I Wasn’t A Big Believer In Ghosts Until I Watched What A Security Camera Caught On Video At THIS Bar

Paranormal activity frequently gets posted on the internet with those behind the camera claiming to have captured ghosts and otherworldly things that are usually hard to make out.  Low-resolution and consequent blurriness makes using your imagination a must in deciding whether what you are viewing is truly out of the ordinary.

The footage you are about to see was caught on a security camera in a neighborhood pub. A man turns away from his glass of ale for less than a minute and what occurs is just unbelievable. Whether this will make you believe in ghosts will depend on your level of skepticism.  Even the most skeptical among us will not believe their eyes.

Many people claim that there is a scientific explanation for everything.  A beer glass exploding by itself might have several reasonable explanations having to do with extreme temperatures mixing.  The other pub patrons are all sitting practically motionless, when the glass begins to slide on the table by itself before exploding.  It’s one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen. Though I’ve never been a huge believer in the paranormal, I have to say that watching this has definitely made me question whether some things are beyond scientific explanation.

Watch this and let us know if you can come up with some reasonable explanation for what you are about to view? Or do you think that this is a clear example of something paranormal actually being caught on camera?

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They Gave Their Dog A Bunch Of Water Balloons. The Result Is Hilarious!

Who doesn’t like playing with water balloons in the summertime?  It’s a great way to have fun and stay cool in the heat.  As the summer nears it’s end this family thought of a great way to finish up the balloon play by having their dog Spaz be included in the fun.

As the weather started getting cooler this family found a really novel and totally fun way to get rid of their extra water balloons. Spaz seemed to love every minute of his contribution to the task at hand.  With great gusto he knew just what to do to deal with the problem of getting rid of the extra water balloons, that his humans didn’t want to be soaked with.

Watching this video made me want to get on that trampoline and join Spaz in the fun…Just as long as I could bound away with him and not have to clean up the mess with this pooch’s humans!

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She Starts Texing During Her Drivers Test. The Result Is Terrifying!

Texting while driving is known to be as, or more dangerous, as drinking and driving.  It is mind-boggling that people believe that they are capable of looking away from the road while texting, without it resulting in accidents hurting themselves and others on the road.  The distraction is, in fact, extremely dangerous.  Over 1.2 million people are victims of car accidents that occur as a result of texting while driving!

Although most people are aware of the danger, they somehow believe that they are the ones who have the unique  capability of successfully driving while texting without it resulting in disastrous consequences.  Our phones, and social media have become an addiction that drives this need we have to constantly be in contact, even if it endangers ourselves and others.  So what is the answer to curbing this terrible behavior?

Although older drivers commit this dangerous behavior, it has been found that a higher percentage of younger drivers text and drive, believing themselves invincible to the consequences.  This video sets up a scenario in which new drivers taking their driver’s test, are told that in order to pass they must text while driving.  There is nothing more powerful than experiencing a dangerous situation firsthand.

Simply telling people about the dangers of texting and driving doesn’t seem to make the difference that the actual out-of-control experience drives home.  Feeling the consequences is crucial to ending the hazards of texting and driving.  Share this important video and let us know what you think.

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Mama Caught Her Pup Doing Something Very Strange To The New Baby! I Never Expected THIS

Man’s best friend?  I’m not sure who is taking this incredible video, as the man speaking in the background is talking on the phone and doesn’t seem aware of the remarkable scene going on in front of him.  Yorkshire terrier Misty is baby’s best friend!  I have seen maternal care taking of one animal to another and across different breeds, but nothing like this.

The attachment Misty has to this little human is actually like a mother to a child.  I don’t know if she is modeling the mother’s behavior, or just instinctively has such human-like maternal instincts.  The baby is asleep in his pram but according to Misty’s assessment, he just isn’t tucked in properly.

In a most protective and loving way, watch how Misty methodically tucks the baby in.  She makes sure that her baby human is snuggled up all around, in a most protective and cozy way.  Assured that the baby is properly wrapped and warm, Misty seems quite satisfied with her “nanny” work.  What a darling dog!  This video will make your day.  Please share it with others.  There’s nothing like watching an unexpected moment of love!

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She Starts Cutting Into Her Old Leggings. When She’s Finished It’s STUNNING

Do you have an old pair of leggings that you never wear anymore, or don’t fit into? Clear up some closet space, but instead of tossing anything out, try getting creative and give those tired pants a style upgrade! All you need is a pair of scissors and a few strategic cuts to transform your leggings into a cute new crop top shirt. YouTube’s Handimania channel has an excellent DIY tutorial that shows you how to easily do exactly that, and it’s impossible to mess this one up. Don’t worry about having to sew or glue anything, there is none of that. In under a minute’s worth of time you’ll be all done, so be sure to check this out and try it later. Plus, who doesn’t want a shirt that’s basically free, in style, looks great on, and that you can say you made all by yourself!

The first step is to lay out the leggings on a flat surface and fold them in half the long way, so that one leg overlaps the other and rests directly on top of it. Make sure you smooth out the fabric as evenly as possible and then grab a pair of sharp scissors. In one hand, pinch the seams where they meet in the crotch area and pull the fabric tight. Begin to cut with your other hand, starting from about an inch or so below where you are pinching. Cut out a half-circle shape, which will become the neckline for the top. It can be further cut and adjusted so that you get the desired fit you’re looking for. When you put your new shirt on be aware that the legs are now the sleeves and the waistline is now the bottom part of the shirt.

