Her Hair Seems Normal At First But It Is Hiding A Crazy Secret!

People love to try out different hair colors, as an expression or their creativity and desire to see themselves in different ways. The video below will show you the end result of using a “home remedy” for changing hair color, without the expense and damage of using harsh chemicals, and being left with a color that you have to live with for ages.

Believe it or not using a mixture of Kool-Aid drink mix powder and hair conditioner you will be able to achieve the really cool look that hides under your natural hair color.  Or, if you care to be more flamboyant with your look, you can dip the ends in the mixture or apply it all over.  Whatever your choice may be, no worries, because the color will only last for a few days.

It is advisable to use plastic gloves to prevent staining on your hands, and wrap yourself in an old towel to avoid staining your clothes.  Mix the Kool-Aid packages in a bowl; be sure to use only the traditional version, because the unsweetened or artificially sweetened kinds will cause your hair to be sticky and the chemicals may burn your eyes.

Just a few tips for Kool-Aid colors: Cherry makes the hair a deeper red; Tropical punch results in a brighter red; Mixing strawberry and grape will give you a purplish red and experimenting with different combinations will give you a more rainbow effect. Now comes the conditioner.

Adding a few drops of conditioner and some water is key to aiding the Kool-Aid to be absorbed into the hair more evenly.  The conditioner also changes the texture of the Kool-Aid into a thicker solution, making it easier to apply.

Make sure the combination of the Kool-Aid, water and conditioner are mixed to be completely smooth before applying; any lumpiness will prevent effective coloration. Now comes the fun part of using a brush to apply your mixture!  If you want to dye your whole head, start at the roots and work your way down and under until all of your hair has been treated.

If you only want your tips dip them in the different colors.  To get the incredible look you are about to view in the footage below, pin up the top layer of your hair and just apply your colors to the under part of your hair.

Your hair should be damp and sticky during the process, otherwise the powder will just wash out of your hair.  Wrap your hair in sandwich wrap, securing it with tape, and sleep with it to get the best results.  After awakening remove the plastic wrap.

Make sure to rinse your hair completely with lukewarm water ONLY.  If you use shampoo all the color will wash out!!  Secondly, you can apply conditioner, and then rinse again.  Comb out your hair and wait to dry.

Let us know what look you go for and how the color comes out.  I, myself am going to go for the look in the following video…you can go for the surprise effect while maintaining your natural look for work.

Whether your hair is short or long, I think the surprise color is getting the best of both worlds!

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Mama Ask These Guilty Pups ‘Who Stole The Cookie?’ How She Finds Out Whose Guilty Is Hilarious!

Brother and sister Dogs, Harley and Wiloa are being interrogated by their human mom, as to who got the cookie off the counter and ate it! The look in their eyes as she humorously questions them, while explaining the virtues of telling the truth and her suspicions about the culprit, are priceless.

In the hilarious video you are about to watch below, watch what happens after mom gives them chance after chance, to tell the truth about which sibling is to blame. Sibling betrayal seems to come as easily to dogs as it does to human children!

Alex Hutchinson, the dogs’ “mom”, has a company and website called Bark Badges. She was inspired by her two adorable dogs seen in this video, as they have such definite dispositions that make for comical interactions. Harley is the “mama’s boy”, while Wiloa (his sis) is “just plain mischief!”

Watch and enjoy this “laugh out loud” video of these nutty pups!

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17 Bears Were Held Captive In Concrete Pits For Years. Their Reaction When They Are Freed Is Priceless!

I am always heartbroken to hear stories of animals who are held in captivity under horrendous, inhumane conditions, when they are meant to live in the wild.  Such was the case for seventeen bears, who were caged in small concrete pits, at the Black Forest Bear Park in Georgia.

For years they lived a miserable existence, being humiliated into begging for food from visitors to the park.  The two female bears who are the subjects of this story were bred, and when they gave birth their cubs were ripped away from them at once.  This would be akin to taking away a human child from it’s mother.

Years went by living in these horrid conditions until help finally arrived.  Thanks to the joint effort of PETA, the Atlanta Humane Society and Sam Simpson, the day came for these tortured animals to be freed and brought to The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg, Colorado.

Watch as they get to luxuriate in the feeling of the earth and grass beneath their paws for the first time, after only feeling cold concrete for so long. No longer did they need to beg for food.  They were free to roam and search for the abundant fresh fruit and vegetables that were available to them in the magnificent 60-acre sanctuary.

Part of this happy ending is that the two female bears were pregnant at the time of their rescue, and would get to experience the joy of getting to keep their cubs close, raising their offspring for the very first time.

