This Guy Decides To Take A Nap Under A Tree Then The Weirdest Thing Happens!

A volunteer at the Cheetah Experience in South Africa, Dolph C. Volker, put out this extraordinary video to illustrate the possibility of having an affectionate relationship between a human and a big cat.  He writes, “Many people see Cheetahs hunting, running, killing, resting, or raising their young in documentaries, TV, or zoos.

I wanted to show people the up-close and personal side of Cheetahs. I was pleasantly surprised how wonderful their personalities can be. Cheetahs are not considered a ‘social’ cat but they love, display affection, love attention (the tamed ones) and very interactive.”

The footage you are about to view shows Volker with an adult Cheetah named Eden, who has taken an immediate liking to him, within a few days of meeting.  He said that he was able to “trust her completely”, as Eden’s comfort with him increased.

His take on her treatment of him was reflective of her experiencing him as another Cheetah.  This included the astounding behavior we get to view in this video which Volker narrates as it takes place in front of our eyes;  “grooming, nibbling, biting, pacifying, purring, laying on me, and sleeping… cuddling up close to me. I’m amazed how much more interactive and affectionate Cheetahs are compared to the average domesticated cat.”

I have to say that although I found this video captivating, I had to question Volker’s judgement in laying down with Eden; at any moment she could get carried away with her affection and bite him, without meaning to hurt him.

Volker talks about this, although he believes that by listening to her purring he was capable of gauging whether at any moment he could be in danger.

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I Thought A Band Was On Stage When They Began To Sing Hotel California. But The Truth Blew Me Away

This astounding a cappella vocal arrangement of the Eagles’ classic “Hotel California” is proof positive of the greatest instrument of all time, the voice. The Cubans, a remarkable group, display the art form of the human voice in all it’s glory.

Though hard to believe, when listening to this haunting rendition of this classic rock song, not a single instrument other than their voices are being used. They recreate not only the guitar solo, but are able to portray the nuanced guitar effects and simulate the unique sound of the drums, showcasing a cappella prowess at its finest.

This song, which has been beloved for so many years, is performed so uniquely and magnificently, that I had to watch it twice to really believe there are no back up instruments! Be transported to the “Hotel California” while you get taken on this incredible musical ride!

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Nobody Believed Him When He Described The Cat’s Before Dinner Ritual So They Caught THIS On Film

We humans are told that in order to increase the power of our brains, we need to solve puzzles, think “out of the box” and engage in novel activities.  People who have an intrinsic desire to learn, experience the rewards of satiating that desire.

Cats too, are clearly intelligent animals, who benefit from such activities.  The pet parents of the cat in this video have set up a task that needs to be completed in order for this feline to receive his extrinsic reward… his meal.

Watching this cat exhibit his problem solving ability is truly amazing.  It’s as if you can practically hear him thinking out his next move, exemplifying truly intuitive instincts leading him to be methodically resourceful in every move he makes to find each part of the puzzle that will lead to the reward of his dinner.

Watching his clever moves is truly astounding.  Not only are his pet parents providing him dinner, but an opportunity to use his brain that could very easily prolong a healthier longer life.

By providing him opportunities to use his brain in novel ways, this cat will experience a more content and interesting existence.  Watch and enjoy this feline intelligence and please share your thoughts about this amazing animal!

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Boy Starts His White Belt Test In Taekwondo But His First Move Makes Everyone Burst Out Laughing!

Cuteness overload. This little boy is so dedicated to his testing in Taekwondo! The instructor gently guides him to success by allowing the little martial artist as many attempts as necessary to break a perforated board in order to obtain the rank of a white belt and subsequent pride.

The boy practices his kick a few times before the board is placed before him, and with heartfelt hiya’s he repeatedly tries his moves to accomplish the classic snap with his feet.

When the board doesn’t budge, the boy hops on top and jumps up and down. Trying not to laugh too much, his teacher encourages him to re-establish his proper stance and perform the kick correctly. The master reminds the boy that if he doesn’t break the board, he will not receive the impending belt.

After several more attempts, the very kind mentor points out the exact line where the boy can place his foot to get the board to fold. The audience in the room is dazzled as they giggle and awe at the boy’s performance.

He refuses to give up and remains focused on the task at hand until he has achieved his goal. With one final wind up and oomph of determination, he manages the perfect strike and at last, the board buckles under the force of his foot. The room is filled with cheers and after being presented his well earned belt, the boy skips away with dignity and delight.

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Mama Dog Thought Her Pups Were Gone For Good. But Watch Her Reaction When They Are Reunited

The ties that bind mother’s and their offspring are universally found throughout the animal kingdom.  Sometimes, as humans, we think we corner the market on the extent of that bond and and the power that it invokes in how far we will go to protect and nurture our children.

It is true that humans have a far more prolonged duration of care taking than other species.  This, however, does not in any way diminish the pain experienced by mothers in other species, when their young are prematurely separated from them.

