THIS Pup Jumps Into His Brand New Bath Tub. But His Next Move Is Just Priceless.

Golden Retrievers live up to their name as they were originally bred in the mid 19th century to find and recover game birds and waterfowl. Retrieving activities required the dogs to jump into all sorts of marshes, ponds, streams, and other bodies of water.

They had to be easily trainable and strong swimmers who didn’t hesitate to get wet. Over the years the breed has become well known for their love of water, and with their naturally water-repellent coats, they are more than built for it.

Nothing demonstrates a Golden Retriever’s natural affinity for water better than this video. In it an adorable, happy, and very playful puppy is taking a bath and cooling off on a hot summers day. He has the perfect tub all set up and it looks like there was no having to coax him into it!

He goes to town churning up the water, splashing it over the sides, and it seems as if he’s trying to make bubbles and fizz by pushing it down so quickly. He looks so excited and overjoyed to be immersed in water and he’s definitely getting a lot of energy out while doing his bath time activities.

Golden Retrievers are awesome companions and if you want a dog who will hang out at the beach and go swimming with you, look no further. They are sweet, loyal, trainable and even-tempered dogs who are perfect for families with young children.

Those traits, along with their intelligence, also makes them excellent service dogs, especially for the blind. The list goes on and on and there are so many other great qualities to this breed, but the one that stands out the most is their love for water!

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This Puppy Wiener Dog Thinks His Human Is Being Assaulted. Now Watch How He Reacts..

The short legged hound in this video is of German origin, with the name Dachshund meaning badger dog. The canine has been used for smelling, chasing, and flushing out badgers, as well as other small burrow dwelling animals.

This particular pup’s behavior is therefore not unusual as it identifies its target, its human mother’s man friend, and tenaciously encroaches upon him. The long, narrow breed are now frequently just house pets, but as you can see, the dog’s roots have not been forgotten.

When the wiener dog believes his owner is under attack he viciously charges the assaulter, barking to chase him away. The little pup seems unaware that his barrage is less than terrifying however, as his size is such that one can only laugh instead of feel threatened when he pounces in their direction. The pretend harm is continued and the canine persists with wholehearted defense, which pushes the assailant quickly out of view of the camera.

Dachshunds are statistically aggressive to strangers, as well as other dogs, and their stubborn nature can make them difficult to train. Apathetic to their small size, they are dominated by determination and ferociously work toward their objectives, which are typically hunting birds, small critters, and tennis balls, or intimidating unfamiliar and disliked people. They energetically growl and bark to express their disinclination, though the hostility can be easily vanquished with ample affection and socialization. Isn’t this dog admirable!?

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Mama Brings Her Baby Girl The Family Cat For The First Time. Her Reaction Is Priceless.

This baby’s reaction to the family cat just might be proof that everything could possibly be alright. At first, this looks like just another video of someone’s baby, but then it starts to get interesting. Mom brings the cat over, and the baby sees her coming from a mile away. As she begins to get an idea that kitty is coming to play, you can see a twinkle in her little eye and a grin tugging at her lips. Within moments, she is smiling from ear to ear in anticipation.

But it doesn’t stop there! The fun is just beginning as the cat gets closer and closer, with a mirrored smile turning into laughter and outright glee. This is one happy baby who loves the cat with all her might. Just in case you weren’t completely certain that this baby is completely and unequivocally smitten by this kitten, she continues to lose it over the cat the entire time kitty is in her precious presence. Her cuteness is off the charts, unable to be measured by any human standards.

Sometimes cuteness reaches such a massive scale, but it is a rare and sacred occurrence. When it does, its vastness cannot be understood by the feeble human mind. Instead, all we can hope to do is bask in the eternal glory of the peerless cuteness. We are bathed in its ethereal beauty, and our very core beams with its tender warmth. Our hearts sing with glory of angels as the cuteness sweeps over us, lifting us into the heavens of cute where hypoallergenic kittens and puppies melt all hearts into one.

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Video: She Can’t Find Her Pair Of Glasses. Then She Realizes Her Dog Did THIS

Oh, internet, what a preponderance of silliness you have brought to our daily lives. Before you came along, we were left to our own meager devices, scrounging scraps of humor from wherever we could find them. We told each other terrible jokes and searched the newspaper in desperation, holding on to the last tendril of a vain hope that maybe, just maybe, one of the comics will be kind of funny today. It was a rare event when we were not left in disappointment after scanning the scant offerings.

But then, suddenly precipitating out of the misty webs of technological interconnection, came the magnificent beast that would one day be dubbed simply, “The Interwebz”. And here, oh reader, we stand, floating in a pool overflowing with hilarious things and entertaining stuff.

It wasn’t always like this, you might recall. Even in the early days of the glorious world wide web, the process of actually finding something worth perceiving was daunting enough to discourage almost everyone, except those who were quite literally dying of boredom.

Presently, we find ourselves offered content on a silver platter, curated by the people themselves as we work together to glean content, searching every hidden corner of the vast web of interconnection that now forms our group mind.

The daunting weight of the search for entertainment is now being carried by 3.17 billion people, making the effort required to entertain oneself nearly nonexistent. If there continues to be an exponential increase in both the number of interconnections and the rate of technological advancement, our present relationship with the internet may be a mere infant.

