She Puts Red Lipstick Under Her Eyes. But When She’s Done It’s STUNNING!

Having dark under eye circles is a beauty issue many people can’t quite solve. The unsightly dark areas make a person look tired and worn out even if they aren’t. Some people end up spending a small fortune on different kinds of concealers, blemish sticks, and powders that promise to cover up and mask the circles. These products usually don’t work as well as we hoped for and the search for a solution carries on.

A little known beauty secret for making any unsightly dark spots on the face area disappear is to use red lipstick. It sounds odd and far fetched to rub makeup meant for your lips anywhere else but on them, but it actually works wonders.

In a straightforward instructional video, Deepica Mutyala shows how to mask dark under eye circles using red lipstick in addition to your regular makeup routine. She explains that women who share her skin tone should use a bright orange-red colored lipstick to even out any dark circles and neutralize the face. Start with a makeup brush and dab it on the lipstick.

Then apply it to the eye area, underneath and around them, or anywhere else on your face that may need color correction and neutralization. Once you have evenly applied the lipstick you can begin to put on the rest of your makeup as you typically would. When you put concealer on over the red lipstick it’s best to use a beauty blender type of applicator to really make sure that it all blends well.

When finished, the lipstick and makeup you applied over it should mask the dark spots to a point where they are not at all noticeable. In comparison to normal concealers, the lipstick covers dark eye circles so well that even a slight hint of darkness won’t show through.

Try it yourself and see how well this trick works, after all there is nothing to lose, and chances are you already have a red lipstick laying around at home. For some of us out there, this beauty tip could change our appearance, and lives, for the better. So grab your red lipstick tonight, smear it on your face, and be amazed at how such an unlikely solution actually works!

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He Growled and Snarled At Everyone Who Got Close To His Cage. But When She Showed Up It’s Unbelievable!

In 2005 the Jukani Predator Park was set up as a refuge for big cats who had previously lived in zoos or experienced abuse in their lives. Conservationists Jurg Olsen and his wife Karen run the South African sanctuary that lions, cheetahs, leopards, panthers, servals and more now call home. Jurg is an ex policeman and shares a close connection with the big cats that he cares for. He is able to play with, walk among, pet, and interact, directly with many of the animals. Except for one, a black leopard.

The leopard previously lived in a European zoo where he had been abused. The trauma turned him into an extremely aggressive cat who trusted no human. He let his hatred be known by growling and snarling at anyone who approached his cage, which he never left. The cat even bit Jurg and put him in the hospital for a week with one bite. Due to his vicious nature, he was named Diabolo.

After 6 months of no progress with Diabolo an outside expert came to visit, who had no knowledge of his past or present condition. Anna Breytenbach, a self styled inter-species communicator, has a unique ability in that she can transmit detailed messages to animals.

She speaks to them visually, through pictures, and silently with thoughts. Anna obtains responses from them that are often extremely detailed and personally revealing. In this video clip, we see her transform the deadly snarling Diabolo into a content and happy cat affectionately re-named Spirit.

When Anna approached the leopards cage he didn’t snarl and growl like always, but instead a wave of peace and calm washed over him. She was able to kneel right outside and look in at him. The two connected and telepathically spoke to one another.

Anna said that he was over-awed by his new surroundings, disliked humans for what they’d done to him, and he was immensely powerful, wise, and felt under appreciated. Specifically, he disliked his name and the darkness it inferred.

He was very concerned about 2 young cubs that used to be next to his cage at the zoo and it was this fact that convinced everyone that Anna must truly be communicating with the leopard. There was no other way she could possibly have known about the two cubs, even they had forgot, but Diabolo hadn’t.

So much more was said and brought out into the light because of Anna’s extraordinary ability and gift for speaking with, and understanding, animals. In less than 24 hours Diabolo’s entire world, demeanor, and life changed for the better, so much so that he earned a new name; Spirit. See what else transpired that fateful day, when Anna met Spirit, and prepare yourself for the unexpected flood of emotions that will wash over you when you hear their wild story.

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Teen Girl Was Feeling Intense Neck Pain. Her Parents Were Horrified After The Doctors Diagnosed Her.

