He Had A Strange Pain In His Ear And Thought It Was A Bad Earache. But They Pull Out This Unexpected Surprise!

We have all heard that ear wax can build up and become impacted in the ear canal, causing eventual pain and even hearing loss.  What you are about to watch in the following video, that was causing this boy’s distress, is far worse than ear wax. What came crawling out of his ear is just beyond belief!

Fourteen-year-old, Grant Botti, woke up in excruciating pain coming from his ear.  In a state of panic, after feeling something moving, he reached inside his ear to see if he was just imagining the movement.  Incredibly, what he pulled out was so disgusting and startling, that I feel the need to forewarn you.

He grabbed onto the tail of a 4-inch centipede that had become lodged in his ear!!!  It is hard to believe that he was able to pull it out by himself, without passing out from shock or pain. He was able to slowly remove the entire creature!  Even more unbelievable is that his mom watched him pull this grotesque thing from his ear, without passing out herself.

She had the presence of mind to bag this centipede and bring it to the hospital, where her poor son was rushed, in unbearable pain.  At Saline Memorial Hospital, Grant was examined by the doctors, who found abrasions in his ear drum that was causing the continued pain.

It is believed that the centipede entered his ear canal while he was swimming. Thankfully, Grant did not sustain any permanent physical damage.  Hopefully, he and his family have gotten over the psychological trauma of this disturbing and painful event.

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He Couldn’t Figure Out How His Pup Kept Escaping So He Set Up A Hidden Camera and Caught THIS Surprise!

Would you expect that an 11-week-old pup could figure out how to take down a safety gate in a house? Unlikely, right? Well not if he’s a Corgi. This little, adorable breed is indeed known to be very smart, crafty and confident. In fact, they don’t even view themselves as being small and thus are quite assertive.

Corgis are part of the herding breeds who are strong-willed. The cute Corgi pup, Beau, seen in this video, displays all of the typical traits of his breed . What makes the video so astounding is his young age and strength. His new owner sets up a doggy gate to keep the little pup in the kitchen when he has to go out.

Whenever he returns Beau has escaped. His human can’t figure out what in the world is going on. To get to the bottom of how Beau is escaping through the “dog-proof” gate, his owner sets up a camera to record this crafty little pup’s shenanigans, when he leaves the house.

Watch what happens within a few minutes after he leaves. Hanging out in the kitchen clearly isn’t Beau’s thing. What you are about to watch is just amazing! This little Corgi pup sure makes his breed proud!

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Grandpa Falls Asleep On Top Of This Lady’s Cell Phone. Her Next Move Is An Unexpected Hilarious Surprise!

Oh boy, British humor sure is something special. Blunt, yet innocent enough, they know how to make one chuckle. The skill is in how they dramatically deliver their dry comedy and fearlessly plow through taboo. A good portion of the funniest performances out there originated from the creativity of the British.

Just to name a few, there was Mr. Bean, Keeping Up Appearances, The Office, Black Books, Monty Python, which all provided immense entertainment. In this sitcom excerpt a woman knocks on the door of a house where she had left her cell phone.

When she walks in she finds a man sleeping in the recliner in the living room where she believes she left her phone. Another woman hides in the kitchen when she realizes the visitor had returned and calls the cell phone which makes the search a little silly.

The ringtone proves that the cell phone indeed is underneath the sitting man, and when he scratches his nether region the phone call is answered. The owner of the phone proceeds to answer the call as if the phone was in her hand, but gracefully informs the caller that the connection is not ideal.

Because the woman in the kitchen can see the situation as she places the call, she instructs the woman on the other end of the line that perhaps she should move closer to the phone. The ridiculousness is hilarious as the woman yells very closely into the crotch of the sleeping man and then eventually just reaches her hand in to grab the phone.

She fumbles around for a bit when a priest walks in to find her in the middle of the inappropriate looking behavior. The man wakes up very excited at all the action and the woman in the kitchen stands back and laughs at the outrageous scene.

