These Dads Walk With Swag Out Of The Garage But When The Music Drops I Totally Lost It

What do you get when you combine fathers with attitude, a killer hip hop beat, and well thought out lyrics about the things that dads do daily? This awesome and hilarious song called “Dad Life” that has become an anthem for cool father’s everywhere. Do your father a favor and show him this video, it may just make his day, and possibly even make him a little cooler.

The men who produced the jam took all of the notoriously uncool aspects associated with being a dad and owned them. Their clever and witty lyrics touch upon everything from clothing styles and hanging with the kids to landscaping and grilling.

The song was done in a Weird Al-type-style of parody that draws inspiration from common hip hop tunes. The men pose with stern, unsmiling, hard looks on their faces and throw up dad signs instead of gang signs.

Instead of rolling around on the hottest custom wheels they whip minivans and ride lawnmowers. And forget about wearing designer clothes like Versace and Gucci, these men prefer the dad classic wardrobe of Dockers creased pants, St. John’s Bay polos, and gas station sunglasses.

When they rap about money and their “dozens of dollars” it is in reference to how it all goes to their families. The only thing they shoot is “vids of the kids” and when they say “clip for my piece” it is in reference to a cell phone belt holder. They also name drop Disney characters and refer to their children as an entourage.

There are so many more hilarious and well played lyrics in the song that make everyday chores and tasks sound hip and fun.  Listening to this song will make everyone appreciate how much they often do for their kids, wife, and others in the family, and for that they deserve respect.

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The Most Simple Way To A Fold A Fitted Sheet. How Did I Not Know This Earlier?

I don’t mind folding most laundry, because I have figured out the way that works best for my needs for each item. There is one notable exception: the dreaded fitted sheet! My experience folding most laundry consists of daydreaming while mindlessly accomplishing the task at hand.

The experience of folding a fitted sheet, on the other hand, consists of pulling my hair out after the sheet looks worse after folding it than it did before, even though I have tried ten different ways! Then I just give up and shove it in with the other sheets, whilst cursing whoever came up with the idea in the first place.

But that was before this video came along and saved my life. Or at least my hair. And maybe my sanity. If you have ever tried to fold a fitted sheet, you will benefit from the nifty trick shown in this video. It is surprisingly simple, and after a few practice runs to get it down, it becomes as easy as folding a t-shirt.

Ever since I learned this trick, I actually look forward to the fitted sheets! I relish in the feeling that I am taming a beast that is the bane of the laundry folder’s existence.

Watch the video, and in less than two minutes you will be a new person, one who smiles when you come across that fitted sheet in your laundry basket. How many tries did it take you to get it right? Do you have any other laundry tricks? Please let us know.

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Secret Trick To Picking Out A Ripe Watermelon This Year. I Wish I Knew About This Sooner.

Imagine, for a moment, that you are standing in front of a sea of watermelons, thinking about how delicious that crisp, flavorful red flesh will be when you cut it open. As you pick up a melon closest to you, your mind wonders to the delectable aroma that will waft into your nostrils as you take your first bite. You can almost taste the juicy goodness as the cool flesh melts on your tongue.

Then reality hits. You look down at the fruit smiling slyly at you, and then to the ocean of melons that all seem to be mocking you as you try to figure out which one might be ripe. You imagine the despair that will ripple through your very soul if you choose the wrong one, your knife cutting into rotten, mushy flesh. As the first tear runs down your cheek, you set the triumphant produce down and walk away, despondent.

But wait! Thanks to this knowledgeable grocer, we now have the skills required to pick the perfect melon, every time. Watch the video to find out how he uses the weightiness of the fruit, how it sounds when you knock on it, and the size of the yellow spot to determine which one is perfectly ripened for human consumption.

Do you have any other tricks for determining which fruit is ripe? Let us know.

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Guilty Pup Caught Red Handed By His Human. His Next Move Is An Unexpected Surprise!

Everyone reacts differently when they get caught red handed doing something that they know is wrong. Some people deny they are doing anything bad, regardless of how obviously caught they are. Others stop whatever they were doing, own up to their guilt, and apologize for any wrongdoing. And some just try to disappear and avoid any and all conflict.

That’s what one dog did when his owner came home and saw what a mess he made by going through the trash. The adorable white dog named Matzo had tipped the trash can over and spread it’s contents all over the floor. Matzo clearly knew he was in trouble and sat there looking guilty, waiting for his owner to start yelling at him. That was when he tried to remove himself from the situation and ever so slowly he began to move backwards.

His snail paced retreat worked wonders because his owner found it adorable and couldn’t help but laugh at him. Yet still, even after her tone changed, Matzo kept up his backwards scoot until he eventually almost disappeared behind a desk. It seems like“out of sight, out of mind” may have been the expression he was going for, in hopes of it ringing true.

