Whenever Daddy Tries To Cut His Baby Girl’s Nails She Has The Most Unexpected Reaction Ever!

“Daddy’s little girl” has an unbelievable way of avoiding the cutting of her fingernails. This little doll, who looks to be about six months old has quite the personality. To say that she has daddy wrapped around her little fingers is clearly an understatement.

The video you are about to watch is irresistible. It will make you laugh out loud, over and over! Each time her dad tries to clip her nails, this Brazilian munchkin bubbles up with laughter. It is a a wonderful sound like no other, that in turn cracks her dad up and he can’t even begin to clip her little nails.

It gets funnier and funnier! She laughs, then he cracks up, which makes her laugh even harder, as they play off each other. This little doll has her game down pat. Crack daddy up and he’s never going to clip those nails! Every moment of this adorable video that was recorded by the baby’s mom, Marcelinha Dos Santos Iwama, is sheer delight.

She added a caption in Portuguese that translates to “Look who learned how to scare her daddy!” The video’s already been viewed over 22.5 million times, probably not because she scares her dad, but her little bubble laugh is not only contagious to him but to the millions who get to vicariously enjoy it.

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He Has Been Homeless For 7 Years But After His Makeover His Transformation Is An Unexpected Surprise!

Homeless for the past seven years, fifty one year old former Marine Donald Gould unexpectedly had his life turned upside down when someone shot a video of him doing what he did every day: making magic for passerbys on a public piano. The video immediately went viral, taking the internet by storm. He was simply expressing himself without expecting anything in return, and karma finally rewarded him.

As a direct result of his sudden rise to internet stardom, a group of people who saw Gould’s story on youtube decided to give him a makeover of his appearance, and ultimately, his life. First, it’s off to the store to get a new wardrobe.

Next, they take him to a barber shop to get a haircut and a fresh shave, his first in eighteen months. But that’s not all, they then give him something that will last much longer than a new shirt or a haircut.

Utilizing his incredible musical abilities, they were able to get him a job playing piano at a local restaurant, supplying him with a new lease on life that goes far beyond his appearance. He is now empowered to take his life by the reins and start fresh, which he accepts with open arms.

His first desire is to reach out to his estranged son, taken from the from him after his life fell into ruins following the untimely death of his wife. He is hoping that the unexpected wave of attention that he is receiving will allow his son to come find him, and I sincerely hope his search is successful.

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After You Read This Article You Won’t Clean The Inside Of Your Ears Ever Again!

People often think that earwax is a sign of uncleanliness because it looks gross. It’s natural to automatically assume that ear wax is nasty and view it in such a negative light, after all it’s a what comes out of our ears, there is nothing sexy about it whatsoever.

That is why people the world over stick all sorts of cleaning solutions, Q-tips, and even automatic ear cleaner gadgets into their ears in vain attempts to remove the offensive substance. If you are guilty of doing any of the aforementioned things, you should probably re-think your ear-care routine.

Whenever you stick anything into your ear you are simply making them dirtier and increasing the odds of developing an ear infection, or worse. Every year countless numbers of people injure and damage their inner ears because they stick Q-tips and whatnot too far and forcibly into them.

By far, the most common way in which people go about cleaning their ears is with Q-tips. Doing this is the wrong way to clean them, it’s ineffective and just pushes the wax further into the ear canal thereby increasing the potential for build up and blockage.

Whatever you do, don’t use Q-tips to try and clean your ears. Instead, gently wash the outside area with a washcloth. That’s it, nothing else! The bad reputation that ear wax has developed is not based on anything but false information and it’s totally without merit. The yellowish waxy substance is naturally produced by the human body and is beneficial to our health in more ways than one.

It helps to protect our inner ears from all sorts of nasty stuff, like infections, dust, dirt, bacteria and other germs that would otherwise enter into them. Furthermore, the wax forms a protective barrier on the surface of the very delicate skin in our ear canals which prevents it from becoming irritated when water gets inside.

It also moisturizes and keeps that skin from becoming dry, flaky, and itchy. Ear wax is produced by the teeny tiny hair follicles that line the ear canal. It normally makes its way out of the opening of the ear naturally and on its own, but sometimes wax can build up and cause blockage problems.

