Is Your Brain More Female or Male?


The sperm meets the egg and a life is formed. Will the fetus be male or female? Although the human sex ratio is roughly one male to every one female, the line may not be so black and white. The personalities of the sexes can vary drastically. Some men are very masculine, some very feminine, and there is the whole spectrum in between. This is the case for woman as well.

It gets even more blurry when considering the typical roles that have been placed on the genders by society. If a lumber jack likes to cook and sew, is he less of a man? What if a stay-at-home mom likes to work on cars? Does that make her manly? The contemporary openness of sexual preference now has us even more confused about gender identity. Men like men, women like women. Men want to be women and vice versa. Every possible combination has been explored. It’s becoming more and more obvious that at the core, humans are made of the same essence.

We are androgynous and we are capable. Aside from obvious physiological restrictions, there is nothing that a man can do that can not be accomplished by a woman and the opposite is also true. So, what’s left now except to break down all the walls of sexual expectation? Let the dads stay at home with the kids while the moms work hard all day to support the family. Encourage the teenagers to wear each other’s clothes and cut their hair in ways that make it hard to tell what they’re hiding in their pants.

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Choose A Tree And See What It Reveals About You

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Do you think that someone can tell you something about yourself just by which tree you choose out of a series of images? There is only one way to find out! At the beginning of this quiz, you might be skeptical, but I took it myself and found it to be scary accurate. How could they possibly know this much about me? I chose quickly, trying not to overthink it like I normally do.

I picked the one I was naturally most drawn to, without thinking about what that choice might mean in the results. Guess what! It turns out the quiz knows that I like to have fun, which is shocking because very few people know that about me. I keep my fun loving ways under wraps, trying instead to keep my mirth buried under a layer of possible displeasure. I like to leave open the possibility that I may not be pissed off, just for the comfort of those around me. If I just expressed my inner joy all the time, people would get really sick of me. They might feel worse about their own situation if they think mine is better, so I wear an average mood face. I’ve noticed that trees do the same thing sometimes. I can never tell for certain if the great oak that stands at the edge of the field by my house is in a good mood or not. I often think I am certain that I caught a smile, or heard a bit of a giggle, but then I’ll feel like the gentle being is scowling. Friendly tree, though, always willing to listen while shading me from the hot summer sun and offering great support. For my back, certainly, but also emotionally. What gentle creatures are the trees, exhaling oxygen for us to inhale, while we exhale carbon dioxide for them to inhale. Our breath is one, as we grow from the same earth, and in the end, return to the same earth.

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This Teacher Starts Yelling and Abusively Mocking A Little Girl In Class. Her Response? Epic

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I bet this teacher did not expect this little girl to respond like this! When I saw how she responded after he berated her and poked her in the head multiple times, I literally started clapping! At first, I just felt bad for her. The teacher was in a foul mood and was letting her have it.

She might have known the answers, but he never even gave her a chance to respond. He kept berating her until she just couldn’t take it anymore, and then he pushed it over the line by poking her in the head, I suppose for emphasis.

At that point, she had gone beyond what she could withstand. She had been publicly humiliated for long enough, and who knows how long she was up there before one of her fellow students started filming. I bet that student had no idea what he or she was about to capture on film for the world to see. Once she had enough, she let him have it. She knocked his hand away from her head and gave him a swift kick right where it counts.

She showed her street smarts by then running for the door, while he crumpled to the floor whimpering. Now it’s his turn to be embarrassed as this video goes viral and is spread all over the interwebs. He won’t soon forget this lesson, one that she taught him while he thought he was teaching her.

Next time he considers berating a student and poking them in the head, I bet he’ll think twice and use a more subtle method of teaching. Maybe his students will learn better now that he has learned this valuable lesson.

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This Pup Sees A Ball Pit For The First Time. His Reaction Is Priceless!

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If you’ve ever experienced a ball pit then you know how this adorable French Bulldog feels. The first time you jump into a box filled with thousands of small plastic balls is a feeling like no other. You instantly have the urge to flail about and bury yourself in them and because there are so many that is inevitably what happens!

The little black French Bulldog in this video got a taste of the fast food play life when he was given a couple of kiddie pools filled with the colorful balls to play in. He romps around from one to the other wildly, like a little kid on a sugar high, and he just can’t seem to get enough.

The dog is clearly overjoyed with his new playthings and his face shines with that happy, delighted type of look only a dog can make. He’s so worked up by the ball pits that he can barely catch his breath! One of his doggy friends can also be seen following him around, back and forth between the tubs full of balls.

That white and gray furred pup seems a little more apprehensive about jumping into the balls and is content to stand on the sidelines and watch Frenchy play.

If you need to smile, or make someone else smile and cheer them up, send them this video. It should do the trick and will lighten up anyone’s bad day, a least just a little smile 🙂

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There’s A New Danger At The Beaches This Year. It Looks Stunning But It Could Kill You!

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What a cool looking creature! Turns out, the man o’ war is not a jellyfish, but actually a colony of little sneaksters that are attached and integrated so thoroughly that they can not live by themselves. At the surface of the ocean, the man o’ war floats through life, moving only by the force of currents and tides.

Strong winds may push them into bays and beaches, where they should be only looked upon and with caution. Where there is one man o’ war, there is many, but often an entire beach will be closed after the sighting of just one.  Recently there has been a massive increase in numbers of Portuguese Man O’ War from Delaware to New York. Watch the video below to learn more about the risks and what to do if you come into contact with one.

