She Cuts 5 Lines Into This Triangle Piece Of Paper. The End Result STUNNING Unexpected Surprise!

Making paper snowflakes when I was a kid, is such a wonderful memory.  That memory pulled me to watch this crafty video, that illustrates a really simple way to make these seasonal decorations. These paper snowflakes are not the ones you remember as a kid, these are on a whole different level!

YouTuber “yoyomax12” shows us how to make these beautiful paper snowflakes, that look incredibly intricate, but are fun and easy to make.  She points out that this can be done with your kids, or just a great homemade design that any adult would be proud to hang.

She shows us how to turn these into 3-D decorations that can be multi-colored, or simply white.  They can be hung from the ceiling, in a window a fridge or wherever you think it should go.  They make a lovely homemade gift that shows thought and caring.

Let us know if you think you will try to make this eye-catching craft!

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Apparently If You Eat Curry 3 Times Per Week THIS Happens To Your Body!

Current scientific research, reported by a longitudinal Harvard study of almost a half million Chinese men and women, showed evidence that adding curry to their diet decreased their risk of premature death by 14%. The study, conducted over a 7 year period, showed that people eating curry at least 3 times a week seemed to live longer.

This adds to the evidence from previous studies which have concluded that curry is beneficial in increasing metabolism, lowering the bodies inflammation (CANCER-FIGHTING) and combatting heart disease. In that context, the results of the Harvard study showing increased longevity, make sense.

The refinement of curry has occurred over time since its discovery during the 17th century. The spice that you will find in stores, which has a yellow-orange appearance, is actually a mix of turmeric, coriander, a variety of chili peppers, cumin and fenugreek.

These have all been shown to have these powerful anti-inflammatory powers which result in a healthier life, as long as either lifestyle choices are consistent. In the current study, the subjects ate meals chock full of Chili, that is packed with disease fighting nutrients that keeps weight down and fights inflammation.

Curry can be incorporated into your diet by adding it to food you make at home. It comes in a powder or paste form; by adding at least a teaspoon or more of the paste or powder to dishes, you will be ensuring that your diet is a healthier one.

It can be added to chicken, sandwiches, soups , stir fries and many other dishes. The importance of eating a curry and turmeric rich diet is discussed in the video below in some greater depth. Let us know if you will try adding this antioxidant-rich spice to your diet.

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Check Your Pockets Right Now For This Rare Change. If You Have 1 Of These You Could Be $300 Richer!

I don’t know about you, but carrying around heavy change in my wallet, is both cumbersome and annoying.  Periodically, I empty it out and put it in a jar, and never look back.  In fact I have jars of coins all over my house.

This story has me thinking twice about ignoring that change!  You don’t have to be a coin collector to have something of value just sitting there; there are many older coins still out there being used, that have a value far greater than you would think.

Here are some examples of what you should look for:

~ Unbelievably, a grease smudge existed in a coin pressing machine in Kansas, that produced a group of now rare quarters, each of which is worth $100 today!


Image: US Mint

~ The state of Wisconsin pressed a series of quarters in 2004, that had a flaw. If you look at the front left leaf, you will see an extra line.  Today, the following coins are unbelievably worth $300!


Image via: Youtube

~ During WWII there was a need to preserve copper.  As such, the United States printed steel pennies in 1943.  Their worth today?  $10 each!!


Image via: US Mint

~ Check to see if you have any half dollars that were printed between 1948 to 1963.  With Benjamin Franklin’s face on the front?  They are each worth $125 today!


Image via: US Mint

~ If you are fortunate enough to have a silver quarter printed between 1932 and 1964, you are $65 richer!

WATCH The Video below for more information:

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These Singers Went To The Forest To Record A Folk Song. But Then Some Unexpected Visitors Join In!

This is one of those moments that you could only wish for, but could never be orchestrated.  On tour, folk singer Shawn James and his crew were in Colorado.  It was one of those beautiful, tranquil snows, when they decided to go to the W.O.L.F Sanctuary.

When they got there, they decided to sing in the snow-laden woods, and use it for a cover of of A.A. Bondy’s “American Hearts.”  Beginning with the lyric, “We were raised by wolves / And we are still wild / And we howl when the troubled wind blows”, the wooded scene with wolves wandering in the background, was perfect.

That being said, they never could have imagined that their harmony during the refrain, would evoke choral support from their audience…the wolves!  Believe it or not, scientific analyses of wolves have shown that they have a sense of pitch. When they have been recorded, upon careful listening, each wolf that joins the chorus changes it’s tone slightly.  They seem to revel in the discordancy.

In this incredible video, the wolves contribution literally sounds like the third part of the harmony for the refrain.  Usually canines respond by howling to high pitched sounds from wind instruments, violins or a soprano singer.

Rarely do they respond to strumming guitars or the dulcet tones of two male folk singers!   In the following footage, they literally joined in during the two-part harmony more than once, and not during the lyric.

Their echoing howls make beautiful music and create a video that these musicians will never forget.  You will find their chorus, that reaches an amazing crescendo, simply awe-inspiring.  It will give you chills!

