This Woman Refused To Sit Next To This Guy. When He Realizes Why He Was Blown Away!

The days of segregation in the deep South are gone, we elected our first Black President of the United States, apartheid was eradicated in South Africa…we have certainly come a long way in the last 60 years. Overt racism has certainly shrunk, but have our attitudes really changed covertly?

Many people throughout the world still harbor racist thinking which they pass on to their children. Jokes that are told at the expense of an ethnic group that isn’t yours, can be quite cruel, and can perpetuate stereotypes.  Something as unseen as crossing the street to not be near someone of another color, is very telling of the racism that still exists.

BeyondBlue produced the video you are about to watch, as part of their mission to fight discrimination and the terrible hurt and divisiveness it causes across cultures.  The way that it was directed and written is very powerful, as it touches on the more subtle manifestations of racism, and the terrible damage that it does to those who are victimized.

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Apparently If You Eat 2 Bananas A Day THIS Happens To Your Body!

The word ‘banana’ is fun to say, it rolls right off the tongue, and as soon as it’s said people picture the yellow skinned fruit in their minds. The tasty fruit is a super food powerhouse that can give our bodies all the good stuff that it needs to thrive. They are packed full of nutrients, fiber, vitamins, and natural sugars such as sucrose and fructose.

That is why eating 2 bananas a day can help to keep the doctor away. Best of all, they are easy to find and extremely affordable. In the United States bananas are the top most consumed fruit, so much so that Americans eat more of them than apples and oranges combined. The following are a few of the main health benefits that bananas can give you.

Energy- Eating a banana or two before a workout gives you enough energy to last an hour or more. The low glycemic carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals all support your body increase endurance, while potassium helps to prevent muscle cramps.

Depression- They can help overcome depression because they have high levels of tryptophan, which our bodies convert into serotonin. Serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter that makes people relax, feel happy, and improves mood. Thus, bananas can help people feel better and beat depression.

Blood Pressure- Bananas help to lower blood pressure and protect against stroke or heart attack because they are low in sodium and high in potassium, making them a heart healthy food. Constipation- If you are clogged up, eat a few bananas. They have enough fiber in them to stimulate regular bowel movements and provide natural relief for constipation.

Anemia- They can help those with anemia by providing much needed dietary iron, which stimulates red blood cell and hemoglobin production and strengthens the blood supply.

Nerves or PMS- When you’re feeling moody and stressed, eat a banana. They help to regulate blood sugar and are rich in B vitamins, which naturally calm the nervous system and make people relax, resulting in an overall improved mood.

Ulcers- When you suffer from stomach ulcers many foods are off limits, but bananas can be eaten without having to worry about whether or not they’ll cause pain. That’s because their smooth, soft, mushy texture coats the stomach lining and protects it against corrosive acids and irritation. Temperature Control- Eating a banana on a hot day can cool you off by lowering your body temperature. The same is true for it you have a fever.

Heartburn- Bananas are nature’s anti-acid and can provide relief from heartburn and acid reflux. Eating just one banana can immediately bring soothing relief and lessen your heartburn symptoms.

There are many more benefits that bananas can give you beyond the ones mentioned above. Throw a few in your bag and snack on them throughout the day to stave off food cravings and hunger, and to keep yourself in a good mood. Your mind, body, and the people around you will all be better off if you have them on hand. Spread the health, and enjoy!

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Apparently This Is The Reason Airplane Windows Have That Tiny Hole At The Bottom!

Airline safety is a top priority all throughout the far ranging and complex industry. Most of the safety-related precautions and procedures passengers see are at the gate and in the terminal, but many more less obvious measures are in place. For starters, airplanes have to meet some very strict design and construction guidelines to comply with government regulations and to ensure passenger safety.

After all, when a plane is traveling through the sky, at high speeds, with a full tank of jet fuel, and contending with all sorts of natural hazards like lightning, hail and bird strikes, safety and construction become the number one priority.

All passenger planes must be certified as ‘airworthy’ before any commercial flights on them ever take off. Everything from the engines to the rivets have to be tested and inspected for performance. One design aspect that many people notice, yet tend to overlook, are plane windows.

If you look closely, you can see a tiny hole near the bottom of the pane. Ever wonder why it’s there? I have. Turns out this little hole has a name, it’s called a breather hole, or a bleeder hole, and it’s located on the middle layer of the window.

All airplane windows consist of 3 layers. The part that you can touch when you’re inside the cabin is called the scratch cover and it’s there to protect the real window from being damaged, poked, or destroyed. The middle piece is called the inner pane, which has the hole in it, and then there is the outer pane.

These two panes are both half-inch thick pieces of Plexiglas which are separated by a half an inch of air. The hole allows warm air in-between the inner and outer panes and releases moisture from the air gap, which keeps the window mostly fog and frost free.

The other, more important, function of the hole is to contain and regulate the pressure exerted on the windows. Planes are pressurized during a flight so that people can breathe safely, and the pressure inside the cabin is much greater than the outside air pressure. The outer two cabin panes are designed to contain this difference in pressure and each is strong enough to withstand it on their own.

