He Wrote A Suicide-Note and Left His Room. When He Returns He’s Stunned When His Dog Does THIS

Animals are incredibly in tune and aware of everything around them, so when something seems off or strange, they tend to notice it right away. Our pets are very emotionally connected to us, when they see their human companions upset or crying, they often approach the person gently and offer them lots of licks, sweet puppy eyes, and tender reassurance.

Most often it is man’s best friend, dogs, who react as if they know the person needs some extra love and affection. In a way, it’s as if dogs have a 6th sense for these types of situations. They just feel and intuitively know what to do when humans are deeply upset and sad.

Twenty-three year old Byron Taylor knows this all too well. He says that his six year old Rare Welsh Bull Mastiff, Geo, saved his life. The normally gentle, peaceful, loving dog saw something was amiss with his owner and took action when Taylor was about to attempt suicide.

He had gone so far as to fashion a noose out of rope and left it for a moment to write a suicide note to his family. When he returned a few minutes later Geo had grabbed the rope with his strong jaws and wouldn’t let go of it. Even when Taylor tried to wrestle it back, Geo held on tight and even snarled and growled uncharacteristically at him. Eventually the dog tore the rope to shreds, Taylor says “He chewed up the noose…

In a way, I think Geo knew what I was going to do.” It certainly seems as if his faithful companion truly did know what was going through Taylor’s mind and he stepped in at the right time to put a stop to it. Geo gave him a clear reminder of exactly what he had to live for, and in his darkest hour Geo showed him that he cared and was not about to let his best friend go out like that.

That was a few years ago, and now Taylor is at a better place in his life. However, Geo has only days to live. His veterinarian found an aggressive tumor on his head which turned out to be cancerous. It has since been rapidly spreading to other parts of his body and sadly his condition is incurable.

Taylor wishes that he could return the favor and save Geo’s life, but he can only continue to stay by his loyal companion’s side and give him the most love he can until he passes. For now, he plays with the happy dog and cherishes every precious moment he has left. Geo will always be in his heart, forever remembered as the dog who saved his life.

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Video: The Caught Their Dog’s Priceless Response To Her Cancer Test Results On Video. That Face!

Dani and her husband have a beloved  Golden Retriever named Lily who got sick overnight.  They rushed her to the veterinarian and received horrible news that she had a giant tumor on her spleen. “She was so anemic her breathing was affected and we had to make a fast choice.

They told us it was hemangiosarcoma, that more than half of Golden Retrievers die from it,” Dani wrote. “It comes in fast and she only had hours to live if we didn’t do surgery. Even if we did, she’d still only have months. There was only a 10% chance that it was the benign kind and they said in 25 years it’s never happened.”

Without a second thought Dani and her husband used most of their savings to go ahead with the surgery, even though they were warned of the slim chances of saving her.  A 6 pound tumor was removed during the surgery.  Lily seemed to be feeling remarkably better after the tumor removal, but Dani and her husband were warned that his newfound health would only be temporary.

One week later they got the results. The video is of Dani explaining the situation to Lily.  She tells her to sit down as she explains the details of the type of cancer and what the doctors have explained to them.  A truly remarkable moment is recorded that will change your day.

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THIS Wild Bear Came To This Man’s Window Looking For Food At :07 Seconds It’s Hilarious!

Wild bears are adorable. Their big pleading eyes are akin to the look you get from a puppy that instantly melts your heart. The animal’s gaze begs for compassion, and efficiently making you weak in the knees, you give in to their desire for attention.

The irresistible stare almost always is a cry for fulfillment of their hearts, not from tenderness and love, but through the comfort of a full belly. This bear presented a grand act by batting its innocent eyes right outside some people’s window in Siberia.

As if showing up at a drive through for its meal, the bear props itself up on the sill waiting for snacks. The spectacle of the situation was sure to bring him success as human laughter and entertainment lead a cookie to his mouth.

The bear gently nibbles the treat and when finished, unashamedly looks back with obvious expectation for more. His request is granted as another cookie is handed over and each time he’s finished the process is repeated.

At some point the man feeding the bear decides to up the ante by attempting to teach the beast to shake his hand in order to receive more sweets, but the bear is unresponsive and, despite his remorselessness, given more cookies anyway.

It appears as though the bear has no limit to his calorie intake, and is speeding right through sugar high straight on toward diabetes. These men can be sure to expect a regular visitor when the bear’s glucose crashes and his sugar addiction escalates from soft eyes to growling demands. He will be back to get his fix!

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Human Confronts His Dog About The Mess. The Dog Denies It With The Most Hysterical Tantrum.

image via: facebook.com

Siberian Huskies are well known for their easy going nature and beautiful wolf-like looks, but it’s their high-spirited personalities that draws people to them. The medium sized breed is ultra energetic, intelligent, friendly, and highly accepting of both other dogs and even strangers.

