He Tries To Rob A Gas Station. But He’s In For An Unexpected Surprise With This Marine Working The Counter!

This man chose the wrong gas station to rob. I imagine he was thinking he would get some easy cash by threatening the innocent clerk and running off with the winnings, and I’m sure he assumed that the clerk would be terrified and easily give up the stash.

He would probably be right in almost all cases, but not this one. What made this robbery go very poorly for this would be thief? In this case, the clerk turned out to be a former marine combat instructor, as well as a karate blackbelt who had been practicing kung-fu for the last 25 years.

How did an untrained, common thief sneak up on such a well trained veteran? That part is simple: the clerk lives in a town where the crime rate is low, allowing him to be trusting of his fellow man. This is a rare thing in many places, but there are still areas left where people trust each other for good reason.

In this rare instance, his customer was the antithesis of trustworthy, but his experiences on the job up to this point warranted giving him the benefit of the doubt. The young man walked up under the pretenses of buying soda, but when the clerk turned to put the cash in the register, the suspect snuck up behind him, brandishing a menacing knife.

The former marine’s training kicked in and he immediately disarmed the attacker and stunned him by putting him in an arm lock and pushing him into the wall. He was being careful not to mess up the store too much, he says, because he knew he would have to clean it up after.

In the end, he sent the suspect running out the door, not likely ever to return again.

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This Guy Adds Butane To a Bottle Of Coke. The Result Is An Unexpected Surprise!

Although we wouldn’t call this video a DIY, as it is too dangerous to try at home, we would certainly call it a hack. It comes to you from a YouTube channel, Kreosan, which is a place where experiments are done that have the potential to be quite dangerous.

Kreosan is inhabited by two crazy Russian “scientists”, who mix incredibly creative scientific concoctions, with a twist of quirky humor, that is both entertaining and fascinating for the world to watch. Some of their videos are fully subtitled, but this one just includes funny one or two word written exclamations that accompany the different steps of the experiment.

The underlying concept to their “mad science” is pretty self-explanatory, but offers some crazy entertainment! Their comedic timing is priceless as they demonstrate the making of a Coca-Cola rocket. One of the main things lacking in making science is interesting is comedy and entertainment to make the experiments fun to watch and educational!

Mixing butane and Coke in the soda bottle, the hilarious “mad scientists” take it outdoors in different locations, to demonstrate the sheer power of this simple mixture.

A coke rocket is created! Enjoy this wildly amusing video! and remember don’t try this at home or under professional supervision!

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This Girl Gets In Between A Pack Of Pit Bulls And Their Food. Now Watch Their Unexpected Reaction!

What do you think might happen if you put a four year old girl in between six male pit bulls and their dinner? That is the exact situation in which we find ourselves at the beginning of this video. Your first reaction might look or feel something like a cringe, and you might even close an eye or two as you wait for the inevitable horrible carnage that is sure to befall this girl.

After all, she is standing squarely in harm’s way, is she not? Does her mother not realize the immediate danger that threatens her young daughter? Forty pounds of flesh is nothing when you are a tight knit pack of full grown pit bulls.

They could have their dinner in mere seconds if they chose, and she could easily be removed at any moment. They could simply push her out of the way, bark and growl her into submission, or do something more dramatic.

Any way you look at it, she poses no threat to them, and the only way they are going to be held at bay by her tiny frame is if they choose to let her. What will they do? We have all heard the stories and seen the headlines about the supposed dangers of the pit bull breed.

Due to this notoriety, they are often left in shelters due to our collective fear. Is this fear warranted? If it is, what is the cause? Is it the fault of the genetics of the dogs themselves, or is it because of the way we tend to treat pit bulls and the situations in which we place them?

After watching this video, your answers to these questions just might change.

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This Guy Puts 5 Colored Markers On His Canvas All At Once. The Results Are An Unexpected Surprise!

It seems that with every passing day more people are writing less by hand. It’s almost as if the idea of taking a pen to paper and writing out words by hand is old fashioned, and it is fast becoming a dying art form. People have instead turned to electronic means of communication and are increasing their use of technology, whether it be via emails, cell phones, messenger apps, or whatever else happens to be new at the moment.

Schools in America are even phasing out teaching cursive to students. National standards do not require such instruction and it’s now commonly viewed as an unnecessary waste of time that will soon be obsolete. Even though the general overall practice of hand writing is fading away, some areas of it are stronger than ever and will never completely disappear. One such area is calligraphy.