However, the bleeder hole makes it so that the outer pane bears the pressure. This is because the hole allows the pressure to become balanced between the interior cabin and the air gap between the panes, thus placing the cabin pressure on the outside pane. If the outer pane were to ever fail, the middle one would then take over, instead of the entire window imploding or exploding (which would depend on whatever the pressure differential is).

Turns out that the tiny bleeder hole serves a major purpose. Many of a planes design aspects and inconspicuous, seemingly minor, details serve very important safety functions. It’s no wonder that the airline industry has the best record on file in regards to passenger safety and transportation.

According to Discovery, the odds of a person dying in a plane crash are 1:11 million, whereas the odds of dying in a car accident are 1:5,000. In comparison, the odds of being killed by a shark are 1:3.7 million (National Geographic).

Those odds put it all in perspective, it’s extremely rare to find yourself in an aviation accident, let alone die in one. That is due in part to the breather hole and the many other plane engineering feats that are designed with safety in mind.

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He Grabs A Very Strange Looking Egg. What Pops Out Is The Most Unexpected Surprise!

Baby tortoises are known as hatchlings.  Like all other species, two babies can form in one egg; the twins in the upcoming video, were the hatchlings of a Western Hermann tortoise.  As the tortoise was giving birth at the Garden State Tortoise Center, it’s founder, Chris Leone, noticed that the larger of the two hatchlings was struggling.

The two babies were sharing the same yolk sac and couldn’t detach.  Although intervening in such circumstances is not the usual go-to for Leone, he made a judgement call when observing the struggle that was occurring.  He felt that neither twin would survive without help separating.  It was necessary to wait for the yolk sac to be absorbed before he could intervene.

The procedure he used is a very delicate one.  Watching him, (with the aid of an assistant to hold the hatchlings still), use a piece of unwaxed plain dental floss to help them to naturally detach, was amazing.  The video below shows them doing so, in an incubator, after being placed on moist paper towels.  Within a few days they were able to separate.  They were eating and drinking well. These adorable little twins are thriving, thanks to Leone’s good judgement call.

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Apparently If You Tap These Spots 1x a Day For a Week THIS Is What Happens To Your Body!

Human beings share many traits and embody unique emotional characteristics that are borne out of unique experiences.  As such, every person has an energy about them that is unique from every other individual.  Therefore the success of different therapies has differing effectiveness from person to person. The particular therapy discussed in the video below is known as EFT, or emotional freedom tapping.

As in acupuncture, acupressure can relieve both physiological and emotional pain.  “Tapping” is a touching acupressure (without needles) that is part of ancient Chinese medicine; it pinpoints blocked energy. As a result of traumatic events in our lives, negative energy gets stored at different points in our body, that get released or healed through this tapping form of acupressure.

EMT has been shown to be successful in alleviating anxiety, and there is now a theory proposed by Jessica Ortner, that tapping your fingers in different places can help with weight loss.  In her book, “Tapping for Weight Loss” she explains how tapping can recondition the negative links between mind and body.  Reconditioning the brain to think calm thoughts while doing EMT, reduces the anxiety that signals physiological food cravings that causes ’emotional overeating’.

Dr. Priscilla Kerr, of Winnipeg, uses acupuncture for alleviating anxiety that leads to weight gain. She sees tapping as a viable extension of this therapy.  This is done by reducing levels of energy in different parts of the body, so that patients are enabled to eat more mindfully.

The tapping technique of EFT uses the acu-points to remove the anxiety associated with overeating.  These nine points of the tapping sequence are addressed in Ortner’s video that you are about to watch.  The beauty of this therapy is that once learned, people can do this on their own.

By going through the tapping sequence that goes from the side of the hand to the top of the head and pairing that with positive affirmations, EFT can be a very useful adjunct for losing weight.  This obviously needs to be combined with healthy eating; it is not a license to eat junk, but rather a tool in reducing such cravings.  Watch the video for a more in depth illustration and explanation of this technique.

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This Cake Doesn’t Just Sit There Looking Pretty. When It Starts Moving It’s The Most Unexpected Surprise!

All I can say is WOW!  What you are about to see is nothing short of amazing, both to watch and listen to.  It appears to be an animated cake with a crazy amount of action.  In fact, this visually awesome footage is not the result of animation.

What makes this appear to be moving is a device called Zoetropes.  They were used before actual animation came about in film making.  What you are watching in this footage is called a ‘zoetrope cake’.  A Zoetrope is made of a cylinder with slits cut into the sides.

Inside the cylinder are drawings that appear to move when the cylinder is spun. Much like flip books, that made it seem like you were seeing movement, the zoetrope drawings take on the animated feature.  When spun rapidly, it results in the little film you are about to enjoy.

Alexandre Dubosc has created this amazing imagery, with zoetrope cakes being his artistic focus.  His work is wildly imaginative and, I have to say, has got my sweet tooth going. Let us know what you think of this tasty piece of magical art!

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He Straps A Piece Of Wood Onto The Tire Of His Truck. But The Reason Is Actually Brilliant!

