These Problem Areas On Your Face Reveal Health Problems In Other Parts Of Your Body!

Problems with facial Skin may be a reflection of disease in certain other organs, or bad lifestyle choices. The face, according to ancient Chinese medicine, “is the window to your health”. The video which you are about to watch, addresses the direct link between acne and other skin issues in the different zones of the face, and it’s link to potential organ and/or lifestyle choices.

A breakout or excessive oiliness on the FOREHEAD may indicate health issues with your BLADDER or SMALL INTESTINE. Eating an abundance of oily foods can slow up your ability to digest; drinking too much alcohol, stress and eating too many sweets can also contribute to acne in this zone.

Acne and oily skin in the zone between the EYE BROWS may be indicative of LIVER problems. An allergic reaction to something you are ingesting, as well as eating too much red meat, may cause the stomach to go on overdrive in order to digest, which in turn stresses the liver.

If you are experiencing a darkening of the skin beneath your EYES, broken capillaries and grayness or swelling around the eyes, your KIDNEYS may be in jeopardy. Your circulation may be impaired due to cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and impaired functioning of the HEART.

Acne and oily skin of the NOSE may be indicative of HEART impairment. This can be a result of not getting fresh air, air pollution, gas and bloating and poor circulation leading to high blood pressure. Acne, spots and loss of color to to the CHEEKS can be linked to health issues with your LUNGS and KIDNEYS. Again, poor food choices, junk food that has too much sugar, cigarette smoking and inability to handle stress can be a cause.

Acne, skin paleness and dark spots on the LIPS and CHIN can be linked to STOMACH issues. Ingesting too much sugar, fatty foods and caffeine and alcohol are strong contributors to this problem. Additionally your inability to handle stress and sleep deprivation can cause this.

Further discussion of what your face is telling you about your health is included in the video below.

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THIS Cat Sneaks Into The Neighbors House To Steal His Favorite Toy. Now Watch What He Does With It!

Cats can be very sneaky and mischievous, especially when they are a little bored. Some will even go to great lengths in order to have a good time when they are feeling a bit under-stimulated. Our four legged furry feline friends love nothing more than to stick their pink little noses into everything they come across.

Many feel the urge to inspect whatever new object or nook and cranny that catches their fancy. But when their toys no longer interest them and all of the boxes around the house have been sniffed out and sat in, it’s off to new pastures and greener fields.

For one cat in Slovenia this meant heading over to the neighbors house. After scoping out the property the kitty came across a new, exciting, and wonderful stuffed animal tiger. Wanting the plush toy all to itself, the cat clamped down and scooped it up in its mouth.

Since cats don’t abide by human rules or law, it thought nothing of stealing the furry toy and set off towards home. The cute cats human friend stood by filming his fearless feline friend making his way back home with his new prize and it’s safe to say the video he captured is awesomely adorable.

The cat expertly negotiates a fence in his path, jumping up and through a hole in the top, before strutting across the road. He looks very proud and pleased with himself, as he should! The kitty takes his new tiger to a comfy looking patch of grass in the garden and only then does he release it from his teeth.

That’s when the playing begins, and the cheeky cat goes to town, happily biting and clawing the stuffed animal. All that work and illegal activity paid off since now the little kitty is no longer bored! A cat’s gotta do what a cat’s gotta do.

In this one’s case it meant stealing a toy from the neighbor to add a little fun and excitement into it’s daily routine. The clip is a prime example of how sassy and confident cats can be. This one literally could care less about getting caught doing something naughty. It’s a cat’s world and we just live in it.

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This Blind Guy Has A Winning Lottery Ticket And Asks This Lady If He Won. Now Watch Her Response!

What determines whether a person will be honest?  Does it matter whether other people will be aware of their dishonesty, or is there something more intrinsic that determines a person’s character?  I think it can be said that first impressions are often based on people’s outside appearance and circumstances.

We often trust people who may not deserve that trust, and conversely we sadly make assumptions that people are untrustworthy due to superficialities. The assumptions we make about strangers are often unconsciously made, and thus we are often wrong.  Johal, the YouTuber, in the following video, decides to do a social experiment regarding honesty, and gleaned some surprising results.

He pretended to be a blind person who was told he had a winning lottery ticket (that in fact was a winner).  He stopped people on the street to verify whether the ticket was, in fact, a winner. What Johal varied in who he approached to help him verify his ticket, was whether the person’s outside appearance and the area they were in reflected wealth or poverty.

