These Kids Were Being Huge Brats During Dinner. But No One Expected THIS Punishment!

Sitting down for a meal should be a social and interactive event for everyone gathered around the table. Dinners are a time to catch up in our busy lives with family and friends and good old fashioned conversation seems to flow better over food and drinks.

For years people have taken time in their lives to stop whatever it was they were doing so they could sit down to enjoy meals with others. However, in recent times the dinner table dynamic has taken a drastic turn for the worse.

People now bring their phones, tablets and other gadgets to dinner, whip them out, and bury their heads in the devices. They pay no attention to others and focus on the little glowing screen, oblivious to the world around them. Others can’t tear themselves away from the TV and blast the distracting box way too loud so they can hear it through their chewing.

No one else present can get a word in and it’s becoming all too common for people to eat mindlessly in front of TVs. Texting is basically a person typing private messages to another and when it’s done at the table it’s rude and shows nothing but a lack of respect for fellow dining companions. It’s that simple yet people still do it, like they’re addicts.

That is the sad reality shown clearly in this video from Dolmio, a company that makes Italian sauces and now a new clever invention aptly named the “Pepper Hacker.” The pepper hacker looks like an ordinary wooden pepper grinder but it contains a powerful hidden secret within.

With just one simple twist it activates a technology type signal blocker and shuts down TVs, WiFi, and mobile devices in an instant. To show its effectiveness, the company gave them to frustrated mothers and recorded the families reactions. Kids went nuts, cursing their devices and throwing fits, and frantically tried to figure out what was wrong with their phones, tablets, and TVs.

However, it was also time for dinner so they put aside their confusion and sat down for a nice homemade family meal. The scenes without gadgets at the dinner table tell the real story. Children talked, interacted, and engaged fully with one another and their parents instead of staring at their phones like checked out zombies. People all smiled, joked, and enjoyed themselves for once, which is how dinner should always be.

As awesome and neat as the Pepper Hacker device is, it’s also sadly unavailable for purchase right now. According to it’s creator, Brendan Forster, the gadget is still in development and prototype stages and has yet to be produced on a large scale.

Either way, you can always make it a house rule that cellphones, iPads, and similar devices are banned from the dinner table, or just turn off the WiFi and lay down the law!

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Her Dog Died 2 Days After She Gave Him A New Toy. This Is Something Every Dog Owner Needs To Read

Dog owners everywhere need to be aware and on the lookout for a potentially dangerous toy that has already been linked to the death of at least one dog. Recent posts on social media have brought attention to certain toys that have a hole in one side of them. Dogs tongues can become trapped in the hole because it creates a vacuum effect that sucks their tongues in.

When the toy is yanked and pulled on, to try and remove it, the tension becomes tighter since there is no second hole that would relieve the pressure. The dogs who were injured from these toys had to be brought to the vet to receive emergency care and have the balls removed.

In one case a Rottweiler named Maximus ended up passing away from complications related to a Kong brand ball toy that suctioned to his tongue. His heartbroken owner, Jamie Stumpf, took to Facebook on August 19 writing, “The Vet hopes the tissue does not die in the amount that would require removal of the tissue. I will not choose to allow a major portion to be taken. It’s not in his best interests.” Sadly, just one day later, Maximus died.

The exact same toy related issue popped up again the very next day on August 20 when Vergi 24/7 posted a photo of a dog named Rooney with his tongue stuck in a ball. Vets at the Houston, Texas emergency animal hospital sedated the dog and used a needle to carefully release the suction. Only after all that and sustained effort did they finally get the ball off.

While the Kong toy called “The Beast” has specifically been named as the brand and type of toy that caused these dog’s injuries (and has only one hole) there are countless others on the market sold by different retailers and brands. ANY toy that has a single hole opening can create a suction that can lead to an animal getting their tongue trapped in it.

Please take a moment to inspect your pets toys, and in the future examine any new ones you pick up as well. If you happen to have a toy with only one entry point, and no secondary hole anywhere else, either dispose of it right away or modify it. You can drill a hole in the other end to take away it’s ability to hold a suction, and thus make it safer.

