A Prankster Crow Sneaks Up On This Dog. Now Watch The Dog’s Unexpected Reaction!

I was out with my people, just trying to have a nice, relaxing day in the park. The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect and I was pretty sure I could smell a squirrel. Maybe even two, but it is hard to say for sure. Let’s just say there was a good amount of squirrel potential, and all in all things were looking promising.

Then the crow came. That filthy little crow, with far too much intelligence packed into that tiny little brain, and his morbid sense of humor. I didn’t like his cavalier attitude from the moment I first saw him.

Little did I know just how much cruelty could be packed into a brain the size of a damn peanut. I would soon find out. Sneaky little bird followed me around everywhere I went, and every time I would use my considerable size and long teeth to scare the vermin away. But he would only jump just out of reach, to a perfect spot from which to continue his vacuous taunts.

Then he crossed the line. The tail is off-limits, and is never to be touched by any bird or reptile. The punishment for breaking this iron dog law is death, if I can catch you.

Unfortunately, you have wings and I do not, so we will have to settle this in another life when I have wings and you do not, or at least you are much smaller than I. Until then, you shall haunt my nightmares with your sneaky ways and rude habits.

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A Bunch Of Fish Approach This Duckling. The Duck’s Unexpected Reaction Is Priceless!

When is the last time you saw a baby duckling feeding a fish? How about feeding a whole bunch of fish? No? Well, your opportunity has finally arrived. I know you have waited patiently, biding your time as you eagerly await this epic moment that you knew must eventually come.

You put in your time, and now you are rewarded. The cuteness is beyond what you will likely be able to handle, but be strong. You can do it, you can make it through the video without going insane from the adorableness.

The beginning of the video finds a young duckling sitting on some type of thingy in the middle of the water, surrounded by many fishes. The fish are there to tell the duckling secrets, but the duckling must pay for each tidbit with a tidbit of his own, in the form of some weird white powder that I can only assume is food.

Whatever it is, the fish love it and tell so many secrets, the baby duckling can barely contain his joy. With rampant satisfaction, he feeds the fish, providing them with a similar level of contentment.

You may be thinking to yourself, “What if the duck falls in? Will he become eaten by the hordes of fish?” But have no fear, my fellow friend, for these are harmless fish. Their teeth are quite small, like a chicken’s, and will not harm the young duck.

The duck, being a waterfowl, can swim quite well and will easily find solace in safer waters if he does fall in. Plus he can just get back on the thingy upon which rests the delicate bowl of fish powder. Have you ever seen anything like this? Let us know!

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This Man Found A Dead Shark But Realized Something Was Strange. When He Cut It Open THIS Came Out!

The Cordell family was spending a nice relaxing day at the beach when they noticed something odd.  A shark was washed up on the sand and it looked to be dead. When they got a closer look, they noticed something was moving inside its belly.

The man quickly grabbed a knife and made a v-shaped incision across its abdomen and did an emergency C-section.  Then a miracle occurred, after a bit of a struggle one baby shark came out of it’s mother’s stomach.  Then when they thought it was over, they were shocked to find out that two more babies were on their way out!

The video was filmed by the Cordell’s 13 year old son.  The sharks were later released into the water and given a second chance of life.  Their survival depends on how close the mother was to term.  If she was ready to give birth soon the little shark pups actually have a pretty good chance of surviving.

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His House Looks Weird From The Outside. But When You Step Inside It’s Unexpectedly More Strange!

There are a number of houses designed around pods, but this one aptly named “The Mushroom House,” stands out as one of the most artistic and unique. The iconic home is located in the upstate New York town of Perinton, where it has officially been recognized as a historic landmark.

It was originally designed by architect James Johnson, and an additional twenty or so artists have further worked on various aspects of the design. All their works come together to create a beautiful, unique, and quirky house that is a showpiece on both the exterior and inside.

The house sits among well manicured trees, beautiful stone walls, and flowing water streams. The base of each pods rises up out of the ground on a mushroom like stem made of steel and concrete. There are a total of 5 pods, with one that houses the kitchen and sitting areas, one for the living and dining areas, two are bedrooms, and the fifth is a deck.

A newer addition is built on solid ground and serves as the main entrance. It features a great room and is connected to the pods via a psychedelic hallway filled with colorful, hand fired tile pieces that seem to drip off the walls.

The great room has a cave like feel, with smooth stone floors, sand molded walls, and 9,000 ceramic tiles that cover the walls and hallway. Each one was hand fired by the property’s previous owner, Marguerite Antell.

Other custom art features include a wood tree sculpture that rises out of the floor, intertwining until it hits the ceiling, making the inside feel like the outside. The living and dining pod has an indoor water fountain that gently bubbles and fills the room with sounds of a natural running stream. Even though it has a rustic feel to it, the house retains all the modern comforts and conveniences.

There are many different textures throughout the home, with a mix of smooth and rough surfaces. There are the beautiful, rich and smooth mahogany doors on the original main entrance and maple kitchen cabinets with mahogany pulls. The bedroom furniture and accents look as if they are growing out of the wall by the way they were artfully crafted.

Pod windows are everywhere, offering a 360 degree elevated view that looks out over the forest, and let in plenty of natural light.  It’s clear that a lot of thought and care went into creating the mushroom house. The overall vision came together beautifully with the designs blending and meshing well all throughout the hallways and pods. Take a tour and view it yourself below.

