These Japanese Bathrooms Are Extremely Different From Ours But Their Design Is Actually Brilliant

Japanese culture is known for having some of the most innovative and high tech product designs and ideas. They are always coming up with new cutting edge technologies and have been world leaders when it comes to producing highly efficient and quality made gadgets, cars, furniture, appliances, and even robots.

One surprising area that proves the scope of their unique innovation skills happens to be in the humble old bathroom! Japanese bathrooms exist on a wholly different level than their western counterparts. They have many unique and advanced features that are simple and yet they make a lot more sense to have on hand.

In this video an adorable little Japanese girl named Aiko gives a tour of her bathroom and shows off all the upgraded perks it has to offer. The video is called “12 reasons why Japanese bathrooms are the best!” and you’ll realize that is an appropriate title once you watch it.

In the comments under the video the girl’s father further explains the video and bathroom, and responds to inquiries made about it. He says it is pretty much what a standard Japanese bathroom looks like, and it’s even a little old perhaps. He also mentions what it takes, and how long it takes, to clean the space because apparently people were very interested in that aspect.

There is a lot more information in the video and this is something you truly have to see for yourself in order to get an idea of how awesome the Japanese bathrooms are. Check it out and compare your own bathroom to the one shown; which one would you rather have?

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THIS 2 Week Old Pup Howls For The 1st Time Ever. Now Watch His Proud Mama’s Funny Reaction!

Do you know when you giggle the deepest, soul-filling laugh that makes you feel like a little kid and you can’t control it? That’s the kind of giggle this video provides. In just twenty short seconds an effing adorable puppy gains a little more communication with the world.

He starts the ascent of his hoot with innocent little grumbles and whines. Then he notices what happens when he opens his mouth. He is so impressed with himself that he belts it out from the bottom of his lungs. He falls out of howl when he runs out of air, and no sooner than his next breath is it he at it again.

This Alaskan Malamute is only fourteen days old and sounds almost like a cat meowing. His short howl meanders into barks and then mama dog succinctly tells him to pipe it down. He responds with whimpers and retaliation, which leads to the gang chiming in. It’s funny how as pet owner’s, we bark when our dogs do. Who’s really in charge?

I love videos like this that are short little uplifts to your day. They come in with a jolt of impact and when it’s over you’re left with reassurance that the world is all kinds of beautiful. Cute baby animals lift the spirits of every being they come in contact with, creating joy and laughter for people throughout the earth and in the endless realms of the interwebs.

The cuteness of the baby animal is so powerful, it holds the very fabric of human society in a higher state of vibration through welcomed psychological manipulations, exercised through very large, round heads and relatively enormous eyes. Thank you, cute baby animals!

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They Start Blowing Bubbles At This Chameleon. His Reaction is an Unexpected Surprise!

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If you have had a rough day up to this point, have no fear, for Laura the chameleon is here! She has come to pop the bubble of your sadness. By popping bubbles! I can honestly say that I have never seen a chameleon popping bubbles. It is not something I would have ever expected to see, or thought about the possibility of seeing, but it has now been seen.

No one can take that away from me, I will always be able to know that I lived a good life, for I have seen a chameleon pop bubbles. This may come as a shock to you. A lizard popping bubbles is quite disquieting, kind of like pigs flying. The phrase could just as soon gone “when chameleons pop bubbles”.

Well guess what, pigs are transported via aircraft every day and we are sitting here watching a video of a lizard popping bubbles. What an incredible feat. Those lizard feet are not designed to pop anything, they are solely for hanging on to trees and climbing branches.

Anything outside of the realm of locomotion shows incredible advancement in the lizards primary forebrain. It is impossible to say for certain, but it is safe to say that Laura may be the most intelligent lizard on the planet, maybe even of all time.

It will take some more tests, likely involving larger bubbles coming at more divergent angles simultaneously, but we will find out the truth. If Laura is as intelligent as she claims to be, we may have an entirely new species of lizard, the likes of which have never been seen on planet Earth.

Let us know what you think!

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They Called Her Fat and Laughed At Her In The Gym. Her Response Is Just Epic!

The majority of women, especially in the United States, have some kind of issue with their body. We look at ourselves in the mirror and dissect our imperfections, wishing we looked different. Women think their bellies are flabby, arms are too thick, legs are pushed together, ass is too flat, too wide, their breasts are too small, too saggy. The list goes on and on.

We base our criticisms on what we have been shown by the media to be beautiful. Tiny, anorexic, airbrushed models, waxed with precision, with symmetrical features and a face full of make up. So what happens when we realize that the perfect we’ve been taught isn’t perfect after all? We begin to love ourselves for what we are.

That is exactly what Loey Lane has done in her plus-size swimwear fashion show. She filmed two minutes and seven outfits narrated by her words of love for herself. She confesses that she struggled with her weight and eating disorders, but has now overcome by choosing to be proud of who she is.

She focuses on her positive attributes and not what other people think she should be. Loey knows her body is strong and healthy and she sees the beauty in that. Her message is inspiring for all. But why not take it even further? Women should challenge themselves daily to push the limits of what has been deemed socially acceptable regarding our bodies.

Why are we pulling all of our hair out or shaving it off? Men aren’t required to do that. Why are we covering our faces with chemicals and colors to disguise our features and skin? Why do we strap a tight band around our rib cage and straps over our shoulders in attempt to conquer what is inevitable?

