Mom Asks Her Baby To Say ‘Mama’ In Exchange For Some Food But The Dog Steps In First and Does THIS

Dogs are incredibly observant and learn quickly from the world around them. All day long they watch their surroundings and the people in their lives and interpret all the new things that they hear, see, taste, feel, and smell. Some dogs are so adept at picking up on signals and have such strong senses that they make ideal working dogs.

The smartest and brightest are molded into bomb, cadaver, or drug sniffers, guide dogs, K-9 officers, guard dogs, and other types of roles that serve highly specific purposes. Nonetheless, lots of dogs who aren’t trained or specialized can still be just as clever.

One such dog is the adorable and feisty canine in this short video clip uploaded to YouTube on the AFVApproved channel. It starts off with a mother trying to coax her toddler into saying “mama.” She has a plate of food nearby and holds some of it up on a fork as though she is offering it to the dog and infant who stand in front of her.

The mother’s attempt at encouraging her child to speak has definitely caught the dog’s attention as he whines and begs aloud for a tasty bite. Her baby stands beside the furry dog looking up at the camera, then back and forth at the dog, switching his attention between the lens and the pooch throughout the clip.

Her bribe does not end up working on the toddler but the eager dog is another story. After what sounds like a few attempts to say “mama” the dog actually ends up speaking the word successfully!

He caught on to what the mother wanted to hear and worked at saying it until he blurted it out! This family pet succeeded where the young child failed and definitely earned a bite of human food. He must have really wanted it and either way, how could you resist that face?

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I Was Confused When He Put 1 Pound Of Onions In A Pan. When He’s Done An Unexpected Surprise!

Everyone loves a hearty bowl of delicious soup. It warms the soul as well as the stomach, and the mix of flavors is a true delight to the taste buds. Anyone can heat up soup from a can, but this video tutorial will have your family and friends asking for seconds with this homemade french onion soup! Making soup from scratch might seem intimidating, but with this great recipe and excellent guidance, it becomes easy.

To get started, you will need the following ingredients: Parmesan cheese, Dijon mustard, Swiss cheese, butter, broth, French baguette, onions, garlic and dry white wine. First, toast slices of the baguette in the oven until crispy. Chop up your onions and garlic, sautéing them in the butter.

Once they start to brown, add the wine and let it simmer until it glazes over. At this point, add the mustard and broth, again leaving it to simmer. For the finishing touch, he bakes the bread and cheese onto the top for a perfect, golden brown topping.

French onion soup dates back three hundred years, although onion soups existed at least as far back as the Roman Empire, and most likely have been made ever since man started eating onions. Regardless of the interpretation, this dish is a classic for a good reason: it tastes great! Tell us how your soup turns out!

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How To Poop While Your At Work. I Can’t Stop Laughing!

Many people find going to the bathroom at work to be an awkward and uncomfortable experience. Try as we may to avoid it, the inevitable moment comes when you absolutely must head over to the toilette to relieve yourself. However, there are some tricks you can do to help minimize the embarrassing sounds and smells that accompany the act of elimination. Check out the video and keep reading for more information on how to avoid stressful bathroom situations while at work.

The first issue to deal with is the all to common office fart. When farting it is best to walk fast around the room or area you are confined to. Do not stop! This will spread the smell and no one will be able to tell where it came from.

When you know you have to go soon do a fly by, which is to scout out the bathroom beforehand to make sure no one is in there. Limit the amount of fly by’s lest you risk raising co-worker’s suspicions with your odd behavior.

The escapee is everyone’s worst nightmare, those embarrassing farts that slip by while on the throne or at the urinal. It is best to ignore these completely, whether you let it slip or someone else did, because there is nothing one can say to help the situation so act like it never happened. Equally embarrassing is a jail break, or the rapid fire farts that accompany a forced poop. Stay calm and remain in the stall until everyone leaves.

The top methods for avoiding the above situations is to form a PFN; pooping friends network. Gather a group of trusted friends and pledge to stick together and monitor bathroom situations so you all can help each other pull off safe poops.

Alternatively, find a safe haven or a rarely used bathroom. They are often on different floors where a lot of the opposite-sex work and can reduce the odds of having to share the bathroom with someone else.

One final coping mechanism is to use a camo-cough which is a phony cough to cover up any noises you may make. It also helps alert new entrants to the lavatory that you are in there, and if you hear this, be courteous and leave immediately.

There are lots more great tips and innovative ways to avoid other shitty situations while at work covered in the video. Be sure to check it out and pass the knowledge along to help others!

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How This Rottweiler Reacts When He Is Hugged Is Baffling. I Have Never Heard Anything Like THIS

This big, beautiful, and ferocious looking Rottweiler is actually a big softy. He loves nothing more than to be hugged and petted by his adoring owner. In fact, he loves being held close and having his furry coat stroked so much that it makes him purr uncontrollably! The noises bubble and rumble up from deep within his chest and sound kind of scary, but they are a sign that he feels good and is happy.

The big puppy in this video is enjoying his mama’s hugs and putting on an amusing show for everyone gathered around. He seems to really love the attention and yet be oblivious to it at the same time! His eyes even roll back into his head and a calm, serene, pleased look is plastered on his cute face as he purrs away like a little kitten.

This may be the cutest way in which a dog can express their contentment! Rottweiler owners have dubbed this purr-like sound the “rottie rumbles” since it resembles a rumbling-type noise and is common among the breed. The low grumbled sound is actually the dog “talking” and they often make the noise when they are feeling really good.

