Daddy Tells His Little Girl She Isn’t Allowed To Have A Boyfriend. Now Watch Her Adorable Reaction!

Dads always tend to be very protective of their daughters when it comes to boyfriends, and girls usually prefer that their dads to stay out of the matter.  Apparently this controversy can start at a really young age as you are about to see in this adorable video, that will tickle you.

Little two-year-old Kennedy announces to her parents that she has a boyfriend named Jared.  The Copeland, Alabama toddler’s dad, is none too happy to hear about this.  The parents video their conversation with Kennedy.

Dad keeps teasing Kennedy that she doesn’t have a boyfriend…she’s “not allowed to have a boyfriend till [she’s] fifty!”  All that little Kennedy hears is that she doesn’t have a boyfriend, and the adamant little girl is a bit crushed and defiant!

No matter what her dad says she insists that Jared is her boyfriend and she is not pleased with her dad’s denial of this fact.  This is serious emotional business to Kennedy, and she sticks to her story.  Although her parents were really amused at her reaction at such a young age, dad may have to learn not to push it once his daughter gets emotional about her beloved!

It’s no wonder this video has gone viral, as she so emotionally let’s her dad know this is no joke and he’d better watch his teasing in the future!  What do you think? Did Dad go too far in his teasing given how  she reacted?

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She Places A Bunch Of Marbles In A Bowl Then Bakes Them In The Oven. When She’s Done It’s STUNNING!

Marbles are neat little balls of different colors and sizes that can be used for just about anything you can imagine. Some people collect marbles and are always on the hunt for rare pieces, designs, and colors. Even if you don’t collect them, it’s more than likely that you played with them when you were younger, and there are a bunch of games centered around the cool looking spheres.

While some marbles are made out of clay, metal, or plastic, they most commonly come in glass form. If you have a bunch of them at home collecting dust, dig them out and give them a new life with this neat “fried marbles” craft project.

The “fried marbles” are actually oven baked, and when you follow the steps outlined below and in the video you will end up with beautiful, crackled, unique looking marbles. To start, all you need is some glass marbles. Any size or color will work but the plain, clear, glass ones seem to work best.

Place them in a pie pan, or any other similar type of oven safe container, and pop them into the oven that has been heated to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. Bake the marbles for about 20 minutes and while they are heating take a large bowl and fill it with cold water.

Place a few ice cubes into the water because you want it to be as ice cold as possible. Take the marbles out and carefully pour them into the ice water. They should immediately crackle and shatter on the inside and end up looking like the ones in the video. A few of them may crack and break in the oven or when you place them in the cold water and you can just toss those out.

The neat effect is caused by the glass suddenly cooling from an extremely hot temperature to ice cold. That’s what makes the insides of the marble shatter and gives them the distinct, pretty, and unique look that reflects and refracts light much more beautifully than plain old marbles ever could.

You can use these little gems to decorate around the house, place them in a fish tank, use them in arts and crafts projects, or make jewelry out of them (the YouTube video has links for that). Also, while the woman in the video notes that in all of the times she has done this she’s never had any of the marbles explode, there is always the possibility it could happen.

To be extra safe, wear safety glasses, and if you are doing this project with children don’t let them handle anything hot and supervise them closely. This is definitely a cool project to do with kids on a rainy day, or any day, and you can even inject a science lesson into it that they will most certainly remember.

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Apparently If You Place An Ice Cube In This Spot On Your Neck 1x a Day For A Month THIS Happens To Your Body!

For as long as humans have existed on earth they have been searching relentlessly for the fountain of youth. The world has been explored all over, and its resources examined, for some secret, all-powerful, life enhancing elixir that could make humans ageless and endlessly healthy.

Today there are several areas of medicine and science devoted exclusively to studying and searching for the right combination of chemicals and plant extracts that can enhance beauty, all while halting or reversing the effects of aging and curing us of any and all ills.

Companies flood the market touting the latest and greatest breakthroughs and sell all sorts of creams, serums, crystals, magnets, and so on, to consumers who eagerly snap them up. Most of these things promise the world but don’t work as hoped.

Perhaps the answer lies not in the modern, complex products being sold to us, but rather in simple, ancient practices developed centuries ago. If you go the latter route, you inevitably discover that there is an easier, more affordable, and all natural way to heal and refresh your body.

All that it requires is an ice cube and time. Start by laying out and relaxing on your tummy. Place an ice cube at the base of your skull on your neck (see the point on the neck shown in the video), and allow it to rest there for 20 minutes. Do this every day in the morning on an empty stomach, then again before you go to sleep in the evening.

