This Guy Volunteered To Be Locked In a Hot Car But He Never Expected THIS

It seems like every other day there are news stories about children and pets being left in hot cars. The lucky ones are spotted and rescued by concerned strangers who happen to pass by or their parents remember and rush to free them.

Others are not so fortunate and end up trapped and suffering in extremely hot vehicles. With all the media attention and tragic stories you’d think the point would get across, yet every week at least one child ends up dying from heatstroke due to being left alone in a car.

It’s never excusable to leave any animal, pet, child, or dependent person alone in a car, even for just a minute or two, on a warm or hot day. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) the temperature inside a car can quickly climb to 110° F or higher when the outside air temperature is in the 60s.

On an 83 degree day the interior temperature can reach 109° in just 15 minutes, even with the windows rolled down a couple of inches. These temperatures are enough to cause heatstroke, where your body temperature rises to 104° or higher, and this can be deadly.

Some individuals are more susceptible to heat stroke and so are pets. For example, dogs can only cool down by panting or sweating through their paw pads, so once their body temps rise it’s hard to get them back down.

If you know you are going someplace where you can’t bring your pet, leave them at home. If you have little kids and drop them off in the morning at daycare or something, set a reminder and always check the backseat when you lock and leave your car. Being aware and vigilant about this can only help save lives.

To put this issue into perspective Kars4kids decided to conduct a social experiment where they invited any passerby to take part in the “Hot Car Challenge.” The volunteers were belted into the back seat of a car parked in the sun with the windows rolled up.

If they could sit in the car for only ten minutes they would pass the challenge and receive $100. Watch to see if anyone made it ten minutes and then take a moment to reflect on what this all means and if you would’ve been able to last that long.

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He Flies A Drone Over THIS Beach. What He Caught On Camera I’m Speechless!

The Hawaiian Islands are known for being one of the most beautiful and natural places in the world. The paradise has within it all of the tropical wonders that mother nature has to offer. There are white sandy beaches, coral reefs, rocky volcano peaks, lush green forests, clear freshwater pools, cascading waterfalls, fields of tall grasses, and countless types and varieties of flora and fauna.

The list goes on and on, there is so much to see and explore throughout the islands. One of the main attractions is the North Shore of the Island of O’ahu. The third biggest island draws in surfers who are looking to experience the excellent surfing conditions that exist there.

During the northern hemisphere’s winter months the North Pacific Ocean is often stormy and this weather activity causes swells to roll onto the North Shore’s beaches. These massive waves attract the best surfers from around the globe to the top surfing spots that include Waimea Bay and Sunset Beach.

After viewing this stunning clip it’s easy to see why so many people name Hawaii as a top destination they want to visit before they die. Film maker and drone pilot extraordinaire Eric Sterman took to the sky to capture some of the most beautiful and gorgeous footage of O’ahu to date.

Check it out to see some of the best sights, hidden gems, and other vistas that can only be found on ore near the North Shore.

Have you ever been to this part of Hawaii? Did you enjoy the footage? Let us know!

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She Escapes Duct Tape With One Simple Trick. The Results Could Save Your Life One Day!

Self-defense classes are popular around the world. The personal protection techniques are a cornerstone part of martial arts training and teachings. You don’t need to take a martial arts class to learn self-defense since there are countless courses given that specifically deal with how to defend yourself in real world situations.

These are usually offered commercially for profit and target a specific audience, such as self-defense for kids, pre-teens, teens, adults, women, and so on. Some of us also take alternative steps to stay safe.

We lock our doors, park in well lit areas, and carry mace or pepper spray along with us wherever we go. Even with all these precautions and more, it cannot ever hurt to be extra prepared for circumstances we never expect to be in; like tied up with duct tape.

While we hope you never actually find yourself in a situation where your hands are duct taped together, knowing how to escape such a scenario will give you a one up on whoever put it there. The following video shows a quick and easy technique to help you escape.

