These 9 Hotel Workers Reveal Secrets Their Bosses Don’t Want You To Ever Know About!

Every night in America it is estimated that 2 million hotel rooms are occupied. When you check into a hotel you often expect a first rate service experience along with a nice, clean, well-appointed room. After all, most hotel rooms are not cheap and a business’s reputation is everything these days.

With instant review and rating sites online and accessible for anyone to see, a hotel could easily face ruin if it accumulates too many negative reviews. To keep their customers happy, appearances up, and costs down, many hotels have secret ways of operating and providing services. In this video nine hotel industry workers reveal secrets that their bosses don’t want you, the customer, to know. Check it out!

1) Many hotel rooms will comp movies you watch in-room, which means they won’t charge you for viewing them. When you’re about to check out ask if they do and you may just score some free movies.

2) You know those miniature bottles of lotion, mouthwash, soaps, shampoo, conditioner, and more? Take them with you, hotels assume and expect you to do exactly that since they cannot give open and used toiletries to other guests.

3) To get the best deal on rates and amenities call the hotel directly and speak to someone over the phone. Hotels often pay commission fees of up to 30% to online booking agents and then pass that expense onto you.

4) Avoid having to pay cancellation fees ever again by moving your reservation up a couple of days, that way you can call and cancel it a few days later.

5) Valets don’t care about your car and most hotels are not liable for whatever may happen to it once the valet gets behind the wheel. Skip the valet fees, tips, and liability issues by parking it yourself.

6) Always hand wash any glasses in your room before you use them. Hotels often clean glassware with furniture polish to make them shine and appear spotless. This is not only gross and unhealthy, but also very bad for your teeth.

7) One of the filthiest items in hotel rooms are the remote controls. Most people don’t wash their hands before or after using them and the staff never cleans them. Disinfect remotes with an antibacterial wipe to kill most of the germs and be aware of the dirtiness they hold.

8) To get clean linens, you have to specifically ask for them. Hotels usually wash and change the sheets everyday, but blankets are only washed weekly, and bed covers are cleaned monthly, if that.

9) If you really don’t need an early check-in time, don’t ask for or demand one. Hotel housekeepers have a lot of rooms to clean and are very busy. If they need to get to your room first to accommodate your early arrival they likely will be rushed and you’ll have no idea how dirty your room may be.

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This Is A Very Strange Way To Whiten Your Teeth. I’m So Happy I Learned THIS

While the process is counter-intuitive to the result, this woman is living proof that charcoal makes beautifully white teeth. The natural substance is a less harsh way to dazzle your pearly whites than using traditional chemical treatments.

It also is extremely more cost efficient as a bottle of activated charcoal capsules can be purchased for around five dollars, where as professional teeth whitening systems can cost hundreds.

Activated charcoal, or activated carbon, is widely known as a medication used for various types of orally ingested poisoning, as it binds to the poison to inhibit absorption into the body. This is only recommended if the type of poison is not acidic, alkaline, or petroleum based.

If charcoal gets into the lungs, it can cause pulmonary aspiration which could be fatal without immediate medical assistance. The over-the-counter treatment can also be used to remedy diarrhea, indigestion, and flatulence, as it reduces intestinal gas content.

As a teeth whitener, activated charcoal is easy to use. After wetting a tooth brush, empty a capsule of charcoal onto the bristles. Then brush your teeth with the powder for several minutes. Once all of your teeth have been sufficiently covered, rinse with water.

Extra care is required to rinse the charcoal, as it can be very messy. Your teeth will feel sparkly clean! Repeat the treatment once per day for three to five days, depending on the amount of stain on your teeth. Maintain your bright smile by using the charcoal again every few months.

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10 Cats Discover A Huge Ball Of Ice What They Do Next Will Melt Your Heart

What do you get when you place a giant ball of solid ice in front of 10 cats? Lots of interest, to say the least… One intrepid cat owner decided to find out how their cats would respond to a frozen globe of water. They filled a water balloon up with water, put that in the freezer until it was rock hard, and then completely cut away the balloon.

