Cute Little Baby Poops Her Pants. Now Watch The Pup’s Face When He Notices.

If you are a parent and a pet owner then you know how important it is to make sure that both your newborn baby, and your fur baby, get along well together. That often means that once the crucial first meeting and introduction are over, it’s time for some supervised bonding moments. Pets who live and share a house with babies need to be comfortable with them.

Over time animals eventually grow accustomed to the new child, and to all the different sights, sounds, and smells they create. Just like how everything in the world is new to a baby, everything about a baby is new to your pet. It is very important to keep a close eye during these crucial first couple of times a baby and a pet begin to figure each other out. Sometimes it works out well and other times, not so much.

Sometimes those new things can be scary and frightening to both of them. The first time a baby hears a dog bark must be strange and disconcerting. The same goes for the first time a dog hears a baby cry. They say you should face your fears head on and stare whatever it is that scares you in the face, but that advice doesn’t work for every situation, especially this one!

One mother who had recently brought home her young child was filming a special moment between the youngster, named Hollis, and the family dog, Max. The two were set up on a chair, with the baby propped up and resting snugly against Max’s tail end. The black and white dog was sleeping peacefully with eyes closed and the child was gently fussing about. In the background the woman makes a remark about how it looks like baby Hollis is about to go poo poo.

She reaches over to pet Max, while encouraging the child to get it out. A few seconds later, Hollis gets it out, and in doing so releases a loud fart. Poor Max is startled awake by the sudden strange noise, and looks over at the baby to investigate what just woke him from his rest. Turning his nose towards the baby proves to be a bad move, as he is likely greeted with the offensive poo poo smells. The only thing left for him to do is run away, which he does in a split second, leaping off the chair to freedom and fresh air.

That may have been Max’s first baby experience of the sort, and he is likely a lot more used to it by now. One of the best things about this short clip is that it shows the little things that babies and animals do which make them so special and endearing to us. All the ups and downs, lessons we learn from them, and the awesome memories they share and create, make us better people in the end.

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43 Japanese Men Throw A Coin In The Air At The Same Time. The End Result Is Mind Blowing!

There are many strange and quirky things that people dream up, and some of those ideas eventually see daylight. The feat accomplished in this video clip is a prime example of one of the concepts that made it. The clip was uploaded to YouTube on the Japanese beverage company Suntory’s channel as a promotion for an energy drink they make called Schuchu Regain.

It appears that the events depicted in the video are for the sole purpose of promoting the brand and drink. Either way, the results are pure entertainment that makes you think, “wow!” and “how many takes did it take for them to get the perfect shot?”

The masterpiece is titled “The Extreme Minuet” since it is a partial performance of one of musical genius Mozart’s minuets. A total of 43 people were arranged standing in an arc formation directly across from 43 corresponding beakers.

Each glass beaker was filled with a very specific amount of colored water in order to create a musical note whenever a coin was tossed into it. In the beginning of the clip some math-related images are shown, as well as computer visuals which hints that there was a lot of planning and thought put into this event.

Also, each of the 43 performers had an electrode attached to the inside forearm of their coin throwing arms, which were presumably there to help control and time the tosses perfectly. A piano tune leads up to the big toss and right after a certain note the first man throws his coin, then the rest of the performers immediately let their coins fly.

The visual of all the arms going up for the toss is just as cool as the sight of the coins landing perfectly into the beakers just fractions of a second apart from one another. At full speed it only takes about 2 seconds for them to all complete the coin toss, and only when it is slowed down do you really get to see how amazing it all is.

The musical notes created by each beaker end up playing the “Minuet” and there is a reason behind this choice of music. There have been studies conducted that found listening to Mozart can help improve overall focus, concentration, and make you smarter.

These findings are now known as “the Mozart effect” and the energy drink makers wanted to link their product with those properties. The video is a clever marketing illustration of how Suntory’s energy drink can make consumers concentrate on a higher level than ever before.

In the end, this neat project may just qualify for some sort of Guinness World Record. It’s very creative and a lot more complex than I ever imagined when I first saw it. There really is more than meets the eye with this stellar performance!

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He Pushes A Nail Through A Candle And Rests It On 2 Cups. When He Lights It An Unexpected Surprise!

