What Does The Heart Line On Your Hand Reveal About Your Life?

A. A heart line that starts below the middle finger signifies that you are an independent, rational, and intelligent person. You aspire to become the natural leader you were born to be and you make smart decisions. You may be inclined towards material things and can be insensitive or cold to others and those you love.

B. A heart line that ends between your middle and index fingers means you are compassionate, kind, trustworthy, and easily give your heart to others. You make common sense decisions and are also careful, sometimes even hesitant, when there are other people involved.

C. The heart line below your index finger means you are content with your normal love life.

D. The heart line that arcs between your index finger and thumb means you are caring, patient, have good intentions and a warm heart.

Palmistry is an ancient art whose roots have been traced back several thousand years to India, where it was born from Hindu astrology and first mentioned in the Chinese book the I Ching. It quickly spread all over Asia and Europe, whereupon Aristotle took an interest in it and passed the knowledge on to Alexander the Great. The King often used it to judge the character of his officers and would closely read the lines of their palms.

The practice has since endured throughout the ages. Today, most people view it as pseudo-science and are quick to dismiss it as superstitious beliefs. Part of why people are so skeptical is that they don’t truly understand it.

They only know what they see in the media, and it has been wrongly portrayed in the many books, films, and TV shows that touch upon it. If you are further interested in the subject, this video does an excellent job at describing what the lines and patterns of your heart line signify.

Turn over your dominant hand and look at your palm facing up. The heart line usually starts from between the base of your index finger and the middle finger, and runs across to the edge of the hand, ending on the side of the palm.

If it is deep, well-defined, and unbroken it means you are better at dealing with emotional things. If there are no stray lines running to or from it, that’s a sign you’re a private person. It is all very fascinating how the heart line can signal different things about your life, personality, specific traits, and overall character.

It’s amazing and awesome to think that there are hints buried in the palm of your hand which can reveal hidden truths and what your future holds! There is a whole wealth of information and many more details covered in the video.

Check it out and compare your own hand closely to the one being demonstrated on in the clip. Share this with your friends and family and try reading their heart lines, it’s really fun and you may just learn something about them.

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This Guy Is About To Take A Selfie But Keep Your Eye On The Surprise Dog Behind Him!

Sometimes, our pets feel like they are missing out. They see us doing something that they really like, and they want to be a part of it. Sometimes your dog might become the “monkey in the middle” while you are throwing a ball with a family member.

You might be swimming and your dog is begging to be allowed to join. These are common occurrences and would not surprise anyone. Little did we know, at least some of our pets have noticed our technology.

You want proof? Check out this video, where we find a dog who is most certainly interested in taking a selfie. At first, it isn’t clear that he knows what is going on. He may just be reacting to his owner paying attention to him. Maybe he thinks the phone is a treat.

But then, the dog does something that makes it very clear he knows exactly what is going on. He seems to be focused on his reflection in the camera, and he carefully lines his head up perfectly to get the best selfie ever.

The dog’s human seems to know the dog will do this, which implies this dogs does this consistently. That means the dog knows something about what’s going on with the phone, although how much he knows is impossible to say.

What can be said is that this dog really wants to take a selfie and is a natural actor. He could be the next James Dean with chops like that. Move over, George Clooney, there’s a new leading man in town!

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THIS Is How Pickpockets Use New Technology To Rob You Without Even Getting Inside Your Pocket

Thieves are constantly evolving their methods and finding different ways to steal from unsuspecting victims. The modern way in which a pickpocket can rip you off is completely hands off and they don’t even have to reach into your purse or pocket to steal from you. The latest tool in a fraudsters bag of dirty tricks takes advantage of the newest forms of technology.

It’s called wireless identity theft, or RFID identity theft, and it’s done by using wireless radio frequency mechanics. If you have a credit card that has the radio frequency symbol located on it (see video), it means that it’s RFID enabled. All you have to do is wave the card near a scanner to instantly pay for a purchase and complete a transaction, but this convenience comes with increased risks.

