His Car Broke Down And Nobody Would Stop. When I Saw Who Finally Helped I Can’t Hold Back The Tears!

The following video comes to you from Hammy TV; a YouTube channel that has gained notoriety for their hysterical pranks.  For this particular episode, instead of doing a prank, they decided to do a social experiment.  Ryan, set up this social experiment, by jacking up an old car and sitting on his tire as if he needed help with a flat.

He wanted to see how willing people would be as they passed him, driving along in their day. Would someone stop to help him? People looked at him but drove by…for two hours!

No one even slowed down to ask if he needed help, they just drove right by!  So much for the milk of human kindness, until finally someone stopped and pulled up behind him and got out of his car to offer assistance.  Ryan finds out that the man had passed him earlier; he explains that he couldn’t stop as he had to make an appointment for his physiotherapy.

This kind soul’s name was Eric, and his story of loss and injury brought tears to my eyes.  It never ceases to amaze me when help is offered by those who can least afford to give it.  Many victims of trauma have been given the gift of empathy, that doesn’t allow them to disregard another’s misfortune.

He says he is happy to help Ryan with the tire, but asks him to get his wheelchair so that he remains steady!  Ryan hears the terrible story of what Eric has been through, and then comes clean about the social experiment. What happens next brought tears to my eyes.

Watch the video and enjoy! You may need some tissues.

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He Set Up A Hidden Trail Cam To Catch Poachers. But What The Cam Caught Is An Unexpected Surprise!

When it comes to paranormal activity people are usually split into two categories, those who believe in it and those who do not. It all boils down to an individual’s personal viewpoint and beliefs. This has inevitably made it a very contentious topic, which has been debated time and again throughout history for as long as anyone can remember.

Countless numbers of people all over the world claim they have seen unbelievable sights and things that cannot be explained rationally. These eerie events and experiences are simply beyond the scope of scientific understanding and end up being attributed to paranormal activity. One interesting area of the topic centers around strange video footage captured on trail cameras that have been set up on private property.

Beyond using them to view and track wildlife, land owners often place the motion activated cameras in areas were they have had issues with trespassers before. When someone or something walks across the sensors path it triggers the camera to take a picture, so it makes a handy surveillance device. Many a thief has been caught by trail cams, as well as animals who live in the woods.

There has also been some wholly inexplicable, freaky, strange images captured by the cameras. This compilation clip shows some of them, and the curious happenings are downright spine tingling. The first case shows a bright white, glowing image of a woman who is holding a wand-like object and appears to have wings or a flowing cape on.

It was captured by a man in Georgia who set up a trail cam in order to catch poachers on his land. He had reported seeing a strange light the night it was taken, and was so concerned about it that he even called police to report the event. Another image shows a super creepy figure hunched over in the darkness, it’s eyes glow bright, and it looks as if it has a human like form with an arm out to the side propping it up.

A hunter in Baton Rouge, Louisiana told the local media that he’d set up a trail cam but it had broke. He was able to recover the memory card and found the disturbing image on it. There other images on the clip are just a eerie and raise even more questions about what is out there in the world.

As with any paranormal activity or ghost story claim, there are many skeptics who say these images are doctored and fake. They argue that the videos and photos have been edited or manipulated and write off any and all proof as dubious. However, this is something you have to see for yourself, no description can do it justice.

Check them out and decide whether or not you think the events captured on trail cameras are the work of ghosts or something else.

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She Sprinkles Salt On A Lemon Then Squeezes The Juice Into The Toilet. But The Reason Is Brilliant!

We all know that lemons add great flavor to foods and drinks. We have learned extensively about their health benefits, providing a multitude of anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits. At the center of the greatness of the “Mighty Lemon” is it’s concentration of Vitamin C.

However, this video that you are about to watch, is not about the health benefits of lemons. Rather, it shows 10 ways in which lemons can be used as a house cleaning tool, that are just amazing. Not only do they do the job, but leave everything fresh smelling.

It is the acidity in the lemon juice, and the grease-cutting oil contained in the skin, that give lemons such efficient cleaning properties.

