You Must Learn These Simple Tricks To Treat and Ease Poison Ivy Before You Go Outside This Year.

If you have ever endured a poison ivy rash, you know how awful it can be. In severe cases, it can even be life-threatening. After watching this helpful video, you will be able to take the necessary steps following a poison ivy exposure to significantly reduce your suffering, both in severity as well as duration.

Toxicodendron radicans, commonly called poison ivy, is technically not ivy at all. The rash that often follows touching the plant is caused by an oil called urushiol, which is contained in the sap of the plant. Surprisingly, the plant is eaten by many animals, and the seeds provide a tasty meal for birds. It is found throughout most of North America.

Even if you never need to use this information for yourself, your knowledge of how to deal poison ivy encounter might enable you to help someone else. Let us know in the comments if you have any other helpful tips for dealing with poison ivy.

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5 Reasons A Guy Will Break Up With The Woman He’s In Love With

Falling in love can be really intense. That’s why so many peoples love lives are like an emotional roller coaster with all sorts of twists and turns, exhilarating highs, and stomach sinking lows. When we form a deeply meaningful connection with another person it’s bound to be full of all different types of experiences that leave us confused and overwhelmed. It’s hard to share such a big part of your life with someone else and trust them with your heart.

While we all approach relationships in different ways and look for specific things, when it comes to men and women, men often take longer to open up and fully commit. When a man is falling in love he often hesitates at each major stage of the relationship and holds himself back. That’s because men think about the hurt, pain, and suffering that could come out of a failed romance. In the same way men fear rejection so much more than women, they also innately fear being emotionally wounded by someone they’re in love with.

There are several reasons why a man might choose to leave the woman he loves. Ten of them are covered in the accompanying 60 second video clip and five more are explored in-depth below:

1. Unjust Scrutiny:
When a woman is always comparing and contrasting him against other men, whether it’s scrutinizing him against her ex, a male family member, or a close friend, it’s never comfortable or welcome. It’s also really unfair. Who would want to be measured or judged like that? When it comes down to it, a man is who he is. He doesn’t want to hear about who did what for the woman he is currently with, so keep your thoughts on your ex to yourself!

2. Threatened By Her Success:
Men often feel threatened by a woman’s success. When a woman is more successful in terms of money, a job, and her career, her male partner is rarely ever truly happy for her. Instead, men view a woman’s success in a negative light, it’s threatening and studies have found that their levels of self-esteem are markedly lower in comparison to men who are the more successful partners in their relationships. A man is also more likely to leave a successful woman when he’s less successful because it makes him feel like a failure or unworthy of her love.

3. Trying To Change Him:
Many women try to mold a man into what they see as their ideal partner. Constantly trying to change someone shows that you’re focused on what you see as their shortcomings and that you feel they’re not enough as they are. We all have our flaws, but when a woman tries to fix a man, he will likely end up despising her for it. Instead of altering him, support his decisions and everything else about him, whether that be his looks, view points and opinions, way of doing things, his schedule and more.

4. Constant Nagging:
The cause of many relationship issues often stems from incessant worrying and whining. When a woman is constantly complaining, or reminding her partner to do something, it gets old fast. For many men the repeated requests go in one ear and right out the other, they tune them out. Nobody likes to be ignored and so this leads to even more nagging behavior, fights, hurt feelings, and eventually a breakup.

5. Smothering:
We all need our own time and space to do what we want. Just like women, men need the freedom to be able to hang out with their friends and be on their own every now and then. If a woman is too overly attached, or both partners grow to be emotionally co-dependent on one another, it ends up dooming the relationship. A man who feels trapped and unable to do his own thing will eventually leave so that he’s free to do exactly that once again.

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This Woman Places 12 Jolly Ranchers In Each Bottle Of Vodka. When She’s Done YUM!

Vodka is the number one distilled beverage in the world according to consumption and sale rates. The popular hard alcohol of choice is incredibly versatile and often used in mixed drinks since it pairs well with almost everything, although many also prefer to sip it plain or shoot it down.!

The thousands of commercially available vodka brands offer many unique flavorings in addition to the plain unflavored type that include smoked salmon, bacon, sriracha, tobacco, fresh cut grass, and even electricity (huh?). You can even make your own flavored vodka right at home using just Jolly Ranchers and turn one bottle of plain vodka into 5 different flavors!

This tutorial is for those with a more traditional palette. YouTube’s Tipsy Bartender shows us how to make grape, cherry, watermelon, sour apple, and blue raspberry flavored vodkas using a bag of Jolly Rancher hard candies.

You will need 5 small bottles, ranging in size from 250-375 milliliters (mL), and approximately 12 Jolly Ranchers of each flavor. Depending on taste preferences and bottle size, you can try experimenting with more or less candies to adjust the sweetness and flavor factor. Unwrap the hard candies and place 12 of each flavor into a separate bottle.