Then they placed the ice chunk in a shallow dish on the floor and let the cats have at! In the video you may notice that there are a lot of different cats being shown. This isn’t a compilation clip and the 10 kittys who star in it are all part of one big happy family.

Their owner started a YouTube channel in their honor called 10 Cats. It turns out that the 10 cats really enjoy licking the ice ball and it looks like a good way to keep their water bowl clean and topped off.

One would imagine that because cats hate water they would also hate the frozen water or at least find the coldness off-putting. Surprisingly they absolutely loved the ice globe and couldn’t get enough of it. All of them licked the bejeezus out of it and once it had melted they started drinking the water.

One adorable cat ends up stepping in the ice cold water and freaked out a little and one little kitten was entranced by it. The tiny tiger looking kitten was seen the most licking and playing around with the ice ball. At the end he was the only one still into it. He pawed the melted remains around in a circle and followed it with his little bobbing head, he was so cute.

If you’re into cat videos then you have to check out this one to see all the various reactions and how damn cute they all look!

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I Noticed A Weird Spot On THIS Rhino’s Horn. When I Realized What It Was It Will Save The Species!

Poaching and illegal big game hunting has been in the spotlight lately due to the tragic killing of Cecil The Lion, a famous and beloved adult male lion who was senselessly slaughtered in the pursuit of trophy hunting. The American dentist who murdered Cecil, Walter Palmer, is now one of the world’s most hated men and an international pariah.

Cecil’s untimely death has sparked outrage and many are asking what more can be done to prevent such travesties. Every year thousands of other animals are illegally killed in Africa, so much so that many animals are now dangerously close to becoming extinct.

One animal under extreme threat is the rhinoceros. The large herbivores are being killed by poachers at an astronomical rate for their horns. According to the non-profit group Protect, they estimate that rhino poaching is up 9,300% since 2009.

This is all due to the huge demand for rhino horns in mainly Asia where they are sold on the black market for around $30K a pound, making them more valuable than gold by weight. Dr. Paul O’Donoghue, the chief scientific advisor for Protect, says that “currently a rhino is butchered every 6 hours in Africa…We had to find a way to protect these animals in the field; the killing had to be stopped.”

These figures and that desire to protect the species is why the non-profit invented RAPID, which is short for Real-Time Anti-Poaching Intelligence Device. The invention consists of a smart watch with a forward facing video camera, GPS tracker, and a heart rate monitor.

It’s compact enough to be fitted and mounted into a rhino’s horn while not hurting or affecting the animal negatively. If a rhino’s heart rate starts racing or suddenly goes still, observers monitoring them get an alert that lets them turn on the camera to see what’s happening. At the same time, the GPS allows them to pinpoint the exact location and rangers can be on the scene within 10 minutes via helicopter.

Ideally this will prevent poachers from harming the rhinos because the chances of them being caught within minutes is much greater. Currently, poachers operate with barely any risk of getting caught and when they kill a rhino, they don’t stop there.

Instead they often go on to kill 10 or 15 at a time, spending several nights hunting them in parks. Now, when one rhino is shot or injured, a signal will immediately be sent and rangers can respond rapidly and be at that rhinos side. This will enable them to catch the poachers right then and there, and stop them from going on to kill dozens more.

This is just one solution to the tragic and barbaric problems faced by rhinos. If the poaching doesn’t stop or slow down they will be hunted to extinction within a decade. Hopefully the point of view cameras will be enough of a deterrence to stop the violent acts, and rhinos will be able to recuperate over time.

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He Setup A Trail Cam To Catch Poachers On His Land But He Was Terrified By What The Camera Caught

Holy snapdragon, that is some freaky shiz. You all know I would never lie to you, and you couldn’t possibly guess the horrors I have endured to ensure you get the truth, every single time. What I present to you today is just that: the cold, hard, unadulterated, terrifying truth.