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Do You Have A Broken Zipper That Just Won’t Close? This Unexpectedly Easy Trick Will Fix It Instantly!

There is nothing worse than having a zipper break on a favorite article of clothing, especially when you have gotten dressed and are ready to go out.  You have no time to start figuring out what to change into and need a quick fix.  Impossible? No!

Even worse than a broken zipper on clothes, (which can be changed), is a break on a suitcase as you are all packed and getting ready to leave for the airport; same nightmare with a purse or backpack. We have all had that “Oh Nooo” moment.

Zippers can be so frustrating to fix, or having them replaced is so costly…until now!  The video you are about to watch is the ultimate gift, as it demonstrates a quick and simple solution for the dreaded broken zipper; a DIY that I tried on the broken zipper of my purse.  It was fixed in 4 minutes!

Believe me, I am no Ms. Fixit, and I was able to do this after watching the video once, and then one more time to follow the simple steps.  If you watch carefully you will be able to fix almost any broken zipper.  All that was required was a needle nose pair of pliers.

It was literally like magic!  I’m so happy to have found this solution to what has been an extremely annoying and costly problem. Works like a charm every time. Let your friends know about it!

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I Was Confused When She Was Painting Glitter On A Balloon. But Then She Pops It For An Unexpected Surprise!

If you are a crafty type of person who enjoys doing all sorts of do-it-yourself things then you likely have a lot of extra craft items on hand, especially glitter. Glitter is the perfect material that adds a little extra flair to practically anything.

It usually doesn’t take much, perhaps even just a pinch will do, to take something from boring to wow with the help of a little sprinkle of glitter. As such, if you have an abundance of different colored and textured glitter on hand you can easily use it up with this awesome glitter bowl project.

It’s a simple and neat craft idea that anyone can do and the perfect way to spend quality time with friends, family, and especially young children. It will get them away from TV and the internet and more involved with creating homemade things.

All this project requires is 2 cups of glitter, 1 cup of Mod Podge, a balloon, a paintbrush, and a bowl. Start by mixing up the glitter and Mod Podge together in a bowl so that they are well blended. Blow up the balloon, tie it off, and place it in the bowl with the tie facing down to give it stability and keep it in place.

Paint the glitter mixture onto the balloon surface, making sure to coat it as evenly as possible. Paint half of the balloon to make a bowl shape, or try out different designs. You can customize the bowl, such as by scalloping the edges or making it curve in uneven, distinct ways.

When you have finished painting the balloon set it aside and allow it to completely dry for at least 24 hours. When the time is up you can turn it over, pop the balloon, and remove any of the leftover rubber or latex pieces that may be sticking to the inside of the bowl .

You will be left with a soft, custom made, glittery bowl that is perfect for use as a catch-all. These glitter bowls are not the most durable or strongest bowls but they can hold a variety of little things. You can use them in the bathroom to hold hair ties and clips or whatnot.

They come in handy when placed in a location where things tend to accumulate, such as near the sink or an entrance. They make great holders for knick knacks and spare change as well. Alternatively, you can stretch one of them over an existing, harder bowl to give it a new and updated look.

There are many more ideas and uses for these neat and easy glitter bowls, and maybe you have the perfect use in mind for them. Check out the tutorial to see exactly how it is done and try it yourself!

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Pregnant Mom Turns On Music And Touches Her Belly. When She Lifts Her Hand An Unexpected Surprise!

The very first time you feel your baby move inside your womb is both wondrous and exciting. It is like no other feeling a first-time mom has ever experienced.  The sensation of those little kicks never get old.  They continue to be wonderful throughout each pregnancy, intensifying the bond that begins building, between mother and child, before birth.

However, the first time experience is nothing short of magical. The magical moments of her baby’s movement were so lively, that this new mom felt she had to record the child’s wavelike dance for posterity.  The resulting video you are about to watch is just delightful.

