He Flattens Bread And Adds a Special Ingredient. When He’s Done An Unexpected Tasty Surprise!

Start your day off right with the help of this strawberry french toast roll-ups recipe. Just reading the name of this treat is enough to make taste buds start watering! These are perfect for breakfast or brunch and are easier to whip up than you’d imagine.

In the accompanying video, YouTube channel Crouton Crackerjacks demonstrates how to properly prepare the dish, so check it out. The recipe instructions and a list of ingredients are below, so make sure you have everything in stock and make these sweet, heavenly creations sooner rather than later!

List of ingredients: 12 slices white sandwich bread, ½ pint fresh strawberries, 4 ounces of softened cream cheese, ¼ cup powdered sugar, 2 large eggs, 2 Tbsp granulated sugar (divided), ¼ tsp cinnamon

Start by rinsing and coring the strawberries, cut them into bite size pieces, and place in a bowl. Add 1 tsp of sugar to the berries and toss them around so they are lightly coated. Place the cream cheese in a separate bowl, add the powdered sugar, and mix together.

Take a rolling pin and flatten the bread slices, trim off any crust, and spread a teaspoon of the cream cheese mixture on one edge of the bread. Place a spoonful of berries on top then carefully roll up the bread around the berries and cream cheese so that it’s nice and tight.

Take another bowl and whisk together the eggs, milk, 2 teaspoons of sugar, and the cinnamon. Preheat a griddle or nonstick pan over medium heat and add a little oil or butter to it. Coat the rolls in the egg batter and then place each one seam side down to cook. When they start to brown roll them over just a bit, and continue to cook until all the sides are browned.

Once they’re done and off the heat you may dust the rolls with powdered sugar and top the plate off with more fresh berries or fruit. This recipe makes 12 delicious strawberry and cream cheese filled french roll ups. Try making some this weekend and be sure to share this recipe with friends and family, so that everyone can enjoy a fancy and tasty breakfast!

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If You Put Cut Up Onions Inside Your Socks While You Sleep THIS Happens!

Onions may bring tears to your eyes but the momentary pain they cause is easily outweighed by the fact that they can also help fight against diseases. The bulbous vegetables are grown all over the globe and used in may different ways. They can be eaten alone, added to dishes to increase the flavor, pickled and stored, used to clean barbecue grills, and even placed in socks at night to help heal our bodies.

You read that last part correct; onions can help fight colds, fevers, and flu-like symptoms. The practice of placing onions on people’s feet can be traced back to ancient Chinese medicine. The Chinese determined that there are thousands of nerve endings on the bottom of feet which act like access points to internal organs and are closely linked with our nervous systems.

When a cut onion is placed on the underside of the foot it kills germs and bacteria because onions naturally have strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. The phosphoric acid, the stuff that’s responsible for making you cry, enters into the bloodstream and helps purify the blood all over your body. In turn, you become healthier and your improved body is better prepared in terms of its ability to fight off infections and inflammation.

Many people have tried this alternative method and claim that it has worked for them. The positive response is encouraging, and with no apparent negative side effects, it seems like the onion theory could be beneficial to many people out there. Here is how you can try it yourself at home:

Take an onion, red or white both work, and cut it into flat slices so they can be easily applied to the bottom of your feet. Pull on a pair of socks over the onions to keep them in place overnight, lay back, sleep, wake up, remove the socks, and discard the onions.

It’s that simple. As you dream the onion will seep into and through your skin where it works to purify blood and absorb toxins. If you’re worried about having a stinky smelling room or feet after this, don’t be! The onion’s natural properties also help to purify the air in the room and since it kills bacteria it eliminates the main factor which causes foul smelling feet and gets rid of foot odor.

Putting onions in your socks at night may be just the right thing your body needs. It’s cheap, all natural, and can be done in the comfort of your own home. Plus, the benefits reported far outweigh the one negative I can think of, which is possible momentary discomfort when you first place sliced onions in your socks. Give it a try and see if it works, I know I will be doing this tonight!

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THIS Grandma Vanished From The Nursing Home. Where They Found Her Is Such An Unexpected Surprise!

This almost eighty year old great-grandmother had her son concerned when he found she was missing from her nursing home. Upon arriving for his daily visit to Daleview House in Londonderry, United Kingdom, Tony Sellers noticed his mother Sadie’s room was empty.

After searching the garden, TV room and dining area for his mother, his suspicion increased, despite his efforts not to worry. In her year at the home, his mother had only left the building twice. Both times were with the man’s daughter, Samantha.

The attendants of the home confirmed that Samantha had in fact visited that day and that the two ladies had gone into town. Little did Tony Sellers know, his mother was out getting her first tattoo! The elder woman had seen her granddaughter’s ink and decided it was time for her to have some of her own.

Sadie chose a small outline of a heart to have drawn on her left upper arm by an artist at Tattoo Studio 76, and was thrilled with the result. When asked what her family would think of her rebellious adventure, the granny simply replied, “I don’t f***ing care.” She also explained that when you are her age, you start to see that it is important to live life to the fullest every day.