Start by bringing you hands high above your head. Then, in one quick movement, swing them down and off to your sides with as much force as you can muster. That’s it. The duct tape will split and you will be free.

In the rare event that this doesn’t work the first time simply try it again until the tape splits. Also, it only works if your hands are taped in front of you and you’re able to raise them high above your head.

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This Dog Is Sleeping When They Turn On His Favorite Song. His Response Is Hysterical!

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Wide eyed and bushy tailed, literally. An Australian Shepard, Oakley, is snoozing comfortably in the back seat of a car when the sound of piano keys grabs his attention. Slowly one eye opens a crack, and when the realization of the song playing sinks in, the other eye pops open to reveal hetero-chromatic excitement!

The dog’s ears twitch as the melody continues and he lifts his head, clearly pumped to be hearing his jam. Once the vocals begin, the soulful pup just can’t contain himself anymore and he sings along to the well known tune.

Howling gently, Oakley waits patiently for the build of the ballad. He pensively stares into the distance as he deeply feels every note and when the artist’s voice escalates, Oakley belts it out too. The dog sincerely resonates with the classic chorus and its message, allowing his sweet moans to expand into heart-felt barks.

Just as the canine is opening up, the song is changed to something less appealing. He responds by closing his mouth, laying down on his seat and effortlessly returning to his original slumber.

Clearly, he can’t be bothered by any music lesser than his favorite but, being the polite Shepard that he was raised to be, he does not seem phased or disappointed by the abrupt switch, merely disinterested. What a kind and passionate pet!

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She Is Trying Out A New Yoga Pose. Now Watch Her Dog’s Unexpected Reaction!

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Certain animals are naturals at yoga. They can flex and contort their furry little bodies into the craziest positions without even thinking about it. Practically every time a dog or cat switches positions, or gets up from a nap, they have to yawn and do a big stretch before flopping back over into another yoga-like pose to resume their sleep.

Our pets bodies were seemingly built for stretching and that’s why they are among the top performers of what we humans call yoga on the planet. People have a lot of catching up to do if they want to be able to keep up with their pets in the yoga department.

One woman was doing just that and decided to film herself practicing her technique. She sat down her mat, positioned the camera directly at it, and got straight to work. In the video you can see her trying out a new yoga pose as she tells her dog to also try the move.

As she struggles to perform the pose the dog effortlessly masters it with both ease and grace. The adorable yogi dog is further proof that animals are naturals at the ancient practice and have inherent incredible stretching abilities.

Perhaps this woman should bring her canine friend to an animal yoga class. Some studios offer classes where humans and animals, mainly cats and dogs, can get their stretch on. There are even specific poses and maneuvers that have been specially developed for them.

Instead of tripping over your poor pet while switching poses, you can instead incorporate them into a session, and you will both be happier and healthier from it. After all, a yogi dog (or cat) can teach us mere mortals a lot about stretching, so why not partner up with your pet!

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After This Guy Literally Just Finished Building His Dog Fence In The Backyard He Let’s His Dog Out To Test It.

Dogs love going outside to get some fresh air and exercise and for responsible owners that means they have to either put them on a leash and take them for a walk or go to the dog park. Unless, of course, they have a sturdy fence installed that allows the dog to roam free and explore the yard safe and securely. The convenience of having a fenced-in area for pets at home simply make people’s lives easier and they also make life easier and happier for the dog, and more fulfilling!

One man, YouTube user rgraves62002 decided that his best friend, an adorable dog named Stella, could benefit from a nice penned in area. He rescued Stella after finding her in a dumpster and saw how much she loved to run and jump around, so she needed a place to play in and keep her from wandering off.

Knowing how much of a jumper Stella was he tried to figure out how high she could leap before he went out and bought a fence. He set up a test and explained in the comments that he “had Stella jump a baby gate inside and when she stopped jumping it I added 6” (inches).”