Modern calligraphy is an artistically visual take on regular writing, by which the artist adds beautiful flourishes and different effects, to create aesthetically pleasing and carefully executed letters and signs. The ancient practice has roots in both Western and Eastern cultures, with the Chinese, Japanese, Greeks and Romans all extensively using it.

There used to be very strict rules and ways in which each letter was written. Scribes and calligraphers spent their lives studying the exact order of each stroke necessary to form a character in hopes of mastering the art. These days the writing is less rigid and standard, and artists are more free to create different styles and graphic designs.

When it comes to modern practice, master calligrapher Sebastian “Seb” Lester is one of the worlds best. His extensive portfolio of work includes many distinct logos, type illustrations, and custom typefaces that he created for major international companies, and some of which you are more than likely familiar with.

He has developed writings for events like the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, publications that include The New York Times, and corporations such as Nike, Apple, and Intel, to name a few. In the accompanying video you can see some of Seb’s favorite works. YouTube channel Booooooom.com asked him which words were the most fun for him to draw and this was his exact response.

The channel notes in the comment section that Seb personally edited the video and he makes writing look so easy. His steady hand effortlessly glides across the paper creating beautiful and detailed works in their wake.

The images are so clean and polished that the look like they were originally designed with a computer program and then printed out. It’s all very fascinating, and oddly pleasing, to watch him go about his work and guess what he is going to draw next.

To see some of his work check out the video. Who knows, you might be inspired to pick up a pen and start writing or drawing!

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This Giant Humpback Whale Jumps Out Of The Water And Lands On Kayakers. The Result Is Terrifying!

Two extremely lucky kayakers have one heck of a whale tale to tell after their early morning encounter with one of the massive mammals. Tom Mustill and Charlotte Kinloch were paddling along in an ocean kayak off the coast of California at Moss Landing, which is near Monterey Bay, at around 8 a.m. on Saturday morning.

The British holidaymakers had heard that a large group of migrating humpback whales had been spotted nearby so they quickly set out to go see them. After spending three hours in the water watching the giant whales feed and breach the surface they decided to head back to shore.

It was during this return trip that things got a little hairy. The pair, along with several other kayaks, were in the midst of the group of feeding whales. The next thing they knew was that a huge, dark object was above them, blocking the light, and that’s when Mr. Mustill thought “Oh, I’m going to die now.”

What they saw coming full speed at them was a 40-60 ton humpback whale who had just sped up from deep below to breach the water surface, right were they were situated. The two were thrown out of the kayak and sucked deep under water by the sheer force of the whale’s landing.

It created such a forceful suction that even their extremely buoyant kayak was pulled under as if it were a toy. Thankfully, they were smart and wearing life vests which quickly returned them to the surface and both managed to escape unhurt.

The only damage was to the kayak, which had a small dent in its bow and it had been flooded with water. Nearby experienced kayakers helped pump out the water and righted the boat, and the shocked pair made it safely back to shore.

Remarkably, a cruise ship passenger, Larry Plants, managed to catch the extraordinary moment when the huge whale breached. This is one of those unbelievable videos you have to see to believe and it really takes your breath away!

Right after the whale’s jump and crash landing a fellow passenger can be heard in the video asking “The kayak! Where’s the kayak?” and another passenger answers her “He knocked it over!” The video was posted online by Sanctuary Cruises, the operators of the boat Mr. Plants was on when he shot the footage.

The boat’s Captain Micheal Sack wrote on his website that “Kayak whale watching can be extremely dangerous. And one should realize that humpback whales are wild animals and totally unpredictable. It’s a very uncontrolled environment out there.

Just like any wilderness experience.” His words of wisdom and warning stress the danger and vulnerability that a person faces when they go out on the open ocean in a tiny boat among enormous wild whales who are feeding. Next time perhaps the two lucky kayakers who almost died will take a bigger boat!

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The Dog Is About To Meet His New Little Sister. But His Reaction Is Unexpectedly Hilarious and Strange!

A dog is often a couple’s first “baby”. They coddle it and talk baby talk and cherish it, much as they would a new baby. Then one day it’s time for the new child to arrive. Dogs can vary in their reactions, much as a brother or sister does to a new offspring. The dynamics aren’t really that different.