Pour unflavored vodka into the bottles and to make the transfer easier and less messy use a funnel. Replace the cap and refrigerate the Jolly Rancher bottles for at least 24 hours. When you take them out the bottles should be brightly colored and the candies fully dissolved.

For a drink idea that uses the yummy new concoctions, the Tipsy Bartender showed us how to make a Jolly Rancher sour apple martini. In a cocktail shaker combine 2 ounces of green sour apple vodka with 1 ounce of sweet and sour, shake it up, pour into a martini glass, and top if off with a few cherries for a garnish. The cocktail not only looks pretty, but it also smells good and tastes delicious!

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This Year You Need To Keep Your Children Away From This Bug. All Parents Should Watch THIS

The furry looking caterpillar you see in this video, that looks like a walking mini-toupee, is highly toxic. The unassuming insect is known as a puss caterpillar and over time it changes dramatically as it transforms into an adult. After it finishes developing it turns into a furry winged insect known as a southern flannel moth, and sometimes it’s called a puss moth.

The bugs only pose a threat when they are in their caterpillar form and contact with them should be avoided at all costs. However, it’s their soft and fuzzy appearance that’s highly deceiving and the hair-like spikes draw kids to them and encourages children to reach out and pick them up.

The caterpillars can also come into contact with skin when they fall out of trees or land on people from above. They favor citrus, sycamore, oak, and elm trees, as well as plants like roses and ivy. The puss caterpillars are found in southern parts of the United States and throughout Mexico and Central America. Recently they have been in the news because of increased reports of them injuring kids and causing painful reactions.

What makes them so fearsome and nasty is their fuzzy exteriors. The furs are actually venomous spines which cause excruciating pain when they come into contact with people’s skin. Reactions to the stings can be severe, with radiating pain, burning, nausea, vomiting, swelling, rashes, blisters, and numbness in the affected area.

Sometimes people develop chest pains or have difficulty breathing, and hives or welts may turn up on the sting site. The sting feels worse than any comparable type, beating bees, scorpions, jellyfish, and wasps. Some people have even started to convulse and reported that their pain went deep, causing even their bones hurt.

To lessen your chances of running into one of these bugs and to avoid any pain, stay vigilant and be mindful of the tiny creatures. Make sure that young children know the dangers of them and if you or someone you know does get stung, seek immediate medical attention.

You can also lessen pain by covering the area with tape and then ripping it off. That helps to remove any embedded spines and decreases the pain. Be sure to have fun this summer and be safe!

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WATCH: They Noticed Something Strange Happening On Shore. When They Got Closer They Freaked Out!

Sharks have been in the news recently, with two back to back attacks taking place less than a week ago at North Carolina beaches. The Atlantic waters all up and down the East coast hold a wide variety of the ocean’s most feared beasts. Anytime you step into the ocean you are in the shark’s home territory, and therefore must be aware and cautious at all times.

While shark attacks are extremely rare, they do happen. One thing you should do is avoid going into the water at times when they are most likely to be feeding which is at dawn and dusk. Hungry sharks are extremely aggressive and they are smart, fast, resourceful, masters at hunting.

Video of a rarely seen shark feeding frenzy proves these points. A group of fishermen were out fishing for dinner at Cape Lookout National Seashore, which is located in the Outer Banks off of North Carolina. They noticed a commotion in the water that was hard to ignore.

A group of about 100 sharks were attacking a school of blue fish, which had also attracted hungry seagulls and pelicans. For over 5 minutes the sharks furiously swam in and out of the crowded surf. Several managed to even beach themselves temporarily because they came in so close, and a few got extremely close to the people’s feet. The rare sight of hundreds of sharks gathered so close and hunting in a what looks like a pack is crazy to see!

The fishermen watching didn’t want to miss out on a chance to catch dinner so they cast their lines. Even without using any bait they were able to catch some fish and get in on the action. Now they all have an incredible, and quite unbelievable, fishing story to tell.

They fished alongside hundreds of sharks who were beaching themselves and coming in dangerously close to their feet, without any bait on their lines, and still managed to pull in lots of blue fish, some which were “this big………” Check out the awesome video and see the commotion that 100 ferocious, hungry sharks make, it’s pretty neat and unforgettable.

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This Woman Wraps A T-Shirt Around Her Wet Hair. When She Removes The Shirt STUNNING!

Curly hair can be a real pain when it comes to styling and creating the perfect look. Fussing with the curls too much often makes them frizzy and to combat the problem many people end up using lots of product that weighs down hair and makes it look bad. Others blow dry, chemically straighten, or run hot irons through their hair in attempts to get it under control.

These can damage and ruin otherwise perfectly healthy hair and eat up a lot of time, patience, and money that could be better spent elsewhere. So what’s a girl with curly hair to do? Try plopping or plunking it!

This video shows how to plop your hair, which is to say it will end up giving you frizz free, bouncy, and beautiful curls. The technique is easy to master and only requires a tee shirt, no expensive gadgets or serums are necessary. Plus, it takes place overnight so you will free up a lot of time in your morning routine and still look great!

