Single Mom Of 4 Kids Couldn’t Pay For Her Groceries. Now Watch What The Guy Behind Her Does! Wow!

Everyday we watch the news and see an unending barrage of man’s inhumanity to man.  It has truly become unbearable to hear of one more act of violence, bullying or indifference.  Small acts of kindness go on every day in our world, but rarely are they reported by the media.

I believe that we not only need to hear about the positive, but need to remain conscious of others’ misfortunes so that we can make a difference. The video you are about to watch below addresses just this topic.  Have you ever gone through an embarrassing moment at a grocery checkout when you are short of money?

Can you imagine if you relied on food stamps and still couldn’t pay at  the checkout, and you were a single mother of four?  It is heart wrenching to watch people unable to feed their children.  What would you do if a single mother came up short when you were behind her on a checkout line?

Such a scenario was set up in a “Watch what Happens” episode, with actors portraying the struggling single mother.  Do you think that people offered to help, or did they pretend they didn’t notice?  Watch what happens when an actor playing a bully starts mouthing off about the unfortunate woman?

The footage below is incredibly eye-opening.  Let us know what you think about this.  What would you do if faced with such a scenario? Watch the video below and let us know!

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Apparently THIS Is What Your Poop Is Telling You About Your General Health!

There is a quick and easy way to gain insight into your overall general health. All you have to do is glance in the toilet after you go number two. Doctors and scientists have uncovered a lot of great information on what the color and consistency of poo can reveal about what’s going on inside our bodies. In particular, it can help us know whether our digestive system and gastrointestinal tract are functioning normally, or if there may be a problem.

First, it’s best to be familiar with what exactly poop is. Basically, it’s what’s left of the food you eat after it has been broken down and digested. After your body has taken and absorbed all of the nutrients it needs from that food, the remainder passes through and ends up being expelled as waste.

This waste is composed of bacteria, undigested food, dead cells, and mucus, which explains why it smells bad. Normal aspects of number 2 include going on average 1-2 times/day, but some people go more frequently and others less. As long as you’re comfortable when you go to the bathroom, it’s fine. Also, a healthy poop should slowly sink to the bottom of the toilet bowl, no floaters!

By monitoring toilet activities you can pick up on any changes or abnormal occurrences in your health. This helps you to be more aware of any potential issues going on inside you that are causing your body movements to suddenly look different. The chart below and video goes over all the various textures and shapes of poop, and sums up what each type most likely means.

The ideal excrement that a healthy body makes is sausage-shaped, smooth, and soft. It’s also borderline normal if your poop is sausage-shaped but contains cracks all over it. The cracks are a sign that your body needs more water, so up your daily intake soon before you get constipated or develop diarrhea!

In addition to texture and shape, color is also a helpful factor in terms of what your poo is telling you about your health. Everyone knows brown is the main color of poop, but it also means your movement is normal. A greenish hue may be diet related and can occur when you eat lots of leafy green vegetables, or it’s caused by food moving too quickly though the large intestine.

However, if you ever see red blood stained poo see a doctor as soon as possible because it may be a symptom of cancer. Once you’re familiar with what’s normal it’s much easier to spot any potential issues or irregularities.

So do your body a favor and familiarize yourself with this chart, and don’t forget to pass it along to family and friends as well. The more everyone knows, the better! Also check WATCH the video below for more information.

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If You Place THIS Mixture Under Your Tongue Right Before You Sleep You Won’t Ever Wake Up Tired

One of the most common complaints that you hear from both men and women is: “I’m so exhausted!”  This seems to be consistent across age groups.  Rather than getting the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep, people have been averaging 6-7 hours per night.

Although, on face-value this doesn’t appear to be a huge difference, the toll on our bodies is huge. There is a reason that the medical field has had the 7-8 hour guideline.  In order for the body to recharge sufficiently, it needs that amount of time.

People who suffer from sleep deprivation, think that the pick-me-up from caffeine can make up for the sleep deficit…it cannot!  It can hype you up temporarily, but within a short period of time that increased energy plummets. Certainly putting away our technology devices helps, as well as shutting the TV.

However, life stresses can keep us awake; there is a natural way to remedy sleep deprivation that will benefit our overall health.  The surprising answer lies in salt!  That is, Himalayan Sea Salt, not the unhealthy table salt.

The video you are about to watch, below, is filled with information about the health benefits of Himalayan Sea Salt.  It helps our adrenal glands so that the body becomes more alkaline, thus fighting disease more effectively.

