VIDEO: His Giant Dog Was Terrified Of Water. But Wait Till You See When His Human Does THIS

Dogs seem to either love or hate water. Some will run and jump right into a pond or stream without hesitation while others do everything in their power to avoid ending up in it. Despite having a swimming style named after them, not all dogs have the natural ability to swim and stay afloat. Some do and others can be taught to swim, with proper oversight for their safety.

There are also certain dogs should not go near water because they easily tire or get cold, are deathly afraid of it and panic, or their legs are too short to adequately keep them afloat. If your dog falls into one of those categories you should not allow them near deep water unsupervised or try to teach them how to swim.

If you have a big, calm, lovable dog like the English Mastiff named Samson in this video, then you can go ahead and give your pup a swimming lesson. The adorable dog is hesitant and afraid at first, unsure of what to do and not wanting to let go of his dad who is holding him afloat in the water.

The sight of such a huge dog clinging to his owner in a pool is heart warming, amusing, and kind of funny! Samson gets some much needed reassurance as his dad rubs his back and tells him it’s alright and that he’s being a good boy. After a little time and with his owner’s calming patience, the big puppy begins to gradually relax and accept the water.

Sensing the moment is right, his owner sets him up for his first solo attempt at swimming, then lets him go. Samson is clearly a natural as he takes off doggy paddling towards the steps without ever once sinking down or flailing around.

Now he can cross it off his bucket list and be all the more confident and safe around the pool and other large bodies of water! His mom and dad are thrilled with their cherished dog’s progress and it’s wonderful to see such a happy and momentous occasion.

Check it out if you want to smile and remember to always take precautions and supervise animals and children around pools to keep them all safe.

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I Was Confused When She Put Peanut Butter In A Mixer. But When She’s Done A Delicious Surprise!

When it’s hot and sticky outside the last thing you want to do is spend time baking in the kitchen and making the house hotter than it already is. Instead, try whipping up a recipe that doesn’t require any cooking or heat at all. If you have a sweet tooth that needs satisfaction then this peanut butter pie is the answer.

It’s easy and simple to make and turns out a creamy, melt in your mouth, delicious treat that everyone will love to indulge in. The recipe can be made with creamy or chunky peanut butter and you can customize it by adding in other things such as crushed Oreo cookies or chocolate chips. Or you can switch up the type of pie crust you use and put other tasty toppings on it.

Best of all, you can make this dessert without ever having to put the oven on because it calls for freezing, so it’s perfect for these hot summer days. Start by combining one 8 ounce package of room temperature cream cheese with 1½ cups of confectioners sugar.

Blend them together with a mixer until smooth. Add in one cup of peanut butter and one cup of milk. Take the blender and beat the mixture until it’s smooth again. Next, add in one 16 ounce package of frozen whipped topping that has been thawed out and blend it in with a spatula.

Afterwards, spoon the mixture into 2 nine inch graham cracker pie crust/shells, cover, and freeze for about 2 hours or until firm. This peanut butter pie takes about 20 minutes to make and 2 hours to freeze.

Once you pop it in the freezer you can go about your day and come back to it later for a cool, creamy piece of pie. We just tried this and it came out perfect. This is the perfect tasty treat for any occasion! Watch the video below for a more detailed recipe. What are you waiting for? Treat yourself!

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Baby Puts On Her Glasses. Her Reaction When She Sees Her Parents For the First Time Is Priceless!

The process of creating a little baby human is remarkable. There are so many possibilities for something to go wrong, it is amazing that there are as many people on this planet as there are. More often than not, people are born with all the correct features for a successful life on Earth. We have the right number of fingers and toes, normally proportioned limbs, and most impressively, healthy functioning organs and senses.

Jessica Sinclair’s mother radar was alerted when she realized that her infant daughter, Piper, was not yet crawling. Although the little girl seemed to be otherwise healthy and of normal physical appearance, Jessica took Piper to the doctor to have her eyesight checked.

As it turned out, she was prescribed a fairly strong prescription for glasses. Jessica picked out the most adorable pink eye wear for Piper to finally see clearly with. The wonders of modern technology and medicine is absolutely incredible.

In this video, you can watch Piper go from blurry vision to clarity at a restaurant with her parents. Once given the glasses, the baby gleefully giggles and smiles, looking back and forth between her mom and dad.