Some people confuse it with growling but that is not what they are doing when you hear the noises. Plus, if they were growling you would know because they’d also be defensive and showing fear or anger in some other manner, it’s all about context.

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He Tries To Relax On The Sofa After A Long Day. Now Watch His Dogs Unexpected Surprise Reaction!

Dogs are a lot like little kids. They love playing, sleeping, cuddling, and occasionally get restless. That is what one Great Dane was doing in this home video that his dad shot. The adorable and large framed puppy seems to think that by throwing his massive body around and flopping into bed with his owner he can get him to play. Or maybe he is just trying to look super cute!

In the video, a large black one year old Great Dane named Bodie Gene makes his presence known. Bodie crawls up into bed with his owner Roy Fields, of Hudson Oaks, Texas, and angles his large frame right up on him.

The dog can’t seem to relax or get comfortable as he wiggles and looks to Roy for some attention. Roy says that they “always lay on the couch right before bed, but he wanted to play that night.” Bodie flails around restlessly as he waits for his human friend to get up and play, but Roy just wants to relax and soon go to bed.

The poor puppy will have to entertain himself but his attempts at spurring Roy into action definitely make a heartwarming, funny, and memorable moment for the two of them. At first sight Great Danes look like huge, powerful, and imposing dogs. Their high stature and sleek bodies combined with ears that stand at attention make them appear guarded and always alert.

However, looks can be deceiving. The AKC describes the breed as having a laid back attitude and docile nature. These dogs are often very gentle and loving in temperament and make wonderful family pets since they tend to get along well with other animals and children.

Like many other dogs, they are naturally inquisitive and love to play with whatever strikes their fancy at the moment. Bodie is a shining example of the breed’s natural traits and it seems like life with a Great Dane is filled with love and snuggles!

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Her Baby Died Because Of What She Accidentally Did. This Is Her Warning Message To Everyone

After the tragic loss of her own infant, one mother turns to social media to spread the message about the dangers of co-sleeping. Everett James was the son of Angela, a Michigan mother who, just like many parents, thought she was doing everything right and was safely sleeping in bed with her baby. She took precautions to ensure the child’s safety and thought nothing would happen, until one day when her partner Ryan came home and found Everett in bed with her, no longer breathing.

Angela has taken to social media spread awareness and help others avoid the preventable and devastating loss she has endured. “This will be the hardest thing for me to write in my life, but if it saves one life, it is worth it.”

She goes on to point out that “so many things can happen accidentally”. Experts say that, although a tragedy like this is rare, it does happen to thousands of infants in the US every year. They say that even placing items such as stuffed animals, blankets or pillows in an infant’s crib can be life threatening.

Angela is using this tragedy in her own life to help others, let’s help her save lives by spreading her story far and wide!

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This Is The Only Way You Will Ever Cut A Mango Again. How Did I Not Know About This Earlier?

Cutting a mango can be a tricky process. They tend to be very slippery and many people cut themselves when they are peeling the skin off the fruit. To reduce the risk of injury it is best to use a serrated edged knife, being very careful that the knife doesn’t slip.

A lot of accidents are caused by simple carelessness and rushing through things, and by being mindful and extremely cautious you can prevent mishaps. To learn more on how to cut a mango check out this video where it’s done in an unusual yet simple and effective manner.

The man with the amazing mango skills is a Mexican street vendor. It looks like he must specialize in speed cutting techniques because he makes slicing and dicing a mango look effortless. First he hacks off one end of the fruit and pushes a stick up into it, then holds it in one hand with the stick pressed against his chest.

Expertly and steadily he slices off half the skin before grabbing the stick and removing the rest. Then he starts to twirl it around while making downwards cuts evenly all around the mango, spiraling until he reaches the topmost part. The result looks like a flower and resembles a pine cone in the way the pieces fold out from the middle. With the fruit on a stick and cut in this fashion it can be easily eaten and enjoyed.

Mangos are the most widely consumed fruit in the world and their popularity is steadily growing. They are so delicious and healthy for you that they are even referred to as the “king of fruits.” Each mango is packed with soluble fiber, vitamins C, A, E, B6, as well as 25 different kinds of carotenoids.

Research has shown that antioxidants in the popular fruit help to protect against colon, breast, leukemia, and prostate cancers. Their high fiber content improves digestion and lowers cholesterol while high levels of tartaric and malic acid help to alkalize the whole body. The list of mango derived health benefits is lengthy, they even improve intimacy drive and are a good remedy for heat stroke, so grab yourself one and eat it today!

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Baby Crawls On Top Of This Husky. Now Watch The Dog’s Unexpected Surprise Reaction!

Troy Slezak brought home a new baby girl a few months ago.  He slowly introduced the baby to his 1 year old wild-eyed and energetic Husky.  Slowly but surely the two hit it off and are now best of friends.  Dad says when his baby is sad the Husky won’t leave the little one’s side.

He also stands guard of the baby to make sure nobody messes with the adorable little baby.  Troy thinks that the dog thinks the baby is his baby as much as it it her real parents. At first when the following video started I admit I was bit a nervous.  The adorable little baby clumsily crawls over to the pup to say hi.

Then at the :18 second mark I realized these two had an undeniable connection and bond.  This instantly put a smile on my face. You can tell these two are going to be best friends for years to come.  This is too cute for words.  Enjoy!

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