This Guy Drills A Hole Into A Flower Pot. The Unexpected Final Result Will Save You A Ton Of Money!

This version of a do-it-yourself home candle heater is claimed to be the most efficient and simple design out there. With its adjustable base you can customize the efficiency by controlling heat loss and allowing for candle space. The fact that the heater is hanging keeps it from getting too hot and ruining adjacent surfaces. The apparatus is visually more appealing than other kinds like it, which makes it nice to use even when you have company at home.

Start by gathering your materials; a six inch clay pot, with its base, a similar five inch pot, a length of chain with an odd number of links, 14 half inch nuts, 11 half inch washers, and a foot or so of half inch threaded rod. Now, put two nuts on the end of the rod, about an inch from the end.

Place the two end links of the chain onto the rod distal to the nuts, secure the chain with one more nut on the end of the rod, and tighten the two bottom nuts by twisting in opposite directions. Next, slide a washer and the big pot onto the opposite end of the rod and push it up to the secured nuts.

Insert another washer, followed by a nut, onto the rod inside the pot. With the nut tightened, top it with a washer and the small pot. Add a washer and two more nuts, again with the nuts threaded in opposite directions so that you can fasten them against each other.

Alternate placing the rest of the washers and nuts on the rod in order to create mass for the candles to heat. Save one nut and washer for the assembly of the base, and make sure you have drilled a hole in the bottom before you slide the rest of the heater onto the rod. Hang the heater from the top chain and place candles on the tray to light, and voila, you have heat!

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Man Is Filming Some Seagulls When He Gets The Unexpected Surprise Of Lifetime Which Make Him Poop His Pants!

For many people a trip to Alaska is a dream vacation. The state is filled with nature’s wonders, from the scenic rocky coasts to the enormous snowy inland peaks. There are millions of acres of untamed pristine wilderness and thousands of miles of coastline to explore.

With limited roads and ways to access the wilds, one of the best ways to get around and see things is by boat. Boating is big business up in Alaska, whether it’s for fishing, sight seeing tours, transportation, or recreation. One man, Brad Rich, was recently out on the water off the coast of Seward, Alaska with his friends.

The group noticed a bunch of seagulls off in the distance and that there was a pod of humpback whales feeding nearby. In hopes of capturing some whale action on film, Dan whipped out his camera and started recording the area where the sea gulls were making a racket.

He trained the lens on the birds and a couple of moments later his efforts paid off. The whales breached not near the gulls, but instead right in front of him! At least 10 of the giants poked their heads out of the water as they gulped down fish right off the stern of the boat.

Brad was beyond shocked and excited, as his reaction on the video shows, and ended up capturing amazing footage of the once in a lifetime experience. Check out the video to see one of nature’s many awe-inspiring spectacles close up and naturally occurring. It’s a pretty incredible sight to see these majestic, gentle giants feeding on fish all together at once.

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She Was Upset Her Dad Refused To Do a Speech At Her Wedding. What He Did Instead Made Her Cry!

This video is deeply touching to anyone who understands the precious relationship of a father and daughter. A man is given a baby girl and his whole life is changed for the better. What he provides for that little girl as she grows is invaluable. Daddy’s princess matures into a beautiful woman and the day comes when he has to let her go. On her big day, it is customary for fathers to walk their daughters down the aisle and literally hand her off to her new man.

Dad and daughter also typically enjoy a dance together at the wedding reception, and he might even prepare a few words to speak to the treasured couple. In the case of Nicole Cortez, her father was not interested in speeches. T

he man wanted to do something special that would say more than he could say with his own prose. Since Nicole was a sign language interpreter, her father had a grand idea that would mean the world to her.

He spent the entire year of her engagement learning how to sign the perfect message to his daughter, which was a meaningful country song called I Loved Her First. After the ceremony, Nicole’s pop confidently and sincerely presents his tribute to the beautiful bride and groom.

