Cops Slowly Approach This Car and Ask The Driver To Step Out. The Driver Is The Most Unexpected Surprise!

Grandma almost has a heart attack when youtube trickster Roman Atwood sets up this elaborate prank. Why does he do it? In the end you will find out, and the reason just might surprise you. It all started because grandma wanted to take a ride in her grandson’s new whip.

Being a relentless opportunist, Roman jumps on the chance to combine a certain surprise with a prank that is sure to have your jaw on the floor and your stomach in stitches. After taking her for a spirited ride, producing a string of startled reactions consisting of comical facial expressions and a few censored expletives.

Any wise and caring grandson would let his dear ancestor off the hook at this point and give her the surprise, but not Roman. For him, the prank is just beginning. After a few donuts in a parking lot, he pulls to a stop and tricks her into the drivers seat by telling her he is going to take a picture to send to the family.

She falls for it, and in moments the cops roll up behind the car. They order her out of the car and, after terrifying her for some time, inform her that she is under arrest because the car is stolen. She is quite shocked and mentions that she is an old lady and might have a heart attack, which is what I was thinking the whole time I watched.

Surprisingly, she does not go into cardiac arrest, but lives on to enjoy the special surprise that Roman had planned the whole time, a surprise that makes the whole ordeal wholly worth it?

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The Best Cardiologist In The Country Reveals The 4 Things That Happen Before You Have A Heart Attack

Heart disease kills more Americans per year than all cancers combined. It is responsible for one third of all deaths and is often a silent killer without obvious symptoms. One quarter of all heart attacks happen without clear signs. Even when there are symptoms, they are commonly mild or vague, such as indigestion, fatigue, back pain, and stress.

Most Americans over 35 already suffer from heart disease, whether they know it or not. Half of all people with heart disease have cholesterol readings that are in the normal range. The good news is that heart disease can be prevented, reversed and even cured.

What causes heart disease also causes many other major degenerative diseases. Some cultures experience very little, if any, heart disease. Diabetes, arthritis, cancers, and heart disease are created by the over consumption of sugar and fat.

These two things combine to make too much fat in the bloodstream and form into arterial plaque. In addition, stress, high blood pressure, lack of exercise, hormonal imbalances, overproduction of insulin, and inflammation contribute to the development of heart disease.

Most people know that cholesterol is divided into good, HDL, and bad, LDL, but LDL can be categorized further into larger, less dense, Pattern A, and smaller, highly dense, Pattern B. Boosting HDL can make Pattern A LDL less harmful, but Pattern B is very dangerous.

Cholesterol is necessary for many important metabolic functions, but the types must be in a healthy ratio. These amounts, as well as plaque, can be tested to identify a person’s risk for heart attack and stroke. Quit smoking, get more exercise, relieve stress by physical exertion and spiritual dedication, cut out all sugar, cut back refined carbs and fatty foods and you will be on your way to preventing, reversing, and curing heart disease.

Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nuts and seeds. Fish and chicken are healthy proteins, as well as a small amount of lean red meat. If you take care of yourself, you can live a long, enjoyable life.

1. Chest Pain and Tightness   2. Sweating  3. Indigestion, Nausea and Vomiting  4. Pain in Other Parts of the Body in the left arm, throat, jaw, teeth back or abdomen.

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THIS Is What Happens When You Place White Vinegar and Alcohol Inside Your Ear For 60 Seconds

People often think that earwax is gross and should be removed from their ears every time they shower or bathe. However, this is not the case, and the bad reputation that ear wax has developed is not based on anything but hearsay, it’s totally without merit.

The yellowish waxy substance is naturally produced by the human body and is beneficial to our health in more ways than one. It helps to protect our inner ears from infections, dust, and dirt, as well as bacteria and other germs that would otherwise enter them.

The wax also forms a protective barrier on the delicate skin in the ear canal which prevents it from becoming irritated when water gets inside, plus it moisturizes and keeps the skin from becoming dry, flaky, and itchy. The wax is produced by the tiny hair follicles that line the ear canal.

Normally it makes its way out of the opening of the ear on its own, but sometimes it can build up and cause blockage problems. The most common way in which people go about cleaning their ears is with a Q-tip. Doing this is the wrong way to clean your ears, it’s ineffective and just pushes the wax further into the ear canal thereby increasing the potential for blockage.

Whatever you do, don’t use Q-tips to try and clean your ears. Instead, gently wash the outside area with a washcloth. If you feel that there is a blockage due to wax build up in your ear, you can try this all natural, homemade rinse to clear it out. All you need is white vinegar and rubbing alcohol.

