Twins Start Playing A Strange Song On The Harp. But Once It Gets Going An Unexpected Surprise!

I, for one, have never been a fan of Metallica’s sound; heavy metal just isn’t my thing. However, I would never have imagined that underneath all the aggressive musicality of Metallica’s classic single “One”, lay a piece of musical writing that had complex textures and layers of expression that are masterful.

YouTube identical twin harpsists, Camille and Kennerly, reinterpret and create a classical arrangement of “One” that brings us some otherworldly music. Their magnificent instrumental skill reveals music that is reminiscent of the Renaissance. They have arranged the piece as a  duet.

They use their harps as not only ethereal string instruments, but use their feet and hands to create percussive sounds against the wood. This magnificent and original video appears to be set in some kind of ruins. This combined with their elegant costumes bring us back to a majestic period of music, illuminating the aura of the haunting melody of Metallica’s piece.

These sensational musicians have helped to change my opinion of the musicality that can underly the heavy metal genre. The video is truly magical. Watching these beautiful women perform was mesmerizing.

They at once caress the harp, while seeming to dance on and through them, as they intricately unfold a musical arrangement that will leave you wanting more. I hope you enjoy this uniquely stunning performance.

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This Little Cube Looks Strange From The Outside But The Inside Will Blow Your Mind!

Have you ever dreamed of living in a penthouse apartment? Living high up above a city on top of a building would give you an amazing view of everything below, and much more natural light would shine in your windows.

For many, the expensive cost of such a space keeps them from ever living the top floor lifestyle. However, there is an alternative solution to that issue thanks to Werner Aisslinger. He is an architect who designed the Loft Cube, a compact living space that can be easily added onto an existing rooftop, or wherever your heart desires to live.

Aisslinger’s Loft Cube design stemmed from his vision to create a rooftop community after he had looked out over the city of Berlin and noticed all the empty, flat space not being used on top of the buildings. What he came up with was an idea to build a compact space which could easily be added onto any existing rooftop. That idea manifested into the Loft Cube, an affordable, sleek, and modern living space.

The incredibly neat and compact design measures in at a total of 430 square feet. That small footprint holds all a person needs at a price most everyone can afford, they start at around $40,000. Not only are the spaces modern and sleek, they are comfortable and fit almost all the amenities found in much larger spaces or homes.

The cube can be built on location in as few as 5 days, and it can be disassembled and removed just as easily in even less time than it takes to build, 1 day. There is no need for a foundation because it rests on 4 legs, which are adjustable to accommodate uneven surfaces or ground. It’s basically a portable house and can be take and set up practically anywhere.

The interior of the cube is comfortable and divided with adjustable panels into 4 separate areas, a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. The entire home is built to be self-sufficient since it is portable and off the grid. Everything from the air conditioning to the entertainment system is built into the cube and controlled by a master panel with the touch of a finger.

If your thinking that since the cost is so low then they must have skimped elsewhere, they didn’t. The built in appliances are quality, high end pieces and all of the fittings and minute details are meticulous and exact. The Loft Cube is a durable high tech home, and it was both designed and made to last a lifetime.

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He Starts Throwing Buckets Of Food Into The Water. Seconds Later The Most Unexpected Surprise!

When you’re a fish and live in the ocean or a river you have to constantly be on the lookout for your next meal. Whether it happens to be another fish, or a nice tasty worm, you take whatever you can get because there is just no way of knowing when you’re going to eat next.

When a human starts to throw a bunch of food in the water, you better eat that up as well. After all, a fish can only be so lucky to come across a feast, like the one in this video. In the clip a young man stands among 23 orange buckets that are fulled to the brim with fish food pellets.

He is at the edge of a pier or wooden dock next to a large body of water and a few other people mill about. The guy says something to the camera and then starts to pick up a bucket of food and flings its contents into the water. Immediately, a lot of fish start to chow down on the tasty treats and the water begins to churn once several more buckets of pellets are tossed in.

As more and more fish start fighting for the food the water begins to appear as if it is boiling from all the splashing and fish bodies flying around. Bucket after bucket after bucket of food gets tossed to the fishes and a humongous, and inevitable, feeding frenzy is soon under way.

While it is not clear where exactly this took place, or for what reason, it’s definitely a pretty wild sight to see all those fish feeding at once. They certainly got lucky, and what a great day it must have been to be a fish in those waters!

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This Guy’s Wife Gives Him An Apple Watch Box. But What’s Actually Inside Brings Him To Tears!

Lots of guys would be really excited if their wife surprised them with the latest Apple technology of some kind. The husband in the video you are about to watch, a big muscular guy with huge tattoos, is told by his really sweet-sounding wife to cover his eyes.

She wants to surprise him with something, and emphatically stresses that he promise not to peek. She tells him that what she is about to hand him has been hiding in plain site for some time. When she hands him a long thin box marked Apple, he excitedly asks if it’s the Apple Watch for his birthday.

She tells him to just open it, saying that what is inside she hopes they will share forever. He quizzically says okay.. This excited husband first opens the Apple box and finds a second box inside for him to open. He pauses and stares at what is inside, says nothing and then cries out “Oh My God” and then bursts into tears of joy!

His wife has surprised him with something so much more spectacular than the watch he was expecting. Her creativity is nothing short of amazing and his emotional reaction will make your day. Let us know if you enjoyed witnessing this intimately lovely moment as much as we did.

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She Begins To Draw A Line Across Her Cheek. But When She’s Done It’s The Most Unexpected Surprise!

