This King Cobra Is Holding Up Traffic. Then An Unexpected Surprise Snatches Him Off The Street!

King cobras have earned their fearsome reputation as a deadly snake whose bite contains enough venom to kill a man. In some cases, people have died less than thirty minutes after being bitten, and those who survive have reported that it’s extremely painful to endure. Even more astounding is the fact that their bite is capable of killing elephants in just a few hours. While king cobras usually prefer to avoid humans, contact with them is inevitable, as they can be found all across India and Southeast Asia.

One small, scrappy little mammal that has no fear of the deadly king cobra is the mongoose. They are very clever and are well known for their ability to fight snakes, particularly cobras, often winning and then eating them. Some species of mongoose are resistant to the neurotoxins found in snake venom which makes then a natural predator to the snakes, and explains this video.

In the short clip a king cobra has found a sunny spot to bask in on a warm paved road. The slinky snake has stopped traffic and people eagerly break out their cameras to film the deadly snake. Thankfully, in India they are protected and anyone found guilty of killing one can be sentenced up to 6 years in prison, so no one would dare run it over so publicly.

But that doesn’t mean the snakes out of danger because nearby its fiercest enemy lurks. A mongoose spots the snake, sees dinner, and advances towards it with no hesitation. The two battle each other, with the snake striking multiple times and the fast mongoose dodging and weaving his way around the assault. It soon ends and the mongoose emerges as the victor, carrying his cobra off the road with him so he can eat it in privacy.

I would never have thought the mongoose would win, or even be so brave. I guess a little knowledge goes a long way, and hope you learned as much as I did.

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They Play “Bohemian Rhapsody” On A 110 Year Old Fairground Organ. This Gave Me Chills.

You have never heard Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody like this before! What do you get when you combine one of the most popular rock songs of all time with a 110 year old, beautifully crafted and meticulously maintained Marenghi fairground organ? Pure magic! But don’t take my word for it, watch the video and find out for yourself!

Bohemian Rhapsody was written in 1975 by Freddie Mercury for Queen’s album A Night at the Opera. It quickly became a huge success, staying at the top of the charts and selling over a million albums in less than a year.  The song has become one of the best selling singles of all time, due in part to its prominent role in the film Wayne’s World.

When it was originally recorded, it was the most expensive single ever recorded. Mercury was never willing to explain the cryptic lyrics, other than saying they are about relationships, and the band has respected his secrecy ever since his untimely death.

The fabulous organ featured in the video is a 110 year old, 81 key Marenghi fairground organ. Built in Paris, France in 1905, its beautiful sound is produced by more than 350 organ pipes.

How does this version compare to other versions you have heard? Let us know.

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This Cowboy Dad Catches His Daughter Dancing To Hip Hop. Now Watch His Reaction!

There are few forces in the universe as powerful as the love of a father for his daughter. For each of them, it is a relationship and special part of life that cannot be replicated. From the moment he first meets her, a father is wrapped around her tiny little finger, and there is nothing that he wouldn’t do for her.

A girl learns love, trust and confidence from her father, which helps guide her on her path as she becomes a woman. A man learns how to provide for, protect, love and let go of his little girl, teaching him valuable life lessons that make him a better man.

When the video begins, it just seems like any other girl filming herself dancing to hip hop, but everything changes when her cowboy father sees her and steps up to the plate. His first few steps are not quite on, as he tries his best to synchronize with her.

Pretty soon, he is dancing so well it seems like they have been practicing together for weeks. He flawlessly whips and naenae’s at just the right time, with impeccable style and a heart full of love. Every father-daughter relationship is like a dance.

As each person moves, the other does their best to move in a way that is complimentary, but it isn’t always easy, and sometimes it doesn’t look pretty. But in the end, both people learn things about themselves and the other person that inform their growth together and as individuals. Tell us about your reaction to this video in the comments.

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This Father Has Triplets But When They Get Into The Minivan I Lost It!

More and more fathers have been taking on an increased role in their child’s lives. These days, dads are hands on and the childcare is no longer left for just mom to do. Whether it’s changing diapers, grocery shopping, hauling the kids to school and practice, or playing around at home and watching TV, dads are spending time doing things with their kids.

In homage to devoted fathers everywhere, a man decided to gather his young triplets and two older boys, to create a silly, fun, and entertaining parody video of the song “Sexy and I know it.” The lyrics and title have been appropriately changed in the new version to “I’m a Daddy and I Know it,” which was uploaded to the YouTube channel DaddyCrazy5.

The song and music video turned out awesome, with the subject matter and lyrics fitting unbelievably well with the original one’s. The dad in the video clearly loves and adores his children and from the looks of it, he does quite a lot around the house.

With 5 kids, three of them being triplets, he better be helping out mom! He takes us through a typical day in his life with his family. We see him changing diapers, playing house, doing laundry, picking up toys, feeding the kids, reading them books, and taking them on a shopping excursion. All the while he stays active, dancing and shaking his booty, even lifting his kids as a way to get in a work out.

