As Soon As This Strange Fish Opens His Mouth Starts Making THIS Sound I Can’t Stop Laughing!

Many a little fish has inspired the human mind to create weird and wonderful things. If you have ever played the classic Super Mario Brothers Nintendo game then you should know all about the flying fish in certain levels. They were to be avoided at all costs and if they hit Mario or Luigi you’d lose a life and have to re-start the level.

Then there are those quirky animatronic talking fishes which look like a real mounted game fish, but are actually fake and made out of rubber. The motion activated “trophy” comes to life and flops around while singing a song whenever someone walks by.

Now there is a new strangely entertaining fish making a splash on the internet. The little aquarium fish is a natural born star as it appears to sing along to a song called “Zerem Treska.” The upbeat tune is in Slovak and the translation given for it on the YouTube link and other sites is a bit confusing.

Apparently, the lyrics point to the fish singing a song about its hero, a big sea fish with swag, which is most likely a Cod fish. This assumption comes from the fact that “Treska” is the Slovak word for Cod. In fact, Cod is the main ingredient in a popular Slovak salad which is made out of the white fish and mayonnaise.

The big mouthed star of the video appears to be a type of suckerfish. They are a popular variety of aquarium fish because of their strange looking behavior when they feed on algae in a tank. The fish attaches its mouth to the inside of the glass and stays suspended there for hours or even days at a time.

Their big-lipped mouths form a suction cup which securely attaches them to whatever it is they are sucking on, and usually that is anything with algae present on it. Whatever is happening in this video, it is pure mindless entertainment at its best.

It definitely is reminiscent of the “Narwhals, Narwhals swimming in the ocean!” song and is just as catchy. When it’s all said and done, the random and strange video fits in perfectly among all of the countless other wild and zany things you can find on the internet!

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Video: THIS Simple Trick Will Make Opening Tough Packaging A Breeze and It’s Done With Only 2 Quarters!

Have you ever tried to open something that was packaged but just couldn’t get it unsealed? I’m talking about those annoying moments when no matter what technique you try the wrapper won’t rip, tear, or budge. After a little while you just end up getting really frustrated and angry, and still can’t get the thing open!

Usually it happens with food, candy, or some other type of product that you’re trying to get at, and the struggle is all too real. Eventually you have to grab a knife or scissors to open the darn things and your left feeling defeated, weak, and incompetent.

These days it seems like companies are wrapping stuff up in childproof packaging that is a real pain to break into. It may look like a simple wrapper, but looks can be deceiving. If you have ever wrestled with packaging then you need to check out this super quick video that shows a simple method on how to easily open up stuff.

All you need is 2 quarters or something similar in shape, size, and firmness to them. Other change would also work, but quarters are the biggest coins and so they’re easier to handle. Find the spot on the wrapper where you wish to open it.

Place a quarter on one side of the edge and a second quarter on the opposite side and down a little ways, so it’s not directly atop or flush with the first one. Hold them in place against the wrapper and then take the quarter on the underside and pull it towards you. The packaging should tear easily and now you can get to whatever it is you need.

This method works because it gives your fingers something to firmly grip onto. They won’t slide around or simply bend and mush the packaging which is what often causes problems when you try to open them to no avail. It also creates a nice, neat tear and keeps the wrapper in place, which is a lot better than ripping it wide open and having everything fly out all over the place.

Nothing is worse than wanting to eat a Nature’s Valley bar and having it explode in your hands, with crumbs going everywhere, and half your snack on the dirty floor! Try this out yourself the next time you have issues with a wrapper and never look back. Be sure to share the knowledge and pass this solution on to others who also suffer from wrapper-incompetence!

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THIS Simple 5 Minute Hand Exercise You Can Do At Home Will Balance Emotions and Boost Your Energy!

When it comes to cancer there has been an ongoing, all out search for both a cure and ways to deal with its painful, exhausting, and debilitating side effects. There are many areas of medicine and science devoted exclusively to studying and searching for different compounds and medications to make humans healthy and cancer free.