Her mother assures her she is beautiful in her new accessory and dad chimes in his excitement too. The happy baby continues to see the world through new eyes thanks to a little help from the doc and her mother’s keen intuition.

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At First I Thought It Was A Normal Hummingbird But When His Head Starts Moving An Unexpected Surprise!

If you live in North America and see a hummingbird you’re likely looking at the ruby-throated kind, which is the most common species of the tiny birds. They usually spend summers breeding in the Eastern states before heading south to winter in Central America. Ruby-throated hummingbirds are naturally very inquisitive and if you put up a feeder they will be drawn to it because their curiosity always seems to get the best of them.

The beautiful little birds are lightning quick and love to zip around, so it can be hard to get a good look at one. To gain a new perspective on just how brilliant and good looking the ruby-throat is, check out this amazing video of a male one up close.

As the bird moves his head back and forth the sunlight reflects off his neck and throat feathers, causing them to change colors. This iridescent plumage glitters and seems to magically shift through different jewel tones. It’s one of mother nature’s most colorful displays and absolutely mesmerizing to watch.

The feathers are not actually the color of any of the hues we are seeing. Instead, there are many evenly spaced tiny slits on the feathers which act in unison to create an illusion of different, and ever-changing, coloring. As the light hits the feathers it interacts with the slits and gets diffracted, and that separation causes new wavelengths, which our eyes see as the sudden color changes.

If you didn’t previously understand why people love and go out of their way to feed and attract hummingbirds, perhaps this video will show you why. Plus, the lively little birds are not only pretty to look at, they are also very friendly.

They easily become accustomed to being around people and won’t hesitate to feed at flowers or nectar feeders located close to windows and houses. Support your local ruby-throated hummingbirds today and set up your own feeder. Then you can watch them play and interact with each other as they zip around and magically change color. They can do all that and more, so what else could you ask for?

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After Watching This Simple Trick You Will Never Get Poison Ivy Again Even After Touching It!

Poison ivy rashes are no laughing matter. They can be extremely uncomfortable, itchy, and painful. While some people have a high threshold for poison ivy and never develop a reaction, others are very sensitive to it and even the slightest contact with the plant makes them break out.

The best way to avoid a rash is to avoid the pant, but that’s not always feasible. Poison ivy reactions are caused by urushiol, an oily resin, that’s found on the stems and leaves of the plant. Whatever comes into contact with the oil can further spread it.

For example, if you drive over some plants it will get on the tires, then if you touch the tires it can get on your skin. Other common things that it may contaminate are gardening tools, rakes, chainsaws, tires, and clothing.

In this video, scientist and wildlife enthusiast Jim Brauker explains the best technique for minimizing your chances of developing a nasty rash. He says that if you ever do come into contact with poison ivy, or suspect you may have, then you need to wash the oil off your skin within 2-8 hours, the sooner the better.

You should use cold water, soap, and a washcloth to help get it completely off your body. The key is to use a washcloth, which provides the necessary friction, on all possibly contaminated areas of your body. A washcloth, loofah, or towel is what works best to pick up and remove all of the oil.

It doesn’t matter what soap you use but never wash with hot water since it opens up pores and allows the urushiol in. Ideally, you should try to avoid the plant in the first place, so you need to know how to identify it. “Leaves of three, let them be.

Leaves of five, let them thrive.” The first part of this old saying provides a helpful way to remember how to identify a poison ivy plant, and thus avoid it. The second part serves to help prevent other similar looking vine plants from wrongly being associated or confused with poison ivy.

There are additional sayings which provide more details and definitive ways to identify the plant, they include “longer middle stem, don’t touch them” and “hairy vine, no friend of mine.” Out of the three leaves the middle one sports a longer stem than the two side ones and the vines have lots of small ‘hairs’ that it uses to stick to things as it climbs.

That’s important to know because the leaves fall off in the fall/winter but the stems, roots, and vines can still all give you a rash because they too contain the urushiol oil. Other things to look for are glossy leaves with smooth or toothed edges and in late summer the plants sometimes grow white berry clusters.

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A Young Girl Gets In Between Six Pit Bulls and Their Food. Now Watch Their Reaction!