It takes just seconds to steal. All a thief has to do is wave a hidden credit card reader, like the ones businesses commonly use, near where they suspect your card is located on your person. The card reader picks up personal information that is stored on the card’s radio frequency identification chip, then all of that encoded information is harvested.

Thieves take this data, which can include a card holder’s name, address, phone and social security number, and other account information, and use it to make unauthorized purchases, or worse. They can steal your identity and even clone card information onto their own cards, so they essentially have a copy of a stolen card that works just like the original.

This type of crime is virtually untraceable and victims have no idea they’re being ripped off until it’s too late. Credit card companies claim that consumer cards are secure and have several built in security features which include protection of the holder’s name and address.

But the journalist investigating found this not to be true. With a co-worker’s permission he electronically pick pocketed their credit card, went online shopping, and used a fake name and address to order a sweatshirt from L.L. Bean which later arrived in the mail. The transaction wasn’t flagged and the credit card company never picked up on it as potentially fraudulent, despite the fact that a fake name and address were used.

There are ways to protect your information, carry a RFID blocking card in your wallet, or request a card that is not RFID enabled. If people are aware of the risks their cards pose they can better protect themselves and possibly avoid the hassle and headache that comes with having a credit card stolen and financial security compromised.

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This Pushy Kitty Tries Waking Up His Sleepy Dog But Instead The Unexpected Happens!

There seems to be some misleading information circling around which posits the belief that cats are not all that affectionate. This false notion is absolutely absurd and nothing could be further from the truth. Cats are incredibly loving, warm, caring, and affectionate all the time towards their human companions, other animals, and each other.

If you need proof of feline affection then look no further than this video. In it a sweet gray cat can be seen snuggling up to his best friend who happens to be a big white sleeping dog. The cat and dog often share the same bed when it comes time for naps, and it looks like the kitty is trying to wake the pup up as he gently paws at his lazy pal.

However, the dog is a heavy sleeper and doesn’t stir no matter what kitty does. Finally, after being absolutely and completely adorable, the cats decides to hunker down next to his best friend and give him a little massage before passing out as well.

The kitty just cannot get enough of the dog and shows his love by trying to get as close as he possibly can to the sleeping giant. If that isn’t love then what is!?

Cats are truly full of positive energy, life, happiness, and more. They often extend these vibes and feelings towards other animals and their human counterparts. A lot of the ways and manners in which they show affection are misunderstood and not recognized by people.

In a way, the signs and behaviors that cats use to communicate their love and emotions are often lost in translation. For example, a cat holding its tail straight up with a curl at the end is showing happiness. If a cat blinks his eyes slowly at you that means he is likely comfortable, relaxed, and loves you.

There are many more signals that indicate different feline feelings, and then there are the behaviors similar to the ones on display in this video. These overt and clear moments of affection between a cat and dog can only mean one thing ~ love!

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Haters Fat Shame This Pregnant Meteorologist. Her Response Is Epic!

Katie Fehlinger, a local Philadelphia television meteorologist for CBS, recently posted on Facebook to address some negative, and disturbing, remarks that she’s received about her appearance. Katie is currently 35 weeks pregnant, which puts her at the 8 month mark, and is carrying twin girls in her bump.

It seems as though some of the stations viewers are unhappy about her pregnant on-air appearances and have taken to social media to air their hateful opinions.

While many people have shown her love and support, a few trolls have been anything but that. Instead, they left hateful comments, calling her a “sausage in casing,” and one even read “sticking your pregnant abdomen out like that is disgusting.” At first she tried to ignore it, but soon it became too much to just brush aside and she was deeply hurt by the comments.

That’s when Katie decided to deal with these insults head on and on Wednesday morning she posted a response on her personal Facebook page. It has since gone viral and has amassed over 70,000 likes, 5,200 shares, and thousands more people have left comments and messages of encouragement as well.

