If You Spot a Plastic Bag With Water Inside Above Somebody’s Door It Means THIS

Now that the warm, beautiful weather is finally upon us, many of the annoying bugs and insects are coming out of the woodwork in droves. Summer season is bug season and that means mosquitoes, gnats, flies, ants, wasps, and thousands of other different types of bugs are active. They can quickly ruin a fun outdoor picnic or turn a BBQ into a disaster by swarming and biting guests, getting into the food, and just making life miserable in general!

Many people turn to insect repellents, bug zappers, and fly swatters but all of these devices have a very limited effect. Lots of bugs manage to fly right by and avoid them all together. However, there is an alternative way to get rid of pesky unwanted insects that’s much more simple and affordable than any of the aforementioned tactics.

The following method that’s covered in this video offers you a completely safe and environmentally friendly way to create a no-fly, bug free zone in a matter of seconds. All that it requires is the following items :

1 clear plastic sandwich bag
a few shiny pennies
2.5 cups of water
1 teaspoon of table salt
2-4 squirts of lime juice

Start by mixing together the water, salt, and lime juice in a bowl. Take the plastic sandwich bag and fill it three quarters of the way with this solution before dropping in a few pennies. Seal the bag up securely and hang it near wherever you plan on spending time.

You can nail the bag to a fence, pin it up in the doorway, hang it from a tree, basically whatever you do will work fine so long as the baggy is elevated and able to catch the light. Also, the lime juice and salt are there to ensure that the pennies stay extra shiny, so if you don’t have any on hand you can skip them but make sure you use the shiniest pennies you can find!

This simple bug deterrent has been used for years by people who know about it because it works really well. The strung up pennies submerged in water actively reflect light which creates prisms in the air that flicker and move all about. While people are unable to see these prisms, flies and other bugs can see them and steer clear of the light. It’s believed that the reflected light scares them off by making it hard for them to focus.

They’re also tricked into thinking that there’s water in the air and thus avoid the area around the bag to keep from getting wet and going blind. In addition to pennies in a bag, old CDs hung from a tree also work just as well since they too reflect light.

One last thing worth mentioning is always remember to take down the plastic bags and dispose them properly when you’re all done using them. You don’t want to litter and the bags can be dangerous, even fatal, to animals who come across them and mistakenly ingest them thinking that they’re food…

In the end, the plastic bag and pennies work to effectively create an invisible barrier that no flying insects are willing to cross. Try it the next time you have a BBQ or party outside and feel free to share this helpful tip and pass it along!

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If You Ever Spot Coins On Somebody’s Gravestone It Means THIS

Image via: facebook.com/DaveMalenfant

The national and state veterans cemeteries that dot America are special, sacred places. Burial there is reserved for the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives while serving in the military. If you’ve ever visited one of these veterans cemeteries before then you may have noticed coins left atop the stone markers, and if you are not in the military then you likely wondered what it all means.

Coins that have been left on or around gravestones indicate that someone stopped by to visit and pay their respects to the deceased buried there. Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters are each representative of different meanings. Depending on the denomination, the presence of each type of coin sends its own distinct message, but they all tell the soldier’s family and loved ones that someone stopped by.

Leaving a penny atop a grave means that someone visited to pay their respect, while nickels are left to signify the visitor trained at boot camp with the deceased. Leaving a dime at a grave means the visitor served with them at some point or in some capacity. A quarter left on a stone marker is symbolic of the fact that whoever left it was with the soldier when they were killed.

While the practice of leaving coins on military graves dates back to the Roman Empire, it’s a relatively recent occurrence here in America. It began in the mid 1960s when people started leaving coins at cemeteries during the Vietnam war as a way to show that they had visited a soldier’s grave.

At that time the country was torn and divided by the hugely unpopular war. Rather than contacting a soldier’s family directly, and risking either upsetting or getting into an argument with them, visitors chose to simply leave coins to communicate the fact they’d been there.

The tradition has been carried on over the years and it’s proven to be beneficial for everyone. At national and state veteran cemeteries the coins are collected annually and the money is used to pay for the upkeep and maintenance of the grounds.

