A Photographer Decided To Interrupt This Buck’s Dinner. The Deer Reacts By Doing The UNTHINKABLE!

Passing by a deer with giant antlers, chowing down on the side of a road, a photographer decides to coyly befriend him by asking some video-worthy funny questions.  The deer completely ignores his chatter as he enjoys his meal.

The photographer, undeterred, decides to hop out of his vehicle, and barely five feet from this impressive deer, attempts to get a close-up photo.  He probably thought that the deer, having ignored his chatter from the car wouldn’t notice.  He was wrong!

What ensues is actually not all that surprising, but it certainly surprised the photographer who was happily ready to get his close up of the animal, peacefully enjoying his roadside meal.  The deer thought otherwise and what you are about to watch certainly gave the photographer pause.  Let’s just say he made a joke about his many years of being a vegetarian; Ouch!!  Not so jovial now!

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They Were About To Put Down This Pregnant Dog When The Vet Stepped In. You Need To See THIS Litter!

Every day animals are rescued and taken out of shelters just hours and even moments before they are scheduled to be euthanized. Many shelters struggle to house and care for the endless stream of animals that are brought in and only a few of them have no-kill policies.

Thanks to the efforts and work of people all across the nation some of the animals who are about to be put down end up getting pulled out. One non-profit program called Vet Ranch is involved in doing just that. The Texas based organization recently rescued a pregnant dog named Gracie, and thus gave both her and her unborn babies a second chance at life.

Gracie is a white and black spotted dog who is friendly, happy and very sweet in nature. When she got to Vet Ranch she was clearly pregnant and had a bad eye that she likely couldn’t see out of. The veterinarian examining her, Dr. Schuessler, determined it wasn’t causing any pain and so her treatment was focused first on her unborn babies.

He examined her, took an x-ray to check on the growing puppies, and kept a close eye on her in the days leading up to her expected delivery date. When Gracie was further along in her pregnancy a follow up x-ray showed why she was growing so big, between 11-12 puppies were in her belly, which was quite an unexpected surprise!

Dr. Schuessler wanted to make sure that Gracie wasn’t alone when she delivered the puppies so every day he checked her for any signs that indicated she was about to give birth. Despite his best efforts, one morning the Vet Ranch staff came in and there she was, laying on the ground with 12 of her newborn babies!

Some were still wet so the staff knew she must have just given birth. They helped clean them off, warmed the newborns up, and placed them back with their mama who was already nursing them and showing signs of being a great mother.

Thanks to all the work and attention of the staff, plus individual’s donations who make it possible in the first place, Gracie and her puppies are alive and well. The video tells the rest of Gracie’s story and gives an update on her puppies.

One Vet Ranch client has even taken in Gracie along with one of her babies, while the rest will be placed in good forever homes. Hopefully her story will inspire more people to rescue and adopt shelter animals, especially those who are scheduled to be euthanized for no other reason than ending up at an overcrowded shelter.

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The Dark Clouds Come Rolling Into Arizona But Moments Later Things Nuts!

It is amazing that this unusual weather phenomenon was actually caught on video. Known as a microburst, a “wave” of cool air and rain falling to the ground, it most often occurs at high speeds during a thunderstorm.

This wet microburst, seen here, results in creating high winds of an extremely high magnitude. They can go over 150 miles per hour, because they hit the ground horizontally. This kind of dispersion results in what can literally be called “balls” of rain.

The video you are about to watch is a series of wet microbursts caught by Bryan Snyder, above Tucson, Arizona. He time lapsed the footage to accentuate nature seen at it’s most powerful, and emphasizes the rapid changes that occur in weather. The sight is magnificent.

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Disabled Homeless Man Falls To The Ground and No One Helps. But Then I Can’t Hold Back The Tears

A social experiment in New York City displays the tendencies of the general public regarding giving assistance to strangers based on their appearance. A black suited man, staged with crutches, walks the streets and periodically falls to find out if passers by will help him back up. Without hesitation, there is consistently someone, if not several people, who stop their trajectory to aid the injured and fallen businessman to his feet. They respectfully call him sir as they lend their hand and ask if he is alright.

A different observation is made with a man who is dressed in dirty, tattered clothing. The seemingly homeless fellow hobbles along the street on crutches, tripping many times to take hard blows onto the sidewalk. Surrounding witnesses gape at the man in dismay, but do nothing in the way of offering help.

Some people just stare and slowly walk away, while others are oblivious to the struggle and avoid the obstacle in front of them by walking around. No one even asks the man if he is okay.

There is one person who immediately responds to the wounded hobo and it is another homeless person sitting against a building on the sidewalk. With obvious sympathy and concern, the man leaves his collection cup unattended to make sure the distressed vagabond is not in need of serious attention.

The consoler guides the consoled to standing and helps him gather his belongings before he continues on his way. The story ends with a perfect quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, “You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.”

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VIDEO: Exercises and Stretches To Relieve Sciatica Nerve Pain!

People who have Sciatica know all too well how painful and debilitating it can be. While there are several variations and causes of the condition, it’s generally characterized as back pain that originates in the buttocks and lower spine area which then radiates down the body.

Most people who suffer from it report pain in the thigh area, and for some it extends even further down to their feet. Sciatica is also commonly referred to as sciatic nerve pain because it’s caused by pressure, irritation, and/or pinching of the nerves that travel from the spinal cord to the sciatic nerves.