What an incredible story of open-mindedness and excitement for an elderly woman to venture out of the ordinary and do something unexpected. Samantha is a lucky girl to have a special bond with a granny like Sadie.

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THIS Little Girl Tries To Pet The Gorilla. Moments Later The Unexpected Tore My Heart Up!

For the past fifteen years The Aspinall Foundation has been reintroducing captive gorillas back into the wild. The gorillas are brought to the foundation’s million acre reserves in West Africa from England’s Howletts Wild Animal Park. There they are set free back into the wild jungles so they have a chance to live out their lives as nature intended. In the following video conservationist Damien Aspinall, and his daughter Tansy, set out on a trip to Gabon to find two old friends, gorillas Djalta and Bimms.

The Aspinall family had grown up with the young gorillas, and helped raise them back in England, up until they were released back into the wild in 2003. It has been 12 years since Tansy has seen them, and 3 or 4 since Damian last visited, and they’ve traveled half way around the world to find them.

They traveled the easiest way possible, down a river that cut through the jungle for a few hours, calling out for Djalta and Bimms along the way. Suddenly two figures appeared at the edge of the river, looking full grown and healthy as ever, the gorillas had heard Damian’s calls.

At first he was a little apprehensive to approach them, but once they let out deep, rumbling, gurgle sounds, he knew he had nothing to worry about. The “sweet noises” signified the love the gorillas still had for their old friend, even though they were home free in the wild, they hadn’t forgotten the man who helped get them there.

The gorillas and man sat close together, looking into each others eyes, silently sharing a moment and appreciating all that they’d experienced together. One pulled Damian in for a hug and soon after he noticed Djalta looking closely at Tansy.

Feeling that it was safe, Tansy went forward to greet her old friends, who still remembered her after 12 long years apart. The two full grown adult gorillas were incredibly gentle, sweet, and loving towards her. They just wanted to play, be tickled and held, and they didn’t want them to leave.

The next morning when Tansy and David woke up the gorillas were at the edge of the other side of the river, waiting and wanting to visit with them again. The love between the two wild animals and the father and daughter is beyond words or belief. They all truly shared an unbreakable bond, and will hold each other in their hearts forever.

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Two Baby Elephants Wandered Off and Got Lost. Their Reaction When They Find Mama Is Priceless!

These baby elephants got adventurous and meandered away from their family to check out the surroundings. Their excitement upon returning seems to imply that the double trouble may have been a little turned around whilst strolling the hood. The siblings noticeably quickened their pace to a full run once they recognized the safety of their mother, and not even a gushing stream could slow them from reaching their sanctuary.

Elephants are social creatures who have an interesting dynamic of community. Females spend their entire lives within a group of ten or more elephants which consists of several mothers and their offspring. The gang is governed by the oldest female until she is either to weak to reign or deceased, and then control is taken by the oldest daughter, even if the mother’s sister is present.

Families do interact with outside groups, forming clans of up to nine families who work together to protect their regions during harsh seasons. Adult male elephants live a more independent lifestyle. As they develop, males spend time on the outskirts of their group rather than being secured between matriarchs, and socialize with other males and families.

Around fourteen or fifteen years old, they spend the majority of their time away from their family and the adult females begin to act aggressively toward them, which pushes them to leave the nursing unit permanently. After their departure, males live as bachelors by themselves or in a group of other males.

Watch the adorable video below. It totally made my day. It’s the cutest thing I’ve seen all week. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Run little ones run!

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THIS Horse Tries To Jump Over A Ditch For The First Time But What Happens Instead Is Hysterical!

Most horse jumps you see on TV and in the movies look like graceful and effortless movements, as the shimmering horse sails through the air, lands on it’s feet, and keeps up it’s pace without ever slowing down. In real life, it’s not so perfect or natural for horses to just jump over things as if they were born to do exactly that.

It takes endless amounts of training, time, patience, skill, and the right fit between horse and rider, and also trainer, to master the feat continuously. The sport requires that its human and animal participants have courage, intelligence, and physical prowess in order to be successful.

Horses with long strides, powerful leg muscle and hind quarters, excellent hooves, and substantial height make the best jumpers, It’s not all physical though, the mental aspect of jumping is just as important. Horses have to be smart on their feet, confident, and aggressive. It takes a lot of training, hard work, and trial and error before a horse truly masters the art of jumping, and all that may also be said of the rider.

In this video you can see Commando the Holsteiner learning how to jump. As he and his female rider approach a shallow ditch in the field, the horse hesitates, unsure of whether or not he wants to make the small leap. Commando was going along so nicely and then for several seconds he looks indecisive about the whole situation before he finally leaps high up in the air and over the obstacle.

He overshoots and miscalculates the height he needs to make the jump and the result is a hilarious, ill timed, yet also adorable moment that makes for a great horse clip. With a little more practice and patience, Commando will soon be jumping over things like this with no hesitation or problem at all.

