These Neglected Bears Were Caged For 20 Years. Now Watch The Moment When They Are Finally Set Free!

Unimaginably horrible living conditions were the fate of four bears for the last 20 years.  They were confined to rusty small cages, with no shade, and no free access to water when they wanted, at a decrepit roadside zoo in Pennsylvania, USA. Bruno, Fifi, Marsha and Pocahontas experienced this mental and physical cruelty without hope.

So neglected, and further forced to perform tricks when suffering from arthritis, these poor bears were in terrible shape when they were discovered.  After so many years of suffering, these wonderful animals were rescued in July, 2015;  Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado and PETA finally came to their rescue.

This beautiful video shows us the incredibly uplifting scene of the the bears, taking their first step out of their horrible cages, toward a life of care and ultimately freedom.  Once adjusted, the four friends will be released into a 15 acre habitat where they will live out the rest of their lives free in nature.

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This Guy Went Blind Because He Made A Simple Mistake Many People Make Every Night!

Contact lenses are a hugely popular alternative to wearing eyeglasses. Most people wear them in order to see better and to correct their vision. However, countless others choose to wear colored contacts to change up their eye color or to achieve a certain look. The CDC estimates that in the United States more than 30 million people wear contacts, which are considered medical devices and are regulated by the FDA (

When a person goes to apply the tiny, thin, round, clear plastic lenses, they place them directly onto the surface of their eye. This application method requires users to have clean hands and sanitary conditions around the lenses since bacteria, dirt, and any other contaminants can easily be transferred to the eye when putting them in or taking them out.

It’s common knowledge among contact users that you should always take them out before bed and never wear them overnight. Failing to do so puts you at a risk for infection, irritation, and even blindness. It’s simply a risk no one should take, but sometimes people forget or brush it off and leave them in anyways.

Also, some “extended wear” contacts are labeled as safe to leave in for multiple days at a time. Those were the type of contacts Chad Groeschen had been wearing for several days when he started to lose vision in his left eye.

At first Chad’s eye was itchy and watery so he assumed it was allergies acting up. But when he awoke one night with a massive headache, sinus pressure, and cloudy vision, he decided to get medical attention. Doctors checked out his eyes and told him that Pseudomonas bacteria had built up under his contact and damaged his eye.

This type of bacteria is most commonly found in the eyes of people who wear or leave in contacts for extended periods of time and if left untreated it can cause blindness. Doctors were able to halt and control the infection in Chad’s eye, but it had progressed too far and he ended up becoming blind in his left eye.

Chad is currently waiting for the open sores in his eye to heal to see if he may qualify for a corneal transplant. Such an operation could potentially restore some of the vision he has lost, but only time will tell. He’s decided to use his story and experience as a way to warn and remind others of the dangers and risks associated with leaving in contact lenses for too long.

Even if the packaging claims it is safe to do so, don’t jeopardize your health and eyesight. Take the lenses out, clean them, give your eyes a break, and if you notice changes or irritation in your eye have it checked out immediately.

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This Raccoon Wants To Swim In The Pool But His Bro Is Freaking Out. His Reaction Is Hysterical!

It’s one thing when your mom is overprotective, but it’s just too much when your brother thinks it’s his job to set limits for you. It seems that these raccoon brothers are frequent visitors to this family’s pool, when beautiful summer days beckon them to take a dip and cool off.

You can hear the human father and son banter about these two familiar visitors; as they discuss what’s going on they refer to them as Willy and Waylan. Willy can’t wait to get in and take a swim, while Waylan is doing everything in his power to stop them.

It’s hilarious to watch them; you can sense how their conversation is going: “Willy don’t go in!”, “Leave me alone Waylan, look at me swim, this is fun!”, “Get back here now Willy!” “No way, this is fun, stop being a killjoy and come on in!”

As Willy swims back to the edge of the pool, Waylan sees his opening and starts grabbing any part of his brother to get him out. Willy finally gives in after enjoying his swim. His bro wants to get back to the forest. Watching these two interact is hysterical.

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He Dips A Lighbulb Under The Faucet. But When He’s Done The Most Unexpected Surprise!

