She Presses A Needle and String Onto Her Lips. The End Result Is So Trippy!

People are doing some crazy and inventive things with makeup these days. There are thousands of tutorials online that teach you how to do all sorts of tricks. Some of the more popular topics and videos are the ones that show people how to cover up zits and tattoos and how to contour their faces to achieve a different or near perfect bone structure.

One of the most interesting niches in the online makeup world is the special effects artists who magically apply makeup and turn a face from normal into wow. Some of the looks that these people pull off are out of this world and they get really inventive with their techniques and ideas. If you need any Halloween inspiration, do a quick search on YouTube and prepare to be blown away!

One of the neatest ones out there is the stitched mouth tutorial on the Promise Phan channel. Her channel is full of awesome makeup how-to videos, and this one fits the upcoming Halloween season well. Best of all, while it looks hard and complicated to do, it’s really not! Even a novice can pull this one off. To try the look at home you will need black thread, spirit gum and remover, brown and red face paint, scissors, and a big needle.

Start off by applying a powdered foundation to your lips so they look nude and colorless. Take a piece of thread, if you have a thinner type you should layer it several times to make it appear thicker and more visible, then apply spirit gum to stick the threads together.

Hold up the thread to your lips and measure how long it has to be, then cut it into 8-10 little pieces of that size. Take either spirit gum or eyelid glue and apply a dot below and above your lips.

Grab a piece of thread and attach it to your face by pressing the ends onto the glue dots, and trim to fit if necessary. When you finish applying the threads take another piece, wrap it around twice, thread the needle onto it, and bind the threads together with spirit gum. Apply another dot of spirit gum to the corner of your mouth and press the thread on until it dries.

To amp the look up, take brown face paint and lightly apply it to the ends of the threads. Follow that with the red paint, but first mix it with a little brown, then go over the thread ends and lightly dab on the reddish-brown color to get a realistic blood effect. The end results of this look are freaky and perfect for taking a Halloween costume to the next level.

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These Guilty Dogs Are So Happy To See Their Human Until They Realize He Knows What They DID

The two female dogs in the video you are about to watch, are really happy that their human daddy is finally home. Wagging their tails as he greets them jovially, asking them with great glee, “How was your day?! Did you guys have a good day?” Tails wagging and wagging until he asks them why they have chewed up his pants.

When he changes his tone to a mock scolding sound they turn and walk away, each time with their tails between their legs, and repeatedly scamper out of the room. It is hilarious to watch, because their “dad” obviously loves his “girls” and isn’t abusively shaming them in any way. It is so cute how they know he’s not happy about his pants.

On a serious note, however, destructive behavior such as chewing objects that aren’t theirs, is usually a sign of separation anxiety for dogs. It is often more prevalent in adopted animals who have experienced early abandonment.

Regardless of the reason, dogs who show evidence of separation anxiety when their human parent leaves, can be counter conditioned. This can be done by providing a new positive association with being left alone. Over time this new positive association replaces the fear they once had of being left.

Some ways to develop this new kind of association is by pairing being left with a yummy food. Dog puzzle toys can be stuffed with low-fat peanut butter, cream cheese or any delicious treat they enjoy. Freezing a KONG toy stuffed with something yummy will take them even more time to eat.

If they get busy with this pleasant activity for 20-40 minutes after you leave, the positive reconditioning will occur and destructive behaviors will cease. All this being said, these dogs obviously love their owner and vice-versa, and the footage is adorable to watch.

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Apples Begin To Brown Right Away. This Brilliant Trick Will Keep Them Fresh For More Than 24 Hours

Have you ever toiled over a fruit salad just to have it turn brown before you have even finished making it? Fruit browning can ruin the presentation and texture of any dish that contains susceptible fruits. Many people use lemon to keep the fruit from browning and to keep it fresh and crispy for longer. The downside is that lemon changes the flavor of the dish, which can sometimes be good, but other times can have a negative impact on the flavor. Watch this video to find out a trick that will let you keep your fruit fresh for even longer, without negatively impacting the flavor!