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He Attached THIS Hose To A Coffee Can. The Final Result Is Unexpectedly Awesome!

There’s something about dry ice that just fascinates people. Maybe it has something to do with it’s powerful nature that makes it so dramatic! It was once the “go-to”, before refrigeration, to get perishable items sent long distance. Today, in the medical and scientific fields, it is still widely used for cooling.

This DIY revolves around the more theatrical nature of dry ice. YouTuber KipKay cleverly shows us how to manipulate dry ice to become misty fog, that happens when it gets converted from solid to gas. It’s a great weekend project to do with your friends or kids.

For those of you who just love the mysterious atmosphere created by a fog machine, watch this creation and let us know if you have fun making it. Always remember that you need proper ventilation when manipulating dry ice, because it is carbon dioxide. Keep your work space filled with oxygen!

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She Dips An Entire Onion Into A Pot Of Boiling Oil. The Final Result An Unexpected Delicious Surprise!

I don’t know about you, but the smell of onions cooking in my home is somehow better than that aroma in even the best of restaurants.  It gives me a feeling of coziness and offering something delicious to my friends and family that’s from the heart!

YouTuber POPSUGAR offers us a 5-minute video recipe of the “Blooming Onion” that looks really easy and fun to try at home, and results in something really pleasing to view.  Watching this truly made me want to try this magical recipe; I could practically smell the gorgeous petal onion at the finale!

All that it takes to make this is a large sweet onion, flour, spices and oil.  Timing is everything in this recipe so that your final product is crispy.  Enjoy this fun video and let us know if you try the recipe that results in this golden brown delicious masterpiece.  Let us know how it comes out!

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A Giant Whale Kept Swimming Up To These Guys. Then They Realized Something Was Seriously Wrong!

Two young fisherman from Australia recently had an amazing run in with an enormous whale while out on their boat. Seventeen year old Michael Riggio and his friend Ivan Iskenderian were returning from a fishing trip in Middle Harbour, which is north of Sydney, when a whale swam up to them.

At first the boys were surprised and amazed that a whale was coming in so close to shore and the boat. It repeatedly poked the tip of its barnacle speckled head up out of the water and even nudged the boat several times.

As the whale continued acting more and more atypical another fisherman took notice. Ron Kovacs was in a boat across from the boys and started to record the strange scene. The whale circled the watercraft and swam underneath it a few times before it resumed poking its head out of the water. That’s when the boys realized the reason for the whale’s uncharacteristic behavior; it needed help.

In its mouth was a tangled mess of fishing wire and several plastic bags that had gotten stuck. The unwelcome garbage was clearly aggravating the whale and it wanted it removed. Iskenderian sprung into action and leaned out as far as he could when the whale neared the boat.

He managed to snag the trash and free the whale from having it stuck in his mouth. As he was doing that, Riggio whipped out his cell phone and used the scene as a backdrop for some selfies. He ended up capturing and preserving the incredible, unbelievable, once in a lifetime moment and shared it with the world.

After the wire and plastic had been removed the whale happily swam off to deeper waters. As it glided out to sea it slapped its fin on the water’s surface, as a way to show appreciation and say thanks to the people who helped it out. The man recording the video, Ron Kovacs, summed it up best when he later wrote on his Facebook page “He was very enquisitive and more interested in us.

You could see that big eye coming out watching us. They are not dumb for sure.” He is 100% correct, whales are far more intelligent and clever than most humans ever give them credit for. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and when Kovacs looked into the whale’s eye he saw a peaceful, smart, wise, and gentle creature who needed a little help. Once the whale received that help, it expressed thanks and continued on its way.

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They Gave THIS Parrot A Surprise Birthday Gift. His Response Is So Unexpectedly Priceless!