The next time you replace an old light bulb don’t throw it out. Instead, reuse and recycle it to make a bunch of cool, new, handy things. This video from YouTube’s Shake the Future channel will show you how to make 5 different things from an old bulb. Check it out and read on below for more information on the projects covered in the video!

Make sure to use protection and wear safety goggles and gloves. The last thing you want is sharp glass fragments flying into your eye or a cut finger! To prepare the bulb use a utility knife and separate the contact from the surrounding black glass on the bottom. Take a small flat head screwdriver and twist it around the black glass until it breaks, remove the rest with pliers.

Reach into the bulb and break the stem with a small flat head screwdriver, then use a bigger one to loosen and break the inside filament. Empty out everything and if you need to make the hole bigger slowly apply more pressure to the surrounding edges. Wash out the bulb, let it dry, and now you can use it for a variety of things.

The first way in which you can use an old light bulb is as a handy paperclip dispenser. Place some paperclips inside and shake it upside down when you need one. It also makes a neat flower vase. Fill the bulb halfway up with water, stick in a flower or two, then place it on a small round cookie cutter to stabilize it.

For this next project you only need to remove the bottom of the bulb. Take a solar garden light and glue a string to it, then glue the bulb to the light so it forms a base. Hang it in a sunny spot and voila, you have a new solar light. Alternatively, you can make a light bulb torch.

Use a high temperature sealant to attach a washer to the bottom of the bulb and place it on a cookie cutter base before filling with paraffin based fuel. Insert a wick, wait 10 minutes to soak up the fuel, then you can light it. Make sure to never leave this unattended!

Finally, make a cool corkscrew by removing the worm, the pointed metal helix part, from an old or cheap one and place a small screw through the bottom hole. Fill a light bulb with InstaMorph, a mold-able plastic product, place it in the oven to melt then remove it and top off with more InstaMorph.

Put it back in the oven to melt again and repeat this until it’s filled with melted plastic. Push the worm into the bulb opening and hold it in place for 10 minutes while the plastic cools. Once it has cooled further you can run it under cold water to speed up the process. Finally, when it’s completely cooled off take a hammer and break the glass, now you have a light bulb corkscrew!

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A Helpless Baby Zebra Is Drowning In The River. Now Watch The Hippo’s Unexpected Next Move!

It never fails to amaze me when different species of animals display the instinct to help each other in a crisis.  Such a moment is captured in this wildlife video of a herd of zebras crossing over to land, while swimming across an African river.  We watch, as a little baby zebra begins to falter when he gets tired and disoriented in the current.

What happens next is truly heartwarming.  None of the other zebras are aware of the little foal’s distress.  As he is floundering, out of nowhere a gigantic, concerned and friendly hippo comes to the rescue.  As the current is pulling the little zebra, the hippo gently nuzzles him toward land.  He stays with the little guy, guiding him in the right direction.

When the baby zebra reaches the shore on his shaky little legs, he gets caught between some giant rocks.  This nurturing hippo stays behind him, still concerned for his welfare, and gently nudges him through the obstacles.

He doesn’t leave the dazed little foal until he is certain that he is steady and headed in the right direction.  This amazing video is set to just the right musical accompaniment, which all the more dramatizes this unusually touching rescue.

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He Grabs His Fish By The Face. In My Whole Life I Have Never Seen Anything Like THIS

I had no idea that even fish can enjoy a good rub down, and I give massages for a living! The people family of the fish noted that it waits in the corner of its tank for someone to dole out affection. It actually starts adamantly splashing the water when someone comes home, and doesn’t stop until there is a hand present in her company. It’s adorable that the water creature yearns for and demands the love of her human comrades.

The sentiment is obvious when the fish responds to caresses with excited kisses and tail waving. The gentle coddling and belly strokes inspire the fish to swim in enthusiastic circles, pleading for more. It rubs itself against the loyal hand and you can imagine it purring like a happy kitty.

The fish playfully swims through the fingers and suckles at the skin, giving back in the only way it knows how. With bright eyes and a fishy smile, you can tell it would accept this attention all day.

Blood parrot cichlids are a hybrid fish that were first created in Taiwan in 1986. Typically bright orange with large yellow-green eyes, the friendly fishy can grow to be eight inches long and live for up to ten years.

