They Strapped A Camera Onto THIS Stray Dog’s Collar. What It Caught Tore My Heart Up!

This is a heart wrenching video taped by a go pro camera that was strapped to a dog’s neck in Mumbai, India. It shows an abridged version of a day in the life of a stray in the populated city. The dog frantically wanders the streets in search of nourishment and shelter, but instead he encountered numerous assaults.

More than once people dump water on the dog, they hit and kick it, push it around, honk at it, and other dogs attack it. It even appears as though the dog was hit by a van at the end of the video. From a pet-loving standpoint, this video is terrifying.

We like to think of our canines as cute and cuddly, well-loved and taken care of, however, in the densely packed city of Mumbai, the vast quantity of dogs on the street are a nuisance. Thousands of people are bitten every year by the undomesticated animals.

The dogs get into trash, generally making a mess of things, so it is no wonder why people are driven to disregard and mistreat them.The good news is that there are people out there trying to help. Many organizations have been established for the sole purpose of saving the street dogs.

Although there are street-dwelling people who care for the free-range animals, and there is abundant food for them in the form of dead carcasses and human scraps, the dog’s lives are not what you would call comfortable, so the organizations are aiming to improve the situation. The dogs are being put up for adoption to get them the care they need.

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She Wraps A Shirt Around Her Wet Hair. When She Removes The Shirt It’s Unexpectedly STUNNING!

If you have curly hair then you know how much of a pain it can be when trying to style it into the perfect look. Fussing with curls too much makes them frizzy but there’s no other way to go about doing hair other than that. To combat the problem many people end up using lots of different products that weigh down hair and make it look bad.

Others blow dry, chemically straighten, or run hot irons through the curls in attempts to get hair under control. These can easily damage and ruin otherwise perfectly healthy hair and take a lot of time, patience, and money that could be better spent elsewhere.

There is hope for curly haired people everywhere in the form of plopping or plunking. It sounds funny but this technique can give you frizz free, bouncy, beautiful curls. It’s easy to master and only requires a tee shirt, no expensive gadgets or serums are necessary, and since it’s done overnight you’ll free up a lot of time in your morning routine yet still look great. This video will show you how to plop your hair. Check it out and try it tonight!

First shower and clean your hair, then towel dry it and add any styling product you prefer to use, but only smooth them onto hair from the ears down. Don’t put any product above your ears because that weighs down hair and overtime the products build up causing it to look bad and unhealthy.

Comb the product(s) evenly through your hair then lay out a large cotton t-shirt. Smooth it down on a flat surface in front of you, a bed works perfectly. Shake your hair out, then flip it in front of you and lower your head down onto the shirt carefully so that the curls don’t get crumpled or tangled.

Keep your head still and grab the bottom edge of the shirt, wrap it around towards the base of your neck, and hold it there in place. Now grab the top of the tee and pull the neckline part down to the base of your neck, pulling the sleeves to the side of your head.

Tie the sleeves in the front so that you end up creating a turban out of the shirt and tuck in the tails or any extra loose fabric so it stays in place. It may take a few tries to master the turban but eventually you’ll get it right and love what plopping does for your hair.

The t-shirt will protect your curls as you sleep on them overnight and all that’s left to do in the morning is to unwrap your hair. Your curls will be dry, bouncy, frizz free and while you may have to reshape a few with a curling iron, that’s it!

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VIDEO: Grandpa Kept Wandering Off Till His 15 Year Old Grandson Came Up With THIS

Holding his hands, fifteen year old Kenneth Shinozuka sings as he guides his grandfather’s steps. Due to his alzheimer’s, he is no longer able to walk, eat or carry out day to day activities unassisted, something that most of us take for granted.

One night, Kenneth’s family was awoken by a knock at the door. A police officer had brought the elderly man home after finding him on the freeway. Concerned for his grandfather’s safety, and unable to find a suitable solution, the youth decided to come up with one of his own.

The result of his hard work has the potential to improve the lives of innumerable people suffering from the disease, and will allow their caretakers to rest easy knowing they are safe. The device consists of a small sensor that is able to be placed on a sock and links to a smartphone.