They are completely shocked and both brought to tears over the man’s impeccable performance, as dad signs the entire song with purposeful passion. The newlyweds will certainly remember their cherished day forever.

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She Films Her Raccoon Washing His Toys Until She Notices He’s Washing THIS Unexpected Surprise!

I’m not sure which part of this video to be the most impressed by. First of all, I don’t know what language they are speaking or what country they are from, because I am relatively uncultured, and, feeling much like a giggly Homer Simpson, I find the situation mysterious and silly.

Pretty little cups of tea make something quaint about the average looking household. With its simple linoleum floor and laminate counter tops, it is not a place you’d expect a residential raccoon. They have a raccoon as a pet. My only experiences with raccoons have not left me wanting the animal in my home. I’ve always seen them sneaking around at night and making a general mess of things, like smearing trash all about the neighborhood.

I have also witnessed the vicious side of the coon when an employer trapped one and gave me the assignment of releasing its very angry self from a small cage into the woods.

I thought for sure it was going to eat my face. Also, I once found one of my chickens as a leftover carcass hanging from a tree after listening to it lose a battle with a raccoon one fine summer evening. But this pet raccoon seems to have adapted well to domestic life, and stole the woman’s phone in order to give it a bath with all of its toys.

The lady exasperatedly recovers the phone after it was submerged in water. The raccoon immediately found another of the woman’s prized possessions to soak, as she turns to find her shoe floating in the small tub. It seems almost as if someone took a short cartoon and played it out as real life. What a rascally raccoon!

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Watch What Happens When An Eagle Collides With a Drone!

The flying of drones, as an everyday “fun” activity around the countryside, can cause unexpected peril to wildlife and other flying objects. Adam Lancaster, an Australian man, was flying his drone quadcopter, when it met up with a large female wedge-tailed eagle, one of Australia’s largest bird’s of prey.

Whether the bird went after the drone or whether it was an unexpected collision is up to the viewer to decide, as the incident was captured by the drone’s camera. According to Lancaster, the eagle was unharmed and flew away; a fact that isn’t clearly shown on the video.

Whether the eagle survived unharmed or not, this incident shows the potential peril for birds of prey and other birds as drones in the skies become more commonplace.

There are numerous other videos of eagles, hawks, falcons and other birds of prey attacking drones in the sky. As they probably perceive them as a threat to their existence, they are likely to attack them. Whether they survive the attack of this metal object can be a threat to their existence.

Lancaster came out of this incident strongly advising all drone pilots to land if a bird of prey is sighted, so that the safety of both birds and drones can be insured.

However, after watching this video, the question of the safety of drones to wildlife is raised in an alarming way. Please watch and share this video which raises important questions about the use of drones in our skies.

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He Never Lifts His Pen Off The Paper. But The End Result Is A Stunning Unexpected Surprise!

Recreating someone else’s fine art takes talent but is somehow not that impressive because it isn’t an original work of art. However, if an artist brings some twist to the recreation that is uniquely his own, that is far more exciting. In this video, Chan Hwee Chong, recreates Johannes Vermeer’s masterpiece, “Girl with a Pearl Earring”, through spiral drawing.

I had no idea what was about to be formed before my eyes, as Chong began with a tiny spin of ink and drew a continuous spiral, never lifting his pen from the paper. All he did was vary the thickness of one continuous line and when he was done, what enfolded was a perfect likeness of Vermeer’s work.

I have watched this over and over and cannot fathom how, with just a single brush pen, Chung was able to recreate this masterpiece with all of it’s intricacy, without ever lifting his pen from the paper and continuously drawing in a spiral stroke. You will have to see this to believe it!

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Disgruntled Customer Tries To Return Her Box Of Stale Cupcakes But Keep Your Eyes On The Box!

Owning and running a small independent business can be incredibly rewarding, but owner’s face a tough uphill battle to survive and prosper once they open up shop and throw open the doors. There is a common misconception floating around that posits 9 out of 10 business fail.

However, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that number is wrong and instead data shows about 50% of new establishments survive five years or more. Oftentimes owner’s must initially overcome a steep learning curve and, on top of that, unforeseen problems and issues that arise can quickly snowball out of control.

One woman knows these hurdles all too well. Sharon Carter owns and runs Mrs. C’s Cupcakes in Penrith, Australia. In the past year she has experienced a series of setbacks and bad luck. She fell behind on her lease because of unexpected medical costs for treatment of her youngest son’s unknown degenerative disease.

That in itself is extremely stressful, worrisome, and costly, but Sharon has also been battling ovarian cancer herself. As if things couldn’t get any worse, they did, she lost her brother when ha passed away. Sharon’s situation was bleak and yet through it all she kept her business up and running and did her best to make ends meet.

When Jackie O, a radio DJ at KIIs 1065, was told about Sharon’s bad luck she decided to get involved and help her out. She went to Mrs. C’s Cupcakes and bought a box of the sugary treats, then returned 10 minutes later to complain about them. She told Sharon they were stale and tasted off, to which Sharon apologized and sweetly offered to do whatever she could to make her customer happy.

That’s when Jackie O insisted that she try one herself to see how they tasted. Sharon opened the bakery box and instead of looking at a dozen cupcakes, she was staring down at $10,000 cash! Her face immediately lit up with surprise, which turned to happiness and tears of joy, when Jackie O explained that the money was to help her out and that a lot of people were rooting for her.

Now Sharon will hopefully have more time to spend with her family and can catch up on her lease. Plus, the publicity of her story can only lead to a boost in business, which can set her up for long-term success and growth. Her reaction, smile, and genuine appreciation make this story all the more heartwarming, and we wish her the best of luck.

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THIS One Easy Trick Can Get Rid Of All Those Annoying and Gross Blackheads Instantly!

Blackheads are gross and a pain in the butt to remove. Most people turn to pore cleaning strips that supposedly work to help pull them out. In reality, all that the pricey strips seem to do is dry out the fragile skin on the nose and irritate it further, plus they can be quite painful to remove.

Instead of wasting more money looking for a solution to this age old beauty problem, try out this 100% natural method. All that it requires is lemon, salt, and warm water. It’s much more effective than anything else at removing blackheads and it’s incredibly cheap and easy to do.

In a small bowl mix together 1 tablespoon of sea salt, ½ a teaspoon of lemon juice, and 1 teaspoon of water. Apply the mixture to your face, paying special attention to where any blackheads are located or where they tend to pop up. Begin to gently massage the mixture into your skin using your finger tips.

Work in a circular motion, as if you are buffing a car, and focus on areas with blackhead. Keep massaging the mixture around on your face for at least 2-4 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Wait a few minutes and then wash your face a second time using cold water. This will help to close pores and thus keep oil, dirt, and grime from building up and clogging them.

If you’re wondering how this simple scrub works, here is a breakdown. Salt is a natural antibacterial agent and helps to unclog pores by fighting against, and ridding it of, germs. Lemon juice contains citric acid which also helps to fight germs and bacteria and thus clean skin.

The citric acid also brightens your skin, in a similar fashion to how a chemical peel works at brightening it, by burning the topmost layer off. While that sounds quite harsh, it really is not as bad as you may be thinking. The citric acid is simply dissolving away the dead skin cells, oil, dirt, and other pollutants that are clogging and blocking your pores. The result is that your skin is left glowing, refreshed, and visibly healthier.

If you want, you can also spread the lemon-salt scrub over the rest of your face. It’s gentle and safe for practically all skin types and it works incredibly well to exfoliate and polish it. However, limit your use of this scrub to only 1 or 2 times a week and avoid sunlight when applying it because lemon juice attracts harmful sun rays that can potentially burn your skin. What are you waiting for? Grab a lemon and some salt and try it out for yourself!

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