Pit bulls are often viewed by many as dangerous dogs who behave unpredictably. Over the years there has been an ongoing debate about whether or not they deserve this reputation and the saying “it’s the owner, not the breed” always comes up. People invoke this expression to defend the animals, claiming that it’s how owners treat the dogs and their environment that factor into whether or not they turn out to be viscous or sweet.

If a pit bull is treated well and trained properly then the dog will act in line with how it was brought up to behave. The same goes for the opposite, if the dog is treated bad, untrained, and never disciplined, then it will likely act mean and aggressive.

One woman made a video displaying how the right training and environment can turn out pit bulls who are incredibly patient, attentive, loving, and non-aggressive. In the clip, uploaded to YouTube by the Pitbull Channel, a little girl stands in front of 6 adult male pit bull dogs.

She tells them all to sit and makes sure they fully comply before turning to prepare their dinner. The girl is only 4 years old and not much bigger than each of the dogs that surround her. Yet they all sit patiently waiting for their food, and not one of them whines, barks, or moves out of position.

She pours the dry food onto the floor as they watch, spreads it out, then counts to three before giving them the okay. All six dogs immediately spring forth to scarf down their dinner and even while they are eating the girl moves around them. They don’t nip, growl, or bite at her, as some dogs do around food, and clearly they have been trained extremely well.

In the background a woman explains “six male pit bulls, some people say it could never be done. They live and eat together. We are a family.” She is indirectly referring to the stereotype that many people cite when talking about pit bulls and how uncontrollable and aggressive they can be.

Her video is proof that this definitely is not always the case and that she trusts them around her young child. It’s strong evidence that the dogs have a bad reputation based on a few bad apples in the bunch. They have the ability to be family dogs who are gentle and patient, and should be loved just the same as any other type of dog.

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A Sneaky Burglar Decided To Break Into This Yard But He Forgot To Check For THIS

This sneaky burglar thought he was home free when he scaled the two fences to get to this backyard. Good thing the homeowner had security cameras to catch the event on film. The intruder makes it into the grassy haven of the home and proceeds to inspect around the house for a way to get inside. When he gets to the side of the yard closest to the camera he is surprised by an unsuspected warden.

Toto comes flying out into the yard barking like he’d just landed in Oz. The speed and vigor of the tiny dog is not to be underestimated. Almost before the pilferer even notices the little yipping creature, his ankles are in great danger.

But being a practiced fence hopper, and with the added adrenaline of vicious attack dog, the man swiftly leaps not only one fence, but another, in order to escape merciless pummeling.

The prowling fellow did in fact get out just in time, which left the guardian pup bewildered and unaccomplished. He continued his barrage by jumping and spinning as if to find the invader somewhere around him.

He was not quite as unsuccessful as he may have felt however, because the perpetrator was scared so silly there’s no way he was trying to creep into that house again. After viewing this footage, Toto’s people parents likely rewarded him with a good belly rub, a big bowl full of dog food, plus a Milkbone!

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When Rescuers Arrive This Dog Starts Having The Worst Panic Attack. But Watch Her Next Reaction

It is reported that a dog is trapped after hiding to escape the noise of passing trains. Cue sentimental pop music to start feelings for the poor stranded golden retriever, Clarabelle. The rescue team arrives at the scene after several attempts to locate the confused animal. They shine a light in the dark area where the dog is hiding to show that she is not in fact stuck, but just stubbornly inhabiting what seems to be a secret sanctuary.

The hero places a poled noose around Clarabelle’s neck in order to comfort her to safety. Once in place, a little tug on the collar scares the pup so thoroughly that she rolls over several times in an attempt to break loose.

The man’s soothing tone and reassuring words coax the vicious family pet to allow gentle poking in the face, and subsequent eyebrow rubs. He then continues to inspire her trust and convinces the canine to abandon her unusual haven so he can more effectively shower her with his abundant love.

Lucky Clarabelle is then taken to a local shelter where she is bathed to perfection and given more attention than she can absorb. Now here is the plea for help from you, compassionate viewer. This heart melting story must have moved you to want to support all the helpless animals with stories similar to Clarabelle’s.

A charitable gift of your hard earned money will ensure proof of your warm heart and maintain the pup’s innocent lapping and cheerful soul. Share this story to help support Clarabelle and her new friends.

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