There is something about fire that grabs our attention and imagination. Humans have been transfixed by dancing orange and blue flames ever since the dawn of our time here on Earth. Nothing quite rivals the awesomeness of the strange and wonderful things that people have conjured up involving fire, whether it’s fire breathing or fire walking.

There are lots of other neat and amazing things you can do with fire, and this video will show you how to go about doing some of them. The video shows you exactly what you need to perform 10 different tricks that are guaranteed to both mystify and impress people. They are part magic, part science, and totally awesome.

In terms of ease of performance, the levels range from incredibly easy to more advanced, so there is something for everyone. Performing any one of these tricks will definitely leave a lasting impression on an audience and spark an opportunity for some great conversation.

Personally, my favorite is number 10 when you get to see what happens when steel wool is set alight. It looks so pretty and wild all at once, but it makes me wonder if it smells horrible. I’m definitely going to try a few of these tonight. Check out the video and see which one you like best.

Also, before you attempt to try any of these at home, make sure you use extreme caution at all times. Do not let children try these and supervise kids around fire and open flames. It’s always a good idea to have a fire extinguisher nearby, or a hose and water at the ready, because the last thing you want to end up happening is your house burning down.

And while the saying “don’t play with fire” is good advice, these tricks can easily be done safely if you exercise appropriate caution and supervise the flame at all times. Have some fun and only do this under supervision! Enjoy these awesome fire tricks!

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She Puts A Headband On Her Head And Folds Her Hair In. When She Removes It In Morning It’s Stunning

image via –

Women have spent years using hot rollers, regular rollers, curling irons, blow-dry brushes…all in the pursuit of pretty manageable curls.  The girl in the following video shows us how to avoid all these heat damaging techniques.

She demonstrates a clever way to create lovely curls on her straight hair,  but this also works for curly, kinky and frizzy hair.  The bonus is that without the horrible damage that heat does to our hair, you can achieve beautiful shiny, bouncy curls, while you are sleeping!

Using a regular stretchy headband, watch this demonstration that gives you perfect romantic-looking, sexy curls.  You will see her put it around her head, 60’s hippy style, and dampen it with a little sea spray.  She then winds her hair around it section by section.  Wait until you see what this straight hair looks like in the morning when she removes the headband.

I, who have naturally curly hair that has a mind of it’s own, and some frizz, tried this technique.  I got the same results!  When you remove the headband, style it with your fingers, and finish with the cream or hairspray of your choice.  The curls hold for a couple of days until your next wash!  Sleeping on this is completely comfortable, but if you want a quicker result, you can achieve this look in an hour, if you have curly hair.

I’ve done this a few times and once I’ve started the twisting through the headband I don’t even have to look in the mirror.  I just watched some TV and actually found the process relaxing.  Let us know if you will try this.

Please SHARE this Amazing Technique For Beautiful Curls Without Damaging Heat with your  Family and Friends

Every Time This Spoiled Little Bunny’s Human Stops Petting Him He Throws The Funniest Hissy Fit

Some animals know exactly what they want and oftentimes they enjoy receiving a nice, gentle, relaxing hand massage from their human companions. It’s no secret that many of our furry pets love to be pet, which may be why we call them “pets” in the first place. Or maybe it’s the other way around, and we call it petting because they are our pets. Whatever the case may be, lots of animals simply love being stroked and scratched. They usually have a sweet spot where they especially like being rubbed. For cats it seems to be around the cheeks, dogs like their ears and back scratched, and then there are some whose sweet spot is everywhere and anywhere.

The little bunny in this video seems to fall in the latter category. From the looks of it he likes being pet all over, especially down his backside. The man in the video gently strokes his ears, nose, cheekbones, temples, head, and back, while the bunny twitches his nose and sits with a content expression on his face, his body completely relaxed and at ease.

When the man stops petting him the bunny is clearly not happy about it. He stamps his furry little paws and lets out adorable growling sounds in protest. It might just be the cutest behavior I’ve ever seen a rabbit do! At one point the furry little guy searches for more pet-pets by crawling under the man’s hand, urging him to resume the mini-massage that he so rudely ended. This bunny knows what he wants and he’s basically telling the man through his grunts, growls, and foot thumping that he is not pleased the cuddle session ended!