If you feel that there is a blockage due to wax build up in your ear, you can try a natural remedy or go see a doctor if the issue is potentially more serious. Watch the video below for more information. I wish I knew this earlier!

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She Uses A Stick With Glass On Fire and Presses It Onto Paper. The Result Is An Unexpected Surprise!

Art is an ever expansive expression of life which is limited only by the imagination itself. There are infinite opportunities with endless mediums, methods of using them, and what is created as a result. Some of the best art is made, almost accidentally, when a moment of inspiration comes seemingly out of nowhere in the form of material and excitement.

When allowed enough time and space, the energy and ingredients combine to form a unique masterpiece for the world to enjoy. The beauty of art is often in the process of making it. While the final product can evoke a plethora of sentiment in those who encounter it, it is not the only purpose for its creation.

The artist becomes a conduit for movement of spirit and in turn is gifted with peace, neutrality, as the work provides an outlet for positive and negative power. No matter the skill, effort, or product achieved, there is much to be gained by the practice of crafty execution.

Etsuko Ichikawa demonstrates the elegance of ingenuity with molten glass pyrography. She uses a portable furnace to soften glass for her fire drawings on paper. Melting at 2100 degrees, Etsuko must work quickly to be able to handle the material.

She gracefully drips the hot glass to burn lines in large sheets of paper. After promptly removing the hardening substance, the paper is spritzed to cool and reveals interesting abstract designs which can be artistically interpreted for further appreciation. What do you see in her pictures?

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Pregnant Mama Elephant Gives Birth To A Baby. Now Keep Your Eyes On The Right Side Of The Screen!

This is a story of what the power of loving care did for an orphaned elephant named Emily.  She was taken in, after losing her mother, by the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya.  Defenseless on her own, baby Emily was nurtured in this safe environment, until she was ready to be released back into the wild.

She was well-prepared to live out the remainder of her life as an adult. The caretakers were sad to see Emily go, but felt they had given her the chance she needed to eventually have a family of her own, of which she had been deprived, due to the loss of her family at such a young age.

One day, on December 23, 2014, an astoundingly heartwarming and unusual event occurred. The caretakers of the wildlife trust, who never thought they would lay eyes on their  beloved Emily again, were shocked at what occurred. Without any human enticement or help, Emily appeared at the place where she had been cared for when she so badly needed it.

The reason for her appearance?  She came to give birth to her calf amongst the people who, not only saved her, but brought her up to be an elephant who could survive on her own.  The birth of her baby daughter, Emma, is captured in this beautiful video.

Not only were her caretakers at the Trust deeply moved that she found her way back for this momentous occasion in her life, but the herd gathered around her, to help her and her sweet newborn calf, after the birth.  The miracle of birth is always something wonderful to behold.

After you watch this outstanding video let us know your thoughts and feelings about this touching story of the incredible cycle of life.  This majestic footage is worth watching  several times. I hope you enjoy it as much I did and pass it on to your loved ones!

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Mama Finishes Reading This Book To Her Adorable Little Baby. Now Watch His Unexpected Reaction!

The love of reading and being read to, is really a consequence of parents reading to babies from the time they are born.  Reinforcement of kids feeling that books are as much fun as screen time, is a matter of consistently keeping up a fun interaction with your kids and books, until it becomes intrinsically valued.

The fact that this is not happening in many homes, is reflected in the 2015 study by Scholastic and YouGov, which found a 10% drop since 2010 in the number of children who said they love or like reading books for fun.  The adorable little baby you are about to watch, is indicative of how kids start off loving books; in fact this little sweetheart can’t bare it when the book is over.

He listens to his mom reading with wide-eyed attentiveness, even though he is still in diapers.  He hangs on every word, looking at the pictures, into his mother’s eyes and then back again at the book.  He is enraptured as he listens and then the worst thing happens; the book is finished!

He is heartbroken, and begins to cry with such intensity.  He retrieves the book and hands it back to mom, so she will read it again and again and again! Watch what happens each time story time begins and ends.  The video is just adorable and reassuring that the love of reading is an intrinsic pleasure in children, that just needs to be cultivated.