I bring to you the most freakiest of all photoglyphs ever taken by the beloved trail camera. Oh trail camera, my sweet, where would we be without you? What weirdness would we have missed, what revulsive entities might we have never known existed?

Fortunately for us, and unfortunately for the freshly laundered drawers that you will have to throw away in a minute, both the trail camera and the wondrous internettles have been invented. So here you stand, at the very edge of the precipice of decision, uncertain as to whether the dread that envelops you will force you to turn and flee.

Will you listen to your gut instincts and embrace the comfort of complacent ignorance, or will you take a chance and jump from the dizzying heights, safety torn from you by the deafening wind of terminal velocity? I must warn you, there is no turning back once you choose to proceed.

You cannot unsee the ghostly demons that will surely haunt you, and you can be certain that they will come for you. It is well known that they are capable of seeing through a camera and into the soul of those who observe them. They know, and they do not forget a soul. They know, and they come.

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This Royal Guard Notices A Little Kid Copying All His Moves. So He Responds By Doing THIS

There are lots of videos and stories about tourists and members of the public trying to make Royal Guards laugh or crack a smile. It’s hard to to get them to break protocol but that doesn’t stop people from trying. Most people think only Great Britain has a Royal Guard, but other countries do as well, including Sweden.

They are responsible for protecting the Swedish Royal family and are always stationed at the Royal Palace in Stockholm, as well as at Drottningholm Palace, the private residence of the royal family. They have guarded the family since 1523 and the Royal Palace upon it’s completion, with no facial expressions, perfect uniforms, and stoic rigidity ever since.

The little boy in this video must dream of being a soldier and he’s well on his way to becoming one. He copies the distinctive walking style, pace, and moves of the guard on duty very well. He must have studied and practiced it before because he looks too polished and professional for a beginner.

The boy even carries his own toy, in place for a rifle, or a stick or something (it’s hard to see exactly what it is). He is fun to watch as he marches around and appears to have drawn the attention of some onlookers. Even the guard seems impressed although it’s nearly impossible to tell since most of the view and angle is of their backside.

Either way, the guard lets the boy go about his fun and games, mimicking and copying the professional soldier, and that probably made the boy’s day! This is just the most heart warming thing I’ve seen today. I hope you enjoy as much as I did!

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What Is Your Sixth Sense?

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Generally speaking, humans have 5 basic senses which include sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. However, if we get more specific then we touch on the extraordinary senses that are lesser known. While there is no consensus as to how many there actually are among researchers and those who study this, they do all agree on one thing.

They agree that there are many other senses that we may possess and use every single day without even realizing. A few examples of these extraordinary senses include the following; thirst, hunger, pain, time (our startlingly accurate sense of it), synesthesia or perceiving sound as a color, pressure, itch, and thermoception which is the ability to sense heat and cold.

Those a just a sampling and many more are thought to exist beyond these more typical, common, and well known senses. Take this quiz if you wish to figure out, and hone in on, what extraordinary sense you may possess.

The result you receive as to what 6th sense you likely have may even surprise you!

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Teachers Stand Up One After The Other To Stop The Superintendent’s Back To School Speech. WOW!

If you have ever been a teacher, you know that one of the great perks of your job, is having summers off! No matter how great the district or system is, and regardless of your level of dedication, those days of orientation before the students first day back are usually a drag!

Boring speeches about curriculum are hardly inspirational. This West Des Moines Community School District listening to the superintendent’s speech are shifting in their seats, looking like they are thinking “here we go again” when something amazing happens!

The humdrum speech of the superintendent, is suddenly interrupted by the opening of the curtain behind her and a screen being lowered. There is only one more day left to prepare before the kids start. Whether you are an experienced or new teacher, nervousness abounds. Listening to a dry speech just never cuts it. Some of the teachers in West Des Moines have come up with just the surprise to wake up their colleagues spirit.

You are about to watch this district-wide group of teachers get inspired with unexpected humor and song. As the superintendent drones on, one teacher walks out with a mike and interrupts beginning a parody of the song, “One More Day” from Les Miserables! What ensues is a video that will make you day!

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