It makes me wish I had recorded the movements of my children in utero.  I still sometimes imagine those sensations, and remember how alive it made me feel. Watching the activity of this baby is both awesome and makes you giggle.  The new mother is 33 weeks into her pregnancy as she records this crazy amount of movement.

The video is set to a cute child’s song about fingers and toes…It seemed like the mom was quietly chuckling. She was so lucky to capture this little dancer’s moves, that one day she will share with her offspring.

The sensation of your baby’s movements inside of you is exhilarating for the new mom, but let’s not forget the dad’s delight as he places his hand to feel those knees and elbows dancing around!  It brings the anticipation and reality of the miracle that is about to enter both parents’ world to life!

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Neglected Dog Was Never Touched In Her Life. Watch Her Reaction When She’s Held For The First Time!

Little Harleigh, who appears to be a Chihuahua mix, was found cowering in the corner of her cage, where she had spent over 3 years in a puppy mill operation used for breeding.  This sweet little floppy-eared girl had never experienced the loving touch of humans.

Puppy mills are nothing but prisons for these poor animals who have never learned to trust people. They have been so traumatized by years of imprisonment and lack of socialization.  When Harleigh is is finally rescued, her fear is palpable, as she is approached in a loving way by a kind volunteer.

Tail between her legs, she at first recoils from his gentle approach.  When he is able to hold her, the little dog’s mistrust is still visible, as she digs her claws into the volunteer’s arm.

Her sheer terror is heartbreaking, but after only an hour of kindness and tactile comfort, we see that there is hope for Harleigh.  There are moments when she relaxes into the man’s arms that brought tears to my eyes.  Other little dogs congregate around her.

She will need constant love and assurance in order to help her heal from her early years of isolation and lack of loving care.  The only way for Harleigh, and other dogs who have experienced the horrors of  a puppy mill, to make it is to be adopted by a loving and patient family.

I hope this video encourages people to rescue abandoned animals who so badly need our love.

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After You See What They Pull Out Of This Sea Turtle’s Nose You Will Never Litter Again!

Off the pacific coast of Costa Rica, a team of marine biologists who were researching turtles, brought a grown, male olive ridley sea turtle aboard their boat.  They were shocked to find something stuck inside his left nostril which they believed to be a worm of some kind.

Seeing that the turtle’s breathing was impeded they proceeded to attempt to dislodge it as carefully as possible.  They were concerned that perhaps this worm had lodged into the turtle’s brain stem. Feeling that they had no choice but to dislodge it, in order to save the turtle’s life, they were really concerned that moving it the wrong way could also end in it’s demise.

After working on it’s removal for several minutes they cut off a piece of it to discern what it actually was.  They were shocked and angered to discover that it was not anything organic.  Rather it was something completely man-made and a result of improper recycling that is contaminating our oceans and endangering sea life.

After nearly 8 minutes of carefully pulling at the lodged object, they pulled out a 10-12 inch plastic drinking straw!  Unfortunately they had nothing to sedate the turtle, so the procedure was painful.  The video of this quickly went viral on YouTube, getting nearly 5 million views.  “For the turtle, the wound would have been fatal had we left the plastic inside its nostril,” reported one of the researchers.

This video, although disturbing, luckily saved this turtle’s life.  There are many plastic objects, like straws, that get lodged in sea animals, which ultimately kill them.  The team disinfected the hole where the straw had been, and were forced by law to release the turtle back into the wild.

The footage is graphic but is important to watch.  It illustrates well the potential life-threatening consequences of the tons of garbage that ends up in the sea. “We disinfected the air passageway with iodine and kept the turtle for observation before releasing him back into the wild,” the team reported on YouTube.

“The bleeding stopped pretty much immediately after the removal of the straw.”  The good news is that this turtle’s life was saved. The next time you think about littering remember this turtle and think twice. Help spread this lucky turtle’s story so others can understand.

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