This alternative method dates back to ancient Chinese medicine and pressure points. The point it centers around is where your head and neck meet at the base of your skull, which is known as the Feng Fu. Many people report feeling younger, more energized, and full of life after doing this everyday.

It has been said that this technique can provide a variety of health oriented benefits to your body, as well as boost your mood and mental health. The potential health benefits include improved digestion and sleep, reduced thyroid issues and PMS symptoms, relief from common colds, alleviated pain from headaches or toothaches, and overall reduced risks associated with lung and cardiovascular diseases.

This simple practice may just be the best route to go when trying to stay healthy and clean. It’s a great way to both start off, and unwind, after a long stressful day.

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Apparently Scientists Say THIS Is Why You Should Never Make Your Bed Again!


Image via: Shutterstock

From an early age most of us are taught to make the bed after we wake up and before we begin our day. The practice helps parents to establish routine and responsibility in young children and it’s often something that sticks with people all throughout their lives. Plus, for some people making the bed makes it less likely that they will crawl back into it, and it tidies up the entire room instantly. However, scientists are now saying that this age old practice is not only unnecessary, but it could also be making us a lot less healthy.

It all comes down to the millions of unseen dust mites that live in our beds. The bizarre, alien looking critters feed on the dead skin flakes that fall off our bodies and into our beds. This makes mattresses, blankets, sheets, pillows, and whatever else you have on your bed the perfect breeding ground for the microscopic creatures. Since people sleep for long hours in bed, their bedding takes up moisture from the prolonged body contact, and that also allows the dust mites to survive and reproduce.

Now scientists are recommending an easy and effective way to cut down on the number of dust mites in your bed, simply leave it unmade. Dr. Stephen Pretlove spoke to the BBC and explained that “We know that mites can only survive by taking in water from the atmosphere using small glands on the outside of their body. Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and mattress so the mites will dehydrate and eventually die.” In turn, less dust mites can lead to better health since they often cause the asthma and allergies which many people suffer from. Plus, who wants to share their bed, a place of coziness and warmth, with millions of freaky little bugs?

The next time you wake up, skip making the bed and save yourself an extra minute or two. There is nothing to lose and potentially lots to gain by doing so, because you can only end up healthier, and thus happier. Please share this information with others so they can lean about the science and benefits of an unmade bed!

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A Wild Seal Asks This Scuba Diver For A Belly Rub. His Reaction Is An Unexpected Surprise!

A scuba diver recently had a surprising and wonderful experience with a wild grey seal while he was partaking in some underwater exploring. The once in a lifetime chance meeting occurred in the Atlantic Ocean off the Isles of Scilly in England. Gary Grayson was diving alongside several other people when a group of Atlantic grey seals decided to check them out. The large seals swam about the strange visitors and one seal in particular took an interest in Grayson.

The friendly mammal got up close and personal with the diver and videographer, and thankfully there was someone among the group who caught the whole encounter on film. The seal can be seen putting his flipper up against the man’s hand, as if he was comparing the two, and nuzzling the diver with his large head.

Then he starts to pat Grayson’s hand and looks to be urging the man to give his belly a rub as he rolls over onto his side and back! The man obliges and the seal looks like he is loving the attention. There is a smile on the seal’s face the whole time and he looks incredibly relaxed and at ease.

It’s a beautiful sight to see as the big sea creature acts like a happy puppy getting his tummy rubbed. The seal even uses his flippers to stay in place and guide the man’s hands to where he wants a scratch. Seals are often referred to as “dogs of the sea” because of their playful and friendly behavior around humans and other animals.

A few of them have even been captured on film snuggling up to their canine counterparts and romping around in the water with them. This video certainly backs up the comparison, and while dogs are man’s best friend on land, seals are man’s best friend in the water.

The remarkably friendly one that Grayson met is truly a sweetheart and what an amazing experience it must have been for everyone involved. I hope one day I can meet one of these “dog mermaids” and give him an underwater belly rub! This is now on my bucket list! What would you have done in this situation? Let us know!

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She Spots A Helpless Fox Being Attacked By A Pack Of Hounds. Her Reaction Puts Her Life At Risk!

Men in dashing red coats and fancy riding gear looked very elegant on their beautiful horses, who’s tails had been tied in what looked like french braids, were about to go on a hunt.  The scene could have been out of a movie staged in the 1700’s.