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Wild Gorilla Sees His Reflection In A Mirror For The 1st Time. His Unexpected Reaction Is Hilarious!

Imagine seeing yourself for the first time in your life.  What would that be like?  Would you like what you see?  Would you hate it?  Would you be intrigued? We all take the mirror for granted, but sometimes we forget that most creatures have never laid eyes on one.

French photographer Xavier Hubert Brierre placed some mirrors in the forest so he could catch some wildlife interacting with their reflections for the first time. This is one of the coolest and strangest photography experiments I have ever witnessed.

The results he captured are just stunning.  While some of the animals enjoyed what they saw, some seemed perplexed while others seemed to be enraged and didn’t want anything to do with the animal in the mirror. Each animals reaction is so unique and different. Nature never ceases to amaze.

It is so interesting how the different animals react to themselves.  I think the leopards had the best reaction of them all. Which animal’s reaction did you like the best? Let us know.

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The Easiest Way To Fold and Pack T-Shirts With THIS Unexpected Wrinkle-Free Secret!

Traveling can be a lot of fun and adventure but packing for a trip is anything but that. It’s hard enough anticipating the items you’ll need and deciding what to wear, but the packing part is always hit or miss. Suitcases and bags never seem big enough to hold all the clothes we want to bring along and more often than not people end up over-packing.

With airlines charging a pretty penny for luggage these days, having more than one or two bags can quickly get expensive. Then there’s the issue of arriving at your destination and pulling out a bunch of wrinkled clothes. The last thing you want to do is look like a slob or have to iron all your clothes.

If you want to avoid all these travel packing nightmares you need to re-learn the art of packing. This Handimania video teaches a way of how to efficiently fold and roll shirts up into convenient, travel ready bundles. The shirts will stay wrinkle free and take up minimal space, leaving you room to pack even more stuff.

Lay a tee shirt out on a flat surface and smooth away any wrinkles. Grab the bottom hem where the seams meet on the two sides and fold the bottom 2-3 inches of it inside out. Rotate the shirt on it’s side and fold one side over about a third of the way, so that the crease meets at the neck opening, then fold back the sleeve onto the part you just folded over.

Take the other side and fold it the same way, with the crease/fold falling in line with where the neck opening is on that side, and fold back the sleeve again. You should now have a long, rectangular shaped tee shirt. Starting from the top on the shirt, begin to tightly roll it up, going all the way towards the bottom.

Take one side of the inside out bottom part of the shirt and turn it right side out while folding it over the rolled up portion. Do the same to the other side and you should end up with a tight and secure bundle.

Now all you have left to do is pack up the rolled tees and enjoy your trip. There are other methods for efficiently packing different articles of clothing, but this tee shirt one deals with the most commonly packed item.

It’s the easiest and most convenient method to master that we have seen by far. Hopefully it will save you some space and make traveling a little more stress free. Be sure to check out the video and share it with friends and family because it can only benefit everyone!

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This Brilliant Kitty Was Being Chased By a Dog So She Did THIS!

Meet Didga the most phenomenal cat on the internet.  Didga has quickly become a Youtube sensation with her incredible cat tricks.  You may remember Didga from the video where she rolls over like a dog.   Didga not only rolls over but can also ride skateboards.  But in the following video Didga steps it up BIG time. I’m pretty sure this is the most talented cat possibly in the world today. I have pretty much never seen a cat do a single trick let alone an entire compilation of awesomeness!

She scours the internet for the best dog tricks on Youtube.  She then decides to attempt each trick and overshadow her fellow furry companions.  Be ready to be blown away by this cat’s toolbox of tricks.  Just when you think you’ve seen it all Didga takes it to the next level. Each move Didga makes propels her into legendary internet status!

Move over Grumpy Cat there is a new kitty in town who is quickly taking over the internet!  Watch and enjoy the video below. Have you ever seen a cat do anything like this? Can your cat do any tricks? Let us know.

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They Caught An Eagle Owl On Cam In Flight. Now Watch The Unexpected Strange Place He Lands!

If you ever hear a call in the night that sounds like a “who” then an owl is likely nearby. The beautiful birds are incredibly smart and adaptable, and some are even quite friendly towards humans. One European Eagle Owl from the woods around the town of Noordeinde in the Netherlands has been caught on camera swooping down onto people’s heads.

The majestic owl has been seen and documented landing atop different people’s noggins on several occasions. The six pound bird does not try to harm or hurt anyone in the process, and has now become world famous for his friendliness.

The social bird can be seen in action on a YouTube video uploaded by user ijsselduo. In it a group of people are gathered outside at dusk taking pictures of the famous bird. The beautiful and regal looking owl sits atop someone’s house and from the high vantage point he spots a pretty blonde head that would make for a great perch.

He takes off and as he swoops down towards the woman she puts her hood on, and remains very still, as if she knows he is coming in for a landing. Seconds later the owl is perched atop his lady friend and making himself comfortable. He adjusts his position and looks around for a quick moment, staying just long enough to pose for a few photos. Then he is off to find another head to roost on!

The sight is something you don’t get to see everyday, or ever. This particular eagle-owl has made a name for himself and seems to be a ladies man. Check out the cool video show your friends.

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