He Thought He Was Recording The Northern Lights. But The Camera Caught This Unexpected Surprise!

When you watch videos on the internet, the words awesome and mind-blowing are certainly overused, yet there are no better adjectives to describe the footage you are about to view. You may have seen photos of the Northern Lights, but to actually have the privilege of viewing a video, is a humbling experience.

Witnessing aurora borealis is very difficult; it requires being at extreme northern or southern latitudes. The filmmaker who posted this footage, never expected to get such dramatic footage, when he made the voyage to capture the Northern Lights.

The ‘light show’ you are about to see in the upcoming video, not only lit up the sky but is like an actual moving piece of art. What was caught was equivalent to a Northern Lights superstorm, that keeps changing shape. Mother Nature at her absolute finest.

As if this wasn’t enough, the finale includes a shooting star! Listening to the excitement of the filmmaker and his crew as they watch this magnificent show, makes it all the more thrilling to watch. This is quite a gift that he is able to share with the world. It is so well-filmed that it actually feels like you are seeing this in real time!

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This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Massage THIS Point On Your Shin 1x Per Day For a Week!

The body is viewed as an energy system, whose flow affects how our organs function, according to Chinese medicine. Acupressure (finger pressure applied to specific points on the body believed to connect to different organs), grew out of an ancient Japanese legend. The legend says that a man inherited the knowledge of Zu San Li from his father.

According to his father, this was “the point of longevity” or “the point of a hundred diseases”. Thousands of years old, Chinese medicine has followed the practice of massaging 365 points on the body, believed to emanate from 12 major meridians. Activating these points, according to Zu San Li, has permanent healing and rejuvenating effects that ultimately prevent aging.

According to the legend, the man massaged the “point of a hundred diseases” daily, and consequently lived through the reigns of many emperors. In China, this Zu San Li point, which lies right below the kneecap, is referred to as “the point of longevity”.

This point is said to control the functions of organs that are situated in the lower half of the body. In particular, the digestive tract, sexual organs, kidneys and adrenal glands are controlled by massaging Zu San Li.

As the adrenal glands are integral to overall human health, watching the video below which illustrates how to locate and massage the “point of longevity”, will have vital consequences in overall improvement of your immune system. This can be the beginning of slowing down your aging process, in a significant way.

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This Police Officer Approaches These Kids. Seconds Later Nobody Expected This Surprise!

Due to some terrible incidents that have dominated news coverage, in which police had negative and sometimes fatal interactions that involved bad judgement or racism, policemen as a whole have suffered community backlash.

It is so unfortunate that cops who serve their communities bravely are hurt by others’ bad judgements.  Recently there have been stories showing footage of the best of police, and the one you are about to watch is at once light-hearted and heart-warming.

There is nothing better than watching a great cop like John Larson, of the San Diego Police, interacting with kids in a fun way.  A small action like this helps to restore the trust that police are approachable.  Watch as John joins kids in a crowded parking lot to do the now popular, “whip/nae nae”, funky dance.

His moves are priceless, and his interview reveals what a great cop patrolling before a football game is all about. The kids had approached hit about a fundraiser they were doing, and this is what happened!  Don’t miss the hilarious twerking player on the side!

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Apparently This Is How You Can Cleanse Your Lungs In Only a Few Days!

We all know that lung problems occur from smoking or from second hand smoke. If we live with a high level of air pollution our lungs are greatly affected as well. Whether or not we develop serious lung problems, depends not only on our environment and lifestyle, but also from genetic predispositions for such problems.

We are all affected by pollution and other environmental factors, that make a lung cleanse desirable, particularly when it can be accomplished in three days at home. The video you are about to watch discusses home remedies to detoxify your lungs in this time period.

Before beginning to detoxify your lungs it is critical to eliminate dairy from your diet, as dairy creates mucous. The drinks that you will use in your cleansing will be ineffectual if it has to fight the increased mucous produced by dairy.

Herbal tea before bedtime on Day 1 helps to rid the intestine of toxins which result in constipation. This is critical in this cleansing, because you want to reduce the work load of the lungs; having to take care of another part of the body will keep the lungs from being purified.

Even though it sounds pretty tart, 2 lemons squeezed into a cup of water before eating anything in the morning will do much to detoxify your lungs. 300 ml of grapefruit or pineapple juice contain natural antioxidants that have a significant effect on the ease with which you breath. Both juices are equally effective; the one you choose is a matter of taste preference.

Alkalizing your blood during this 3-day cleanse is critical to fighting disease. By drinking 300 ml of carrot juice in between breakfast and lunch, you will achieve the optimum degree of alkalizing.

400 ml of potassium rich juices during lunchtime, acts as a cleansing tonic. At bedtime, the use of cranberry juice for further cleansing of the lungs is critical to fighting bacteria which cause infections.

At the end of the day steaming or a hot bath for about 20 minutes will help you to sweat out toxins. Eucalyptus drops in a bowl of hot water, to inhale with a towel over your head, is amazingly clarifying. Watch the video below to help you with the specifics of this lung cleanse.

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She Decides To Kick A Sleeping Dog At The Beach. Now Watch How He Gets His Unexpected Revenge!

Ahhhh the patience of dogs!  Many dogs are notoriously patient when it comes to playing with kids.  Young kids can be pesky; pulling on ears, riding them like a pony, constant petting that gets annoying, screeching  and in the case of this little girl, pushing with her foot.

Laying on the beach in the sand with her two boxer pals, this young girl (who appears to be six or seven), keeps pushing her foot into the belly of one of the dogs.  He just lays there and takes it, until her pushy foot may have become too “pushy”!  This was captured on video as the barefoot, squirmy girl persisted.