Perhaps the answer lies not only in the modern, complex products being developed, but also in simple, ancient practices developed centuries ago. There are many alternative treatments which are currently being offered and studied in terms of their effects on cancer and its treatment’s side effects.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is one of them. It is a simple, all natural, and effective form of acupressure. A specialist trained in the art uses both of their hands to hold specific points on the body. There are a total of 52 points which must be held in particular ways. By using just their fingertips a practitioner listens for, or feels, the energy flowing throughout a patient’s body.

Once they get a feel for this flow they simply hold the point and wait until they feel the patient’s body relax and open. What the practitioner is doing is opening up the energy pathways in the body so that it flows better and more evenly. The human body contains several energy pathways that connect and give life to our cells.

If one more of these paths become blocked the result is that the overall energy flow is disrupted and not in harmony. This can cause pain, discomfort, and other ill effects. Thus, by listening to a bodies energy flow a practitioner can sense where there is a block and treat that area by holding a certain point and opening up the path once again.

Many people who have undergone jun shin jyutsu have reported it as beneficial and effective in helping them cope with the mental, emotional, and physical side effects of their cancer treatment and diagnosis. It can also help people who suffer from low energy and stress, and balance emotions. Best of all, you can do it yourself right in the comfort of your home.

All you need to do is refer to the hand chart and see which emotion you want to alleviate, then hold the corresponding finger for 3-5 minutes. It helps to breathe deeply the whole time and soon you should begin to notice your stress and tension giving way to more relaxed feelings. Here is more information on what organs and bodily ills each finger corresponds with:


There you have it! This simple practice may be the best route to go when trying to stay healthy. It’s a great way to both start off and unwind after a long stressful day.

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This Pup’s Baby Sister Is About To Crawl For The First Time. Now Watch The Dog’s Reaction!

Tongue out and with a wide grin, this little girl is determined to make it to her beloved pup. The chocolate lab licks her lips in anticipation, eager for the arrival of her little human friend. Giggles and coos come from the excited baby as she inches closer to her pet.

Happy attempts result in belly flops, each successively nearer to the destination. The dog steadily holds the baby’s gaze as the distance between them slowly shortens.Hands, knees and tenacity keep the baby moving and as she closes in on the finish line, her task becomes serious and her focus even stronger.

Once the baby is in reaching distance, the lab can’t wait any longer and straightens her legs to welcome the little treasure with a big wet kiss. Nose to nose, the two best friends share a moment of mutual appreciation and pride.

This precious event is graciously captured for us all to see. It takes a very well behaved dog to allow for, and participate in, such antics. Even the best pets will often get protective when little creatures approach them.

It can take a long time for an animal to accept a new family member, and even longer for the pet to truly love them instead of just tolerating them. It seems that this family has been gifted with two peas in a pod and their relationship has only just begun. This is a heartwarming interaction to witness and will be cherished by the family forever.

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This One Ingredient Will Get Rid Of Your Plaque Bad Breath and Remove Tartar!

Oil pulling is one of the hottest new trends right now. It has steadily been taking over people’s health and beauty routines and it’s easy to see why. There are numerous reported benefits to the easy practice, plus it’s affordable, all natural, and even oddly hypnotic for some.

While oil pulling is new to practically everyone in western culture, it can be traced back to ancient times where it originated in India. People swear by the practice and claim that it helps to do everything from whiten their teeth to clean toxins out their blood.

Other benefits that have been touted are that it helps prevent cancer, makes skin glow, kills bacteria responsible for bad breath, inhibits tooth decay, helps fight exhaustion, keeps colds at bay, helps strengthen gums, decreases instances of mouth sores and ulcers, re-mineralizes teeth, and more.

While almost all of these benefits are self reported and need more studies to either prove or disprove them, there is some scientific evidence backing claims it’s good for oral health. One recent study found oil pulling to be effective at decreasing plaque formation and plaque-induced gum disease.