Some of it goes toward paying and covering the burial costs of indigent veterans. Visitors are able to pay their respect and let the deceased’s family know that they stopped by. Memories are shared, healing occurs, and people feel better about the past. All of this is possible with the simple act of marking your remembrance with a coin, and that’s beautiful.

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Bring Your Palms Into This Position If These 2 Lines Touch It Means THIS!

Have you ever wondered what the future may hold in store for you? The answer may be right in the palm of your hand- literally..

For the past several thousand years the art of palmistry has been used to both interpret and predict the fortunes, futures, and fates of people all over the world. The practice is rooted in Hindu astrology where it originated, and involves reading the many different lines and features on the palms of our hands.

You can learn many interesting things about your love life and relationships, even the time frame for when you can expect to get married. Two lines in particular are linked to love and marriage and in the accompanying video psychologist and therapist Ellen Goldberg goes over everything you need to know about them. One line is found on the Mount of Venus which is located right below the thumb, near the base of the hand.

The second line is found under the pinkie, on the Mount of Mercury, and is also known as the lines of affection. To determine exactly where they are refer to the video and keep in mind that each hand needs to be consulted. Look at your dominant hand to see your past and what the future holds, and refer to your passive hand when it comes to matters of personality, character traits, and other similar types of attributes.

Even though palmistry has endured throughout the ages, and even thrived at different times in history, today most people view it as pseudo-science and quickly dismiss it as superstitious beliefs. Part of this skepticism stems from the fact that people don’t truly understand it.

Instead, they only know what they see in the media where it has been wrongly portrayed in the countless books, movies, and TV shows that touch upon it. So take a moment to enlighten yourself and really learn more about it here and now because it’s fascinating to know that there are hints buried in the palms of your hands which can reveal hidden truths about what your future holds.

Read your own palms here and now, without going to a palm reader, by simply following along with the video and see what your lines reveal. Share this with friends and family, then try reading their palm lines. It’s really fun and you may just learn something about them.

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Rude Crowd Disrespects THIS Tomb. How The Guard Reacts To Them Is EPIC

There is something really awe-inspiring about viewing the changing of the guard at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA.  It takes place at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which is commemorated to the men and women who gave their lives for the United States, and died without their remains being identified.

The changing of the guard is an austerely choreographed series of steps and movements that  include the juxtaposition of the soldier’s rifle.  The actions of the soldier alternate between sharp sounds and silence.  The silence is both an act of respect for the fallen soldiers, and required for the majesty of the movements.

After each change is finished, the ceremony goes on, alternating between regimented walking and stillness.   Salutation of the tomb occurs before the soldiers fall into step, after replacing the sentinel who finishes his duty.  This exchange goes on throughout the day, as the monument is always guarded.

Being a guard is taken quite seriously by those who are honored to do the job.  They expect silence by visitors who come to watch the ceremony.  On the particular day, that you are about to watch on the video below, the visitors did not follow the required rules of silence.  Watch what happens as they rudely disregard the seriousness of viewing this cemetery.  They clearly get the message from the guard, who is astounded by the lack of respect.  Let us know what you think about this most unexpected moment.

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Can You Find The Hidden Cell Phone? Most People Can’t.

At first glance nothing about the photograph below of a table sitting on a rug sticks out. The white end table is basic and plain, whereas the black and white floral patterned carpet is detailed and kind of busy. They go together well but there’s nothing all that exciting or different about the picture.

However, as the age-old saying goes, looks can be deceiving! There is actually a very common object hidden somewhere in this photo. Look closely and see if you can spot the cell phone. It’s there right in front of your eyes, hiding in plain sight. Can you spot it!?

This picture has been making the rounds online because it has managed to stump so many people all over the world. In fact, the majority of people who attempt to find the mobile phone simply end up staring at the image in vain. They just cannot detect where it is because it blends in so smoothly with the background!