The 10 ways to clean with a lemon included in the video below are as: A Fridge Freshener; Microwave Steam Cleaner; Grater ‘De-Cheeser’; Scourer for Wood Cutting Board; Descaling the Hot Water Kettle; Glass and Mirror Cleaner; Toilet Bowl Cleaner (with coarse salt); Soap Scum Remover; Sparkling Chrome and Faucets and a Garbage Disposal Deodorizer.

Watch the video to see exactly how easy it is to use lemons for these purposes!

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She Starts To Draw An Eye On Her Forehead. But When She’s Done It’s An Unexpected Surprise!

With Summer right around the corner Halloween will be here before you know it and people will be scrambling to put together the perfect costume. In America alone individual consumers will spend an average of $74.34, according to a recent survey done by Prosper Insights & Analytics and National Retail Federation estimates.

That adds up to a whopping total of almost $7 billion dollars and the bulk of that money is spent on costumes. When it comes to dressing up in fancy outfits and trying to outdo friends, no expense is spared by many.

However, the spooky holiday doesn’t have to be such an expensive, wallet draining experience. There are many fun and effective ways to get creative and you can pull off an amazing look without breaking the bank. One budget friendly way to achieve “wow!” inducing reactions is to focus a look around elaborate makeup and face paint.

Once you have a crazy looking appearance that is way beyond any of the many run of the mill, mass produced costumes, you automatically stand out from the crowd. Plus, by focusing a look around face paint you don’t have to have such an over the top costume and that will inevitable save you lots of money. No one is better at showing people how to create Halloween inspired looks than Promise Phan.

She runs several YouTube channels dedicated to makeup artistry and some of the special effects she pulls off with her palette are just plain awesome. In this video tutorial she shows how to create a Monsters Inc inspired look. Her inspiration from the film was the sorority girl monster ‘Britney Davis’ who has turquoise colored skin, pink hair, and most notable of all, 3 eyes.

Promise switched up the look she was going for and made it much more dramatic by adding two extra eyes. It’s awesome to watch her transform herself in the video and best of all she explains how to copy this exact look so you can achieve it yourself. She always includes a list of the exact products she uses in each video and provides excellent tips and guidelines on how to go about applying the makeup and face paint.

It’s not too late to pick up some cheap makeup and face paint and try this look yourself for Halloween. Even if you aren’t the most artistically talented individual you can always give it a try. Or better yet, ask a friend who knows how to draw and do makeup to do it for you.

Even if the look isn’t exactly what you have in mind, be sure to check out the video, because the least it will do is give you some inspiration!

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This Guy Grabs A Sweater And Places A Hanger On It. But His Next Move Is Brilliant!

We all struggle with how to store our clothes, so that when we reach for them, they are ready to put on and go.  There is nothing worse than pulling out a folded sweater and finding it all wrinkled. Luckily there is a simple trick to stop this from ever happening again!

To counteract the wrinkling problem many of us hang our sweaters.  However the problem with hanging most knits is that they become stretched out by gravity pulling it down.  Additionally, the shoulders lose their shape from the hangers. WHAT TO DO?

Watch this great hack for “hanging” sweaters that uses a hanger but avoids the pitfalls of a sweater losing it’s shape.  Some people are just so clever!  He shows us how in literally a minute you can store your sweaters without wrinkles or stretching.

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She Tells Her Stinky Dog He Needs A Bath. He Proceeds To Throw The Most Hysterical Tantrum.

image via – facebook.com

Dogs either accept and enjoy taking baths or absolutely loathe the idea.  This husky falls in the later category.  The good looking dog’s name is Monk and his mom recorded one of his noisy tantrums when it came time for his annual bath.  What should be a purifying and refreshing experience is lost on this dog.  He wants out of the bathroom and is letting mom know how much he disapproves of her plan of action.

At :35 seconds I’m pretty sure I heard him say, “I don’t wanna!” In the short clip Monk paces around the perimeter of the bathroom, looking for a way to escape,  while the water gets warmed up in the background.  He whines, cries, and whimpers in protest but all to no avail.