What happens next is hysterically funny.  The dog has had enough and starts doing a typical dog thing that stopped the girl’s foot from nudging him in the stomach. I don’t think she meant any harm, but may not have realized that her belly pushing may have felt like a kick!  She was definitely taught a lesson by her pup, that she won’t forget!

Watch this laugh-out-loud footage to see her reaction.

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If You See This Black Line On Your Nail Or Someone Else’s THIS Is What It Means!

We have all been taught that any changes in a freckle or mole, with respect to color, size or shape, should be checked out immediately.  A dermatologist will know whether the changes are suspicious looking, and require a biopsy.  Waiting to have such changes checked by a professional, leaves you open to the possibility of a skin cancer going undetected and becoming potentially life-threatening.

Most people, however, are unaware of the warning signs of cancerous tissue under the fingernails.  Melanomas in the fingernail area is more common amongst African Americans, but is possible in every demographic of the population.

What are the warning signs to look for?  The following video will go into greater detail about these potentially deadly masses.  The typical manifestation of such a cancer appears as a black stripe in the nail.  Although such a streak may not be cancerous, it should be checked by a dermatologist, particularly if it gets larger or darker.

If cancerous cells are found early enough, a removal of the nail and the cancerous tissue underneath may be sufficient.  Waiting too long may result in amputation of the tip of one’s finger.  The worse case scenario, as with any unchecked cancer cells, is that it metastasizes to other organs, which can result in deadly consequences.

In the following footage, Dr. Dana Stern who specializes in cancer of the nails, discusses what to look out for in more depth.  She says that the nail matrix is affected by this  type of cancer.  I found this video to be most informative in understanding what to look out for, when it comes to nail health.

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What Does Your Finger Shape Reveal About You?

There are many ways in which an individual’s personality has been linked to various personal physical attributes. However, there is one body part that stands out above all the rest, and that is our hands. For example, we often compare and contrast left handed people with individuals who are right hand dominant.

Alternatively, in palmistry the lines on the palms of our hands are closely examined, which can indicate our character traits, personality, and destiny in life. Our hands seem to hold the most information about our lives and they reveal subtle clues in regards to the way we act, make choices, and behave in general.

Another way in which we can analyze our personalities is by looking at the shape of our fingers. You can do this yourself by simply analyzing your fingers and comparing them against the illustration to see if A, B, or C matches up the best with them. Once you choose the closest match it will reveal certain personality aspects that are commonly associated with your finger shape.

The type A finger shape is relatively straight, which corresponds with the following:

– You hide your feelings and don’t like to show outward emotion, yet you’re emotional on the inside – Instead, you pretend to be cool, calm, and collected at all times and like to portray yourself as independent and strong, even if you are not. – You dislike lies and deception, and prefer the truth and fairness.

– You like to laugh, even when nothing is funny, are eccentric, arrogant, helpful, and kind hearted.

– When you first meet someone new you are distant and cold, but once you get to know someone you’re very open and warm.

Type B people have slightly crooked, irregular shaped fingers, which corresponds to:

– You are passive when meeting new people and leave it up to them to make the initial approach.

– You’re a daydreamer with an active imagination, and when you feel hurt you act like you’re okay

– Once you make up your mind to do something you almost always follow through and complete it

– Even though you are the sensitive type, you don’t appear to be so, because you often play off your sensitive side by pretending to not know things in an attempt to protect someone’s feelings.

If you have a type C finger shape, that bulges slightly in the mid section, it corresponds with:

– You have a strong distaste for challenges and don’t deal well with unfamiliar things

– When it comes to other people’s opinions you are respectful and you don’t like to play pretend

– You know what you like and don’t like, can be overbearing at times, are easily touched, and keep your feelings and emotions to yourself.

– You hate being in a fight and rarely stay mad at someone. Instead you forgive easily when someone apologizes, but have to watch yourself because you have a sensitive heart and can be easily hurt.

Check out the short video for more personality information on each of the three types and see if what they reveal about personality traits matches up to yours. This is a fun, easy, and different way to take a moment to yourself in which you can reflect upon, and dig a little deeper into, what makes you who you are! As always, have fun and enjoy!

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Take A Close Look At This Floor Because THIS Is Not Hardwood. Prepare Yourself To Be Blown Away!

Home designs are often quite expensive no matter what you do and there is no easy way to save money. Whether you are remodeling or building from scratch, projects can add up fast. When it comes to houses and interior designs it’s never a good idea to sacrifice quality and integrity for a lower, cheaper cost.

One particular area that can be very expensive is flooring. It’s something you absolutely have to have, and the options vary greatly, along with the costs. Many people prefer hardwood floors over all the other types.

Wood floors are beautiful and come in many different styles, colors, finishes, and grains. The same goes for fake wood floors like Pergo, but the downside is the higher cost that comes with purchasing, installing, and maintaining them. A much cheaper alternative is concrete flooring, which sounds dull and blehh.

However, there is a way to instantly upgrade a classic concrete floor into faux bois, which is French for fake wood. Sounds fancy, right? With a few extra steps you can take your ugly duckling concrete floor and transform it into a rich, warmly textured, glowing hardwood-esque surface.

The design is called wood concrete and this video shows all the main stages of such a floor being installed from start to finish. The video description says that the process isn’t hard to do, so long as you have the right products and techniques. It’s an excellent way to get more bang for your buck when it comes to interior design and the end results look remarkable.

This is a wonderful technique that seems ideal for basements, play rooms, mud rooms, and so on. In comparison to hardwood, concrete stands up much better to water, animals, kids, and all the scratching and wear and tear that comes with them. Plus, it’s way less expensive!

At first glance it looks like a normal wood floor to the average untrained eye, and only upon closer inspection do you realize it’s not. Check out the video to see what I mean.

Let us know what you think!

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