Dogs may often feel that they are being replaced by the new baby, and sibling rivalry may ensue. Battling for their parent’s attention is normal, and may bring out negative or even aggressive behavior toward the new little one. As with siblings, parents often try to prepare their dog for the baby who is about to enter their world. It is a little more difficult as dogs don’t possess the language that a child does.

The expectant mother, in the video you are about to watch, is sweetly and cleverly trying to prepare Charlie, the family dog, for the birth of the baby that is coming the next day. She employs the dog’s use of scent, by presenting the new baby’s clothes and letting him sniff them. All the while she is explaining that these are the new baby’s things who will be coming soon.

Hoping to prevent some of the potential rivalry, she encourages the dog to explore the baby’s things. Unfortunately, she does not get quite the reaction she had hoped for. Charlie’s reaction is priceless! He lets her know exactly where he stands about the baby. Here’s to hoping that Charlie and his new “sibling” will eventually become good buddies!

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This Dog Gave Up On Life and Was About To Be Killed. But What Happens Next Left Me In Tears.

The story of Nico, a deaf Dogo Argentino, is so important.  He represents so many other dogs who have been abused, misrepresented and labeled as dangerous after living in animal shelters with no hope.  You will hear of Nico’s devastating journey that almost brought him to the point of being euthanized.

Because of the posting  of his picture on Facebook, the attention he needed began.  The person who was to rescue him for a “death with dignity” was to bring him to the vet in order to be  euthanized.  However, she met a dog who was totally unlike his description.  The Nico she met did not appear to be dangerous.  She saw and felt his soul and his life changed forever.

Nico’s journey from then on, was no immediate happy ending.  He needed veterinary care to remove many cancerous lesions, and he required a foster mom to begin his process of socialization, before he could have the possibility of being adopted by a family and have a forever home.

As you watch this heartwarming video you will hear the tale of his adjustment, his excitement at playing in his first snow and the unfortunate recurrence of his cancer.  His outcome is nothing short of amazing. Nico is a survivor of unimaginable physical and emotional trials, who turned out to be anything but dangerous.

He is a most affectionate dog… a real cuddler, who despite everything is getting to enjoy a life that at one time seemed completely hopeless. Make sure you watch this video to the very end, so you don’t miss an adorable lighthearted moment.

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Apparently If You Put An Onion In Your Ear Overnight THIS Happens To Your Body.

Onions may bring tears to your eyes but the momentary pain they cause is easily outweighed by the fact that they can also help fight against diseases. The bulbous vegetables are grown all over the globe and used in may different ways.

They can be eaten alone, added to dishes to increase the flavor, used to clean barbecue grills, and even placed in ears or socks at night to help heal our bodies. You read that last part correct; onions can help fight colds, fevers, and flu-like symptoms.

If you ever have a painful earache try this age old self-healing trick. Grab an onion, cut it open, and take out the central-most portion of it. Place the onion heart in the opening of your ear before you go to sleep and when you wake up you should feel much better.

The onion will soften any built up ear wax and make it easier to remove. It also works overnight to naturally and effectively decrease any inflammation in the ear that is causing you pain. The practice of placing onions on people’s feet can be traced back to ancient Chinese medicine.

The Chinese determined that there are thousands of nerve endings on the bottom of feet which act like access points to internal organs and are closely linked with our nervous systems. When a cut onion is placed on the underside of the foot it kills germs and bacteria because onions naturally have strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.

The phosphoric acid, the stuff that’s responsible for making you cry, enters into the bloodstream and helps purify the blood all over your body. In turn, you become healthier and your improved body is better prepared in terms of its ability to fight off infections and inflammation. Here’s how to do it: Take an onion, red or white both work, and cut it into flat slices so they can be easily applied to the bottom of your feet.

Pull on a pair of socks over the onions to keep them in place overnight, lay back, sleep, wake up, remove the socks, and discard the onions. It’s that simple. As you dream the onion will seep into and through your skin where it works to purify blood and absorb toxins.

If you’re worried about having a stinky smelling room, ear, or feet after this, don’t be! The onion’s natural properties also help to purify the air in the room and since it kills bacteria it eliminates the main factor which causes foul smelling feet and gets rid of foot odor.

Putting onions in your socks and ears at night may be just the right thing your body needs. It’s cheap, all natural, and can be done in the comfort of your own home. The benefits reported appear to far outweigh the one negative, which is discomfort from the smell. Give it a try and see if it works, I know I will be doing this tonight. Pass this info onto your friends and family, they may find it extremely useful and benefit from it as well!

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