Kids these days! Some of them are spending up to 5,000 hours a year reading texts and browsing online, all while hunched over looking down at their cell phones and laptops. On average, a person spends around 2-4 hours a day crooked over looking down at their personal devices, and young adults spend even more time than that, logging hours at a time in one sitting.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a computer, tablet, or cell phone screen, because they all require the user to angle their head down, bending their necks in the process. This relatively new behavior is leading them to develop what is now called “text neck,” an uncomfortable and chronic pain in the neck area.

Text neck occurs when the proper and normal curve in the cervical spine becomes reduced and in some cases it may even move forward. Ideally a person wants to have a 40 degree curve in their spine, but x-rays of text neck sufferers show curves so drastic that they actually have reversed and bend forward in the opposite direction. This type of reversed spinal curvature used to take years to develop and was only seen in older and elderly adults.

More and more sufferers of text neck are showing up at doctors offices nationwide seeking relief for their aches and pains. They are also increasingly younger and setting themselves up for a variety of possible problems that go beyond general neck pain, including shoulder tension, migraines, and even numbness and tingling sensations down their arms.

In order to correct the problem sufferers require physical therapy, trips to the chiropractor, and lifestyle changes. To reverse damage, professionals use head weights, shoulder exercises, resistance bands, and adjustments to recondition and strengthen the patient’s shoulder, neck, and back muscles.

For people reading this and others who may be concerned about text neck, there are less drastic things that can be incorporated into your everyday routine to avoid it. Firstly, it’s important to sit up straight and stop looking down at phones and devices. Instead, hold your phone up higher so that it’s right in front of your face and eyes.

There is even an app available that blinks a red light warning you to raise it higher, in order to help people remember to elevate their phones. Also stand up more often throughout the day and stretch, roll your shoulders, and move around. Just by being aware and conscious of what you are doing, and for how long, can help you avoid tech neck and all the uncomfortable aches and pains that come with it.

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She Starts Cutting Up This Old T-Shirt. 3 Minutes Later An Unexpected Surprise!

If you hate to throw things out or let them sit around unused then check out this tutorial. The video shows how to re-purpose an old tee-shirt into a handy new bag. The all purpose carry-all is perfect for hauling groceries in or your local farmers market finds and costs absolutely nothing to make.

The tee shirt tote is a clever and handy way to be environmentally conscious and resourceful, while wasting nothing and giving old tee’s a second life. All you have to do is grab a pair of scissors, an old tee shirt, and within a couple of minutes you can make a bag or two to use this weekend.

Start off by laying the tee shirt out flat and cut off the bottom part, right above the seam. Make sure to save the binding piece you just cut off because you will need it later. Fold the tee in half and line up the two shoulder points and sleeves.

Cut off the neck part of the t-shirt and at this point it helps to refer to the video for a better visual of how you want it to look. Then, cut off the sleeves of the shirt, and leave yourself a bit of space away from the shoulder seams if you want deeper handles.

For higher handles you should cut right along the shoulder seam. Now unfold and lay out the shirt, which should resemble a tank top at this point, and turn it inside out. Gather together the bottom edge of the tee and tie it together using the piece of binding you cut off earlier in step one.

It’s important that you make sure to tie it as tightly as possible and wrap the binding around again to double-tie it. Securely knot it off and trim away the excess ends of the tie-binding. Turn the shirt inside out again and now you should have a brand new, re-purposed, tee shirt bag that is ready to use and hold all your stuff in.

Use this basic style of pattern cutting to make all sorts of bags and totes out of old tee shirts. They turn out awesome if you use busier patterns and add on custom touches, like fabric paints, iron on patches, and other attachments.

You can also braid the handles and incorporate different, stronger materials directly into the braids in order to make the handles more heavy duty and stand out. There is just so much more that you can do with this homemade t shirt bag technique, the possibilities seem endless. Check it out and try cutting one up for yourself or a friend and share the eco-friendliness!

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This Snake Tries To Eat Her Baby Bunnies. What The Mom Does Next Is So Unexpected!

Nature can be cruel and unforgiving. That is exactly what is on display in this recently uploaded YouTube video. The footage was captured by a man who seems to be looking on a safe distance away alongside his young children and wife. They chose not to interrupt the scene of survival and protection between a wild rabbit and snake. This video may be disturbing to some, especially small children, just so you are aware.

It starts off with a long, black snake coiled up in a shallow rabbit den. The snake has already captured and wrapped itself around one of the tiny baby rabbits and looks to be preparing to kill and swallow it. Before the serpent has a chance, the mother rabbit returns, and she is in full on protection mode.