When pressure is detected, as would happen when the wearer steps on the ground to get out of bed, the linked smartphone sounds an alarm. Caretakers could then use the accurate tracking to find their lost love one and return them to safety.

At the nursing home, where Kenneth has been fine tuning his device with the help of some of the residents and staff, he places a sock with the device on one of his helpers, Ida. He explains to her that she has been very helpful in the development of the device.

Staff members chime in, stating that the device is very accurate and makes their lives easier. Kenneth hopes that one day he will find a cure for alzheimer’s, but until then, he will be improving the lives of countless patients and their caring families and caretakers.

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Dad Tells His Bird It’s Time To Go In The Cage. He Proceeds To Throw The Most Hysterical Tantrum!

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One of the loudest, most noisy animals in the whole entire world happens to be a Cockatoo. The vocal birds evolved their shrill sounding voices for survival related reasons as the distinct calls are what helps them to communicate with fellow Cockatoos in the wild.

Loud mouths aren’t the only thing the parrot species are known for, they’re also highly intelligent animals who love to talk. The ones that spend time around people often pick up human words and will repeat the ones they hear the most often. That’s not always a good thing because Cockatoos are also screamers, when they talk it’s like they’re yelling. If they pick up a naughty word, like a curse, expect to hear it often!

The outspoken bird in this clip named Pebbles is a case in point. Be forewarned, she curses like a sailor and has a lot of impolite things to say. According to her caretakers at the Saskatoon Parrot Rescue up in Canada, before they took her in she had lived in approximately 10 homes over the last 20 years or so. Somewhere along the way she learned how to swear and the rest as they say, is history.

Pebbles had been enjoying the day outside of her cage and clearly didn’t want it to end. When she was asked to get back inside of it, she threw a temper tantrum and had a major freak out! The beautiful white feathered girl acted like a diva as she flapped around and stomped back and forth on top of her cage. She noisily protests everything from her cage to the veterinarian and more.

However, not everything she has to say is so negative and foul mouthed. At one point in the video she can be heard saying something that sounds like “I just like rock and roll” and the video comments seem to confirm this. Check out her wild and crazy rant and see what you can decipher from it!

Pebbles would get along quite well with another famous angry bird, Eric the Legend. He’s a bad boy who also does lots of naughty things, like curse at all the other birds in his neighborhood and the poor family dog. They both have some of the biggest attitudes around and love to yell out swears like they just don’t give a hoot!

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She Weirdly Put Biscuits On The Bottom Of A Muffin Tin. But She Creates An Unexpected Tasty Surprise!

There is a right way and a wrong way to go about doing almost everything. Then there are all the ways that fall in between those two ends, and that’s what is covered in this Allrecipes YouTube video. It features a novel way for you to use a muffin tin to bake a variety of delicious treats that your whole family will love and appreciate.

The awesome idea shown makes you think outside the muffin tin, and shows you how to switch up how you normally go about using the classic bakeware. Instead of putting dough in the little slots right side up, flip over the tin and use the underside of the moldings to make different types of edible food bowls. Get creative and imagine all the different ways you could use this technique to bake stuff, and below are some of the recipe ideas covered in the video.

The first recipe shown is for biscuit bowls. Coat the overturned side of the tin with cooking spray, then take some biscuit dough and smush it over the muffin slots on the bottom of the tin. Pop it in the oven at 350 degrees and bake them for 12-15 minutes.

Now you have tasty little biscuit bowls that are perfect for holding hearty soups like loaded potato soup with cheddar or different chowders, as well as dips and chili. The next recipe is for taco bowls. Coat the underside of the muffin tin with cooking spray and then insert soft tortillas in between the muffin slots so that they form a nice bowl shape.

Bake these at 350 degrees for 10 minutes and then fill them up with taco fixings like meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa, guacamole, or whatever you prefer.

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I Was Confused When He Melted Old Soda Cans. But The End Result Is An Unexpected Surprise!

Using a mini metal foundry and charcoal briquettes you can make aluminum cans into little metal muffins. Insert a crucible, which you can make out of a steel fire extinguisher, on top of five charcoals in the foundry. This will ensure the cans melt quickly. Then place a one inch steel pipe into the air supply hole on the foundry.