The response has been overwhelming and mothers-to-be everywhere are sending in pictures of their own baby bumps, to show support and stand in solidarity with Katie. She summed up the national response by saying, “this exploded, because this is the most relatable thing in the world.” Keep reading to see the inspiring words of wisdom she wrote:

A message for the haters…
Hey guys! Once more, I have to get something off my chest. So, the nature of my job makes me an easy target for criticism. I will always understand that, and I will most typically just ignore it. However, after someone blatantly called me a “sausage in casing” and another declared that “sticking your pregnant abdomen out like that is disgusting”, I felt a need to draw a line and speak up.

Everyone’s right to their opinion is important, but so are manners. And while rude comments like these will never make me feel the need to change anything about myself, I find a bigger underlying issue here. These particular nasty-grams were directed at a pregnant woman.

So this little manifesto of sorts is dedicated to every mother out there – other pregnant moms-to-be, moms reading this while their toddlers play on the swing set, moms whose kids have long since gone off to college… You are beautiful.

Even during the most uncomfortable – and let’s face it, less than glamorous – symptoms of pregnancy, what women go through to bring their precious children into the world is, simply put, AMAZING and you should be lauded. Frankly, I don’t care how “terrible” or “inappropriate” anyone thinks I look. I will gladly gain 50 pounds & suffer sleepless, uncomfortable nights if it means upping my chances to deliver 2 healthy baby girls. Now it’s about more than aesthetics. I want these babies to have the best start possible. And that hopefully means my belly that “looks like it’s about to explode!” will continue to grow the next few weeks.

I say let’s raise a Shirley Temple to swollen feet, stretch marks, nausea, all the extra pounds and the dark circles! They’re badges of motherhood. And for those of you who think that’s “disgusting”, remember a woman went through the very same thing to bring YOU into the world.

In the meantime, let’s all remember the lesson Mom taught us – if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. Source: Facebook

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She Rubs Alcohol On This $50 Dollar Bill. What She Uncovers Is The Most Unexpected Surprise!

Printed US money has been around for hundreds of years, starting in 1690 when the Massachusetts Bay Colony issued the first paper currency. For the next 173 years there were many types of different monies being printed and used throughout America which inevitably led to confusion and the rapid rise of counterfeit, or fake, currency.

Recognizing the need for a unified and national monetary system, President Lincoln signed the National Banking Act in 1863 which established the federal dollar as America’s one and only official currency. However, this did not deter scam artists in their attempts to beat the system and to this day fake money is being created and put into circulation.

There are all sorts of sophisticated ways to both produce and detect counterfeit money. The most common detection method used by stores is the counterfeit detection pen that you often see cashiers swiping on money.

They are looking to see if a black mark appears, if one does the bill is fake, and no black mark means it’s real. The government is always changing up it’s security features to keep ahead of sophisticated fakes. They use color changing ink, embedded security strips, watermarks, micro-writing, and more to make it as hard as possible to copy and reproduce fake bills.

Even so, many people who try to pass fake money are successful because people accepting it rarely look closely at cash they are given and don’t know what to be looking for. In this video you can see what a counterfeit $50 bill looks like.

It was recorded in Vietnam and at first glance there is nothing inherently obvious that would raise suspicions, especially if it was passed to someone who isn’t familiar with which US president goes on what denomination bill.

That is the main giveaway in the video, as the dollar amounts in all four corners and the written amount were coated to change them from 10 to 50. When the woman applies rubbing alcohol to the money the coating starts to dissolve away and underneath the real $10 bill is revealed.

This goes to show that even simple, fake, counterfeit bills can be easily manipulated to look quite real, especially when an actual lower denomination one is used as a base. People in other countries would have no clue that it’s a fake and even in the US a cashier who is busy and going through the motions likely wouldn’t catch it.