After putting up the new fence he couldn’t help but admire it and the clip he posted shows the end result of all his hard work and effort. He can be heard in the background saying “Yep, just completed fixing this fence. Pretty proud of it I’d have to say. Trying to keep Stella in the yard.” As if on cue Stella comes running, she flies right by the camera, and leaps up and over the new fence in a single bound!! She barely paused and cleared the top with room to spare! Seconds later the man simply says “Dammit.” It’s the perfect reaction to the moment and one can only imagine what a stupefied look he must have on his face. Stella: 1 Fence: 0.

In the end, the fence didn’t end up going to waste. The man commented that he re-purposed it into “a tree house with a zip-line for my grandson” so it wasn’t a compete failure. This video just goes to show how everything worked out for the best, and how agile some dogs are! Show this hilarious video to other dog lovers and anyone else who can appreciate the hilarity of the moment.

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She Tells Her Pup She Can’t Have What She Wants. So The Dog Throws The Most Dramatic Hissy Fit.

We all react in our own special ways when things don’t go as planned. Some of us get all sad, mopey, whereas others retreat and keep busy by moving on to something else. Then there’s always a few individuals who throw epic temper tantrums that make everyone around them question their sanity, they’re the ones who scream and yell a lot. Just as we humans all have different ways of showing disappointment, so do our four-legged best friends!

The reactions that dogs have to not getting what they want are equally as complex as any persons, it’s just that they’re so much more adorable! When a dog throws a hissy fit or acts irrational because it doesn’t get its way, that’s way more acceptable than when any adult, or person over the age of 10, throws a tantrum.

Case in point: the adorable dog in this video. Sadie is the good looking pup in the Vine clip and when it starts out she has just apparently been denied something. Maybe it was a toy, or a treat, or a nice long walk, it’s not clear and we’re not told what. What is clear is that she’s definitely not happy about it!

Sadie makes her disappointment known to all by groaning aloud and throwing a fit in the most literal sense of the term! She turns from the camera, takes a step, and then throws herself on the floor like a big furry rag-doll. It’s so over the top and unnecessary that it only makes it all the more hilarious and entertaining to watch! However, one person who is not so impressed is Sadie’s owner, Ashlyn Skaggs, who posted the video short. She can be heard in the background telling her dog “Sadie, nobody cares.” Her lack of enthusiasm towards her dogs reaction is like many a parent’s to their kid’s tantrums, they get so used to it that after awhile they pay it no mind!

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VIDEO: When Their Favorite Teacher’s Hearse Pulls Up His Students Do Something Totally Unexpected!

Amazing teachers who work hard to truly affect and change the lives of their pupils are hard to come by. Dawson Tamatea was one of the few who impacted his students and achieved such results. He worked at Palmerston North Boy’s High School in New Zealand as a math and physical education teacher. Mr. Tamatea’s career began back in 1986 when he first started at the school and continued all the way up to the present until he recently passed away.

Upon his passing, the all boys school was closed for half a day so that the staff and students could be present at his funeral. Hundreds of people including many alumni gathered at the cemetery to honor and remember their beloved teacher. When the hearse arrived the boys stood ready to perform a haka as a final farewell to Mr. Tamatea.

Their tribute was the traditional ancestral war cry of the Maori people who live in New Zealand. It is known as a haka which is an ancient ritual that involves energetic movements, stomping feet, and clapping hands, all in rhythm to the shouts of the war cry.

The sight and sound of all the boys performing the haka for their teacher is powerful, loud, and moving. The emotional scene is clear proof that Mr. Tamatea was a legendary mentor, friend, and teacher in the eyes of everyone gathered there to bid him one final farewell that day.

The school originally posted the video on their YouTube channel PNBHS, and wrote “We are extremely proud of our boy’s performance and we know that Mr. Tamatea would be too.” After viewing their haka tribute, one can only agree with the school’s statement, those boys should be nothing but proud of their moving and traditional final presentation.

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