Why have we not questioned the confinement we’ve been trapped in? This video is a step in that direction, a breath of fresh air. As long as we support and encourage all the Loey Lane’s out there, women will be dancing in elegant freedom before we know it.

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She Places Marbles Inside This Sticky Mixture. But When She’s Done It’s Unexpectedly Brilliant!

It’s spring and almost summertime! Time to fill yourself with the life that is thriving everywhere. Fresh food, bright colors, vibrant cocktails, and sunshine are all in abundance this time of year. You can bring the spirit of summer into your home with fun do-it-yourself crafts like the one in this video.

It’s super easy to make these beach reminiscent coasters at home with just a couple simple materials and a little bit of time. You can even get creative and make whatever design you can imagine.

First, you start with a silicone coaster mold. Fill the molds with floral stones, of whatever color variety you choose, to decide how many stones you need for each mold. In the video she uses yellow, green, and blue, but you could use whatever colors you like or arrange them together to make multi-colored coasters.

Once you have your designs, remove the stones from the molds to get ready for the mixing of your concrete or cement. Follow the instructions on the package that you purchased. You will be mixing a number of parts concrete to the necessary parts of water.

For example, in this video she uses one part water to four parts cement, which she translated to a quarter cup of water to one cup of powder. Mix the concrete and pour just enough into the molds to cover the bottoms. Then, place your stones in your desired design and press them into place. Let the concrete dry and pop out your new coasters! These can also be used as colored tiles to spruce up your patio.

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He Bust THIS Guilty Dog and Threatens To Tell Her Daddy. The Dog’s Reaction Is PRICELESS!

If ever there was a picture of regret, this is it. This dog got caught red handed, and he knew it. When the video began, I thought it was just another dog shaming video, but what the dog did next had me laughing hysterically.

After going through the normal guilt and shame sequences, the apologetic pup began to use more advanced techniques. He slithered over to his human friend who was communicating with him about what might happen when the dog’s dad gets home.

After he failed to win his forgiveness with some gentle nuzzles, he pulls out the big guns. Flipping over and exposing his tender underbelly, he goes for the classic upside down and backwards lick of the lower face. Even this doesn’t work, but he does not give up. Repeating the motions, he tries and tries again to bribe him into giving forgiveness, but to no avail. At the end, all he can do is sadly wait until his dad gets home.

It is amazing how well these two beings are able to communicate in just this short span of time. The dog is able to understand every word and inflection of his voice, reacting in time with the subtle nuances of the human language and voice. Each day we interact and communicate with our wonderful pets, and they give us unconditional love whenever we are around them, and they certainly think of us when we are gone.

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Woman Places An Ice Cube On This Spot Of Her Neck For A Month. I Had No Idea It Would Do THIS

For as long as man has existed on earth he has been searching for a fountain of youth. The world has been searched over for some secret, powerful, life enhancing elixir that could make humans healthy and ageless. Today there are areas of medicine and science devoted to studying and searching for the right chemicals, plant extracts, and other combinations that can enhance beauty, turn back the effects of aging, and cure us of any and all ills.

Companies tout the latest and greatest breakthroughs and sell all sorts of creams, serums, crystals, magnets, and so on to consumers eager to snap them up. Most of these things promise the world but don’t work as hoped for. There is an easier, more affordable, and all natural way to heal and refresh your body. All it requires is that every day you lay on your tummy.

Place an ice cube at the base of your skull on your neck (see the point on the neck shown in the video), and allow it to rest there for 20 minutes. Do this in the morning on an empty stomach and before you go to sleep. It has been said that this technique can provide a variety of benefits to your body, as well as boost your mood and mental health.

After consistent use for a month potential health benefits include improved digestion and sleep, reduced thyroid issues and PMS symptoms, cure common colds, alleviate headaches or toothaches, and reduce overall risks associated with lung and cardiovascular diseases.

This alternative method dates back to ancient Chinese medicine and pressure points. The point it centers around is where your skull and neck meet, which is known as the Feng Fu. Many people report feeling younger, energized, and full of life after doing this everyday. Perhaps this simple practice is the way to go when trying to stay healthy and clean. Plus, there’s no harm in trying!

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Nobody Believed Him When Described His Dog’s Morning Ritual So He Got A Camera and Caught THIS

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Mornings can be just as hard on dogs as they are on some humans. No sane person or animal wants to willingly throw back the covers and get up out of a warm, cozy, perfectly slept in bed. This is especially true when you don’t really have to get up for awhile and want to stay comfy and keep on snoozing.

Unfortunately, sometimes our fellow sleeping partners make it impossible to get back into that zen state in which you were just basking, and that makes some of us really grumpy.

That’s exactly the case in this adorable yet strange video from Rumble Viral. It stars Buddha the Bulldog, a big white and wrinkly ball of joy, who does not want to roll out of bed. Much to his dislike, his parental units try to wake him from his deep slumber. He whines and groans in protest and sounds nothing like a dog at all.

The weird noises emanating from his mouth and chest are more alien than canine, but a cute, sweet alien and not some nasty, mean one. Buddha’s lazy grumbling makes his human friends smile and laugh as they record him, but that just pisses him off even more. It’s bad enough that they have already rudely awoken him, but laughing is going to far.

As Buddha gets up he lashes out a paw and slaps his male human in the face, serving him up some dog-style justice. That will teach him to never mess with a sleeping dog, especially this one. No…but seriously, this dog is too cute and his unique noises are almost too much. Buddha definitely wins the top spot for being the sweetest grump.

Check him and his odd noises out if you want to smile! 🙂

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