The areas surrounding the nerves in the lower back become inflamed and in turn a shooting, intense type of pain travels out along the affected nerves. This pain can be exacerbated when the person sneezes, coughs, or does something that puts pressure on the area and even regular day t day activities can cause it to suddenly flare up.

The most common treatment for sciatica includes a combination of pain medications to help manage the discomfort and limiting activities which tend to put stress on the lower back. Those who suffer re-current flare ups often know what causes it to act up and can avoid certain activities they have linked to the onset of pain. By resting and limiting activities the pain can be reduced and for most people, around 90%, it disappears completely within 3-6 weeks.

Sciatica has been known to affect the human body for hundreds of years and there are entire areas of ancient traditional medicine which focus on treating it. Some take the view that dietary or environmental changes can help cure it, while others posit that the best treatment is exercise. In fact, physical therapists and doctors often suggest patients do certain exercises that target the affected area and many people have found relief this way.

The video that follows shows how to do a one minute stretch routine that helps to relieve sciatica pain and speed up healing. It can be done in the comfort of your home and comments on the video show that it has helped many to get back to feeling normal and healthy again. Hopefully it will work for you as well if you suffer from sciatic nerve pain. Please help to inform others who may benefit from this by sharing it and stay positive!

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She Mixes Crayons With Crisco For One Weird Reason. But The Final Result Is Stunning!

Many people love having candles on hand around the house. Scented ones make the air smell wonderful and certain types, such as citronella ones, help to keep the bugs away. Whether you use them to add a little warm ambiance to a room, or keep some close by in case the power goes out, it’s always a good idea to have several extra on hand. A major downside to candles is that they can be quite expensive especially if you want a quality one that burns for many hours.

Instead of buying them, save yourself a bunch of money and get creative by making your own custom colored and scented candles. In this YouTube video Lisa Pullano gives a step by step tutorial on how to make candles at home using Crisco and a few other supplies you may already have on hand or that you can pick up at any craft store for a few dollars.

The main item these candles require is Crisco, or vegetable shortening, plus canning jars with lids, cotton candle wicks, oil soluble dyes, oil pastel crayons, fragrance or citronella oils, and various things that can be used to decorate them. Take a fire-safe container, like a glass canning jar or bottle, and hot glue a candle wick to the bottom of it.

If the jar is tall slip the wick through a straw to help keep it in place later, and if the jar is large use 2-3 wicks. Using a double boiler method, melt some Crisco in a glass container over low to medium heat, then allow it to cool for 10-20 minutes. Be very careful melting Crisco since it’s highly flammable and if you ever have the misfortune of a grease fire extinguish it by smothering the flames with a pot lid, salt, or baking soda (never use water!).

Take a lollipop stick, or any similar object, and tie the glued wick to it, then lay it across the jar opening. Melt in either candle wax, crayons, oil pastels, or makeup with mica in it to add color. If you want them scented use candle fragrance oil or essential oil, and for bug repellent ones use about 5-10 drops of citronella oil. Pour the colored and/or scented oil into the candle holder jars and wait about 5 hours for them to solidify before using. To speed the process up you can place them in the fridge for 35 minutes.

These candles make wonderful gifts and can be easily decorated to your liking. The video shows jars spruced up with lace appliques, seashells, ornaments, spray paint, ribbons, and more. Check out the video for more details and further instructions.

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She Mixes Melted Chocolate And Condensed Milk To Make Mouthwatering Surprise. YUM!

Here’s a DIY for fudge lovers!  If you think you have to go buy fudge to get a high quality product, you are happily wrong.  Gemma Stafford shows you how incredibly simple and fun it is to make yourself.  It can even be done in a microwave.

Gemma’s video from YouTube will make your mouth water.  She bring you 3 fudge recipes that not only look good but taste incredible.  Being a fudge lover myself, I decided to try these recipes, and can vouch for both the ease of making them and the delicious results.

The 3 types of fudge in this delightful video are: cookies and cream, red velvet and s’mores. I hope you get to enjoy both the process of making these and the results which my family thought were professional.

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THIS Pup Jumps Into His Brand New Bath Tub. But His Next Move Is Just Priceless.

Golden Retrievers live up to their name as they were originally bred in the mid 19th century to find and recover game birds and waterfowl. Retrieving activities required the dogs to jump into all sorts of marshes, ponds, streams, and other bodies of water.

They had to be easily trainable and strong swimmers who didn’t hesitate to get wet. Over the years the breed has become well known for their love of water, and with their naturally water-repellent coats, they are more than built for it.

Nothing demonstrates a Golden Retriever’s natural affinity for water better than this video. In it an adorable, happy, and very playful puppy is taking a bath and cooling off on a hot summers day. He has the perfect tub all set up and it looks like there was no having to coax him into it!

He goes to town churning up the water, splashing it over the sides, and it seems as if he’s trying to make bubbles and fizz by pushing it down so quickly. He looks so excited and overjoyed to be immersed in water and he’s definitely getting a lot of energy out while doing his bath time activities.

Golden Retrievers are awesome companions and if you want a dog who will hang out at the beach and go swimming with you, look no further. They are sweet, loyal, trainable and even-tempered dogs who are perfect for families with young children.

Those traits, along with their intelligence, also makes them excellent service dogs, especially for the blind. The list goes on and on and there are so many other great qualities to this breed, but the one that stands out the most is their love for water!

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