This is simply the most adorable video I’ve seen in a while!  We are all invited to Marnie, the parrot’s, fifth birthday, along with his other parrot friends, his human family and the family husky.  Let the presents begin!  Marnie is treated to new stuffed animals by his human family.

But the excitement doesn’t begin until his new stuffed bunny comes out of the gift bag.  He has a collection, but his reaction to this new bunny buddy shows how excited he is for this new friend.  He exclaims “You’re so cute!” and “Gimme a kiss!” Not sweet enough?

He goes on to ask “What ya doing” and keeps kissing it with complete adoration.  Even though parrots mimic what they hear, there is something so heartfelt about his reaction.  I watched this over and over; it just made me feel so good for Marnie’s wonderful life.

It’s so wonderful to see Marnie excited and filled with love.  What nice humans he has who care so much for him.  This sweet video made my day.

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Watch What Happens When You Go For A Swim In The Dead Sea. It Looks So Strange!

There is a perfectly rational reason for why the Dead Sea is also called the Salt Sea and the Sea of Death. It has unusually high salinity levels, with an average salt content of around 32-35%, which prevents most life forms from flourishing. In fact, it makes life near impossible and only tiny amounts of specialized bacteria and microbial fungi can eek out a living in it’s harsh, salty depths.

All that salt concentrated in one huge, landlocked lake makes for some interesting and unique phenomenons. The Encyclopedia Britannica says that its waters are 9.6 times as salty as the ocean, which in turn makes it 30 times more buoyant than normal, standard ocean water is.

This is why anyone can enter into the Dead Sea’s water, turn on their back, and remain afloat without any supplemental paddling, kicking, or effort whatsoever. It has been said that it’s nearly impossible to sink in the water and therefore it would take a lot of work and exertion to drown.

To see just how neat and awesome this translates over into reality, check out this video. A woman demonstrates the magically buoyant properties of the salty water and as the camera pans around you also get a chance to see the land and terrain that surrounds the lake.

Since it’s a major destination on the lists of tourists and sightseers, there are often many people at the water’s edge taking dips and testing it out. They would be wise to keep their heads above the surface since the extremely high salt content can burn and severely irritate your eyes, nostrils, mouth, and the delicate skin on your face.

If you ever find yourself in Israel or Jordan you should visit the Dead Sea and experience it’s natural beauty and wonder. It may also provide you with many health benefits since the mineral content is high, the pollen levels are low, the sun’s harmful effects and radiation is diminished, and the atmospheric pressure is greater.

Such aspects have been praised by health researchers as having positive, healing effects on certain diseases and some of their side effects. Dead Sea mud has long been valued for it’s beauty uses in mud masques, and it provides temporary pain relief for some arthritis sufferers. With all these benefits, and nothing bad or dangerous about it, who wouldn’t want to take a dip in the Dead Sea?

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This Dog Has Been Waiting 5 Months For Her Human. The Reason Why Tore My Heart Up!

Indubitably, there is no creature which better showcases the splendid virtue of loyalty, than the admirable dog. As you will soon see for yourself, in the simultaneously heart wrenching and heartwarming actions of a dog whose abundance of fierce devotion is rarely matched, among any known species.

Five months ago, her human met a tragic end by the hand of a drunk driver. Still, she continues the routine that she had followed for years prior. Every day, down the country road she saunters, guided by the desire to greet her best friend.

She waits In the field, where she had always waited to greet him on his way home from work every day. There she has waited since, leaving only for necessities and the occasional social visit with her human’s surviving family.

Her display of love and loyalty is an inspiration rarely witnessed, and it is inclined to bring a tear of bittersweet affection to the eyes of many a viewer. The beautiful expression of unconditional love that pets embody is a powerful therapy for the human race.

Even once her human is gone, she remains dedicated even without reinforcement. Why does she do it? What is her motivation? Truly, we can only speculate. But for anyone who has enjoyed the unparalleled experience of loving a pet, the answers to those questions might be felt better than spoken.

We can see why she waits, for we know that our furry friend would do the same for us. Protect your pets, they love you so very much.

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