Contrary to popular belief, lots of rabbits love being pet and shown affection. The areas they most enjoy being pet is on their head and down their backside. Many often like their dewlap, the roll of skin underneath their chin, scratched and rubbed, but some don’t like this at all. The bunny will let you know whether or not it’s enjoying the attention. When they purr, chatter their teeth, flop over, and close their eyes it means they like it and if you stop and they poke your hand with their head it means “don’t stop, keep petting!”

Rabbits are very expressive, you just have to know how to read them, and over time you become familiar and accustomed to an individual one’s behavior. Like every other pet, they have their own distinct personalities!

The adorable bunny in this video has certainly bonded with his human friend as he feels comfortable telling the man what to do. The little cutie looks so happy being pet and snuggled in his blanket, and if that can’t put a smile on your face then I don’t know what will. Enjoy and Happy Easter Everyone!

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Nobody Believed The Mailman When He Described What This Cat Does Everyday. So He Caught THIS

I hate to oversell a movie, tv show or book that I’ve loved; it’s rare that anything lives up to the hype…but I’m going to take the risk of the big buildup with this short hysterically funny video below.  This was one of the biggest laughs I’ve had from an animal video yet!

We all know the comedic stereotypes of what mailmen have to go through, as they try to do their job, and don’t necessarily get a warm reception from our pets.  Sitcoms and cartoons of mailmen being chased by dogs, and various other animals, preventing them from getting the mail into the box.

The postman in the upcoming footage has to face one crazy, clever cat, who is hell bent EVERY SINGLE DAY, on preventing him from putting the mail through the door slot.

One day the mailman decided to tape his ordeal, which he later shared and seems to have been played somewhere with a live audience (given the hysterical laughter).  His good humor in dealing with this tenacious kitty, makes it all the comedic.  There’s nothing like a good laugh to brighten your day…Enjoy!!

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THIS Is How You Can Make The Perfect Bow Everytime With A Fork! It’s So Simple For Mother’s Day!

For some of us there is nothing more satisfying than wrapping gifts ourselves, whether it be for the holidays, birthdays or just a token of our love and friendship.  Others don’t particularly like making a bow because it’s too hard, but hate spending the money on one, when it just gets ripped off and discarded.

There is a saying that, “presentation is everything”, which for me perfectly summarizes the video below. Another saying is “good things come in small packages”, and the trick you are about to watch is just perfect for those smaller gifts.

Using a fork and some ribbon, this YouTuber shows us how the small perfect bow is created in an easy-to-follow step-by-step fashion. So save some money after you learn this really fun technique for making the perfect small bow.

It is so pretty, and after trying it I can honestly tell you, that the method never fails to produce this little gem that will accent your gifts in such a thoughtful way.

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They Were Walking Through The Desert When They Noticed THIS Hole. What Was Inside Is UNBELIEVABLE!

There have been many different creative ideas and projections into the future, about where and how people will live.  Will there be civilizations living in space or under the water?  Currently people live in many unique ways throughout the world.  The town you are about to see and hear about in the following video is indeed unique and astounding.

In a South Australian town where temperatures reach an unbearable height of 120 degrees Fahrenheit,  the residents came up with a shocking solution to the unlivable climate. Coober Pedy is the name of the town that surprisingly is devoid of apartment buildings or houses.

The 2,000 inhabitants have made their home underground! They have escaped the unbearable heat of the Outback by creating miles of man-made tunnels, wherein an entire city of pretty normal homes exist for each family.  Unbelievably, visiting tourists even have hotels to stay in.  There are stores that meet their every need, and the homes themselves have all the modern amenities.

The town itself has a history whose roots go back to the soil of the area.  In the turn of the 20th century,  a father and son came hoping to find gold.  Instead they found opal, which to this day has a wide appeal worldwide.  Word of the abundance of opal brought miners who chose to live underground due to the excessive temperatures.

Today more than 1500 homes, called “dugout” houses exist in this underground city.  It is absolutely amazing to see.  It is interesting that generations of families have chosen to stay there and live underground, rather than moving to a more temperate climate.  Do you think you could live underground?  Let us know what you think.

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