This Annoying Saleswoman Knocks On Their Front Door. Now Watch The Door Knocker Closely.

Back in the day, not too long ago, door to door salespeople used to be everywhere. They would travel from one house to the next, knocking on doors to talk to the owner, in hopes of selling them whatever it was they were hawking. These types of salespeople were like the Jehovah’s witnesses who also go door to door trying to spread their religion.

If you have ever had one visit your house then you may know how annoying and bothersome the experience can be. No one likes talking to strangers about things they don’t need or want. Most of us try to be nice and listen to their spiel, but really it’s just a huge waste of time to sit through the inevitable sales pitch.

Others have no problem in firmly telling the person they are not interested and to go away. The lucky few who see the salespeople coming usually avoid the hassle all together by simply ignoring their knocks and not answering the door.

These days, a salesman at your front door is a rarity since the method is completely outdated and ineffective. And besides all that, not many people are as willing as they once were to opening their door to a complete stranger. In light of the fact that the practice is old fashioned, a New Zealand energy company called Energy Online created a cheeky commercial to advertise themselves as modern and up to date.

The hilarious clip shows several door to door salespeople going up a walkway to the front porch of a nice house and approaching the front door. As the first man reaches out his hand to knock, the door suddenly comes to life and shouts at him!

The completely unexpected occurrence startles him backwards and his face twists up with fright. The knocker opens its eyes, looks really angry to be disturbed, and would definitely freak out any unsuspecting person who happened upon it. One after another the salespeople go up onto the porch, only to end up getting scared and yelled at by the knocker.

It shouts some funny one liners at them like “Stop touching my knocker” and then tells them to be gone. One man tries to start his pitch but the knocker will have none of it and shouts at him to beat it. When they turn to leave a gargoyle they passed on the way to the porch suddenly springs to life, scaring the poor people even further. It chases them down the walk to the street, ensuring none of them come back ever again.

The viral advertisement is clever and artfully done. It perfectly encapsulates what most people wish would happen when a salesperson comes calling at their front door, that they turn around and leave in a hurry! Thankfully, in this day and age there is no need for such salespeople and mostly everything can be easily accessed and done online with minimal hassle. Check out the video for a laugh and share it with those who’d appreciate it as well!

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This Little Girl Has A Message For Her Divorced Parents. The Result I Can’t Hold Back The Tears!

If there is anything that can wake up parents who are in the midst of a contentious divorce, these words spoken by 6-year-old Tiana in the following video, says it all!  This incredibly bright and sensitive little girl begs her mom (who is taping her) for civility between her parents.

I could not believe the intensity of her thoughts and feelings on the matter, and her ability to use such insightful language to explain the depth of her desires. This video really shows how hard divorce is on children, who so badly need to feel safe, even though their family is broken.

What is so amazing about little Tiana, is that she includes herself in the responsibility for her family’s happiness.  She tries to explain to her mom that she doesn’t expect the impossible; she just wants her parents to treat each other nicely.  She doesn’t want to live in anger.

My heart just broke listening to her plea.  I think that her mom definitely heard her with her heart.  One can only hope that her impassioned plea for kindness made a difference in the dynamics of her family.  All family’s dealing with divorce or even chronic anger in the home need to watch this video.  For the sake of our children, we all just need to be the adults…so they don’t have to be!

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She Draws Eyebrows Under Her Eyes. But When She’s Done It’s The Most Unexpected Surprise!

This is by far one of the most inventive makeup tricks I have ever seen! This demonstration is simply mesmerizing. The woman is so creative in conceiving of this idea, and is clearly very artistic. Whether this comes out as well as her endeavor, it is worth putting the time and effort into following her steps, if you would like to become something truly unique for a costume party.

Watch as she doubles the features of her face by using makeup to create another set of eyes on her cheek, an extra nose higher up on the bridge of her actual nose, and a second mouth on her chin. She even goes so far as to glue on false eyelashes to complete the “cheek eyes”!

The result is both “trippy” and, almost dizzying! The transformation is like nothing I have ever seen before. She and her friend take it on the road during daylight hours, to get people’s reactions. People were flipping out! You can only imagine how cool the reaction will be.

Have you ever seen anything like this? This is probably the most wild tutorial I have ever seen in my entire life. Let us know if you try this out and whether you get the awesome results that you are about to watch on this video.

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THIS Baby Falls Into The Water and Can’t Swim. Now Watch Her Mom’s Unexpected Reaction!