The sight of her poor, helpless baby bunny in the snake’s clutches brings out her natural instincts and she immediately launches her attack. The stunned snake writhes around and releases it’s hold on the tiny baby, while the other little bunnies use the distraction as a means to escape and fly out of the nest.

It hardly ends there though and the mother continues to chase the snake further away from her babies and the nest. She grabs it with her teeth and claws, then lays down on her side and kicks out at it repetitively, which is what rabbits do when they fight.

Every time the snake escapes her clutches and tries to slither away she pursues, and keeps dealing it a series of blows with her back feet. There is no doubt that she is just as shocked as the snake is, and all the adrenaline, sadness, anger, and emotions she may be experiencing make her react fearlessly. After a minute or two of biting and kicking the snake’s tail, she lets off, and it manages to slither away.

The mother likely wanted to inflict serious injury to the snake so that it would go elsewhere and think twice before trying to eat her babies ever again. She knows that this snake will always pose a threat and it may potentially return to try and harm or kill her defenseless babies. She will have to move her babies and rebuild the nest somewhere else, safer and more protected, but at least she scared the serpent off and saved her family.

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Nobody Believed Her When She Described Her Dog’s Morning Ritual. So She Got A Camera And Caught THIS

Every once in a while, a creature thinks it is something it doesn’t seem to be. Sometimes, when said creature believes strongly enough, magical things happen. In this case, Coco seems to believe she is a squirrel, which results in her supernatural ability to climb trees in a dog’s body.

Wait a second; isn’t she just chasing the squirrel, like all dogs are prone to do? Some would say it is merely instinctual. But dogs don’t climb trees. Coco’s story is different.

I, for one, choose to believe that Coco literally believes she is a squirrel, and she is searching for her long lost family. She was a squirrel in a past life, perhaps, and was separated at birth from her family. She searched her entire life to be reunited, but in the end she could not find them.

She wanted to be reborn as a squirrel, of course, but miscalculated slightly and ended up a dog. So she makes the best of her situation, evading the boundaries that physics tries to place upon her. Have you ever seen a tree climbing dog? let us know.

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Once The Pilot and This Lady Get The Plane In The Sky They Notice An Unexpected Surprise Passenger!

This cat was just looking for a place to hang out, but she didn’t realize the heights at which she would be hanging! She must be new to the airport, unless of course she just likes getting high. By the look on her face and her eagerness to get back to solid ground, it seems that she was caught unaware. Whilst taking a nap, I imagine.

In the beginning, it just looks like a routine site seeing flight, but keep your eye out for the extra passenger. When she arrives, it takes the pilot a little while to realize he has a stowaway. The look on his face when he spots her is priceless!

He seems to continue giving his tour, because his human passenger does not notice for a while longer. Maybe he is hoping she won’t notice the cat that could easily hop on her head at any moment. That is a very small airplane with very non-existent doors, and a cat jumping on his passenger would probably not work out very well.

It doesn’t take long for the woman to notice the cat, and I’m sure the pilot was relieved to see her amusement at the situation. The cat hangs on tight and lives to find terra firma once more, gaining a story to tell her friends and using one of her nine lives in the process. Did you enjoy this video? Let us know.

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Police Officer’s Final Act Of Kindness Caught On Hidden Camera Minutes Before He Was Killed

“Three minutes before he was killed, he’s buying lunch for some little kid he didn’t even know.”   Jeremy Henwood, a Marine veteran of two tours in Iraq and another in Afghanistan, had just returned home from duty when he was gunned down in his squad car while serving as a police officer.  But the story really starts three minutes before, during one final act of kindness in a McDonald’s restaurant.

Davian Tinsley, 13 years old and hungry for cookies, walked in and was standing behind Officer Henwood in line.  When he asked for 10 cents, Jeremy inquired and learned that Davian wanted to buy 3cookies, so he offered to buy them for him.  But he didn’t stop there.

He asked Davian what he wanted to be when he grew up, to which Davian replied “NBA star”, and Jeremy told him he would have to work hard to achieve his goal.  After that, he walked out, not knowing that he had just had his final conversation.

A true hero, Jeremy Henwood left a legacy of service, one that is written on the hearts of that young boyas well as every person who hears his story, and doubtless countless others that were impacted during his years of service.  Let’s work together to spread his story far and wide, giving life to the lessons that he taught through his everyday acts of kindness.

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