The video shows how much fun and love families often have for each other, even when doing the mundane daily tasks that we all dread. Best of all, the kids look like they are having the time of their life doing this project with their father.

Their little faces are filled with smiles and delight as they dance and play with dad and watch him act all silly. They are going to have some great memories when they look back and watch this video in the future. Maybe they will even make a sequel or remix as they grow older!

Check out the video and remember to pass it on to your family, friends, and especially any dads you may know. They can reminisce about their fatherhood experiences, or relate to it in what they are going through now, either way they will love it!

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This Extremely Shy Otter Gets Groomed. When They Zoom In It’s Priceless!

The battle for the cutest animal throne rages eternally. It is impossible to quantify the near infinite cuteness of the baby animal kingdom, although some common contenders such as kittens, puppies and baby pandas consistently battle for top spots. As cute as they are, they are up against some stiff competition. Hedgehogs, elephants, penguins, sloths, kangaroos and harp seals all exhibit formidable cuteness.

In this aaahhhh inspiring video, this baby sea otter presents a strong case for top baby animal cuteness contender. Those little whiskers and wide eyes make for a compelling argument. This is one baby animal that is quickly winning my vote!

Sea otters, the largest member of the weasel family, can reach almost 100 pounds. Their fur is the densest of all animals and keeps them warm in the cold ocean waters they inhabit. They are very intelligent, and their use of rocks to break mollusk shells places them in an exclusive group of tool wielding mammals.

What is your vote for cutest baby animal? let us know.

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He Cracks An Egg Into Onion Rings. But When He’s Done The Most Unexpected Tasty Surprise!

Everyone loves to learn new and simple ways to get the same old things done. It can be fun and interesting to discover what nifty and quick solutions people have come up with to solve common problems. This video, from the HouseholdHacker YouTube channel, highlights 10 tricks for dealing with difficulties you may have encountered when cooking or bustling about in the kitchen.

The tastiest hack shown is the eggs and onion gourmet breakfast. Take an onion and cut out a couple of large circles, place them in a pan on medium heat, wait one minute and then crack an egg into each one. Cover the pan and cook for 3 minutes, then sprinkle on some salt and pepper.

The most useful trick for cookie lovers is to place a piece of bread into the container holding the treats. It will release moisture and keep the cookies softer for longer. Also included is a great way to reheat pizza on the stove top, which avoids the soggy, limp, microwaved effects of zapping it.

Heat up a burner on medium-high and place a pan on it. Once it’s heated up set the leftover pizza into the pan and cook for one minute, then flip and cook for another minute. The slices will come out crisper and as if they’d just been pulled out of the oven.

The most interesting alternative technique shown was cooking hard boiled eggs in the oven, which makes them not hard boiled at all, but they come out that way nonetheless. Heat the oven to 325 degrees, place the eggs on a tray, and put them in to cook for 30 minutes.

After you take the eggs out place them in a pan of cold water and allow to sit for a few minutes. Once they are cool you can eat them right away or store them in the refrigerator. There are six additional innovative and useful kitchen solutions covered in the video so be sure to check it out. And remember to share the knowledge because they may end up making life easier for you or someone you love!

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2 Dogs Are Having A Tug Of War. But The 3rd Dog Shows Up With An Unexpected Surprise!

Golden Retrievers are known to be extremely friendly, nice, and gentle which makes them some of the worst guard dogs ever.  The breed is highly intelligent and was ranked 4th by the ‘Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs’ and one of the most popular dogs in the world.

In the following video these two hilarious pups get into a tennis ball tug of war battle.  Neither side will give in to the other and they show no signs of giving up.  As a matter of fact, there isn’t much tugging going on at all.

The two just seem to be in a total stalemate with adorable squished noses, staring directly into each other’s eyes.  But then out of no where a 3rd dog comes in to try and mediate the issue.  He takes quick action and what he does is guaranteed to make your day!

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4 Kittens Were Being Threatened By A Bully Dog Until An Unlikely Surprise Hero Saves Them!

Even though Chihuahuas are the recognized as the smallest breed of dog in the world, they have just as much courage and heart as any other larger dog out there. Charlie the Chihuahua is living proof of this. He can be seen on film defending four tiny gray kittens from a much larger black dog, named Roxy.

Charlie is clearly intent on seeing no harm come to his adorable little fur babies. When Roxy gets too close and rambunctious, Charlie puts himself between the kittens and the larger dog, and drives her away. The protective Chihuahua makes sure that the helpless newborn kitties are always at a safe distance from the excited dog.

He even drives Roxy back with threatening growls, nips and warning bites, as if to say “get out of here and leave the babies alone!” All the while, the poor little cats sit in a tight cluster looking bewildered and confused, as he scene plays out all around them.

At several points Charlie forces Roxy to bow her head down low to the ground and sit in a submissive position. It is obvious who is in control in this particular situation. Charlie the Chihuahua is not a dog you wanna mess with.

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