Take a small container and fill it halfway with white vinegar and equal parts rubbing alcohol. Tilt your head to one side, so your ear is level and will hold the liquid inside, then gently pour in about a teaspoon of the mixture. Stay still for one minute, then sit back up and allow the liquid to drain from the ear.

You may repeat this process twice daily until your ears clear up, but if the issue persists any longer than 3 days you should see a doctor because it could be something more serious. Also, this remedy should only be used in cases of minor ear infections, ear wax, or water in the ear. If you have a different or more serious problem you should see a doctor. Watch the video for more information on the topic.

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She Slices A Paper Towel Roll In Half Then Submerges It In Vinegar. The Result Will Save You Money!

Keeping a clean kitchen can be a pain in the behind when you’re in the middle of cooking. It’s a necessary evil to have to wipe down and disinfect counter tops, cutting boards, and any other surfaces where you are prepping food. The last thing anyone wants is to get food poisoning or sick because of food coming into contact with germs and bacteria.

It’s a hassle to wash your hands, grab a bottle, get a paper towel, spray surfaces and wipe them clean. That’s why many people use convenient, quick, and easy Lysol disinfectant wipes. However, the problem with those is that they are expensive and contain lots of chemicals that you don’t want to ingest. A better alternative, that is more cost effective, is to make your own pre-soaked paper towel wipes with a non-toxic solution.

This easy project requires strong, high quality, name brand paper towel rolls. If they are cheap they will likely dissolve and turn mushy. You also need a resealable plastic storage container with a lid, water, liquid dish soap, rubbing alcohol, and vinegar.

Grab a roll of paper towels and carefully cut them with a sharp knife so that they will be able to fit into the container and check to see that they actually do fit. Mix 12 ounces of water with ¼ cup of rubbing alcohol, and 4 drops of dish soap.

Stir it well and then pour it over the paper towels in several stages. This will allow the liquid to soak the towels more evenly. Finally, remove the cardboard center from the roll, which is easier to do when it’s wet, and grab a wipe from the center of the roll.

The second homemade vinegar wipes covered in the video are for cleaning heavier used kitchen surfaces, specifically wood block cutting boards. This one can be made the same exact way as the ones covered above but with a different solution.

Instead, you want to mix together 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water, then pour it over the paper towels. When you wipe down a surface the vinegar will kill any bacteria on it without leaving behind any harsh or toxic chemical residues. It’s the perfect way to keep your kitchen clean and germ free!

These DIY cleaning products will save you at least 75% on wipes that you’d otherwise have to buy at the store, and they work just as well as Lysol or other name-brand products. Try it today and see how much of a difference they make when you have them on hand nearby. Please share this and help make your family and friends lives easier as well.

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How To Lighten Dark Underarms With A Simple Trick Using Ingredients You Already Have In Your Kitchen!

Both men and women have appearance issues that make them self-conscious.  Luckily there are some issues that are easily remedied with common household foods.  Strangely enough the one addressed in this “TMI Tuesday”, by YouTuber Daisy, is the appearance of dark underarms.

This problem is more common amongst women, and it becomes particularly aggravating when they want to wear sleeveless garments. Being able to wear sleeveless clothes enhances women’s feelings about being sexy and attractive.

Many think that shaving will solve the problem of dark underarms, but in fact, it exacerbates the problem by irritating the skin and often making the appearance worse.  Common causes of dark underarms are underlying skin conditions that can lead to an abundance of dead skin cells and hyper-pigmentation.

Further, the usual chemicals found in both antiperspirants  and shaving creams, can also be a cause of the dreaded dark underarm.  So, if you are too self-conscious to wear sleeveless clothes due to this problem this video is for you! Self-consciousness leads to low self-esteem.

There is no reason to let a problem such as this have a destructive influence on how you see yourself.  There are dermatological medications that can be prescribed to counteract dark underarms, but this video shows us eight at-home remedies that are simple,  less expensive and do the trick.

There are actually 8 different common foods, which alone or combined, do a great job of lightening your underarms. Daisy explains how they work and how to apply them in this “enlightening” video.  Believe it or not, potato slices, baking soda and cucumber slices are just a few of the readily available products that remedy the problem.

There are others that you will hear about in this really useful video. Let us know what works for you. Watch the video below for more information.

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Do You Have Issues Falling Asleep? THIS Unexpected Trick Will Have You Asleep In Under 1 Minute Each Night!

Most of us spend around one third of our lives sleeping. That is based on the idea that, on average, people get about 8 hours of sleep each and every night. However, averages do not represent everyone and lots of people do not get the recommend amount of nightly shut eye.