By definition, when things get “stuck” it usually means they are not going anywhere anytime soon. Unless, of course, something is done to get them un-stuck. When it comes to freeing a car or truck trapped in mud, the process of getting out can be a really messy pain in the rear.

If you have ever experienced this yourself then you know the scene and it isn’t pretty. Mud gets kicked up every which way, while people trying to push the vehicle out get covered in it, and tires end up spinning even deeper into a rut. But it doesn’t have to be like that…

If you ever have the misfortune of having your car ending up bogged down in mud or snow try this simple trick. Take a piece of wood and secure it to a tire. In the accompanying video they used a tow strap to secure the board to the tire but any other similar type of cord, rope, or strap will do so long as you are able to tie it tightly.

When you go to move the car, slowly inch forwards or backwards until the tire grips the board, and then resume a steady, slow pace. When a car gets stuck it is because the wheels have no traction. Thus, when you press on the gas the tires just spin around without going anywhere and dig the car deeper into a rut.

Snow, ice, and mud all reduce the amount of traction on car tires and when the traction is super low the car won’t go anywhere. The best thing you can do when you notice your car is stuck is to stop pushing your foot on the accelerator because rapidly spinning wheels reduce traction even further and will cause your car to slide.

Instead, try moving the tires as slowly as possible, press gently on the gas and see if that helps. You can also dig out the area around the wheels. If your car is front wheel drive dig out the front tires because they are the ones that move when you press the gas.

Cover the ground in front of each tire with stuff that can provide traction, such as gravel, stones, dirt, branches, a car mat, boards, or kitty litter. It’s best to wedge certain objects, like the car mat and board, under the tire a little so that the tire can better grip it when you start to slowly drive.

Finally, if you have a rear wheel drive car, or a lighter one, try putting heavy objects like rocks, bricks, or bags of cement in the trunk to weigh it down. That automatically gives better traction to the rear tires, which are the ones that spin when you press the gas.

Also, if you use cat litter make sure it is the type that stays hard when wet. Certain kinds of cat litter break down and become pasty when they get wet and won’t be of any help. They just end up making a bigger mess, create more mud, and further reduce the traction and increase tire slippage.

Overall, the board method shown in this video is one of the cleanest and most effective ways to get a car or truck out of mud. If used in conjunction with some of the other points mentioned above, it can work even faster and more effectively.

Hopefully your car will never get stuck in a rut, but if it ever does, make sure this video sticks in your head and you’ll be good to go!

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The 8 Most Common Signs Of A Gluten Intolerance Most People Don’t Know They Have Or Just Ignore!

We have all been hearing about gluten free diets for a few years now.  Some people think that everyone needs to be on a gluten free regimen, and others mistakenly think that it has something to do with weight loss.  The truth is that gluten intolerance or sensitivity is a syndrome suffered by approximately 15% of Americans.

This number could be somewhat higher because a large majority who are somewhere on this spectrum, never will be correctly diagnosed.  That is why the information contained in the video below is really quite important.  You may be suffering some of the following symptoms, and have no idea what is wrong with you.

The following are 8 signs that may mean you have a sensitivity or intolerance to gluten:

CHRONIC DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS; everything from constipation to diarrhea, and bloating that comes from gas buildup without any obvious cause, can be a sign of gluten intolerance.  In children particularly, constipation that doesn’t go away may be indicative of gluten intolerance.

Some of you may have touched the back of your arms and thighs and felt little bumps for years.  This “chicken skin”,  believe it or not,  may be a condition known as KERATOSIS PILARIS; it comes from a lack of fatty acid that is a result of gluten doing damage to your gut.  I would never have thought that this could be related to gluten sensitivity.

CHRONIC FATIGUE can be a function of so many disorders,  and obviously too little sleep.  So what might alert you to a relationship between your fatigue and gluten intolerance?  When the fatigue and a kind of brain fogginess follows meals that contain gluten.  With chronic fatigue, a consultation with a physician should be sought right away.

A DIZZY FEELING, almost like being drunk, where your balance is impaired is another common sign of gluten intolerance.

Having pain in multiple trigger points and joints may lead to a diagnosis of FIBROMALGIA.  When coupled with chronic fatigue, rather than being Fibromyalgia, you may very well be suffering from gluten intolerance.  Many diagnosed with Fibromyalgia never look further; by eliminating gluten from their diet they could end up pain-free.

MOOD DISORDERS, or mood swings associated with anxiety, depression, bipolar disease, ADD and ADHD may be triggered by gluten intolerance.  The only way to find out if this is a contributing cause, is to eliminate gluten from your diet, and see if the disorder gets better.

CHRONIC HEADACHES  or MIGRAINES can be caused by many things.  However, it may be indicative of gluten intolerance.  Changing nothing but the elimination of gluten, and seeing if the headaches are reduced or eliminated, is the way to discover if gluten is involved.

Although AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES such as: rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Psoriasis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus and Scleroderma can come from many different sources,  gluten intolerance is one cause that should be ruled out with all of these diseases.

After you watch the video below, please let us know if any of these signs or symptoms are something that you have suffered, and whether you think that gluten intolerance may be a possible cause.

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