This Baby Almost Died Because She Was Kissed. The Reason Is So Scary!

The information contained in this video could save the lives of countless children around the world. If you know anyone with an infant or happen to be a parent yourself, you will be shocked to find out what happened to poor little Brooke when she was kissed by a stranger.

There was nothing about the stranger’s physical appearance that would have indicated a possible infection, and his skin and lips were clean and clear. But there was an unwelcome guest hiding just beneath the surface. It was the herpes virus, and it was able to leap from its host to Brooke, quickly overwhelming her fledgling immune system.

At her young age, her body hadn’t had the time required to build defences strong enough to fight such a powerful foe. The virus does not launch the full attack right away, but can sometimes remain in the system for months after the initial exposure before it wages war on the body.

Fortunately, after receiving excellent care at a local hospital, Brooke made a full recovery and is now happily back at home. Unfortunately, the virus will never leave her system, and she will have herpes for the rest of her life. Please pass this on to all your friends and family so that babies everywhere can be kept safe from this potential threat.

Through social media, we can work together to use knowledge and education to fight the spread of preventable disease. Help be a part of the perfect cure of prevention!

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Mama Put A Hidden Camera In This Room. THIS Is What The Camera Caught The Dog Doing To The Baby!

When parents bring a newborn home for the first time it can be exciting and overwhelming, especially when it’s time for the new baby to meet the fur babies in the house. The initial introduction is crucial and it’s important to make sure that babies and pets get along well together.

Pets who live and share a house with babies need to be comfortable with them and supervised bonding moments are one of the best ways to acclimate animals to babies. Sometimes parents are apprehensive and unsure about how their dog will react to a new baby.

Scott Moore and his wife thought that it would be best to keep their newborn and Beagle apart for a couple of months before the two met face to face. They wanted the dog to be used to the new living situation it was suddenly thrust into, and adjusted to all the different sights, smells, and sounds that come with a baby.

When the time came for the pair to finally meet, it was love at first sight. The adorable dog first sniffed the baby, then walked off a few steps and plopped on his back with his paws up in the air. As the baby started to crawl towards the dog he flopped back over, wagged his tail, and wiggled closer to the child.

The beagle was sweet and submissive as he got down low on the babies level and lowered his head so the kid could touch and pet him. It’s clear from watching this that the dog is accepting and loving towards his new friend as he gently snuggles and licks the months old baby, all the while being very careful and never rough around it. Any parent would love to see this ideal type of interaction between a baby and the family pet!

Parents can help foster such a relationship, so long as they prepare and plan for the eventual meeting. From a dog’s perspective a new baby in the house is life altering, the family routine becomes strikingly different, and less attention is paid to pets since newborns require constant care.

There are several important ways to prepare and introduce family dog(s) to babies that can make the transition easier for everyone involved. Below are some key points on what you can do, but keep in mind that there are additional tips and suggestions that can further help guide you, and put your mind at ease.

First, the dog needs to be taught, and know well, basic social skills on how to safely interact with people. Obedience training is key if you want your pet to truly listen and follow your commands. At the first meeting between a dog and newborn choose a calm, quiet room and try to eliminate as many distractions as possible.

Always hold the baby and supervise the interaction; never let a dog be alone with an unfamiliar baby. Always avoid scolding or yelling at the dog because they will negatively associate it with the child. Instead, reward them for good behavior, speak gently and try to relax as much as possible.

Dogs take cues from their owners and can pick up on subtle emotions. Once you get a feel for the situation, guide it from there. Even if the pair don’t hit it off right away stay positive, because getting used to changes and new people often takes time.

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Burglars Break Into Their House And Attempt To Steal The Baby. But They Never Expected THIS Karma

These days you often hear only bad things about pit bulls and the negative reputation attached to the breed follows them everywhere. People automatically assume that all pit bull dogs are violent, unpredictable, and aggressive animals.

This type of mindset is wrong, not every pit bull is dangerous or waiting to snap, and there are more good ones than bad. If you treat dogs with love, compassion, respect, and train them right, they can make loving and loyal family pets.

One family knows this well. Their two pit bulls came to the rescue when they sensed danger and stopped a pair of criminals in their tracks, literally. Nayeli Garzon-Jimenez was home alone watching her 3 month old baby when a man and a woman suddenly broke into her house.

Nayeli was on the phone with her husband Adolfo Angeles-Morales at the time, and told him someone was in the house. He stayed on the line and listened helplessly as the drama unfolded on the other end.

The man who broke in was armed with a gun. He pointed it at Nayeli and demanded money, or else they would take her baby. She told them she had no money on her at the moment and that is when the woman grabbed her baby out of her arms.