Would a person’s means determine their honesty, in being approached by a blind man wanting to know if he had come upon some good fortune.  Get ready for the results!  Let us know if what was revealed leads you to any conclusions.

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Nobody Believed Her When She Described Her Owls Nightly Ritual. So She Caught THIS Video

What is cuter than a baby owl dancing to the song “Monster Mash” alongside a look-alike stuffed owl animal toy? Nothing. As this video shows, the scene is one of absolute adorableness, mixed in with some sweet dance moves and head bobbing. This bird will melt and steal your heart, he just looks so innocent and nice.

The little star of the clip is an orphaned Great Horned Owl whose temporary name was Oakley. The baby bird was being cared for at a wildlife rehabilitation center that specializes in birds of prey. Oakley was given the stuffed animal puppet so he would have something to cuddle up with.

According to the comments, the bird loved the plush toy and liked to rest against it because it helped make him relax. The man caring for him did his best to keep Oakley wild and unaccustomed to humans. He would hide himself to keep from being seen by placing a camouflaged sheet over his body and cut out holes just for his eyes.

When it was time to feed Oakley he made a Great Horned Owl call, mimicking exactly what a mother owl would do. The cute baby was subsequently placed with 3 other juvenile orphans of his species, and they all learned more about how to properly live the owl life. Before they were released some two months later they were taught how to catch live prey.

The story was updated and the man who posted it added in the comments that by the time Oakley flew off into the night he was “quite mean and didn’t like humans.” It turns out that juvenile owls are just like a typical teenager, ungrateful and rude. All jokes aside, it’s best for Oakley to not depend on people or be drawn to them.

The Raptor Rehabber channel on YouTube is a wonderful source of information and videos on all things raptor related. For those unfamiliar with the term, “raptor” basically means ‘bird of prey’ and refers to any bird who hunts and eats other animals. Eagles, hawks, falcons, and buzzards are a few of the well known kinds and they are the apex predators of the sky.

These birds both depend on and need to have exceedingly sharp vision, knife-like talons, and powerful beaks to survive. Owls are another type of raptor that are categorized separately. They are nocturnal birds of prey who emerge and hunt mainly under the cover of darkness all throughout night.

Owls have developed the ability to fly almost completely silently. This ninja-like aspect of their flight is all thanks to the structure of their feathers, it reduces turbulence and makes them practically undetectable to prey until it’s too late.

When their silent flight is combined with their perceptively keen hearing abilities, it makes them one deadly accurate hunter. Hopefully Oakley is somewhere out there in the wild, doing his “Monster Mash” dance, and bobbing his head around.

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This Pirate Kitty Is So Funny. But What He Does At :07 Made Me Spit My Drink Out!

With Summer around the corner Halloween will be here before we know it.  Halloween used to be primarily for the kids.  Trick-or-Treating was the name of the game.  Kids still are all about the candy and their costume choices, but adults have grown more and more involved in the festivities just for themselves.

For the past few years there have been all kinds of creative makeup tricks on the internet, as well as last minute costume ideas etc.  As we all know people love to post their pets doing all kinds of things, and people love seeing the latest adorable animal thing.

Thousands of people buy animal costumes to dress their pets up in hysterical costumes. Adorable.. adorable… adorable and then there is the one you are about to watch in the video below!

I had to rewatch it three times to wrap my head around this cat costume.  It is both extremely weird and adorable.  It is one of the greatest illusions I have ever seen in an animal costume!

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If You Drink A Glass Of Lemonade Mixed With THIS You Will Get Rid Of Your Anxiety and Headaches!

Lemonade is one of the most refreshing beverages that you can enjoy in the summer, or really anytime all year long. It’s easy to make and it can be tweaked in all sorts of ways. Some people prefer theirs really sweet, others like it with lots of lemon slices, and some add in iced tea to make a half and half drink.

Now there is a new twist on the classic recipe which has people adding lavender to the mix. Doing this is a wonderful way to make your lemonade into a sort of health tonic. Lavender is not only a flower and a color, but also a fragrant herb that contains properties which help calm people’s nerves and senses.

Lavender essential oil has been used for centuries to help heal and relieve symptoms of common health problems. Not only does it detoxify and relieve stress, it has also been attributed with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antispasmodic properties as well. It works naturally to help you relax by lowering blood pressure, pulse rates, and reducing overall feelings of anxiety.