While there is little that the average person can do about this, it’s always smart to keep your eyes on your money, and if you ever do spot counterfeit money report it and don’t try to pass it on!

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Nobody Believed Them When They Described The Puma’s Morning Ritual So They Caught THIS On Video

The little puma cat in this video may appear intimidating and formidable, but when she opens her mouth she becomes anything but that! Her name is Yazhi, she was named after the Native American word which means “little one” in English, and it’s clear to see why.

Yazhi looks so tiny and small in stature for being a member of a big cat family. Pumas are the second largest cat in the Americas and throughout the world they are called many names. In fact their species, P. concolor, holds the Guinness world record for the animal with the greatest number of names, with over forty English ones alone. Several commonly known names include mountain lion, cougar, and panther.

Yazhi is an adorable cat who was hand raised at Paradise Wildlife Park, located in Broxbourne in Hertfordshire, England. The park is a sister site to the Wildlife Heritage Foundation (WHF) which is where Yazhi now resides.

The pretty puma was rejected by her mother shortly after birth and would not have survived without human intervention. WHF staff took her in and nursed her into the healthy, thriving puma we see today. They describe her as extremely playful and rambunctious, and when her keepers go into her enclosure to play with her she gets very excited and absolutely loves interacting with them.

The noises Yazhi makes are common of her species. They are capable of producing a variety of sounds and can purr, chirp, whistle, hiss, and scream. The video is titled “A puma singing” but Yazhi’s song sounds more like she’s half meowing, half squeaking, and maybe even making some low growling noises.

She talks a lot for a puma, they are known to be mostly silent, and it’s likely because she spends a lot of time around noisy talkative humans. Her song is certainly different than any of the sounds a house cat makes and it will put a smile on your face when you hear it!

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If You Notice A Black Line On Your Nail Or Someone Else’s It Means THIS

Hands are possibly the most used human body part of all and because of that they often end up taking quite a beating. Day after day we wash them over and over, sometimes things get smashed into them, and other times we jam them into places like doors and tight cracks!

This inevitably leads to other parts of our hands sustaining damage, especially our nails. When our finger nails sustain trauma they usually turn black or blue from bruising or blood trapped under the nail. However, if you notice a dark spot on your nail, that suddenly appears out of no where and for no apparent reason, you should get it checked out immediately because it may be skin cancer.

That was the case when Melanie Williams went to the doctor to have an odd black spot on her thumb examined. She initially brushed it off as a wart or possible fungal infection but decided to have it looked at just to be safe. About two weeks after it first appeared she went to her doctor, and it’s a good thing she did.

It turned out to be nail cancer, or more specifically melanoma which is a type of skin cancer, and it had to be removed as soon as possible to prevent the cancer from spreading to other parts of her body. She ended up having surgery and lost half of her thumb, but she was lucky that she caught it in time before it got much worse. She shared her story with the world in order to bring increased attention to the subject that not many people are aware of.

There are several things you can look out for, but if you ever suspect you may have nail cancer it’s crucial that you have a doctor check it out right away. Generally speaking, the most commonly affected nails are the thumb and index finger on hands and the big toe on feet. It was also noted in the video that nail cancer is most prevalent in African Americans.

The warning signs to look for include whether or not the stripe is very dark and if it has blurred borders. Also, changes in the appearance of the stripe matter and the patient’s history always comes into play, especially if cancer runs in the family.

When it comes to treating nail cancer, the stage it has reached matters most in determining how much skin, nail, or finger needs to be removed. For less advanced types the skin and nail around the spot is removed, while more advanced cancers often require the complete surgical amputation of fingers.

While most dark spots and stripes on nails are not cancer, it’s always good to be aware of the possibility that one strange, bothersome spot could potentially turn out to be just that. As with other types of cancer, the sooner it’s detected the better the chances for beating and being cured of it. Please pass this information on to friends and share it with family to help spread nail cancer awareness.

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