and share what she goes through every day. Her brave choice will help raise awareness for people with Asperger’s, as well as bring more support and awareness to the animals who guide and help them every day.

It is dogs like Samson, whose unconditional love knows no bounds, who make life bearable and worth living for people all over the world, even if they don’t have a disability.

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This Guy Taped Tennis Balls In The Shoe Closet. The Reason Is Genius.

It can be a pain in the butt when you have to hang things up or secure items into place. Most adhesives, like tapes and glues, are hard to work with and end up getting all over the place. Plus, they often leave behind a sticky residue that can ruin nice furniture and walls. Not to mention how ugly and unpolished they end up looking.

Instead of using the less than ideal sticky options you are used to seeing, try Sugru. It’s a new product that is billed as a glue that you can mold and work into shape. After a short time it sets and ends up drying into a flexible, strong rubber. YouTuber DaveHax created a short video that illustrates all the different ways to use Sugru and this stuff looks like a do-it-yourselfer’s dream.

The first thing he did was use it to repair things, such as a frayed cable. All he needed to do was wrap some Sugru around the broke part, wait a couple of hours, and that’s it. The cable was salvaged and stronger than ever, thus eliminating the need to buy a pricey replacement. Then he demonstrated how Sugru can easily fix holes in shoes by simply smearing it into the rips.

Once it sets the shoes won’t keep tearing and are even waterproof. Other cool uses for Sugru include customizing keys by wrapping some around the top part, and color coat individual ones, to easily tell them apart. You can even place the rubber-glue on smooth surfaces, like porcelain, and make convenient toothbrush holders.

Then there was the tennis ball trick that turned out to be a clever way to store shoes. Just stick some Sugru onto a tennis ball and attach it to some on the inside of a cabinet door. Place some tape over the glued ball to hold it in place while it sets, then remove it the next day. Now you can hang up shoes on the inside of the closet door and make use of space you were unable to before! I love this idea and have to try this.

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Her Son Ate A Common Household Spice That Ended Up Killing Him. Everyone Needs To Hear This.

Matthew Radar was a happy and and healthy 4 year old little boy.  He was energetic, inquisitive, and just the perfect son to his mother Brianna Radar.  He happened to be a climber and loved getting perched up on high places in the house. One day Mathew was in the kitchen by himself and he got into the spices.  He got his hands on the cinnamon and put some inside his mouth.

Moments later, he began coughing and choking.  When his mother found him he was on the floor having a seizure.  She immediately called 911 and he was taken to the hospital. Within 2 hours Matthew was dead.  His death was pronounced accidental by cinnamon asphyxiation.

Brianna is now trying to get her story out there to try to prevent another tragic accident from happening. This is especially important for those who decide to take part in the ‘Cinnamon Challenge.’  If you aren’t aware, the ‘Cinnamon Challenge’ is a viral internet phenomenon where people take a full spoon of Cinnamon and try to swallow it whole in under a minute with no liquids.

Many of the participants end up with breathing difficulties and some have even had collapsed lungs.

Please Share This Story With Family and Friends, It Could Save Someone’s Life

This Kitten Was Abandoned By It’s Mother But Then This Crow Does Something I’ve Never Seen Before!

This is an incredible tale of two natural enemies in the wild who somehow formed a bond and became best friends.  This story may sound like a fantasy but the video has been seen over 10 million times and it documents the unusual relationship between Moses the Crow and Cassie the Cat.

Wally and Ann Collito from North Attleboro, Massachusetts found a tiny kitten in their backyard who was abandoned by it’s mother.  Then they noticed something quite strange, a crow looked like it was taking care of the helpless kitten.  The crow was feeding the feline worms and bugs and keeping watch over the little thing.  The Collitos were shocked by what they saw.

Years past by and the Collitos continued to document the relationship between Moses and Cassie.  Everyday they would eat together and play for hours.  Then one day Cassie started eating actual cat food and sleeping inside the house with Wally and Ann.  However, each morning the crow would peck his beak against the door until they let the cat out to play.

This real life story inspired children’s book author Lisa Fleming to write the book Cat and Crow: An Amazing Friendship.  This story has touched the hearts of millions and it proves that if two natural enemies can become best of friends then absolutely anything is possible.

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This Pup’s Evil Owner Left Him Outside During A Hail Storm. Now Watch What This Lady DOES.

A simple kind act from a stranger can go a long way in the life of another, whether it’s another human being, an animal, mammal, insect and so on. All that it takes is a single moment in time to make a lasting difference and positive impact. Which is exactly what we see on display in this heartwarming video captured in Denver Colorado.

Casey Boatman had gone to shut his front window because water had started to rain and leak inside. That was when he noticed that across the street someone had left their dog tied to a tree outside in the pouring rain. By the time he had gone to close the window it had already been raining and hailing steadily for at least ten minutes. The poor dog looked like his spirit was broken as he stood sopping wet under the small tree and no owner was anywhere in sight.

That’s when Casey noticed that his neighbor had seen the dog as well. He picked up his camera and recorded her running up to the soaked pup, pulling on the leash, checking it, and then running back into her house. She appeared to have troubles with removing the wet leash and after a few seconds she came running back outside. With a quick snip she cut the leash and freed the dog. Then she grabbed his collar and steered him towards and into her warm, dry, open house.

Her simple act of kindness, and choice to not sit idly by, showed this dog that someone cared. He must have been so cold, scared, and lonely sitting out there while the wind whipped and the rain and hail pelted down from the sky above. We don’t know what happened after this, but hopefully the dog’s owner felt bad and had a good excuse for leaving their poor pet outside in a storm.

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This 81 Year Old Guy Finds A Guitar In The Music Store. The Song He Plays With It Blew Me Away!

What is amazing is that we are amazed by the elderly man in the video below!  He walks into a music store and picks up a guitar and…he plays impressively! Why are we so amazed? The answer unfortunately lies in the way that our society sees aging.  Rather than seeing the elderly as older versions of themselves, we see them as people who are disappearing.

We used to have extended families, where grandparents helped us with our young.  More than one family often lived under one roof, and each generation took care of each other reciprocally.  Today we are amazed when an elderly person can do anything, let alone doing what the gentleman in this video does.

Clearly he played guitar, whether professionally or as a talented amateur.  This guy’s got chops!  Not only does he play fluidly, but he feels the music just as he did when he was a younger man.  We are all going to grow older, and it is time we took a healthier and more respectful view of those who grow old before us.

With good health we can go on to continue to be contributing members of society.  The man you are about to watch does a good job at counteracting our stereotypes. His name is Bob Wood and he is 80 years young!

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