Over the years more and more adults have really gotten into the whole costume extravaganza.  Each year so much money is spent on costumes to outdo what you came up with the year before.  This woman who does this makeup tutorial to create creepy, trippy illusions is just amazing!

What she can teach you to do is not only amazing, but can save you a lot of money. Today’s tutorial is on how to create a creepy mouth.  Clearly she is a makeup artist, and is brilliant at what she does, but she illustrates each step to really make it doable, for those of us who may not be as artistic.

Get ready for her latest innovative makeup illusion, that will leave you astounded and wanting to give it a try. If you are able to recreate this creepy, sexy look, you can be sure that you will really stand out as unique at any costume party!

This is one of my favorite ones that I have seen on the internet.  Step-by-step she will show you how to create this sexy creepy mouth to perfection.  She adds a purple wig at the end and, Voila!  This is really one of the most creative make-up images I have ever seen!

You will definitely be a hit at your next costume party if you can pull this off. Watching her create this face is really magical!

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When He Looked Down and Saw This Snake He Noticed Something Very Strange. Can You See It?

A wildlife amateur photographer, Sjoerd van Berge Henegouwen, 48, was on vacation traveling in Masai Mara in Kenya.  He could sight of what he thought was a 20 inch snake on the side of the road, and was able to snap some pictures and video of it before it slithered back into the grasses.

After looking at his pictures carefully, the curious wildlife adventurer, did some research on the images he had captured.  Upon looking more closely at what he thought was a snake, he picked up on details that could only belong to a lizard.

This reptile had four tiny legs and a notched tongue that you will see in the following video.  These characteristics differentiated the creature as a lizard rather than a snake. This reclusive skink lizard was thought to be extinct!

The Dutch photographer couldn’t find pictures to compare it to, so he decided to post it on Facebook.  He was inundated with requests from wildlife experts who verified that, he had in fact, found the first living specimen in many many years, of a Western Serpentiform skink that had long been thought to be extinct.

This amazing and rare find is fascinating to view in the following footage. Please let us know what you think of this very important find of this really strange creature. I know I’ve never seen anything like this, have you?

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Raccoon Takes a Rock and Bangs It On This Glass Door. The Reason Is Unexpectedly Hilarious!

Raccoon’s are very intelligent animals who have managed to easily adapt to their human influenced surroundings. They can often be spotted scavenging through composts and dumpsters in search of food scraps thrown out in people’s trash.

Lots of them also raid whatever pet food they can find that has been left outside. A few of the wily animals have even been caught on tape entering people’s homes through unsecured pet doors. Once inside they gobble up any food that has been left out for the cat or dog, and sometimes they even fight with or harass the animals living in the houses they break into.

One raccoon has evolved a different approach to getting fed tasty treats by her human friend. Rocksy the raccoon earned her name by the unique method she employs to get refills when the cat food bowl she eats out of is empty.

The smart, furry little animal will find a rock and pick it up with her clawed hands. She then stands at the sliding glass door and uses the rock to knock on the glass until the food bowl is refilled. Rocksy is very adamant and relentless in her quest for fresh food and will stand knocking at the door for hours until she gets what she wants.

The owner of the house who taped Rocksy’s unique ritual says that even though the glass door is all scratched up, she isn’t angry at the animal. In fact, she describes it as hilarious, and from the sound of her reaction on the video she made, she doesn’t mind it one bit.

Rocksy has been living in the woman’s yard for a number of years and the pair know each other well. While she doesn’t remember exactly when or how the clever raccoon figured out the attention grabbing behavior, its been going on for awhile now.

One thing is apparent from this video; the furry masked animals are incredibly smart. Their intelligence has also made them skilled at a range of other similarly related activities that include climbing, vocalizing, adapting, and figuring things out.

Mother raccoon’s are very hands on and make excellent teachers who always ensure that their babies have the care and guidance needed for surviving on their own. In light of that, perhaps Rocksy’s mother taught her the rock knocking behavior as part of her food gathering and survival lesson!

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This Guilty Dog Just Got Caught. Now Watch His Unexpectedly Surprising Reaction!

We all react differently when we get caught red handed doing something that we know is wrong. Some people will deny they are doing anything bad, regardless of how obviously caught they are. Others stop whatever they were doing, own up to their guilt, and apologize for any wrongdoing. And some will grovel in remorse and beg for forgiveness.

The latter reaction is how one guilty dog reacted when his owner scolded him for doing something wrong. The Italian man, Anthony Federica Granai, posted a video on Facebook of his furry friend Ettore the dog working his best sad, adorable, puppy-eyed look on him.

The sweet clip is aptly titled “Please Forgive Me” and it has quickly gone viral with over 14 million views in under a week. Apparently the cute pup made a hole in the couch and Mr. Granai was understandably displeased about his furniture being messed up.

Ettore lowers his ears and carefully starts to climb onto his friend’s lap while receiving a stern dress down. He continues to try to make everything better by rubbing his head affectionately against his owner and snuggling up even closer to him, but he is not yet ready to let his sad dog off the hook.

Finally, Ettore takes his apology to the next level as he places both front paws up on Mr. Granai’s shoulders. That is when the two make peace as the man hugs him back and accepts his puppies sincere apology. It seems that the saying “all is well that ends well” applies to this situation.

The next time you get caught red handed and are about to get an earful try Ettore’s approach to an apology. All you have to do is remain quiet, look remorseful, and slowly embrace the person you offended all while appearing to grovel for forgiveness, until you are hopefully forgiven!

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