Nayeli desperately tried to get her infant back and fought with the woman, grabbing her shirt and holding her back, but the man hit her hard on the head with the gun and the woman go away. She ran with the baby towards the rear door in an attempt to escape through the backyard, and bumped straight into the family’s 2 pit bulls.

Alerted to the danger of the quickly unfolding situation, and likely sensing the baby snatchers evilness, the dogs stood firmly in the way and blocked the woman’s path. If she was going to try and get through the back yard she’d have to go through them first.

Knowing she was no match for two strong dogs who could sense her fear, the woman turned and fled towards the front door instead. Thankfully, in her panic and blind attempt to escape from the pit bulls, she tossed the poor innocent infant back to her mother on the way out.

When it was all over, Nayeli was left battered and bruised from being hit with the gun. However, her baby was unharmed and safely back where she belonged, in her mother’s loving arms. This story could have had a very different, and much sadder, ending if not for the families two alert pit bulls.

They selflessly stood up to the criminals, defended both their family and home, and stopped the would be baby snatchers from getting away with a heinous crime. The dogs definitely saved the day!

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Apparently This Is The Reason You Should Always Be Drinking Out Of A Copper Cup!

Copper drink-ware is one of the hottest trends right now. The shiny metal cups, mugs, and pitchers have been steadily showing up on store shelves and at bars across the world. The copper cup resurgence is due in part to the renewed popularity of a cocktail that was all the rage back in the 1950s called a Moscow mule.

The alcoholic beverage is made up of vodka, ginger beer, and lime juice, and is traditionally served in a copper mug. However, most people unaware of the fact that copper cups can provide our bodies with numerous health benefits. In fact, there is a long list of all the natural and positive ways it impacts health, and you can gain them simply by drinking out of a copper cup!

When water is placed into a copper vessel it not only takes on the metal’s positive charge, but also all of the other positive properties inherent within it. Copper is known to scientists and the medical community as having anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties which can help in first aid to speed up recovery times and heal wounds.

Copper is also a necessary part of our diet and our bodies use it to produce new cells and to thrive. It helps strengthen our immune systems and if you drink water which has sat in copper for several hours it can greatly improve, and heal, parts of your digestive system.

A few of the basic points you should know are that it is most beneficial to store water overnight in a copper pitcher or bowl. If the water sits for less than four hours in the copper it may not take on all of the positive qualities and won’t be as good for your health.

Also, to get the most out of copper infused water you should aim to drink it directly from a copper cup as soon as you wake up and before you eat or drink anything. Check out the accompanying video for more information and keep reading.

Other benefits that have been touted are that it slows aging, makes skin glow, fights and prevents cancer, stimulates our brains, regulates our thyroid, reduces the risk of heart disease and hypertension, helps or bodies absorb iron and thus helps prevent anemia. These benefits are not new age psychobabble, there is scientific evidence and studies backing them.

One of the more interesting and consequential findings had to do with the anti-microbial and anti-bacterial aspects of copper in conjunction with contaminated water. Scientists measured the number of harmful microbes found in the water before it was placed in copper, then again 16 hours later, after it had been placed in copper.

They found that the level of harmful microbes was greatly reduced just because of the simple fact that the water was in the copper. Another study was equally promising and found that in one hospital with copper surfaces, infection rates were reduced by 40%. The drop was attributed to the copper surfaces alone, and researchers found that it also killed 97% of the harmful bacteria which can cause infection.

This article only touches on most of the benefits that copper can provide our bodies with. There is a lot more details, studies, research, and information available on the topic and the accompanying video covers a good amount as well. What it all comes down to is simple. If you want to harness the healing power of the golden amber metal, start storing and drinking water out of copper cups and mugs.

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An Elephant Charges Full Speed At This Guy But Somehow He Knew To Do THIS!

This is one of the most astounding wildlife videos I have seen in a while.  A tourist is in the jungles of Thailand and spots an elephant, in the brush, perhaps twenty feet away from where he is standing.  He watches and waits, with his camera in hand.

Within seconds the elephant charges and lands practically nose to trunk with the tourist…who doesn’t move!!  Shockingly, the elephant turned and ran away.  The tourist turns around and calmly smiles at whomever is doing the video.  Now I know you frequently see the term “jaw-dropping” on internet videos, but I have rarely viewed a moment where that description so aptly applies!

I don’t know if this tourist knew that the best thing to do in a situation like this was to stand completely still, or if he was frozen in shock?  Instinctively, I think I would have run, but according to biologists that would have put me in extreme danger.

Standing still, and a mere wave of the hand, signaled the charging elephant to back off.  Not moving sent the message that the man was not a threat, which instinctively removed the elephant’s desire to attack.

Watch this amazing video which illustrates the best thing to do, when faced with what was a potentially life-threatening situation.  The fact that this situation was diffused still boggles my mind.  I had to watch the video several times to really believe my own eyes!