It may look like the horse is doing all the work and the person is simply along for the ride, but it is actually a very athletic and challenging endeavor. Both the horse and rider need to share a common connection and be well bonded so that they trust and instinctually know, or can sense, feel, and anticipate, what the other is doing or is going to do next.

Since the horse and rider cannot see over high obstacles, which may be broad, narrow, doubled or even tripled in width, they need to trust each other to be able to swiftly and properly make it over them all. The object of horse jumping is to make it through the course without ever touching or dislodging any of the obstacles and because of this a horse must have complete faith in it’s rifer to guide them both through.

Enjoy the Video Below!

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She Wraps Raw Dough Around A Tinfoil Cone. The End Result Is An Unexpected Yummy Surprise!

Fact: Food served in a cone naturally tastes better than food not served in a cone. That statement has been independently verified by myself and is based off of the following information. Ice cream is great by itself, but when it’s packed into a crispy, airy, convenient to hold cone it becomes amazing.

There is something about the mechanics of food being ensconced in an edible cone-shaped holder that kicks the eating experience up a notch. Perhaps it’s because you have to work a little harder for a bite, so it’s more rewarding. Or maybe because the food is being presented to us in a visually different way our taste buds are tricked into thinking it tastes better.

Whatever the reason may be, there simply isn’t enough food being served in cones these days. The recipe below will show you how to make homemade bread cones that are perfect for stuffing with salads, rices, chicken, steak, or whatever other savory foods you like. The video also shows how to whip up some tasty Moroccan chicken salad, as well as the bread cones, so check it out and pass it on!

If you have the following ingredients on hand then you can make this recipe right away, they include: 1 lb of white flour, 1 tbsp of sugar, 1 tsp of salt, 3 tbsp of olive oil, 1 tbsp of instant yeast, 2 tbsp of dried milk, about a cup and a half of warm milk, tinfoil.

Combine all the dry ingredients in a large bowl, then pour in the oil and milk a little at a time, while mixing it as you go until a soft dough forms. Dust a large working surface with flour and knead the dough on it until it becomes soft and elastic. Take a bowl, coat it in oil, place the dough inside of it, cover with a kitchen towel, and allow the dough to rise for 30 minutes.

Take an approximately 10 inch square piece of tinfoil and fold it in half, then fold that in half again, so you end up making a smaller square. Pinch it into a cone shape by holding one corner of the foil square while folding another inwards, then pinch the top to make sure it holds the shape.

When the dough has risen release any air in it by gently punching it down. Divide it into 4 pieces and roll each one into ¼ inch thick rectangles, then cut the dough into half inch strips. Take the tinfoil cones and brush them with oil to prevent the dough from sticking, and wrap the strips around the cones like how you see in the video.

Place them on a baking sheet, brush with an egg wash, and bake at 375 degrees for 20-30 minutes or until they turn a golden brown. Let them completely cool before placing them in cups (to hold them steady) and fill them up with whatever you’d like!

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This Is How You Can Fit All Your Clothes Into A Carry-On. I’m So Glad I Learned THIS Simple Trick

Packing for a trip is a necessary evil. No one likes to do it but it must be done. The annoying task is made all the more harder by airline’s weight and size limits, not to mention the costly fees and numerous rules about what is and is not allowed on a plane. All that aside, the number one most pain in the butt aspect of packing is simply trying to fit all the clothes and shoes you need and want to bring along with you in the suitcase.

If you toss and cram stuff in randomly you are definitely not going to fit as much as you could have by neatly folding it. However, even doing that isn’t the best route to go, instead you should strategically fold things together, into a tight and compact packet, to maximize packing efficiency.

Below is my best attempt at explaining this packing technique, however a better way to understand and master it is by watching the video yourself:

Start by laying out jackets collar down on a flat surface, then place collared shirts on top 180 degrees from the jacket, collared side up. Begin to add on other shirts or sweaters directly atop one another, with sleeves lined up. Then place pants and jeans horizontally across the pile, with the legs extending outwards and the waist in the middle of it.

The key is to keep shirts on the vertical axis and pants on the horizontal one as you add articles of clothing to the pile in layers. Take all your socks and undies and wrap them up separately in a tight t-shirt bundle, then place that strategically in the middle of the clothing pile.

With the t-shirt packet in place, start to wrap up the clothing one piece at a time. Fold the clothes up into what will become one big bundle by wrapping the arms first, then body part of tops; see the video to truly understand this part. When everything has been tightly wrapped, you will end up with a nice squarish pile of clothes that minimizes wrinkles and the amount of space it ends up taking in your suitcase.

When packing up your suitcase place 2 pairs of shoes in first, one dressy and one casual. If your bag has a zippered compartment it can make a great holder for the shoes. Next, place the clothing bundle in the suitcase and then follow that with whatever else you want to bring that can fit in or around it.

Hopefully, this method will help tame the madness that packing often turns out to be. Try it out the next time you are going on a trip and see if it works for you!

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