In the popular culture of books, movies and television husky’s are known as sled dogs who travel thousands and thousands of miles with unparalleled speed, agility and endurance. At the same time, Huskies are a lot of work and need plenty of exercise. If they get bored, or are left alone to their own devices for too long, they can end up getting into a lot of trouble!

Many a Husky owner has left the house all nice and tidy, only to come home later to a complete disaster of a mess! Their bored dogs go on destructive rampages when they step out, like the adorable Husky in this video.

The big handsome boy is named Blu and this clip shows the moment that his owners returned home from a date. While they were gone Blu decided to redecorate and used the stuffing from his bed to embellish the plain old wood floor around his kennel.  Maybe since Christmas is right around the corner this was just a simple ‘husky-human’ misunderstanding and he was just trying to decorate for the holidays!

There were bits and pieces of his shredded bedding strewn everywhere and in the middle of it all was a very guilty looking Blu. But he wasn’t about to sulk away in shame from what he’d done, instead he had a few choice words for his parents!

Before they could even say a thing or reprimand him for his bad behavior, Blu was off and running his mouth full throttle. He all but drowned them out with his whines and moaning, there was barely even a pause where mom and dad could put their two cents in. This is one seriously strong-willed Husky and he wasn’t about to shush up or back down!

While Blu’s tantrum may at first appear to be over his ripped up bedding, it’s actually about his parents leaving him all alone while they went out and had a fun date without him. According to his owners, “Blu is a sweet boy that only acts up when no one is present. In this video, he was told to go to bed and be a good boy… [but] Blu wasn’t ready for bed… so he ate it.”

He wasn’t ready for nap time or for alone time either and took out whatever boredom, anxiety, stress, or pent up energy that he was feeling on his poor comfy bed! Blu is one of the most expressive and persistent Huskies we’ve seen yet, and that’s all part of what makes the breed so endearing and adorable.

Blu is really just a big adorable baby at heart. Wait until you hear how persistent and “believable” is denial is. I wonder if they strapped him to a lie detector if he could pass the mess test! Blu’s personality, charm and absolutely hilarious nature is sure to make your day. The back and forth between Blu and his human is pretty much the best thing I have seen all week.

He whines cries and makes sure not to keep direct I contact with his human to give away the truth of what really went down while he was left alone in the house. At times he really does sound like a human baby who is going through the terrible twos. Any parent who has raised a two year old baby knows how challenging these years can be!

Unlike cats who take pride in their mischief, dogs especially Husky’s tend to feel a sense of remorse and guilt when they know they messed up and have done something very wrong.  There is an entire genre of guilty dog videos and pictures that are just incredibly amusing.

If you have never dabbled in the world of guilty dogs I recommend you google it to brighten your day up.  This hand picked video is one of the best we have ever seen.

After the hilarious show Blu puts on claiming his complete innocence and clearing himself of all wrong doing, I’m sure his owner gave him a big hug, kiss, cuddle and let him know everything is going to be okay!

Hopefully they can go for a nice long walk through the neighborhood so Blu can clear his head and mind while he transforms back into the happy, cute, fuzzy, lovable fur baby he is 99 percent of the time!

An internet superstar has been born and I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of the this outspoken husky. Blu the Husky has officially earned the title of master of all hissy fits, tantrums and just being darn right adorable in the process.


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This Guy Pours Olive Oil All Over The Inside Of His Car. But The Reason Is Brilliant!

This car cleaning trick works great and is a safe alternative to the harsh chemical products that people usually turn to when cleaning their car interiors. Since you only need olive oil and a napkin there is absolutely, positively no toxic chemical residue left behind on surfaces or lingering in the air. It won’t smell heavy like a factory either. Instead, there will be a pleasant and barely noticeable scent of olive oil, which is much better than fake chemical odors.

This video was made courtesy of YouTube channel CrazyRussianHacker. He shows us how he cleans his car’s leather interior with olive oil and thoroughly explains the nuances of the technique. Getting right down to it, start by taking a napkin or paper towel and fold it in half several times over. Take some olive oil and pour a few drops onto the napkin. The key here is to remember that a little goes a long way.

Don’t pour on too much oil because you’ll end up making a mess and wasting it. Next, rub it in evenly onto the dashboard, making sure to cover all exposed surface areas. Once you have put down a coat of oil, take another clean napkin or paper towel and wipe over the surface again.

This will just pick up any excess oil that may be present or didn’t get absorbed. The oil will help pick up and remove the dust and leave behind a pleasant odor and a nice, shiny sheen. It’s the safest and most effective way to clean your car’s interior, and probably the cheapest too.

The best thing about this ‘crazy Russian hack’ is that it can be done for pennies on the dollar. Most people have olive oil on hand in their kitchen and paper towels or napkins. If not, gas stations often have paper towel dispensers near the pumps, and inside there are most likely napkins if they sell food so just grab a few.