This fashion trick is the perfect way to up-cycle and reuse leggings that no longer fit, or to revamp ones that you love but wore way too much. It actually looks great too and it’s super quick and easy. Just make sure to cut both sides of the pants evenly so that the neck line isn’t off or irregular. That’s all there is to it, you only need to make one cut and there is no reason why you shouldn’t try this today!

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This Woman Wraps Bubble Wrap Around This Cake. But When She’s Done STUNNING

When you bake a cake at home it usually ends up being slathered in frosting and maybe some sprinkles, candy, or fruit gets thrown on top of it. The average home baker simply does not have the knowledge or specialized tools to make fancy cakes.

However, with this simple chocolate tempering decoration technique you can take a boring run of the mill cake and turn it into a work of art! All you need is a piece of clean bubble wrap, pastry chocolate, a microwave, and an already baked cake. Read on to see how you can take a cake from blah to WOW with a little finesse and patience, and be sure to check out the video to see how it’s done.

In a microwave safe bowl break up pastry chocolate into pieces, place it in the microwave, and cook for 1 minute on medium heat. Remove the bowl, stir the chocolate, and resume heating it for an additional minute. Depending on your microwave, you may have to keep heating it in short stages, and you can stop once the chocolate is completely melted and smooth.

Take a clean, washed piece of bubble wrap that has been fitted to match the size of the cake you’re decorating and wrap it around the cake. Leave about ½ an inch of the edge to overlap where it meets, as well as an inch that extends over the topside of the cake (see video). Lay the bubble wrap flat with the bubble-side facing up and pour the melted chocolate onto it.

Working quickly, smooth the chocolate evenly over the wrap with a flat knife or spatula, covering the piece to the edges as best you can. Allow the chocolate to dry and harden up a bit for about 10 minutes, at room temperature, before you go on to the next step.

Once it’s ready, carefully pick up the chocolate bubble wrap and apply it to the outside of the cake. Make sure the chocolate covered side faces in, touching and resting against the cake, then wrap it around while smoothing it on and pressing firmly against the cake. Pay careful attention to the seam where the edges meet and make sure it’s evenly aligned. Wait about 10 minutes while it sets, then you may remove the wrap.

Starting at the edge that overlaps at the seam begin to slowly peel back the bubble wrap away from the chocolate. Once you get started it should come off easily and you’ll be left with a honey-combed chocolate enveloped cake that looks amazing and super tasty!

The chocolate part that extends over the top edge of the cake makes an excellent holder for any additional topping you may wish to add on, like fruit, candies, cream, or whatever other creative things you come up with.

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This Guy Places Luggage On The Conveyer Belt. Then Something Incredible Happens!

Checking in and handing off luggage to airline attendants is one of the first things people do when they get to the airport, unless they opt to carry it on the plane of course. We get to see the workers weigh our bags and slap a sticker on before they place them on a slow moving conveyor belt. If you’re lucky the airline allows you to check a bag for free, and if it weighs less than the limit you also avoid having to pay any extra fees.

In this day and age it seems that airlines charge customers just about every step of the way, whether it’s for snacks, early boarding privileges, blankets, and so on. The one area that they seem to be ever increasing charges is in the baggage realm, partly because they know they can get you there. After all, most people have to pack clothes and bring necessities for their trip with them!

Fast forward to arrival, when you’re standing at the baggage claim area anxiously awaiting the sight of your luggage. Once you find it you can breathe a sigh of relief and be on your way. If it never comes you have to deal with the hassle of trying to track it down and sometimes it’s lost forever, which is depressing to even think about.

Many people wonder where bags get lost because it’s not like they are small and easy to misplace. Plus, if they’re clearly labeled then they should eventually make it to the destination, barring anyone actually stealing them. Once bags have been removed from an arriving plane, or checked in, where do they even go?

This video shows some incredibly insightful footage into the baggage handling process and it’s way more complex than I ever assumed or imagined. A 360-degree camera was attached to a checked suitcase at the Amsterdam Airport in Schiphol, Netherlands, and then sent on it’s way.

The clip shows what a long, strange, automated journey bags have to go through. It may just shed some light, and offer a few clues, as to where and how bags become lost or misplaced. Plus, it helps to justify the rising fees associated with checking luggage. After all, you’re basically paying for your bags to go on several extended carnival rides!

Check it out because this is something you have to see for yourself. It’s eye opening, amazing, and if you haven’t yet learned anything new today, this is for you!

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This Tiny Kitten Was Terrified and Nervous In Her New House. Until The Dog Did THIS

We have all watched many cute videos of animals on the internet, but the only word for this one is blissful. This tiny little kitten, Rosie, found solace after her first shaky night in her new home. Usually that first night of transition is very stressful, particularly for baby animals, and so it was for Rosie.

Her owners noticed that she was sluggish and not responding to their attempts to comfort her. They came up with a unique idea, hoping to turn her around. They had a full grown husky, Lilo, who despite the fact that she had never had any puppies, had always displayed a strong maternal instinct.

It is probable that Rosie had just been taken from her mother, and had been nursing, so her instinct to snuggle up to Lilo is far less surprising than Lilo’s reaction. It is always a bit of a gamble when an adult animal of another species is approached for comfort and care.

It certainly is not uncommon to see adult animals nurture across species, but Lilo’s immediate tender and loving care taking of darling little Rosie is just so special. The music set to their interaction in this beautiful video makes it all the more heartwarming. Sit back and enjoy these four minutes of sheer bliss!

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