The study measured patient’s plaque and gum disease levels at several stages, and after just 7 days of pulling they were all significantly reduced, and continued to decrease further over the course of the study. Furthermore, coconut oil has proven antimicrobial effects and has anti inflammatory properties as well.

Here is all you need to know about how to do it yourself at home. First, pick out a good, organic, cold-pressed coconut oil. Place 1-2 teaspoons into your mouth. It will feel odd and lumpy at first, but soon it melts into liquid, and that’s when you can begin to swish it all around your mouth.

You need to swish for at least 5 minutes, but many people go for as long as 20. Try not to swallow any oil but if you do it won’t harm you, it’ll just taste kind of gross. When you’re done spit out the oil into a trash can or something of the like. Do not spit it into the sink!

After all, it’s oil and will re-solidify, and that means it’ll clog septic systems and pipes. Lastly, rinse out your mouth with warm water and finish up by brushing your teeth well. Oil pulling is not a replacement for flossing, brushing, and regular dental check ups. Rather, it is something that can be added to your oral care regimen.

Even if you’re skeptical about the whole thing, you can’t knock it until you try it. The practice has endured for centuries since Indians first swished coconut oil around in their mouths. Perhaps there is truth to its many beneficial effects, why else would so many different people be raving about the method and swearing by it?

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He Heard Cries Coming From Under The Sidewalk. What He Pulls Out Is The Most Unexpected Surprise!

There are things that people in this world do that are beyond the scope of rational and compassionate human beings. Sometimes their repulsive cruelty is directed at totally innocent and wholly undeserving animals. Of all the messed up things that have been reported, this story of a pregnant dog stands out for not only being unbelievable, but also for having a happy ending.

It all started when a man in the Russian town of Voronezh heard a dog barking but could not tell from where the sound was coming. Vadim Rustam and his family first heard the noise when they returned from a trip and it seemed to be coming from underneath some steps on a recently repaired sidewalk.

A few weeks prior to the repairs a large sinkhole had suddenly appeared and caused damage to the building’s entryway. Once the pit had been filled the sidewalk was re-paved with bricks. Vadim got back about 2 days after the work had finished, and that’s when he heard a dog barking underneath the steps near the walkway.

This led him to believe that perhaps workers had ended up trapping a dog underground when they laid the sand and bricks for the walk. At a loss as to what to do, he went to the city’s housing office to report his suspicions and to see what could be done.

The people at the office told him that they were unable to do anything because they were not the ones who had done the repair work. They didn’t even offer him any helpful advice or suggestions, and so the family took it upon themselves to save the dog.

As you can see in the video, they went to the area where the barking noises were coming from and began to pry bricks loose. After a few had been removed, Vadim dug out piles of sand near the steps until he reached a rock that was wedged in and blocking off a gap underneath them. Once it was moved aside a bewildered, and relieved, looking dog’s face appeared. Vadim was right all long, a dog was trapped under the sidewalk!

The poor animal struggled to crawl out from the tiny space it had been stuck in. For two days the dog had been trapped all alone in a tiny hole and was unable to move, see, drink or eat anything. Vadim gently helped pull her out into the light and the lucky dog wagged her tail, greeted her rescuers sweetly, and seemed to smile. At that point the woman filming and watching the rescue noticed that the dog was pregnant, which makes the save all the more emotional.

While it isn’t clear how the dog came to be trapped, some people online have speculated that maybe she crawled into the hole to use it as a den where she could give birth. Other people said that the workers knew the dog was under the stairs and yet they didn’t bother to try and coax her out.

Instead, they wedged a rock in her only escape route and filled in the sand and bricks on the sidewalk. It seems from the video to be the latter case, the rock was purposely wedged under the steps, and it’d be nearly impossible to not notice a dog in that tiny hole.