It reduces blood pressure, helps with weight loss and skin problems.  Additionally it helps with depression by regulating our Seratonin, and will help you sleep and wake refreshed by regulating Melatonin.

Combine 5 teaspoons of organic raw honey with 1 teaspoon of pink Himalayan sea salt in a jar.  Put a small amount of this mixture under your tongue at night to improve the quality and length of your sleep!  You will find the following video most informative.

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Baby Begins Crying For Help. What They Caught On Camera Next Is An Unexpected Surprise!

When it comes to emotional bonds, there is nothing stronger than a mother’s love for her child. Moms will do anything to make their children happy and keep them safe. Sometimes it’s like they have a 6th sense for knowing what their kids are up to and how they are feeling.

This isn’t just limited to human mothers, it can be seen in actions and behaviors across practically every animal species all around the world. Take for example fruit bats. When one mother fruit bat somehow became separated from her baby she vigilantly kept up her search for the poor youngster.

Luckily, a local Singaporean animal charity called ACRES came across the stranded baby and helped it out. The youngster had been lost and on its own for at least 2 hours and the group believed that its mother was still close by and around somewhere.

They moved the tiny bat to an open, outdoor, protected place where its mother could more easily locate it, and then stepped back and waited for her to come. The group was correct in their assumption and the lost bats mother came very quickly once they relocated it.

Bats are blind and so the mother had to rely on the babies cries to locate it, and this mother took just a minute or two to track it down. In the clip you can see the adorable tiny bat crying out for help and its mother, then moments later she swoops down and envelops her baby in her wings.

The pair maneuver around and it looks like the youngster is having trouble flying. That’s when mom rolls over and hooks her baby onto her, then she takes off and the pair fly away into the night! The poor mother fruit bat was probably worried sick about the lost baby and was looking for it the whole time during the two hours they were apart.

It all makes for a wonderful story, complete with a happy, feel-good ending. The video is further testament to the undeniable love and connection between mothers and their babies. Watch the video below and enjoy the wonders of nature!

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He Dips His Sock Into THIS Vinegar. The Reason Is Unexpected and Surprisingly Brilliant!

When it comes to cleaning everyone loves learning new, simple ways to get the same old things done. It can be fun and interesting to discover what nifty and quick solutions people have come up with to solve common problems. This video, from YouTube channel List25, highlights 25 tricks for dealing with difficulties you are likely to encounter when tidying and cleaning things up.

The rest of this article goes over a few of the best and most interesting tips, but the video covers many more. Clean surfaces with dryer sheets, not only do they pick up dust particles, they also prevent dust build up in the future. To clean a shower head, pour distilled white vinegar in a plastic bag and secure it on.

Leave this on overnight and simply wipe the head clean the next day. If you have dirty pans, place a little water in them and a cup of white vinegar. Heat it on the stove until warm, then remove it and add 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

The grimy crust should easily scrub right off. Blenders are basically self-cleaning when you fill them with soapy warm water and blend it up. Grapefruits work wonders at cleaning a scummy shower. Cut one in half, sprinkle some salt on it and all over the wet shower, scrub and rinse clean. Re-fresh a sponge and kill 99.9% of germs it may be harboring by microwaving it for a few minutes.

Don’t have a Brillo pad? Ball up a piece of tinfoil, drizzle on some dish soap, and scrub away. To clean up shards of glass all you need is a piece of bread. Press it over the spot where any pieces may be and it will pick up all the bits.

Make leather furniture look brand new again with shoe polish, it reconditions and makes unsightly scuffs or markings disappear. If your carpet has pet hairs sticking to it use a rubber squeegee to get it out.

One of the hardest objects in a house clean are ceiling fan blades. Throw a pillow case over each blade to trap all the dust that settles and accumulates on them. When you pull it off the dust won’t fly all over because it’s trapped in the pillow case.

When grease and oil splatters all over the stove top clean it up with a few drops of vegetable oil on a paper towel. Simply wipe it off and you’re done. If you need to clean hard to reach places dip an old sock in some water and white vinegar. Stick the sock on your hand and wipe away, it will dust and clean cracks, crevices, and even in-between blinds.

This may come as a surprise, but every so often you have to clean the dishwasher. In the top rack place a bowl filled with white vinegar and run it on the hottest cycle. Afterwards sprinkle baking soda all over the bottom and run it on another hot cycle.

This last trick is amazing and works on everything from walls to clothes. To clear up a grease stain cover it with chalk and wipe it clean with a damp towel after a minute or so. The chalk picks up the stain, leaving a grease free surface behind.

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If You Massage This Spot Everyday For A Month THIS Happens To Your Body!