What do you think you would have done in a jungle if an elephant charged at you within inches of your body?

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Abused And Neglected Dog Is Rescued. Her Reaction When She Picks Out Her First Toy Ever Is PRICELESS

When it comes to dogs and toys, you just never know what they might love, or hate, to play with. Some dogs love nothing more than to go after tennis balls, others prefer a nice hardy stick they can chew on and fetch, while others enjoy toys they can play tug of war with.

These days there are thousands of different play things available for every type of canine need or desire. There are ones that squeak or are indestructible, some are specially designed for small or large breeds, and a few are even highly interactive.

It can be really hard to choose one toy when you are staring down aisle after aisle of potential ones for your pet. No one wants to pick out one and excitedly bring it home to a dog who could care less about it. Toys are not cheap and many have wasted their money searching for something they think their dog would love.

That’s why it’s best to leave the picking and choosing up to your four legged friend, which is exactly what one thoughtful owner did. He took his best friend Roo to the pet store and let her check out the selection first hand. The excited Golden Retriever spent some time roaming the aisles, sniffing through the goods, as she looked for something that caught her eye.

It was only when she came across a bin of stuffed animals that she knew what she wanted. After hopping up on her hind legs she reached her mouth in and made her selection by grabbing one of the plushy animals. Mission complete, toy acquired, now time to play!

According to Roo’s owner, Brian Beker, this was her first time experiencing a pet store environment and all it has to offer. He rescued the one year old Golden Retriever from a horrible living situation that no dog or animal should ever have to suffer through.

Roo spent the beginning of her life growing up starved of food, deprived of love, imprisoned, and neglected. Now that she is with him all that he wants to do is give her a second chance at leading a normal, happy, and love filled life.

Naturally, any beloved pet needs a few toys, especially one that has never had any her whole life to chew on or chase around. Since Roo picked out the one she liked the best, it’s safe to say that she will be enjoying it and Brian can rest assured that he didn’t waste his money!

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After You Watch This You Will Never Cut Watermelon The Same Way Again!

There are many ways to cut a watermelon and some are a lot less messy than others. One of the biggest obstacles you face when carving up a ripe melon is all the water in it. The pink, juicy balls of deliciousness are rightly named water melons because approximately 92% of the fruit is water!

According to, it was because of their naturally super-high water content that early explorers used to use watermelons as canteens. However, all that water can make a mess when a melon is cut open and the juices run out all over the place. Then the knife starts slipping on the tough rind and before you know it you almost sliced a finger off.

People often try to avoid this cutting hazard by slicing the watermelon in half length-wise. The resulting upturned bowl, half-shell type of shape retains all the juices, but it also leads to another hazard; instability. Trying to cut a rocking, unbalanced chunk of melon is hard to do, and it’s just as hazardous to your health as cutting a slippery one.

So when life hands you watermelons, what is the best way to cut them up safely and cleanly? For starters, you need an innovative and different approach because none of the existing methods that people use to carve them work all that well.

That’s the logic that designers followed at an Italian company called Genietti. They came up with a neat and easy to use stainless steel watermelon slicer that they named Angurello. The tool cuts evenly and cleanly through the juicy fruit with just a bit of pressure and minimum effort on your part.

There are no razor sharp blades to deal with and all the juices stay contained within the melon. Once you make the cuts, you don’t even have to dig them out. The tool also doubles as a pair of tongs so you can handily grab the slices out of shell and serve them right away.

No mess, no stress, no cut fingers, and a whole melon sliced up perfectly in just seconds. Sounds too good to be true, but it’s real. Check it out and see for yourself how neat and easy life can be.

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She’s Fishing For The First Time. Dad Thinks It’s A Tiny One But She Pulls Out An Unexpected Surprise!

What could be a simpler pleasure than a little girl going out on a boat with her dad to go fishing?Little Avery and her dad have an amazing bond; that is evident just by the way they have fun together.  Their mutual excitement and giggling as Avery feels a tug on her fishing pole says it all!

This little munchkin has something on the line of her hot pink Barbie fishing pole.  As her dad encourages her to keep reeling in what’s tugging at her pole, she is being tugged at herself. She squeals for her dad to help her.

He’s so preoccupied with filming her that he doesn’t quite realize how hard she’s tugging!  Finally he helps her steady the pole;  she continues to reel with all her might as he cheers her on, “Keep going Avery!”

Dad is so mesmerized with Avery’s adorable excitement as she cries out, “Did I get one?”, that he’s been oblivious to what is emerging from the water.  He can’t believe his eyes as together they pull the fish onto the boat.  Avery has caught one huge bass!

Ever the photographer, Dad gets a close up not just of the fish, but of his little girl’s proud beaming smile.  This is a memory they will both cherish forever; daddy’s little girl got the catch of the day!

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