You may remember a strange story that came out of Japan, of all places, a few years back. The strange series of events first began back in 2005, when zookeepers at Kushiro Zoo welcomed a new male polar bear cub. They named him Tsuyoshi and waited a couple of years until he matured before eventually introducing him to one of the zoo’s longtime resident female bears, Kurumi.

The plan was that the two would hit it off, mate, and have some baby polar bears together. Several unsuccessful years went by without any babies, let alone any mating behavior or even a single amorous advance between the two.

At first zookeepers thought Tsuyoshi was too young, then they started to give weight to the fact that he peed just like Kurumi. Sensing the peculiarities, the zoo sent out samples of his hair for DNA tests and the results suggested that “he” was a “she.”

The zoo still was not 100% positive about Tsuyoshi’s gender and so they anesthetized the bear and did a first hand observation, which confirmed the tests and suspicions. Tsuyoshi was a female, and that’s why her and Kurumi were not successful in having babies!

The mix up caused quite a stir and people wondered how could they have gotten it so wrong? Apparently, it’s easy to confuse polar bears for the opposite sex. In fact, Tsuyoshi’s other brother, who was also adopted by a zoo, turned out to be a female as well! It’s all very strange.

All that aside, Kurumi did end up falling in love with another polar bear, who was indeed a bona fide male. Shortly after she met him she gave birth to a sweet, playful cub, who was verified female and named Milk. In this video you can see the 4 month old youngster and her mother playing and frolicking around. They look happy, healthy, and thrilled to be together.

Above all, one thing is for certain; Kurumi is an excellent mother. The mama bear’s instincts kicked right in when her young cub suddenly got into a bit of deep trouble. Little baby Milk fell into the icy cold water, which was way over her head, and didn’t yet know how to swim.

Thankfully, her mother was nearby and immediately noticed her cries of distress. She sprung into action and rushed to the pool’s edge, dove right in without a flinch of hesitation, and surfaced protectively behind Milk to nudge her up. After a brief struggle, and slipping quite a bit on the wet poolside in her attempts to claw her way back onto firm ground, the cub made it to safety.

Milk was definitely not fazed by her near death experience and immediately got back to what is really important, playtime! Kurumi certainly has a lot of work ahead of her and if this is any indication, her little tyke is going to be a handful.

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He Built His Son An Incredible Bed. But When He Grabs This Book I Never Expected This Surprise!

Kids love nothing more than exploring new things and playing games, especially hide and go seek. They spend hours at a time romping around with their friends and often find the best hiding places. It’s a great way to keep them busy and active, and after a long day of play they are usually really worn out.

Children also love neat, comfortable, unique beds. Whether it’s bunk style or a race car bed, we have all dreamed of having a cool place to sleep when we were young. One dad, Eric Strong, took all of this and more into consideration when the time came for his son to get a new bed.

The boy was fast outgrowing his small convertible toddler bed and his little sister was bound to soon inherit it.  When he ran this fact by his son the youngster agreed to give up the bed on one condition, that his dad upgrade his sleeping quarters, by giving him “the most awesome bed ever.”

Knowing that his kid loved playing with things like marble runs, kinetic sculptures, playground slides, and exploring and hiding in general, he set about incorporating aspects related to them into the bed. His son was definitely going to get the best bed ever!

All it took was a little imagination, an IKEA Kura bed design, a few basic items and tools, and some time. The finished bed is far from average and has cool features that include a slide, pulley, and ball run. However, the best part about it by far is the hidden compartment.

The lower portion of the bed contains a builtin bookcase which conceals the entrance to it, and when a certain book is pulled the case swings inwards, and opens up to reveal the secret room. It’s clear that Mr. Strong honored the bed deal he made with his son, and fulfilled the condition that it be awesome, because this bed is all that and more.

I know I shouldn’t be jealous of a kid’s bed, but in this case I am! To see the entire process, from concept to construction to finish, check out the awesome video Mr. Strong made.

He did an excellent job explaining and showing how he built the bed and goes over all the materials he used. And while this may be quite the project for some people, he makes it look super easy!

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He Puts An Egg In Some Cling Wrap. But When He’s Done You’ll Never Cook Eggs The Same Way Again!

Everyone has preferences for how they like their eggs: Scrambled, fried, over easy, over hard, soft boiled, hard boiled and then there is that illusive poached egg.  Poached eggs somehow always seem to fall into the realm of a chef. There is something so perfect about the shape, and achieving the perfect consistency of a runny yoke to place on a delicious piece of toast, that seems almost magical.