Shower and clean your hair, then towel dry it. Add whatever styling product you prefer to use, but only smooth them onto hair from the ears down. Do not put any product above your ears because it will weigh down hair and overtime it can result in product build up which makes hair look bad and unhealthy, so avoid the top part of your head.

Comb them evenly through your hair and then lay out a large cotton tee shirt. Smooth it down on a flat surface in front of you, a bed works perfectly. Take your hair and shake it out, then flip it in front of you, and lower your head down onto the shirt. Do this carefully so that the curls don’t get crumpled or tangled. Keep your head still and grab the bottom edge of the shirt, wrap it around towards the base of your neck, and hold it there in place.

Grab the top of the tee and pull the neckline down to the base of your neck, pulling the sleeves to the side of your head. Tie the sleeves in the front so that you end up creating a turban out of the shirt. Tuck in the tails and any extra loose fabric so that it stays in place.

It may take a few tries to make the turban but eventually you will master it and love what it does. Overnight the tee shirt wrap will protect your curls as you sleep on them. All that’s left to do is unwrap your hair in the morning and out should spring dry, bouncy, frizz free curls. You may have to reshape a few with a curling iron but that’s it. Try plopping your hair tonight and never look back!

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This Woman Starts Pouring Milk Into A Plastic Bag. But When She’s Done YUM!

Shake and no-bake your way to fast, easy, homemade ice cream. All you need is a few basic ingredients and an appetite for frozen deliciousness to master this recipe. Best of all, it’s fun to do and a creative way to experiment around the kitchen with a new cooking method. If you have kids then try it with them and make sure to throw in a mini-science lesson because it’s a great way to learn!

To shake up a proper batch of ice cream you will need milk, cream, sugar, salt, and vanilla extract. This style also requires the following tools and items to work; ice cubes, measuring bowls and spoons, a small plastic bag, a large freezer bag, and winter gloves.

First, in a bowl combine a ½ cup of milk, ½ cup of cream, 3 tablespoons of sugar, and ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract. Carefully pour the mixture into a small plastic bag, squeeze all the air out, and seal tightly. Next, fill a freezer bag about halfway with 4 cups of ice then add in a generous amount of salt.

To speed up the process you can add about 8 tablespoons of salt. Place the small plastic bag into the larger one, seal that securely, and shake them very well for at least 5-10 minutes. It is recommended that you wear gloves for this part because it gets really cold. Remove the small bag and rinse off the salt so that it doesn’t contaminate the ice cream.

Now the good part!! Get a spoon and scoop the ice cream into a bowl, top with sprinkles or whatever add-ins you prefer, and eat it quick. This recipe makes about two servings and tastes delicious!

How does it work s quickly? This is the science behind it- The salt makes the ice cream freeze faster because it lowers the freezing point of the ice and melts it quicker.

Thus, the more salt the more energy gets taken from the ice, which results in a transfer of the melting ice’s coldness to the ice cream. That’s why you can shake your way to frozen, iced, creamy, tasty treats in a matter of minutes smile 🙂

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This Woman’s Tiny House Is Only 140 Square Feet But Wait Till You See The Inside!

The tiny house movement and lifestyle that embraces simple living in small spaces has grown immensely in recent years. People from all walks of life the world over are trading in their big open homes for much more modest ones. Many are attracted to the low cost of constructing, maintaining and living in these homes.

Others prefer the freedom they can often provide by being mobile or easily moved. In some places they have even become a popular option for housing the homeless. With such versatile and ever expanding uses its easy to see why tiny house living has become so popular.

A video uploaded by YouTube channel HouzzTV gives an inside look at one woman’s beautiful 140 square foot house for all those curious as to how these houses can look and what they fit. The tiny residence is located on a 1 acre lot in Ojai, California where owner Vina Lustado chose to permanently settle down.

The house was constructed on a trailer with wheels so that it’s classified as temporary housing in order to comply with state law that requires permanent living units be at least 600-700 sq. feet. All of the electricity is supplied by four batteries which are fed by three solar panels and a 7 gallon propane tank fuels a fireplace, stove, and hot water heater.

Inside, the space holds a built in desk, sofa, and loft. There are lots of neat floor to ceiling storage solutions that allow much more to fit than you would expect. Sturdy butcher block kitchen counter tops double as work space and a small refrigerator sits under them.

A skylight in the sleeping loft lets in natural light and can also act as a fire escape in case of emergencies. A large porch seems to double and expand the inside space outwards and can fit up to 10 people comfortably.

The scaled down house is eye opening as to how little a person actually needs to be comfortable and happy. Vina has fit everything in such a neat and organized fashion that she even has room for guests to sleep over in a lofted area above the desk.

Her micro home sits among a scenic forest, surrounded by beautiful trees and nature. The lifestyle fits exactly what the relaxed and content owner was after, as she says “It’s my house. If I move, it will move with me.” Would you like to live in a home like this?

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