When I was in sixth grade I spent a week in West Palm Beach, Florida with my friend and her dad. We stayed in a hotel on the beach where we spent everyday from sunrise to sunset in the outdoor pool. Entering the sunshine state mid Northeast Winter, we grew layers of blistering sun burns in the first part of the week.

We were so heat exhausted that my friend was vomiting up her daily grilled cheeses in the groomed poolside plants, and her father’s concern was that we were spending too much time in the pool, so he sent us to the beach. My friend and I reluctantly approached the beautiful ocean water and were delighted when we learned it was many degrees more comfortable than the Atlantic we were familiar with.

Promptly, I was thrashed with a wave across the face, which knocked my child body to the ground to be pummeled by undertow and exasperation. Then I felt it! An electric shock like whip along the side of my arm. I struggled to catch my breath through the inhaled salt water and looked down to see my forearm and hand red and inflamed.

My friend and I made our way back to the hotel pool where the lifeguard confirmed I had been stung by a man o’ war. The hero then sprayed my arm with cologne to soothe the welts and told us to go swim in pool.

Enjoy the beach this summer, but always stay aware of your surroundings.  Keep your eye out for these beautiful but dangerous and potentially deadly creatures.

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This Teenage Boy Is Crippled With Chronic Back Pain Until The Chiropractor Does THIS

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Imagine what your life would be like without the ability to use your spine. Your vertebrae contain the cord which provides function to all of your body through your nerves. If just one place in your spine is out of alignment even slightly, the result can be loss of operation of numerous body parts.

For example, an injury to the lower spine can cause difficulty using the legs, damage to the mid-back will effect function of any or all of the organs and upper spine trauma creates trouble in the shoulders and arms. After seventeen year old Muntathar was bed ridden with back pain for three months from pulling out a tree root, he finally found a doctor who wasn’t afraid to help him heal.

The young man could not stand up straight, walk with or feel any sensation in his right leg. It was difficult for him to eat, sleep and he was so hopeless that he wanted to die. Mun traveled from the United States to Gonstead Chiropractic in Australia to under go seven days of miracle work.

X-rays that were taken of Mun’s body revealed that his sacroiliac joint was not functioning properly, which likely is the reason he could not use his leg. This is where Dr. Ian began his manipulations and even just light touches to Mun’s body were extremely painful.

While laying on the doctor’s table in a twisted position, the skilled hero applied quick and firm pressure to move the bones in Mun’s lower back. Only a few minutes later, the patient could feel sensation and even begin to bare weight on his leg.

Subsequent adjustments to Mun’s neck and entire spine, slowly allowed him more movement and a straight back. With time, he even returned to his normal height! Sometimes when we are just about to give up, the magical cure sweeps in at just the right time.

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This Is The Secret Trick To Whistling Louder Than Anyone! I’m So Happy I Finally Learned THIS

Have you ever wanted to be able to whistle like a professional and make brilliant, sharp, high pitched sounds? Perhaps you are one of those people who already know how to make loud noises by slightly altering and controlling the airflow out of your mouth.

If so, count yourself lucky and part of the minority because whistling is a dying art. These days you rarely see, or rather hear, anyone whistling by hand except for in the movies. Most whistling is now done with the aid of a metal or plastic instrument.

These devices are commonly beloved by gym teachers worldwide and carried on key chains by women who are marketed them as rape whistles. This tutorial is aimed at the people who can only manage a pathetic blowing sound, and who spit more than whistle when attempting to do so. For those of us who have yet to master the art of whistling, despair not, because this video from the YouTube channel Art of Manliness shows us how it’s done.

Brett McKay is the bearded gentleman who walks through the steps that are required to produce a strong bodied, intense, and flavorful whistle. He has two different ways to go about this. The first way he covers involves two hands, while the second technique is a slightly more advanced one-handed whistle.

Both methods are the types of things which are best learned by watching other people demonstrate how to do them. Check out the video to see how to whistle with your own two hands. Who knows, maybe you will even master the ever elusive, always sought after, loud as hell whistle.

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These Japanese Bathrooms Are Extremely Different From Ours But Their Design Is Actually Brilliant

Japanese culture is known for having some of the most innovative and high tech product designs and ideas. They are always coming up with new cutting edge technologies and have been world leaders when it comes to producing highly efficient and quality made gadgets, cars, furniture, appliances, and even robots.

One surprising area that proves the scope of their unique innovation skills happens to be in the humble old bathroom! Japanese bathrooms exist on a wholly different level than their western counterparts. They have many unique and advanced features that are simple and yet they make a lot more sense to have on hand.

In this video an adorable little Japanese girl named Aiko gives a tour of her bathroom and shows off all the upgraded perks it has to offer. The video is called “12 reasons why Japanese bathrooms are the best!” and you’ll realize that is an appropriate title once you watch it.

In the comments under the video the girl’s father further explains the video and bathroom, and responds to inquiries made about it. He says it is pretty much what a standard Japanese bathroom looks like, and it’s even a little old perhaps. He also mentions what it takes, and how long it takes, to clean the space because apparently people were very interested in that aspect.

There is a lot more information in the video and this is something you truly have to see for yourself in order to get an idea of how awesome the Japanese bathrooms are. Check it out and compare your own bathroom to the one shown; which one would you rather have?

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