There is nothing worse than crawling into a warm, comfortable bed and not being able to fall asleep. It can be pure torture. If you have ever stayed up all night staring at the clock, watching the minutes tick slowly by, then you know the dreadful feeling. Many of us try in vain to lull our mind and body into sleep mode, and fail.

There are many things out there to help people sleep better, from sleeping pills, melatonin, warm baths, counting sheep, and eating or restricting certain foods before bed. Some of them work and most of them fail to produce the desired effects, it all depends on what works for each individual.

One tried and true way that has helped many people fall asleep faster is the “4-7-8” breathing technique. It was popularized by Dr. Andrew Weil, a world renowned expert on holistic health and a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine. The breathing exercise can be done anytime, anywhere, anyplace and is incredibly simple.

Start by placing the tip of your tongue against the area of tissue right behind your upper front teeth, and it should stay there all throughout this entire exercise. Exhale at all times through your mouth and people have found that it can help if you try pursing your lips slightly.

Begin by exhaling completely through your mouth, expelling the air with a whoosh sound. Then close your mouth and without making a sound inhale through your nose for a count of four. After that, hold your breath for a count of seven seconds and then you can exhale completely through your mouth, again making a whoosh sound and to a count of eight.

All that should have been one complete breathe cycle and the exhalation part should have taken you twice as long as the inhalation portion. Repeat the process for three more cycles and a total of four breaths. Dr. Weil describes this breathing exercise as a “natural tranquilizer for the nervous system.”

It only gets stronger and more effective with repeated practice. You should aim to do it twice a day, whether it is to relieve tension, stress, upsetting events, or when you’re trying to fall asleep. Anyone and everyone can benefit from the measured breathing technique because it makes you mindful and focused on your breathing, rather than on the stress or thoughts that are keeping you up at night.

Check out the video for more information on the benefits of the 4-7-8 breathing technique from Dr. Weil himself. Perhaps this simple breathe trick can help you get a better, more restful nights sleep, and if that is a possibility then you definitely do not want to pass it by!

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His Human Tells This Great Dane It’s Bath Time. Now Watch The Dog’s Hilarious Unexpected Reaction!

It’s kind of a mystery why most dogs balk at taking a bath. After all, many of them enjoy swimming in rather cold water, and baths are warm. The avoidance of bath time usually includes wriggling away, whining and hiding. It’s a little pathetic, but sweet, once they actually succumb to the bath and get clean.

However, what you are about to watch in this video is most unusual and simply adorable. Unbelievably, this beautiful Great Dane, knows exactly what his human is saying and he goes for it. It’s Sunday and he knows exactly what that means. His owner speaks to him like he is telling his child that if it’s Sunday it must be bath time.

Basil, the family dog, is outside when his owner calls him. He needs no prodding and just moseys down the hall toward the bathroom. He knows exactly what to do as his owner encourages him, he steps into the tub on his own. If he could he’d probably give himself the bath! What a smart, obedient and relaxed pup!

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He Skins THIS Watermelon In a Strange Way. But When He’s Done My Jaw Dropped!

When life hands you watermelons, go to town on them and carve them up. Better yet, skin one and then stick it in another for a really cool party-melon trick! This video will show you exactly how to do just that and it’s really not that hard. It’s the perfect way to go about bringing food to a party with a little extra pizzazz.

So step up your food game, quit being so boring and bland, and give this a try. All that it requires is two watermelons that are similar in both shape and size, a sharp knife, and a brand new dish scrubbing pad. When it’s all done you’ll have the perfect snack to bring to any picnic or party.

Start with one of the watermelons and skin it by making a bunch of cuts along the sides to remove the rind and any green pieces. Basically, at this part you want to cut it in a similar fashion to the way you would cut up a pineapple.

Go over it a second time with a sharp knife to further remove any white spots and to even out the surface. In order to make it really smooth you will need to take a brand new dish scrubbing pad and sand down the fruit until it is all nice and pink.

For the second watermelon, simply cut it in half and gut it. Make sure to thoroughly remove and scrape all the pink from the insides so that the other watermelon can fit inside of it.

Now all that’s left to do is to make sure the two fit together. If they don’t, make any necessary adjustments and carve down the fruit further, then try again to see if it fits. Also, be sure to refrigerate the whole piece if you are not eating it until later.

Now you can wow friends, family, and strangers with your neat, skinned, watermelon type-egg creation. Not only is it cool to look at, it also cuts down on the mess later on. Once you slice it and eat it up there aren’t any leftover rinds to deal with. Make one today or for this next weekend!

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