Don’t worry if it takes you longer than you ever expected to find it, or can’t detect it at all. In a way, this image search is similar to when you misplace something and go crazy looking all around for it, just to find out that the whole entire time it was right in front of your face! Here’s a hint if you need one: the cell phone is near the right table leg.

Check it out and look to see whether or not you’re able to spot the cell phone. Good luck!

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Can You Find All 6 Hidden Words In This Picture?

The world today is oftentimes hectic and chaotic. People rush around and go from one thing to the next without stopping to take a breather for themselves. It can easily become overwhelming and that is why it’s so important that we all set aside some time for ourselves where we can just relax and take our minds off of the things that worry us.

While a little rest and relaxation is just what we need and sounds absolutely wonderful, it can be difficult to truly calm your thoughts and mind. Our brains are always running and if they aren’t engaged in doing something enjoyable, they will wander elsewhere. As it turns out, you can train your mind to slow down and one of the best ways to unwind is by doing interactive search puzzles.

Puzzles help keep our brain, mind, and thoughts centered on the task in front of us. Just like when you read a book or paint a picture, they require focus and concentration. Multiple studies have been conducted which prove that puzzle solving works to promote our overall well being and mental health. They keep us sharp and on point, hone our logic and reasoning skills, and give us a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction when we complete them.

With that in mind, take a moment to unwind with this quick and easy hidden word picture puzzle. There are 6 hidden words somewhere in the drawing below of a family painting their house. The image has been turned into a video and the challenge here is to find all six words within the allotted amount of limited time. Don’t begin looking until you press play and after that you’ll have exactly one minute and six seconds to find all six words. See if you can spot them all and good luck!

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Can You Find The 6 Hidden Words In This Vacation Scene?

If you are in need of a fun distraction then look no further! This hidden picture puzzle is the perfect thing to keep your mind and eyes busy for a minute or two.

The cartoon drawing of a father fishing with his two children below has six words concealed somewhere within it. The strategically hidden words all relate to the vacation scene in one way or another and depending on how fast you pick up on them this could take you six seconds or six minutes to solve!

The G-rated cartoon drawing featured below contains a total of six words that are hidden somewhere within it. They have all been strategically concealed in the cheery picture of two children fishing off a dock alongside their father who’s relaxing and reading a book.

Each word is related directly to the vacation scene depicted here in one way or another and while some may stand out to you, a few will take some searching to find! Depending on how fast you pick up on them all, this may take you five seconds or five minutes to solve. See how quickly you’re able to complete the challenge.

Illustrations like this are great for passing the time and keeping yourself or anyone else, especially young kids, occupied. Pass it along, and test yourself to see if you can find all six hidden words!

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What Decade Do You Actually Belong In?

image via – youtube.com

Each decade of American history can be summed up by its own characteristics. The events that happened and the way people lived and dressed contributed to the overall memory of the time period. Different fads came and went, language was used and forgot, and daily habits that were the norm formed what life was like back then and how we view the decade now.

Is your personality more in tune with one of the classic eras than modern times? The 1930s were mostly consumed by the Great Depression after the largest stock market crash in US history in 1929. The fall of Wall Street resulted in extensive unemployment and poverty which fostered thrifty people, who were forced to make do with what they had. With World War II taking up the first half of the 1940s, Americans experienced a boost in economy, and even community morale.

This lead to the rise of swing and artists like Frank Sinatra allowed reprieve from underlying tensions of the country. By the time the 1950s came around, the second world war had ended, but conflict in social systems brought about the Cold War and a widespread adverse opinion toward communism. In the 1960s people had enough of all the rivalry, so they rebelled with psychedelics and activism, preaching peace and love for all of human kind.

This attitude brought about the radical changes of the 1970s, such as increases in women’s rights as employees, multiple lunar landings and the achievement of in-vitro fertilization. The 1980s were, therefore, a time to celebrate. Bright colors, goofy pants, and extravagant dancing were due for the time of prosper. This expression continued into the 1990s as grunge, raves, hip hop and the internet paved the way to the new millennium.

Which decade did you get? let us know in the comments below

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