There is an innate attachment between mother’s and their children that is so powerful that it can cause a mother to do things beyond her natural physical power to protect her young.  We often hear tales of human mothers able to lift a car to save her child.  Within the animal kingdom, less powerful creatures find the capability to save their offspring from more dominant animals.  This power of love is truly one of the most amazing qualities found throughout nature.

The following video which shows a mother dog shedding tears after being reunited with her lost pups.  Some may see this as particularly human.  The pain of loss and separation is not, however, unique to the human species.  The relief shown by this mother dog is something that we can totally identify with as humans.  The love and protection of our offspring is probably the most potent emotion found in nature.

It would truly be wonderful if the universality of this kind of love could be spread beyond our offspring to make our world a place where love, rather than selfishness and hatred is so dominant. Enjoy the poignancy of this mother’s relief when reunited with the pups she loves with all her heart.

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This Guy Takes 2 Sharpies and Colors The Flash On His Smartphone. The Result Will Amaze You!

With just two permanent markers, one blue and one purple, and some Scotch tape, you can create a germ finder out of your camera. Simply place the scotch tape over the flash on your phone. Color the light with a blue Sharpie and allow the ink to dry. Layer another piece of tape over the blue and color again with the same marker. After another piece of tape, color with the purple Sharpie, and your black light is ready for use in any completely dark area.

The long wave ultraviolet light emitted by this contraption allows for the observation of fluorescence. The colored glow radiates from many substances when exposed to UV light, and can be used for a plethora of things. Artistic lighting effects, medical diagnosis, detecting fluorescent dyes, identifying counterfeit currency, authentication of paintings, curing plastic resins, attracting insects and hunting rocks are all practical applications of a black light.

The low power UV light is not harmful to the skin or eyes, but powerful UV sources do require protective equipment, such as goggles or gloves. The non-threatening version of UV light can illuminate skin diseases as well as fungal and bacterial infections.

Manufacturers often add fluorescing compounds to poisonous substances to allow it to be detectable by black lights if an individual is poisoned. Different substances glow various colors, and therefore can be identified with the shining of the darkened light. Check out what you can find with your own black light camera!

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This Ink-Blot Test Will Reveal Your Biggest Fear In Life

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Fear is an emotion that every single one of us has experienced at many points in our lives. It’s a natural reaction to feel afraid and no matter what you call it; dread, horror, alarm, terror, panic, distress, fright, or threatened, it’ll always have a negative connotation. However, not all fears are bad and it’s actually quite healthy to feel afraid every now and then.

For most people, things like creepy crawlies or heights freak them out. According to various surveys on the topic the most common fears and phobias have to do with snakes, spiders, cockroaches, public speaking, needles, tight spaces, flying, dogs, water, germs, and death. While people can be afraid of virtually anything and everything, they can only fear on thing the absolute most.

What are you the most afraid of in this world? Put another way, what’s the one singular thing, thought, or idea that is truly capable of filling your mind, body, and soul with dread? No one likes to admit it, yet we all have to face what it is that we fear the most. While it’s natural to instinctively repress and avoid the unpleasant thoughts, we eventually need to deal with it and what better way to do just that than with some basic psychology!

This quiz uses ink-blot images to draw out and assess your deepest, darkest subconscious fears and thoughts. What you end up seeing in each picture ultimately depends on your perception of the world. In turn, part of what molds and shapes your interpretation of all the things that you see and come across in life is your unconscious mind.

It’s usually inaccessible, which is why psychologists have developed tests like the one featured here to draw out and uncover the ideas and information it holds deeply hidden. Projective tests, which include ink-blot tests, are psychological tools that use images, words, or situations to analyze how people respond to them.

An individual is assessed in terms of the unconscious personality traits they exhibit towards the stimulus, in this case the image, and from their response hidden emotions are brought to light. In other words, how you view the ink-blots here will reveal what you fear the most.

With that in mind, are you ready to face your biggest fear? Take this projective ink-blot quiz now and see whether or not you agree with the end results. Enjoy!

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Vacationers Were Gazing Into The Water When They Got The Unexpected Surprise Of a Lifetime!

The greatest thing about the summer months is the freedom to be outside and explore nature in all it’s forms.  It brings families together on vacations to places they have never been and to see sights that simply aren’t available in their own backyard.

True nature lovers have that wanderlust that takes them on adventures that open up the possibility of seeing something new and memorable.  The group of tourists in this video standing on giant boulders near the water’s shore on Saturna Island in British Columbia, Canada were enjoying the beautiful day, when to their surprise they were to behold a sight that took their breath away!

They had gathered hoping to spot a whale close enough to view.  There was some movement in the water when suddenly not one, not two…but an entire pod of Orca Whales began emerging from the water in a playful rhythm prancing past the excited tourists practically within arms reach of where they expectantly stood on the rocks.  The people squealed with delight at the majesty and abundance of these beautiful creatures.

This once in a lifetime experience of such close proximity to these whales is something these tourists will surely never forget, and the video is thrilling to behold.

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