The next time you get caught red handed and are about to get an earful try Matzo’s avoidance technique. All you have to do is remain quiet, look remorseful, and move backwards as slowly as possible until you are out of sight and (hopefully) safe!

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The Family Dog Wouldn’t Stop Whining While They Tried To Sleep. The Reason Would Save Their Lives!

The reason this dog wouldn’t let her owners sleep wound up earning her a big, fat, juicy steak. Jack Damrill thought his St. Bernard, Doree, was just trying to get attention when she wouldn’t stop whining. It was late, and the family was trying to sleep, but no matter how much he insisted she leave them alone and let them get some rest, she persisted.

When Jack thinks back to that fateful night, he recalls hearing the cats meowing loudly as well. I hope Doree shared her steak with them! Eventually, the human noses picked up what the animals had been smelling for some time: natural gas. Someone had left the burner on. The house was filled to the brim, a literal time bomb, ready to explode at any second.

Jack immediately called 911 and evacuated his family and devoted pets. The fire department responded, airing out their home and informing them of just how close to catastrophe they had come. If they had not been warned by their loyal pets, the entire house could have detonated, leaving nothing but smoldering rubble.

For Doree, it was well worth her trouble in the end. She got her delicious steak and lived to bark another day, not to mention how proud she gets to be for the rest of her life, having earned the one thing she loves most: the adoration and gratitude of her family! So remember to listen to your pets, because you never know when they just might save your life!

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Scientists Find The Most Unexpected Surprise Underneath The Giant Easter Island Heads!

The grand mystery of the heads of Easter Island has just deepened…literally! Archeologists have excavated around the heads and guess what they found? The heads have full bodies! The bodies are covered in ancient and as of yet indecipherable writings called petroglyphs.

Easter Island is one of the most remote inhabited islands in the world, located over 2,000 miles off the coast of Chile. The statues, called Moai, were carved by the Rapu Nai people sometime between 1250 and 1500 CE. According to Wikipedia, the tallest of the 887 Moai is over 30 feet tall and weighs 82 tons.

Another, if completed, would have been almost 70 feet tall and would have weighed 270 tons! Incredibly, many of these enormous statues were moved to various places around the island. The faces represent ancestors that are seen as deities.

Watch the video to see these awe-inspiring, ancient works of art uncovered for the first time in modern history!

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Apparently I’ve been Cooking Pasta Wrong This Entire Time. How Did I Not Know About This Earlier?

Even people who are not culinary aces know how to make pasta in the centuries old traditional manner. Most everyone starts the process off by putting a fair amount of water into a big pot. Some even add a couple of shakes of salt or a drop of olive oil to the water.

Then the pot is placed on the burner and heated until the water begins to boil, at which point the pasta is dropped into it and cooked until done. The problem with this way of cooking is that the pasta tends to stick together in mushy clumps that are unappetizing.

However, there is a better and more efficient way to properly whip up a delicious batch of the family favorite food. Cooking pasta with this alternative method eliminates the all too common problem of it sticking together in blobs, and instead leaves you with perfectly prepared noodles that everyone will actually want to dig into. It involves using less water and swapping out the bulky metal pot with a frying pan.

Start by placing the pasta in a large frying pan. Pour about a quart and a half of cold water in the pan and over the pasta. Turn on the stove and cook until the desired consistency is met. If you prefer al dente pasta, or a slightly firmer texture, less time is needed. You should end up with perfectly cooked pasta that lacks any clumpy stuck together pieces, because the cold water was added to the pasta before it began to cook.

You also will have a thick, dense liquid leftover from the water than remains. This can be used to make a variety of different sauces with and gives you further use of the leftover water that most people simply throw out. Check it out and share with others so that you’ll never have to endure lumpy pasta again!

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I Have Never Heard A Goat Make A Sound Like THIS. I Can’t Stop Laughing

There has been a recent surge in goat videos online which feature goats yelling and sounding remarkably human-like while doing so. Naturally, it was only a matter of time before a compilation of the newest and best goat yellers was assembled for audiences to enjoy.

YouTube channel RSVLTS uploaded a fantastic short clip that enables us to easily watch all the hilarious sights and sounds in one awesome ‘super cut compilation.’ Honestly, some of these goats sound more human than people I know when they yell.

No one knows why some goats sound so much like humans. Plus, not all goats are able to make noises and sounds that seem to be coming from a person. Each goat has a specific, individual, and distinctive voice that is all its own. Some just happen to have voices that resemble humans and those make for funny, cute, and entertaining videos.

Apparently, goats yell all the time and for many different reasons, just like us human people do. If a mother and her baby get separated she will call out to locate the kid and vice versa. When goats get hungry they will get loud and let you know that they want to be fed as soon as possible.

They scream and yell even if they aren’t hungry or lost, they can get riled up by simply handling them. Basically, goats behave very similarly to young children and are just as, if not more, cute.

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