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He Ignores His Girlfriend When The Kiss Cam Got To Them. What The Camera Caught Next Is Hilarious!

The “Kiss Cam” at sports events has become a fun sidelight.  Though you certainly don’t have to kiss your mate when the cam lands on you, it can become an hysterically funny scenario, particularly when it lands on you three times and you aren’t paying attention.

Many times people don’t realize that they are on the Jumbotron, as is the case, when this seemingly avid fan (dressed head to toe in his visiting team’s colors) is too busy on his cell phone.  Engrossed in his conversation, he neither notices that the “kiss cam” is on him, nor that his increasingly frustrated girlfriend tugging on his sleeve, is trying to get him to go for the kiss.

By the third tug, you have to watch to see his reaction in the video below.  You can’t make this stuff up!  What ensues is hilarious, particularly when he is shown up by “Benny the Bull”. This totally made my day. If you are having a rough day this will definitely turn that frown upside down!

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She Drives By A Dog Chained Outside In Extreme Weather. Then She Writes THIS And Changes Everything

We see stories of terrible inhumane treatment of animals every day on the internet.  We shed a tear, agree on how terrible it is, and praise those who do something to rescue abused animals.  There is something we can all do, as Bluegrass singer and song writer Donna Hughes has highlighted in her heart wrenching song, “One Less Dog In the Cold”.

She was inspired by all the dogs she passed chained outside for much of their lives, regardless of how freezing or broiling the weather.  Her haunting lyrics and melody which you will hear in the video below, should be an anthem for animal rescue.

Her lyrics speak of remorse for having passed these dogs so many times, and has written this song to raise awareness to “HELP UNCHAIN DOGS TODAY…DON’T LOOK THE OTHER WAY”.  ‘Every dog is a window to your soul’ and it can be said that in ignoring these tortured animals, we lose a little bit of our souls.  This is a song that we leave you with deep feelings.

I found myself needing to listen to it several times.

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Road Rage Incident Ends When He Rolls Down His Rear Window Instead Of His For An Unexpected Surprise

Road rage is a phenomenon that occurs worldwide.  People who have difficulties in expressing their anger, which is a normal emotion, often become rageful.  They go from “zero to hundred” in a split second.  This can be very dangerous when you are behind the wheel of a car, which can become a lethal weapon.

Anger management, for such individuals, is critical for them to get through the trials and tribulations of life.  Frustration tolerance, through the acceptance that much is beyond our control, is integral to successfully navigating  life’s obstacles.

Learning and practicing tools, to calm down once adrenaline surges through one’s system, is key.  The old “counting to 10”, taking deep breaths and even singing a song before reacting are just a few things that can help.

In the video below captured on a Russian dash cam, we see an angry guy getting out of his car, to have a heated confrontation with another driver.  It is clear that this fella has no anger management skills!  The guy in the truck cleverly rolls down his back window to diffuse the situation.  What happens next is hilarious!

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If You Notice A Person With A Black Dot On The Palm Of Their Hands It Means THIS!

The black dot campaign was started with the hope of drawing some much needed attention to victims of domestic violence. The whole campaign revolves around the act of drawing a black dot on the palm of ones hand, which signifies that the individual is a victim of domestic violence and wants or needs help.

Any bystander who happens to spot the dot can then try to help or assist them. All too often victims of domestic violence suffer in silence and the idea behind the dot was that it gave them a way to reach out for help, while minimizing the risks for further violence and danger.

The campaign has been met with a mixed response of both praise and criticism. However, in the overall scheme of things, the idea is a good one. Any attention brought about or light shed on the plight of victims is a step in the right direction.

When it comes to the issue of domestic violence the statistics are grim. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), one in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been the victim of some form of physical violence by a partner in their lifetime. In the US alone every nine seconds a woman is beaten or assaulted, an average of 20 people per minute are physically abused by a partner, and every year that adds up to more than 10 million men and women being abused.

Oftentimes it is incredibly hard for victims to break the cycle of violence. That is because their abusers tend to watch their every move, making reaching out for help nearly impossible. Abusers also exert various forms of control over victims that are beyond physical, and often use mental, emotional, and financial forms of it to gain and maintain control.

When it comes to speaking up, many victims struggle to find their voice and be heard. Which is why the black dot campaign exists in the first place. Victims need all the help and support they can get, and people need to be more aware of their silent plight.

Organizers behind the campaign say that within 24 hours of its launch 6,000 people were reached and 6 women were helped. It has gone on to reach many millions more people and help countless other men, women, and in effect, children as well. If you ever see a person who has a black dot drawn on the palm of their hand, call the police immediately, because it’s a silent signal for help and that person is saying they are in trouble.

**Word of caution- Much of the criticism surrounding the black dot campaign stems from the fact that people are drawing the dots on their palms when they are not in any real, immediate danger. Many survivors of domestic violence have drawn on dots and uploaded pictures to share on social media as a way of showing their support and solidarity.

However, this is missing the original point of the idea and instead of drawing a dot supporters should instead write “Say no to domestic violence” on their hands to avoid confusion.

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