The baby’s wonderful mom has asked people who enjoyed this video to let others know about the website, http://travelingstories.org.  Their purpose is to promote literacy among children which will hopefully inspire parents to help their children to maintain their love of reading.

It would be a shame for little bookworms like this darling baby to lose the feeling that books are fun.

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He Thought It Was Funny To Throw A Brick At 2 Dogs. He Wasn’t Ready For This Unexpected Surprise!

When you throw bricks at a dog, don’t be surprised when they fight back. After all, any animal’s natural instincts kick in when they feel threatened and they will defend themselves against whatever it may be that is bothering them. Take for example the two dogs in this video who acted in self defense when a seemingly random thug started to throw bricks at them on a street.

It appears the footage was captured somewhere overseas, but no specific details or information were further provided with the upload. The video shows a man who was out walking with his two German Shepherds on the street near a crowd. He appears to be going away from the people after some inaudible words were exchanged.

Suddenly, a shirtless coward picks up a heavy brick and hurls it towards the man, who has his back turned, and his dogs. You can hear the dogs cry and whimper, but it isn’t clear in the clip if they were struck or not. After tossing a few more bricks at them the dogs either break loose from the man or he lets them go.

Either way, they rush towards the brick throwing jerk and let him know how it feels to be hit. One of the dogs takes out the man’s feet, causing him to fall to the ground, and in a second the other dog joins him. The pair immediately begin to bite the coward all over as he curls up in a ball and tries to get away from them.

Even though he had a stick or some sort of homemade weapon, it is useless against the two angry animals. The dog’s owner tries in vain to stop the attack but the dogs want to let the thug know how bad he messed up, and they continue biting at him.

The owner finally gets the dogs under control, but they are amped up and try to continue their attack. The entire situation was brought about by the animal abuser and he definitely got what he deserved. Why he thought he could get away with throwing heavy bricks at two powerful dogs is beyond me, and it just goes to show how stupid he must really be.

The saying “it’s a dog eat dog world” was lost on this one, and now he knows you don’t try to hurt or mess with animals who can easily kill you. Karma came quickly and was served swiftly by the very dogs he threw a brick at. Remember, Karma has no menu, you get served what you deserve!

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Watch This Cat Freak Out When He Meets His New Puppy Sister.

Some cats simply prefer to be the sole animal in a household. They don’t want to be around other cats and they usually find small children to be annoying. The same goes for chickens, rabbits, birds, and any other living creature that could possibly live alongside people.

However, when it comes to disliking other pets, one type stands out as the top animal which draws a lone cat’s ire. Solo felines definitely do not want to share a roof with their natural enemy, the dog. There is something instinctive and natural about the anger, distrust, and animosity that many cats feel and show towards dogs.

It’s like they were bred to hate them, yet it seems that for every cat that dislikes a dog there is a cat who absolutely loves and adores their canine counterpart. When it comes down to it, how a cat feels about a dog, or any other household pet, is hit or miss.

They either accept them or they don’t. In the case of Cato the house cat, the answer is clear for anyone watching his video to see. Cato’s parents decided to add to their family and get a dog. His mother, Kerry Gillette, was filming when they tested out the cat’s initial reaction to seeing his new puppy sister for the first time.

As her husband walked up onto the front porch with the new dog on a leash the cat was looking on from inside the house. Cato immediately went into angry cat mode and freaked out, hissing, growling, and making all sorts of strange, ticked off cat-type sounds.

If the Gillette’s were hoping for a better reaction than that, they were definitely disappointed, but it seems like they expected Cato’s hissy fit and this wasn’t his first time facing a dog. After that brief and informal sighting there was definitely a lot of work that had to be done to ensure eventual peace and harmony in the household.

Kerry wrote in the YouTube video’s comments that the pair were not introduced face to face until much later and that they are getting along fine these days. Apparently, in their family pack the cat is the alpha, who is in control, and bosses around the dog who submits to Cato’s will and is therefore the omega.

The dog is calmer and more relaxed, which is why they chose that particular puppy, because they knew Cato would have to be the top cat in the house to be happy. If Cato can go from angry, crazy, beast mode cat to coexisting alongside the dog then more power to him. All’s well that ends well!

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