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THIS Cat Smells Her Human’s Smelly Feet. Her Unexpected Reaction Is PRICELESS

Do you remember the Friends episode where Phoebe sang the Smelly Cat song? It was a nifty little jingle that got stuck in the heads of many viewers. Some of the lyrics included “smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly cat, it’s not your fault!”

It was basically a random part of the second season episode that fit in well alongside Phoebe’s character trait for exactly that; randomness. Even so, Smelly Cat has since lived on in the hearts and minds of people all over the world and every now and then you can still hear someone singing it out of the blue.

However, Smelly Cat has a new rival in the form of smelly feet! A Japanese YouTuber recently uploaded a hilarious clip featuring his cat’s reaction to his presumably stinky feet. The short video starts off with the cat laying down and playing with the man’s foot.

The kitty paws and gnaws at it for a second before raising his head back and away from the offending body part. The look on the cat’s face says it all. The expression is a mixture of disbelief, shock, disgust, wonder, confusion and seemingly so many more emotions all at once.

The poor kitty’s mouth is dropped open in either amazement or because it can’t stand to breathe out of it’s nose and risk taking in another whiff of the odor. After sitting in this stunned position for several very long moments the cat finally snaps back to reality and resumes its playful attack, as if trying to kill the smelly foot and thus rid the world of it’s presence.

However, the kitty lasts only seconds more before becoming overpowered once again by the lethal foot smell. In a last ditch effort to escape it the brave feline throws its body backwards and away from the man’s foot, and places his head in relative safety behind a bookcase. The air there is much purer and the kitty can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Check out the action and drama for yourself, the cat’s reaction is priceless!

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They Found a Strange Tin In Their Yard. The Unexpected Surprise In It Would Change Their Life!

This is a story that most people only dream about, but for one Northern California couple it became a reality. It all started when the pair were out getting some fresh air and hiking with their dog on a well worn trail that crossed their property. They had gone down this exact path countless times before but this time something caught their attention.

There appeared to be an old, rusty piece of metal just barely peeking out from the earth. They decided to see what it was and once they started digging they unearthed a rotting tin can that was filled with something heavy. Upon prying it open they were met with an unbelievable sight, inside were solid gold coins in mint condition shining up at them!

The story doesn’t end there. The couple noticed there were more tins close by and those too were filled with gold coins. In total they dug up 8 cans that contained 1,427 gold coins, which amounts to one of the largest treasure hoards ever found in America. The coins were dated from 1847-1894 and the total face value of them (the denominations they were valued at the time) was around $28,000.

However, because the coins were buried in tins and out of circulation they were all found to be in pristine, unscratched, mint condition. Several of them were extremely rare and may have fetched up to a million dollars when they were auctioned off in May of 2014. Experts estimate that their net value would have fetched around $11 million, but the auction was private and the couple wish to continue to remain anonymous.

What a windfall and awesome way to become an automatic millionaire! The couple said in a statement that they plan on paying off some bills before donating most of the money to local charities. What a great way to spread some of their luck and share their newfound wealth!

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They Set Up A Hidden Camera To Capture What Goes On When You Place A Tetherball In The Woods

I have to wonder what motivated the guy in this video to set up a tetherball and a camera in the middle of the forest.  Perhaps he knows that the wildlife hanging out there would have a particular affinity to this ball.  He was right! A group of rams were romping in the forest and four or five of them ran past the hanging tetherball without any interest.

One ram, however, stopped in his tracks in order to play tetherball like a pro.  What’s amazing to me is how he instantly knows what to do with this bizarre object in the middle of his natural habitat, while his pals never catch on. He “rams” this tetherball with such finesse that you can’t stop watching.

He’s been nicknamed “the angry ram”,  as he has become a star on his own YouTube channel, but I beg to differ.  I think he’s just a smart animal who sees a great opportunity to use his “equipment” to enjoy a unique play thing that’s suddenly appeared for his pleasure. Do you think the “Angry Ram” deserves a new name?

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This Guy Spent Over An Hour Putting In His New Cat Door. But Then THIS Happened Instead!

If you have a cat that loves going outside to explore and get some fresh air then you’re probably always opening doors to let kitty in and out. Unless, of course, you have a cat door installed that allows your frisky feline to come and go as he or she pleases.

Cat doors seem to be making a comeback as people find them more and more convenient to have at home. Not only do the doors help make people’s lives easier, they also make cat’s lives easier, happy, and independent.

One man decided that his best friend, Philo the cat, could benefit from such a door. Philo loves to roam around and patrol his turf, so easy access to the outside is crucial for his daily routine and continued happiness. After cutting a hole in the door and working hard at properly installing it the man gets Philo and urges him to try it out.

As the cat approaches the new opening he appears to not even notice, or care, about it at all. Philo doesn’t even sniff at it or raise a paw to inspect the flap. Instead, he rears up on his hind legs and pulls down on the door handle with his front paws to open it a crack.

When he gets back down he pushes the door open with his nose and scurries inside, leaving the man to watch on with what one can only imagine is a stupefied look on his face. Philo: 1 Cat door: 0

It seems as though Philo didn’t even need a cat door in the first place since he already knows how to open it for himself. If the door is ever locked he can turn to the little door, so the man’s hard work wasn’t all for nothing. This video just goes to show how tricky and difficult it often is to impress a feline!

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