The sweet dog has since been taken in and cared for by a local rescue group. She is reportedly doing well and will soon be up for adoption, and hopefully her puppies are all okay too. It is stories like this one that make people so angry, yet also so grateful and happy. It shows both the dark, evil side of man, and the positive, hopeful one that prevails in the end.

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Two Fisherman Noticed Something Strange Paddling Toward Their Boat. But They Never Expected THIS

When you’re out fishing in the middle of a river the last thing you expect to see is a kitten, especially a little tiny kitty swimming in the water towards your boat! As strange as it seems, that is exactly what two men caught sight of while out on their boat. The two gentlemen had set out on Alabama’s Warrior River in search of some tasty fish.

They were set up near a small island in the river that had a lot of vegetation growing around it and downed trees. From the video clip it appears as if the current was not strong and the water was quite still, and the place looked like the perfect spot for snagging a big fish. However, instead of fish jumping in their boat, cats were coming out of the woodwork to catch a ride!

The two men were stunned when a tiny orange kitten came from the wooded island to their boat. The cat made a straight beeline for the watercraft and humans, who picked it up out of the water and placed it safely on the boat deck.

As if that was not amazing enough in and of itself, another tiny little kitten was spotted on the island’s edge and they heard it splash into the river. The second kitten also headed straight towards the boat and soon he was reunited with his sibling.

The two kitties looked grateful to be around people and they clearly were familiar with humans since they swam to the men and rubbed up against them once they were on the boat. They looked very thin and who knows how long they had been stranded on the island.

They must have been so scared and desperate to have jumped into the water and taken the chance on the strange men in the boat. Most cats typically hate water and wouldn’t be so willing or ready to jump into it, especially a huge expanse like the river.

Both the men and commentators on the YouTube video speculate that someone purposefully left the kittens out on the remote island. For what reasons, how long ago, or why may never be known and it takes an abnormal kind of sick twisted person to do such a heartless thing.

On a positive note, the kittens were rescued and they are now safe and dry. They hung out with the men for the day while they fished and when they returned to shore they were even adopted! A family with two young girls happened to be there when the men got back and the children fell in love with the kitties at first sight.

They have since been checked out by a local vet for free and are now with their new family. It turns out this unbelievable fishing tale has it all; video proof, adorable kittens, and a happy ending.

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THIS Is What The Gap Between Your Fingers Reveals About Your Life!

There are all sorts of ways in which a person’s personality has been linked to different physical attributes on their body. Above all, our hands seem to hold the most information about our lives and they reveal subtle clues in regards to the way we act, make choices, and behave in general.

For example, we often compare and contrast left handed people with individuals who are right hand dominant. Alternatively, in palmistry the lines on the palms of our hands are closely examined, which can indicate our character traits, personality, and destiny in life.

Another way in which we can analyze our personalities is by looking at the gap between our fingers. You can do this by yourself, right here and now, by following the instructions below and looking at the illustrations in the accompanying video and link.

All you have to do is look closely at your hand and compare it against choices A, B, and C to see which one your finger spacing matches up the best with. Once you choose the closest match it will reveal certain personality aspects that are commonly associated with your finger gap.

If you fall under type A and have a large gap that generally corresponds to having a big personality. You are friendly, open, and honest with others, as well as refreshingly straight forward.

Type B people have small gap spaced fingers and are more reserved than their type A counterparts. If you’re type B you have a wonderfully amicable personality and give good advice to others because of your ability to listen well and hear what they are saying.

If you have no gap at all then you are type C and tend to be a very private, reserved person. You like to observe and listen to the world around you and when it comes to trust people have to earn yours.

Check out the short video for more personality information on each of the three types and see if what they reveal about personality traits matches up to yours.

This is a fun, easy, and different way to take a moment to yourself in which you can reflect upon, and dig a little deeper into, what makes you who you are! Follow the guide and find out if what you think describes your personality really and truly matches up with the results. As always, have fun and enjoy!

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