Until now!  The video you are about to watch will enable you to produce that precisely graceful poached egg, without having to deal with complicated fancy directions. The repipe and directions are so easy and the final product is perfection!

This lovely Brit has concocted a simple way to produce the perfect poached egg with great charm. All you need is a coffee cup, plastic wrap and some boiling water.  Make sure your plastic wrap is BPA free.

Watch this video and you too will be able to impress your overnight guests with perfect poached eggs on toast in 5 minutes.  As a plus, it was fun to make.  I tried it this morning and it worked perfectly.  You never have to ruin an egg again!

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The Simple Way To Remove Hard Water Deposits On Your Faucets And Sinks. I’m So Glad I Learned THIS

Hard water can be a real pain in the neck when it comes to the unsightly stains that it leaves behind on bathroom and kitchen surfaces. Those blemishes are nasty looking and it can be extremely hard to fully remove them. The ugly spots and stains are caused by water that contains large amounts of minerals such as limestone, calcium, and magnesium.

These metals and minerals are naturally occurring, most often in areas with low water tables and mountainous regions, and water that contains them is perfectly safe to use and drink. The biggest downside to it is the crusty, whitish colored mineral deposits and stubborn stains that it leaves behind, which over time gradually build up on stuff.

Many people struggle to remove these stains and often think that they need strong, harsh chemical cleaners to get rid of them effectively. However, there is a better, more simple, and affordable way to go about cleaning surfaces with mineral build up that has been caused by hard water.

In this easy to follow tutorial YouTube’s Crouton Crackerjacks channel shows us how to clean a kitchen sink. Watch the video for more information and to see how it turns out, and read on to see how it’s done. Start off by placing a bowl in the sink and pour some distilled white vinegar in it.

Take an old cotton cloth, rag, towel, or whatever you have on hand and fully soak it in the vinegar. Make sure the sink is completely dry and not wet in any places, especially the cracks. Drape the soaked towel on the surfaces that are stained and press it firmly against the sink and into any seams or cracks.

Let it sit for an hour, then place it back into the vinegar. Take an old, worn sponge and gently scrub the sink to further remove the hard water stains. You should notice the whiteness coming off and the sink getting shinier. Take your rag and again place it on any remaining stains, paying attention to areas that are more built up, and leave it on for an hour. Repeat the gentle scrubbing as before and you should have a shiny, sparkly, clean and renewed sink!

This works for porcelain surfaces as well, and if you need a quick and easy way to brighten up the commode, read on. Grab a roll of paper towels, distilled white vinegar, and a pair of rubber gloves. Pour some vinegar onto paper towel squares so they are soaked, then fold them up and place them all around the rim of the toilet, making sure to cover all the stains.

Stick them to the inside bowl and as close to the water line as you can get without them touching the water. Then, fill the bowl with vinegar until it is above the stains. Let this sit for a few hours while the vinegar works before removing the paper towels from the rim and bowl, and scrub away any remaining stains. Make sure to fish out any paper towels from the water and don’t flush them because they will clog pipes and the septic system.

This may be the fastest, easiest, and most natural way to clean hard water stains. It requires minimal effort or exertion on your part so try it the next time you clean the house!

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An Old Woman At A Bus Stop Sits Down And Begins Playing The Piano. Seconds Later My Jaw Dropped!

People are standing at a bus stop, in the humdrum of their lives, when something really extraordinary occurs. Someone has left an old piano on the street where they are waiting. An old woman, walking with a walker, lingers. She has scraggly gray long hair; perhaps she is homeless.

Whatever her lot in life, within her lies something so beautiful, it is astounding! She steps away from her walker and sits on the piano bench. She lifts her arthritic fingers to the keyboard and she is transformed. Those fingers lightly touch the keys as she begins to play, and as you watch this you can’t help but wonder what is going to happen.

Her light touch begins to build, as the fluidity of her playing astounds those watching. She is no longer old and frail, but a young woman whose talent has laid dormant for many years. Her playing is so remarkable that I found myself holding my breath as I watched and listened.

Who was she? Had she been a professional musician? Perhaps we will never know her story, but it is certain that music brings her alive! It is deeply imbedded in her soul, and given this unexpected opportunity, it poured out of her. Her performance was nothing short of magical! The people listening were blown away, and you will be too.

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