So what is the secret? One of Nature’s most magical substances, honey! The honey that is eaten by humans is made by honey bees from the nectar of various flowers. Due to its chemical properties, it can be stored for an incredibly long time without going bad, if stored properly. There are examples of honey being preserved for centuries, and it was even used as a preservative in ancient Egypt.

Browning happens because of an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase, and the honey contains a compound that counteracts the enzyme and stops the browning. The most common fruits that are susceptible to browning include apples and pears, but the problem is not limited to fruit. Potatoes and parsnips are also prone to browning, and this trick works on them as well!

Have you found this trick to work on any other fruits or vegetables?

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This Puppy Gives Himself A Bath. But What The Camera Caught Him Doing After Is So Funny!

Who doesn’t love a golden retriever puppy?  I mean all puppies are cute, but in my humble opinion Golden Retrievers corner the cuteness market!  Brady, the Golden Retriever puppy whom you are about to meet in this adorable video, is one of those puppies who just loves taking baths.  Many puppies get scared, but Brady is the exact opposite.

It’s not the fact that he loves taking baths that makes Brady so unusual, however… He loves taking baths all by himself!! I’m not kidding.  He stays in the tub as long as possible, lapping up every  last bit of water, as he watches it go down the drain.

He hops out of the tub on his own.  You would think he’d shake the water off and go on his way.  Not Brady! You have to watch how he manages to wrap himself perfectly in his bright pink towel and goes into his bed, perfectly covered up and relaxed for his after-bath nap!  This footage of this sweet, smart puppy is priceless.

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No One Believed This Guy When He Described His Pup’s Nightly Ritual. So He Caught THIS On Camera

Cuddling up with a soft, furry, loving animal is one of the best things you can do to make yourself happy. There is something about our pets that just magically makes life better and causes all of our worries and problems to melt away. The positive energy and feel-good vibes go both ways as well, because pets often purr and rumble in response to the snuggles they receive. This is all according to me, but I assume that there has been actual studies and science which backs up these notions.

Of course, not all animals and pets are affectionate, but the ones who are usually cannot get enough one-on-one time with their human counterparts. This adorable Bulldog puppy is a good case in point. The big wrinkly tan and white ball of joy just wants more kisses from her dad.

When he stops showering her with attention the puppy makes her feelings clear by gently pawing at his face for more. Every time he stops she puts a paw up and gets more kisses. The strange, yet comforting, noises emanating from her mouth and chest are more pig-like than canine, but a cute, sweet pig and not some nasty, mean one.

The Bulldog’s lazy rumbling noises make her dad smile and laugh in delight. If he was in bad mood prior to this clip, he definitely no longer is. These two are so happy and content in each others company and the love between them is beautiful to witness.

Do yourself a favor when you get home to your fur baby(s) tonight, cuddle up and snuggle with them, it will do you both good. Don’t forget to check out this sweet girl’s odd, comforting noises if you want to smile.

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She Paints Orange Eyeshadow Over Her Tattoo On Her Foot. When She’s Done It’s Awesome!

Tattoos are becoming increasingly common and can be found on people’s bodies all across the world. It was only a few decades ago that the body art used to be frowned upon and was somewhat taboo. However, it has now been accepted by the mainstream and embraced by many in society. Tattoos are here to stay and if you have one, two, ten, or 100, you may find this video helpful. It goes over an easy and effective way in which you can cover up a tattoo at home using inexpensive and widely available makeup items.

The video is featured on YouTube channel Nibbles Official and the Australian host named Michelle starts it off by explaining that the tutorial is for those times and events which call for tattoos to be covered up. Not every workplace, office, or even family is open and accepting of tattoos and thus a lot of people need to conceal their body art. Of course, some people may want to cover it for other reasons, and this method is how it can be done.

First, prepare the area you want to cover up by shaving it, if you can, and then smooth on some moisturizer or a similar type of face primer. Take a foundation brush and apply a dab of liquid foundation to the area. Next, determine whether your skin tone is more orange or pink, and then apply that color lipstick or matte eye-shadow over the tattoo. Michelle recommends eye shadow because it works better since it does not smear like lipstick tends to.