There is an ever ongoing and constant search for alternative, natural ways to help treat health conditions and disorders. People do not want to be forced to rely on modern health options that usually involve harsh, complex, and expensive pharmaceuticals.

Modern medications and treatments often have even worse side effects than the actual issues they are supposed to help with. That is why many people end up turning to homeopathic remedies in an effort to naturally balance and heal both their bodies and minds.

One of the most popular and effective treatment methods comes from the ancient Chinese alternative medicine field of acupressure. It’s called San Yin Jiao, which refers to a specific massage point on the leg. When this point is massaged it can greatly relieve menstrual cramps, urological and pelvic disorders, insomnia, bloating, and improve digestion.

It’s an easy, all natural way to help treat a variety of health issues and people have found that by using the simple technique they can dramatically relieve pain and discomfort associated with many common ailments. To locate the San Yin Jiao point you first must find the highest peak of your inner ankle bone.

From that point measure four finger widths up your inner leg, and the point will be just behind the shin bone. Refer to the video for more details on finding the exact spot. Once you have located it, take your thumb and press down on the point for a total of 6 seconds, then release for 2 seconds, and repeat this for at least 5 minutes.

You can then switch feet, find the spot on your other leg, and repeat. If you find that this form of acupressure is very helpful you can repeat it once more on each leg. Also, if you feel any pain when you press down that means you are in the wrong spot and should stop immediately.

It’s recommended that you do this massage at night and regularly to achieve optimal results. This treatment point can effectively reduce pain and discomfort stemming from menstrual cramps. It can also be used to alleviate bloating and digestion problems that often accompany women’s periods.

In addition, the simple massage can help people a lot in dealing with stress and anxiety, chronic fatigue, and insomnia as well. The treatment is incredibly simple, easy to do, and can be done anywhere at anytime.

You have nothing to lose and potentially lots to gain by massaging the San Yin Jiao point. Try it today and pass this along to others to help them find comfort and better health in their own lives! Let us know if you tried it out and the effects you received.

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Hidden Camera Records What An Elderly Lady Does At Home Alone. What It Reveals Is Heartbreaking!

We are all going to grow old some day, if we are lucky enough to maintain relative good health.  We may not make it to the age of 98, like Mary Tony, who is the subject of the video you are about to watch below.  When you finish watching this heartbreaking video, it will give you pause, to think of elderly people you know who may be facing the terrible loneliness that Mary suffers.

The title of this video is “Junk Mail”, because when Mary is not at the senior center that she enjoys immensely, she has nothing to do and no one to talk to.  She lives alone and no one comes to visit.  She confides in the person interviewing her that “[she] has to do something or [she’ll] go nuts” so she cuts up junk mail, puts it in a bag and throws it away.

The film crew, known as Voyager, had a mission to gain a window into the life of a 98-year-old person, living out her life without any attention or interaction with her family.  People need human contact and love from other human beings.  Thankfully, Mary receives this at the senior center that she has started to attend.

However, she is left with many empty hours where no one comes to see her, during which her loneliness is truly unbearable.  Her family is too busy to see her.  When the crew asks Mary how she feels about her living situation she responds, “I don’t mind. What am I going to do? Where could I go? I am by myself.”

Mary’s story is not unlike many of the elderly who are ignored at the end of their lives.  It is such an important reminder, of the impact of the difference made by a simple visit, every so often.  Mary was so overwhelmed by a visit organized by the senior center, that she was brought to grateful tears, saying “I love you all for’s made my day and I’ll never forget this”.

Watch the video below and pass on Mary’s story.

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These Dancers Come Together Into a Line Formation. But Their Next Move Is An Unexpected Surprise!

The Chinese culture is renowned for their incredible discipline and artistry, when it comes to both dance and gymnastics.  The video you are about to watch encapsulates this discipline and grace in combining the best of ballet, modern dance and gymnastics. The skill and perfection in each move is a sight to behold.

In a truly astounding performance, that was filmed at the Xiaopei Chinese Dance Camp in 2013, what looks like a ballet rehearsal turns into a true masterpiece.  While the musical accompaniment is Chinese, both the dance and gymnastics moves are decidedly Western. The mixture of eastern and western cultures causes a hypnotic routine which is absolutely amazing!

There is no way to fully describe the magnificence and talent of these young adolescent girls.  They bring such joy to the routine that has a level of mastery consistent with any highly seasoned professional troupe.  Their sheer flexibility, strength and artistry will leave you wanting more. They are simply fantastic.

I hope you enjoy the performance as much as I did! Let us know what you think!

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