Known to have strong personalities, the domesticated fish are often seen dancing at feeding time, digging in its aquarium, and getting into territory tiffs with tank mates. At night, they may snuggle and share the same cave, but in the day they are menaces, bumping and charging each other for entertainment.

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This Guy Wipes Steel Wool All Over THIS Windshield. The Final Result Is Awesome!

Anyone who has ever owned, maintained, or driven an automobile knows how the windshield can get cloudy looking over time. This film forms because of all the dirt, dust, pollutants, bugs, tar, and other road grime you drive through gets blasted onto the windshield.

Some of it sticks to the glass, especially bugs, and some of it bounces off. However, it’s the minuscule particles that you don’t see which add up and make the windshield look dirty, hazy, and hard to see out of. A regular car wash will not remove this type of dirt build up.

Instead you need to really scrub and work hard to clean it off. Or, you can try this easy and effective method to truly super clean your car windshield.

All that you need is rain-x, steel wool (*make sure you get the finest type available which is 4 ott), 2 old cotton t-shirts or rags, and an old pair of cotton socks. Start by taking a steel wool pad and rub it all over the glass. If you use the finest type it won’t scratch and it easily removes everything that may be stuck on the windshield including bugs, grime, and even water spots which are notoriously tough to get off.

Keep rubbing for as long as it takes to completely clean, paying attention to any little spots that may be tougher to get out. It may take you about 5-10 minutes to do this, but the cleaner the better and longer lasting it will be.

Next, grab an old sock and soak it with rain-x, don’t skimp on this part! Apply it in a circular overlapping motion to the glass, making sure to cover every single spot on it without getting any on the car paint. After it dries a little apply a second rain-x coat right on top of the first one, then let that completely dry.

Take one of the rags and completely soak it with water, then wring it out so that it’s still quite wet but not dripping. Wipe the glass with it to remove the rain-x film that’s on the windshield and you don’t need to press down hard or anything. Then take the second dry rag and wipe down the windshield again to completely dry it. That’s it, you’re done!

If you do this your windshield will be incredibly clean, clear, and smooth to the touch. When it rains the water will slide right off the windshield and you won’t need to use the wipers as much as you would have without this treatment. You may also do this to the rear windshield, side windows, and side view mirrors.

The man in the video suggests that you coat the wiper blades with rain-x as well to help make it last longer since it tends to wear off quicker on the windshield from the blades constantly going across it. He also suggested “Invisible Glass” cleaner be used on the inside of windows because it’s superior to regular glass cleaners and doesn’t leave streaks. Check out the video for more tips!

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This Guy Rubs A White Candle On His Bathroom Tiles. But The Reason Is Genius!

When you’re doing some deep cleaning around the house one of the grossest and most tedious areas you have to deal with is hands down the bathroom. As much as you may try to avoid it, at some point in time it must be scrubbed and disinfected, if you want all the surfaces and fixtures to stay looking as fresh and clean as possible.

There are all sorts of specific products that foam and penetrate for toilet’s, showers, sinks and mirrors, but what about tile floors? They seem to slowly build up dirt and gunk over time and nothing ever seems to actually clean the grout.

Mopping is ineffective and if you want it spick and span you basically have to get on your hands and knees and scrub the cracks with a toothbrush.

However, there is a much easier and preventative method for cleaning the grout in between tiles. Simply get a white candle stick and rub it directly onto and along the lines between the tiles. Make sure to firmly rub the wax on and go over the cracks a few times so you don’t miss a spot.

Also, clean the cracks before doing this, since it seals in the grout and whatever may happen to be on it as well, dirt included. The wax is hydrophobic, so when it’s really humid in the bathroom or water drips on the tiles, it repels the moisture and water off of them.

This means that mold and mildew won’t be able to grow and settle in between the cracks, which is what often makes them so hard to clean in the first place. That’s all you need to do to keep the grout from molding, getting clogged up with mildew, or becoming discolored.

Just rub a 50 cent, white colored candle on the cracks! It really works and is the best trick for this exact problem area. Please be kind and share this knowledge with all your friends and family to save them time and energy the next time their bathrooms need cleaning.

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