To get the fire hot enough to melt cans attach a hair dryer with couplings to a PVC pipe and the steel tube. Support the blower to keep the angle into the foundry. This will keep the walls from cracking and extend the life of the unit.

Fill the foundry with charcoal around the crucible and light the coals most efficiently with a propane blow torch. Once the coals are burning, set the hair dryer to the low setting and cover the foundry with a cover made with a can sized hole in the center.

After ten minutes, the fire should be hot enough. The crucible will be glowing orange and over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. Use steel tongs to remove the cover and place cans into the crucible and watch them liquefy in just seconds. If you crush the cans first to insert them through cover, less metal will be oxidized. It will take 38-45 cans to make 1 pound of melted aluminum.

Once the container is full, carefully remove it with steel tongs. Slowly pour the liquid into a steel mold. The gunk in the container will stay behind and act as a strainer to let just the liquid through.

You can use non stick pans to make small metal ingots but be informed that the non stick will burn off in flames during the first use. Once the liquid is poured out, tip the container over and tap it onto a cement slab to remove leftovers. As long as the crucible stays clean, it can be used right away.

The aluminum will be hard after a minute or two but it is still hot enough to ignite paper on contact. At this point you can pick up the aluminum with tongs and cool it in a bucket of water. The water will instantly boil, but after about ten seconds the aluminum should be safe to touch. When you want to make something, melt some ingots for 5-10 minutes in a hot, clean crucible.

Bury your mold of choice in a five gallon bucket of sand with the opening of the mold uncovered. Pour the molten aluminum into your mold, which will likely burn in flames depending on what it’s made out of. Let the apparatus cool for ten minutes and pick up the aluminum with channel locks to see what you’ve created!

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I Was Confused When He Put A Cherry On Top Of The Bottle. But The Reason Is Unexpectedly Brilliant

When he put the cherry on top of the bottle, I was confused. But when I saw what he did next, I was running to try it! Cherries are fantastic. Everyone loves them, they are the cherry on top of nature. They have one downfall that makes them aggravating, and it may be the only thing that stands in the way of complete cherry domination. Without the pit, the delicate balance of sweet and tart would be immediately available, and they would be cleaner than the renowned strawberry of legendary lore.

Take me to Japan in April, right at the height of the cherry blossoms, their magnificent pink-white petals sprawling from delicately manicured limbs as thin as glass. The scent of joyful perfection fills the air, as the petals’ twirling dance flirts with the breeze.

Ancient temples rise at impossible angles out of the sea of blooms, their curling roofs housing countless generations of fastidious monks, whose hands relay the attention given to their tree brethren.

But there is a remedy, decidedly simple, that can be utilized to abolish this infamous pit. You are likely going to want to grab yourself a bottle, chopsticks and a bunch load of cherries. Step one, grab a cherry. Step two, place upon the bottle your cherry.

Step three, poke that cherry with that stick. Step four, eat that cherry. You have now successfully demolished the single impediment that stood between you and the cherry palace. Congratulations.

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How To Keep Wasps Away Using A Brown Paper Bag. I’m So Happy I Learned THIS

Wasps are scary little flying devils that no one wants to be around. They can suddenly become aggressive and if you get stung by one it hurts like hell. If you have a problem with a bunch of wasps hanging around your house and patio areas then you have to check out this video.

It’s from Household Hacker and it shows a really simple method for keeping wasps away from you and your family. It costs nothing and is a lot safer than using harsh, toxic, expensive chemical sprays, like Raid. All you need is a brown paper bag, some newspapers, tape or string, and a minute or two of time.

Take the brown paper bag and stuff it with some newspapers or more paper bags. Tie the top off with string, or tape it closed, then crinkle up the bag so that it resembles a wasp nest. Hang it in an area that you wish to keep wasp-free and you’re done!

Wasps will stay away from the vicinity of the fake paper bag nest because they don’t like confrontation with other wasps. When they see the bag they are tricked into thinking a lot of other wasps have claimed the area and so they won’t dare come in any closer.

It’s that simple. So the next time you notice wasps flying around and putting you on edge, don’t kill them, grab a brown paper bag instead! Life can go on for you and the pesky flying creatures peacefully.

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