If you have young children and/or pets who spend a lot of time in the car, you don’t want them being exposed to whatever chemicals and harsh ingredients auto cleaners contain. Keep them safe with olive oil, plus your skin and hands will thank you if you get some on them!

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Bear Decides To Sit Next To This Guy At His Campsite. I Had To Hold My Breath While Watching THIS

We think of bears in the wild as potentially very dangerous to humans, while still holding this romanticized notion of “cuddly as a teddy bear” or “just a sweet big bear [of a man]”.  A camper at the McNeil River State Game Sanctuary and Refuge was peacefully watching from above as bears were fishing in the river below.

Drew Hamilton, an employee of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, was sitting in his camping chair when out of nowhere an Alaskan brown bear walks up next to him in a very relaxed fashion. He takes in the peaceful scene, Hamilton is viewing, yawns and takes a seat.

As Hamilton is a professional, he seemed to intuitively know that keeping calm and still was the way to go.  He videos the bear, who almost seems human taking in the beautiful moment of nature.  Incredibly, he seems disinterested in Hamilton, (probably because he remained completely calm) watches the bears below and eventually goes on his way, probably to join in the fun below.

Hamilton’s calm reaction to this amazing moment in the wild, that had the potential to be extremely dangerous, serves as a great example of how to behave when faced with a wild bear in the majesty of nature.  Enjoy the video and please share this amazing moment in the wonders of nature.

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All She Did Is Put Her Feet On The Dashboard But It Would End Up Changing Her Life Forever

Parents are always warning their children not to put their feet up on the dashboard when they ride in the passenger seat. “It’s dangerous” is what my own mother used to say when I called shotgun and propped my legs up to comfortably rest on the dash, which she’d promptly swat away.

She, and everyone else who said that it was dangerous, is absolutely correct in their warnings. According to the website gm.ca, airbags typically deploy at around 200 mph. They need to open faster than the accident is happening, which caused them to deploy, so they can provide the protection they are meant for. However, such rapid deployment can result in serious injuries, and sometimes they are even be fatal.

Bethany Benson knows this all too well. Back in August of 2010 she was just 22 years old when her life changed drastically. She was returning back from her aunt’s house along with her boyfriend who was driving her mom’s 2002 Pontiac Sunfire. She was trying to get as comfortable as possible so she reclined the seat back, propped her feet up on the dashboard, and fell asleep.

The chain of events that happened next would seriously affect her for the rest of her life. A car and a motorcycle collided, which tragically cost the biker his life. A transport truck came upon the scene and suddenly hit the brakes to try and avoid the accident. The Sunfire was right behind that truck and Bethany’s boyfriend tried as best he could to avoid crashing into it, but it was too late to avoid. The car slammed into the back of the big rig and the passenger side airbag slammed into Bethany’s legs.

When the airbag deployed it hit her hamstrings, which caused her feet to push up through the windshield, and her knees to drive back into her face. When her knees slammed into her eyes they cracked her left eye socket and cheekbone, broke her nose, dislocated her jaw, and caused a tooth to slice through her lower lip. Both her feet were broken in multiple places and she lost her spleen along with her memories. Worst of all she suffered a brain bleed and her entire personality changed.

Now she is moodier and angrier than she was before the accident, and understandably depressed, but these changes caused her to lose friends and even the boyfriend she once had. She’s in constant pain and has been struggling to deal with the after effects of that night ever since. Bethany wants to get one thing across by telling her story. She wants people to know that everything she had, and who she was, all changed because she put her feet up on the dashboard. Please help pass on her story, if it can help save a life or prevent such massive injuries from ever happening, then some good can come from it all.

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VIDEO: He Stops His Car On The Road When He Sees This Lost Goose. What Happens Next INCREDIBLE!

Wow! That’s the first word that comes to mind after watching this amazing video depicting the unbelievable kindness of a man who comes upon a wild goose seemingly lost on a country road near Alberta, Canada. He was driving along in his pickup truck when he noticed the goose wandering along without direction.

Wild geese can be very aggressive towards other animals and humans, but that didn’t stop this caring man from stopping to get out of his truck and speak gently to the lost goose. He spoke in such a soothing and encouraging tone, that the goose never let out one squawk. He seemed to sense the man’s compassion and trusted him on such a gut level, that what happened next was awe-inspiring.

The man got back into his truck and the goose began following on foot and then took flight following the truck. After going a ways, the driver got out and spoke to the goose again telling him he would lead him back to his buddies at the nearby Shining Bank Lake. Getting back in his truck again, the goose takes flight, continuing to follow this amazingly kind man.

This was no wild goose chase! Rather, it was a beautiful example of trust between a human and a wild animal, that not only saved the goose from being run over, but led him back to the safety of his natural environment.

Please Share this inspirational video that exhibits the power of caring engagement between humans and animals