If being cute could get him out of bath time then he would have succeeded.  However, in the long run his few minutes of discomfort will fade away and he will feel so much better and clean.  His fur and skin will all be healthier, shinier and smell better.  If dogs could only understand the benefits of their scary baths!

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He Scratches This Giant Horse’s Neck. Now Watch The Horses Unexpected Reaction!

No matter what type of species an animal may be, they all seem to have one thing in common; they love getting pet and scratched. Whether it’s a dog, cat, bear, elephant, human, and so on, animals always find comfort and relief in a good scratch. People even pay good money for a relaxing massage and it’s easy to see why. When someone has the magic touch, it just feels good and you don’t want it to ever end.

Which is exactly how a sweet horse named Levi felt about getting his neck scratched. Levi is a 14 year young Oldenburg gelding who resides at the Maxfield Equestrian riding center in Turlock, California. The huge horse absolutely loves having his neck scratched and rubbed.

In the video Tom Dunn can be seen giving him a pet and when Tom tries to walk away from the horse he is promptly stopped. Levi uses his long neck and teeth to gently bring Tom back in close for more pet-pets and the wonderful scratching his human hands provide.

For such a large and imposing horse, Levi is remarkably gentle and sweet, which is likely due in part to him being a gelding. He measures in at 18.1 hands high, which means his back is about 6 feet off the ground. To see just how big he is, look at where Tom comes up to him. Tom is 6’2” and the horse towers over him!!

Levi’s owner summed up the big, softhearted horse best when he said “[He] is the biggest goof of any horse I have ever known. He convinces people to pet him by making faces and ‘scooping you up,’ as we put it.” Check out how Levi gets more scratches and attention, and how big, he is in the video.

It’ll put a smile on your face and make you wish you had a horse of your own to love!

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What Does Your Tongue Reveal About Your Health? Go To A Mirror And Check Yours Right Now!

The condition of your tongue can be a strong indicator of your overall health, and particular colors, sores or texture of the tongue will give you specific indicators of what is going on.  Now here’s the good news! Seeing hills and valleys on your tongue are normal patterns that indicate you have a Healthy Mouth! Always check with your doctor or dentist if you feel like something isn’t right.  The following are conditions of the tongue that may indicate something might be wrong.

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A Bright Red tongue, over a period of time and not related to a red food you have eaten, can be indicative of a Deficiency of Vitamin B complex and Iron.  It may also show a sensitivity or allergy to a particular toothpaste, medicine or acidic food.

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As bad as it looks, dark coloration or Black Hairy Tongue, is not dangerous.  It is a sign of very poor dental hygiene, that results in an overgrowth of tongue papillae (“hair”) that traps bacteria.  As disgusting as it looks, it is easily remedied by improving dental hygiene.

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A White or Powdery looking tongue means the same thing as Black or Yellow Tongue; bacteria stuck in dense tongue hair due to poor oral hygiene.  The causes may be the same as well: dry mouth, smoking, or a yeast infection which can come from antibiotics, all contribute to the tongue’s ability to fight bacteria that get stuck in the papillae.

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A Pale or Yellow Tongue may also indicate low hemoglobin or problems in the lungs or colon.  This symptom should be checked by a physician.

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Small Cracks are usually a sign of aging, while White Patches are mouth irritations that often appear on the bottom of the tongue.  More commonly found in smokers, these lesions should be checked by an oral surgeon, who will determine if biopsy is indicated to rule out cancer.  It is better to be safe than sorry.

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Small Red Lumps should be examined immediately, as they could be indicative of oral cancer.  You shouldn’t think twice about seeing an oral surgeon for biopsy.

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Painful sores in the mouth are usually a stress reaction that are very painful. They will often disappear with reduction of stress, but if they don’t, or if they keep coming back, you should have a professional evaluate them.

As you can see the tongue can give you a great deal of information to help you to monitor your health. Watch the video below for further discussion of this important topic.

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