Beyond these known health properties are the many other medicinal benefits that lavender has been linked to, including headache, sinus, pain and even hangover relief. The easiest way to harness all the healing power of lavender is to drink it up in a tasty beverage. That way you can both smell and ingest it for your body to further use to its benefit.

All that you need is some quality lavender essential oil and lemonade. Homemade style lemonade made from scratch is the best way to go about this. Take a couple of lemons and cut them in half. Squeeze the juice out of them over a bowl or pitcher and remove any seeds if you’d rather not drink them.

Add in some filtered water, a few drops of lavender essential oil, and a bit of honey, then mix them all together well. You can adjust the amounts of any or all the ingredients to your liking and add in some ice for a delicious, chilled beverage.

Instead of reaching for a glass of wine to help you relax and wind down after a long day, drink to your health and try this all natural, homemade, health tonic. It may just be the perfect drink for your needs right now.

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I Was Confused When She Put Egg Whites All Over Her Face But The Reason Is Brilliant!

Eggs are popularly known for being incredible and edible, but they also go well beyond the realm of omelets and the breakfast table. For thousands of years the little shelled ovals have be used in a variety of homemade do it yourself beauty treatments. People mix them up into hair masks and face treatments targeted for hydrating skin and hair, preventing acne, diminishing blemishes and scars, preventing hair fall, and more.

Eggs can even be used to get rid of pesky blackheads. The gross pore clogs are a real pain in the butt to remove, especially for people who have a dry skin type. Most people turn to pore cleaning strips that supposedly work to help pull them out, but in reality all that the pricey strips seem to do is dry out the fragile skin on the nose and irritate it further.

Plus, they can be quite painful to remove. Instead of wasting more money looking for a solution to this age old beauty problem, try this 100% natural method that uses only egg whites. It’s effective at removing blackheads, incredibly cheap, and it simultaneously provides a number of other benefits.

YouTube beauty blogger BabamitsANNE shows how it’s done and explains all the steps and fine details. The mask she whips up in the video is a multipurpose one that does it all. It deep cleanses skin, removes blackheads and whiteheads, tightens pores, controls oiliness, gets rid of acne scars, reduces wrinkles, and makes your complexion glow.

Start off by cracking open an egg, separate the white from the yolk and place it in a small bowl. Beat the white slightly, then apply it onto your face and neck with a face brush. Make sure you avoid your eyes and mouth. Next, take a piece of tissue and cut out eye, nose, and mouth holes.

Place the tissue over your face and gently pat it onto the egg white, then apply a second layer of egg over the tissue and let it dry completely, or for at least 30 minutes. When time is up gently peel the tissue upwards and off your face, wash with a warm washcloth and pat dry.

You’ll notice right away how good your skin looks. It will be smoother, more hydrated, fresher feeling, and glowing with healthiness. For the best results, people with oily skin should use this twice a week and those with dry skin only once.

What are you waiting for? Grab an egg and some tissues and try it out for yourself!

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Dog Lived In A Rusty Cage At A Meat Farm. Watch His Reaction When He Walks On Grass For The First Time!

This story is heart-wrenching, whether you are a dog lover or not.  It is almost unbearable to report stories of such animal cruelty, but without shining the light on these horrendous acts, I feel that we would be contributing to the horror This video tells the story of Pocket who was incarcerated in a cage in a dog meat farm in South Korea.

Having spent his entire life in this metal cage, he had never experienced the normal things of a dog’s life; no sunshine, walking on grass, chewing a stick and exploring… never even enjoying a bowl of water.  Thankfully his luck changed when he, and 100 other dogs were rescued by the Humane Society International, and brought to the United States.

Like any living being who had lived in such wretched, isolating conditions, introducing Pocket to a normal dog’s life took encouragement and a gentle approach. Pocket’s entire life had been spent in that metal cage, which made the outside world an overwhelming place for him to absorb initially.

What is so amazing about many dogs, once rescued, is that they are capable of learning to eventually trust and enjoy a normal, beautiful life, despite the horrible conditions they have endured. I shed a tear watching the video below, in which we see footage of Pocket hesitantly walking on grass for the first time.  His body language is one of fearful caution, as he is lovingly encouraged by his new family.

In this second video below, taken on day 2 of his rescue, your heart will be warmed by his progress in just one day.  Pocket has never played with another dog; he and his new pal gnaw on a stick together. Pocket is so gentle in his play.

Your heart will burst with joy for this animal who is getting a second chance to have a normal, loving life.

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