She also stresses that you should dab the pink or orange makeup onto your skin, don’t wipe it on, and this step takes a lot of makeup. Once it’s covered take a can of hairspray and spray over the entire area, allow it to dry, and then apply a second layer of makeup directly over it. Coat with hairspray again and wait for it to fully dry. At that point you can take concealer that matches your skin tone and dab it on with a sponge applicator over the eye-shadow or lipstick area, then spray it with another coat of hairspray.

When that coating has dried completely you can begin to dab on more concealer and this time you may apply it directly onto your skin. Work in such a way that blends the concealer outwards and around the tattoo, so that the edges of the makeup you applied don’t stick out so obviously.

After, take a matching skin tone powdered makeup and dab it over the entire area, blending well as you go. Finish up by further blending any areas that need it. If you want you can use another coat of hairspray to ensure the makeup stays in place. This is recommended for areas that might get disturbed or rubbed a lot, such as near hems, cuffs, or necklines.

That is the entire lesson taught in the video and if you’re interested in learning more details be sure to check it out. It may seem like a lot of work, but when it’s all said and done you can rest assured knowing that your body art is securely concealed!

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This Woman Put An Entire Spool Of Yarn Into Glue. But When She’s Done It’s STUNNING!

The most common thing that people usually use yarn for are items to knit; such things as scarves, sweaters and mittens.  Unless you are a crafty person like Dana.  I never fail to be astounded by how innovative and creative some people are.  I certainly never would have thought of making the creation you are about to watch, but having seen it’s lovely outcome I can’t wait to try it!

What Dana does with: an inflatable bouncy ball, cotton yarn or hemp cord, and basic school glue is truly athing of beauty.  What she creates is a yarn globe or lantern.  She shows us how to prepare the ball and glue, and then demonstrates the winding process of the yarn.  After she takes us through the steps which really look the FUN, she shows us how to turn our creation into an actual, usable lamp!

It’s really easy to remove the dried yarn from the ball.  It’s a thing of beauty on it’s own.  Then with 4 items:  a hanging light fixture, lightbulb, clamp connector and a washer (available at any hardware store), she shows us how, within minutes, your colorful lantern becomes an amazing lamp.

I’m not  kidding!  It’s an actual beautiful modern lamp that you’d be proud to hang in your house.  Let us know how yours comes out if you try it, and what you think about this amazing DIY, that comes from the Made Everyday site.

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Bindi Irwin’s Inspiring Dance Tribute To Her Late Father Steve Irwin Will Bring You To Tears

We all remember precocious little Bindi Irwin from her years where she joined her dad, Steve Irwin, on his show “The Crocodile Hunter”.  She was the apple of her dad’s eye; they actually had a mutual admiration society.  His untimely death, from a terrible accident in which he was killed by an animal, certainly was traumatizing for the young girl.

Bindi’s spunky spirit was not put-on for the entertainment of the show.  That was her authentic self, that helped her to overcome the very sad and unexpected loss of her dad whom she adored.  Bindi is now an adult, and she has brought her spunky, humorous self to the premiere of the 21st season of Dancing With the Stars.

What you are about to watch in this really enjoyable video clip, is a dance that was inspired by and dedicated to her father.  Her partner is Derek Hough, who seems absolutely tickled by Bindi’s spirit.  She did an amazing job in her first dance of the season.  Bringing down the house to “Crocodile Rock”, she impressed the judges as well, receiving a 24 out of 30; a really high score for the beginning of the season.  I hope you enjoy this video as much asI did!

A day before she performed this dance she posted a really heartwarming note on her Instagram page: “Tomorrow. Dancing with The Stars premiere. There are so many amazing souls that are going to be a part of this. But I want to thank you for your support and love. I couldn’t be where I am today without you. I hope I’m able to inspire the world to remember to be brave and strong in life, even if it scares you. I’m doing this for you.”

She is indeed an inspiring young woman.

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