In fact, it was a fox hunt about to commence in Britain, that was current.  Fox hunting has been outlawed in Britain, but despite this ban it still goes on in aristocratic circles (in this video), with many foxes being killed. Fox hunting occurs with dogs.

In this video the Old Berks Fox Hounds were being tracked by a group called Hunt Monitors.  Animal welfare activists and hunters often clash, as this activity that is so gruesome, continues.  As the fox hounds spot a fox and go in for an attack, about to maul the fox to death, a woman emerges screaming for them to stop!

Risking her own life, she runs into this very dangerous group of hounds in the midst of their attack, desperately screaming as she tries to save the fox from certain death. This monitor certainly could have been badly injured or killed herself both by the dogs, and even the fox itself, who was terrified, having been surrounded and bowled over onto her back.

With her stomach exposed the savage killing was about to commence, had this brave woman not risked her own safety to whisk the terrified fox to safety. The dogs were about to maul the poor animal to death. She was in fact bitten by the fox whom she had snatched to safety!  Impervious to her own well being, she cradles the animal and runs screaming for help to her fellow monitor’s car, to get the fox to safety.

It was reported that the fox was checked by a vet, and no serious dog bites were found.  The Hunt Monitors went on to say that after rehabilitation, this fox was brought to an area in which it would be safe from the hunters.  Watching this scene unfold in this video, was somewhat surreal.

The “elegant” hunters on horseback about to kill for sport, contrasted with the sudden appearance of this courageous woman willing to risk her life to save this fox, was mind-boggling to watch.  Often the activists will spray oils to mislead the hounds from the scent of the fox, but not in this case.

This unbelievably brave young woman was willing to risk her life, rather than allowing a helpless animal be destroyed for sport.  Her dedication is awe-inspiring! Watch the incredible footage below and let us know what you think!

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Watch Mama Cat Protect Her Kitten From Huge Dog.

Never underestimate how fiercely a mama cat will protect her kittens.  A man in Thailand is taking a walk with his very large dog, when he sees a little kitten with it’s mother.  The dog is on a leash, and the man lets him saunter over, thinking it would be ok for them to play?!  Well that clearly wasn’t happening!

This dog is at least ten times the size of the kitten, so I’m not quite sure what he was thinking. Apparently the mama cat had the same thought I did.  She literally flew into action to protect her little kitty.  According to the video description in Thai, “they just met the kitten by chance and thought the dog would play with the kitten, that’s why he laughed at first not realizing the dog may have been too aggressive.”

Whether the dog just wanted to play or whether he might have hurt the kitten, is something that we will never know. This mama cat’s protective instincts took charge, as she let the dog know in no uncertain terms that her kitty wasn’t available for his exploration.  Never mess with a mama cat!!

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‘Ghost Boy’ Was Trapped In His Body For 12 Years Until She Noticed Something That Would Change Everything!

It’s the thing nightmares are made of; being trapped within your own body and having the ability to think and feel, yet lacking a way to communicate or move. That was Martin Pistorius’s reality for over 12 long years. Martin grew up living a normal life in South Africa.

When he was 12 years old he suddenly began to lose the ability to move on his own and soon afterwards he fell completely into a coma. Doctors couldn’t figure out what exactly was wrong with him, he had no significant brain activity, and they told his parents that he would likely never wake up.

Three years later, Martin’s mind did start to wake up. It came back slowly at first, and by age 19 he says that he was fully aware of everything around him, yet he still could not move. Over the following years Martin was trapped inside of his own body, unable to speak, move, or tell anyone that he was awake and could hear and understand everything going on around him.

He was a silent witness to life and had only his own thoughts to keep him company. At one point he heard his mother say she wished he could find peace and finally die. He had to find a way to deal with the feelings of despair and doom, so he taught himself to disengage his thoughts. He made life bearable by clearing his mind and thinking about nothing, and thus further disappeared into himself.

Finally, a woman who was one of his caregivers, Virna van der Walt, noticed that he would often react to some of the things she said. She told his family and recommended that he be sent for tests at the University of Pretoria’s Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. There it was confirmed that Martin was conscious and aware and they found he could even respond and communicate. He was 25 years old at this point in his life.

With the help of communication software and a renewed sense of life and purpose, Martin began to heal and re-engage his thoughts. He slowly broke free from his confinement and fully integrated himself back into the world and society.

In 2008 he met a woman named Joanna, the two hit it off, and a year later they married. Martin wrote a book about his life and journey, titled Ghost Boy, and has regained limited control of his head and arms in recent years. Life is no longer a living hell for him, and his story is truly inspirational.

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