Sit back and enjoy the footage, showing the sheer joy of the bears, as they are released into the freedom of their wildlife habitat.  I love a happy ending!

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A Tree Fell In Her Yard. But 2 Weeks Later They Transform It Into Is An Unexpected Amazing Surprise!

If you live in your own home, and are lucky enough to have beautiful trees on your property, you have lived through the heartbreak of losing them in large storms. Some may be hundreds of years old, or you may have lovingly planted them and watched them grow, year after year.

Sometimes it isn’t a storm that’s the culprit, rather precarious distance to your home may require removal, for safety’s sake. Tree removal people eliminate the problem, but more often than not leave an unsightly stump.  In the case of the homeowner in the following video that you are about to watch, they were lucky enough to call Lueb Popoff.

Who, may you ask, is Lueb Popoff?  He is a man who could cut down her tree, but rather than leaving the dreaded ugly stump in front of her house, watch what he does! Lueb was a man with a mission.

After cutting down the tree and removing it, he left a big enough stump and within 2 weeks, with his chainsaw and some smaller tools, Popoff created a masterpiece! It is literally a sculpture that anyone would be proud to have grace their home.

In the 2-minute video below you will be mesmerized by what he created in two weeks time. The finished product is astoundingly lifelike!

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If You Notice A $100 Bill On Your Windshield. This Is What It Means!

With all the good cheer around during the holiday season, it might be reasonable to believe that you would receive a random act of kindness.  Thats what Kyri Viehman thought, as she was driving home from doing some Christmas shopping with her mom.

From St. Louis, MO, Kyri noticed something flapping on the passenger side of her windshield, which she at first thought was a flyer for something. When she looked again she saw that it was $100 bill that was tucked under her wipers.  Later she wrote on Facebook:

Being a dedicated listener to the Bobby Bones Show, I thought someone was ‪#‎pimpinjoy‬ for this single mom wrestling with a crabby toddler around the holidays,” she wrote on Facebook. “That’s where my naivety came into play. I pulled over to the side of the road to retrieve this miracle money that came into my life at the perfect time.

The bill was placed under the wipers where you had to get out of your car, walk around front, and grab it (you could not just roll down your window). I opened the bill, and it read something similar to ‘Ha you thought this was real didn’t you?

This is a cautionary tale for all of us, who are out shopping this season, or really any time!  After doing some research on the internet, Kyri learned that she had, indeed, “dodged a bullet”!  This is a common carjacker scam used to get the driver out of the car before driving away.

The fake $100 bill is placed on the passenger side in order to get the driver on the other side of the car, so that the carjacker can get in the driver’s seat of the car that most probably has the keys in the ignition at this point!  Not only do the thieves get the car but the gifts that are in it.  In Kyri’s case her toddler was locked in his carseat in the back!

This is extremely frightening and dangerous.

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They Found This Dog On The Side Of The Road Dying. 2 Months Later A Stunning Transformation!

The figure in this image, is almost unrecognizable as a dog.  It is painful to look at, so one can only imagine what this starving dog felt like when he was found on the side of the road in Udaipur, India.  His rescuers were from Animal Aid Unlimited.

They do truly remarkable work in providing help for all kinds of mistreated and injured animals from its region. It’s facilities are not only an animal rescue center, but function as a sanctuary and treatment operation, as well.

Jim and Erika Abrams, along with their daughter Claire initiated this operation with such dedication, that over 40,000 animals have already been saved.  Depending on the animal’s situation and condition, some are treated and released, while others may live out the remainder of their lives at the center, if need be.

The incredible work they do is exemplified by the rescue of the starving dog rescued in this video.  He also suffered from mange, which is a skin disease in which all his fur was gone and he was literally being eaten away by parasitic mites.  Practically lifeless, his rescuers took him by net so he wouldn’t run away in fright.

He was terrified, as human contact was now so foreign to him. As you watch the gentle care of the Animal Aid workers, you will see how over a relatively short period of time, this dog began to trust, heal and come back to life.  After two months of tender loving care (both medical and emotional) this sweet pooch made a complete recovery.

His transformation is unrecognizable; his spirit restored.  This is one of the most moving animal rescue stories I have ever seen.

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She Weirdly Thanks This Wild Bear For Not Eating Her Kayak. Now Watch The Bears Unexpected Reaction!

When the bear walked away from her kayak, she thanked him. But I never expected what he did in response. At first, he seemed to be willing to earn the thanks, ambling slowly up the hill and away from the kayak. This was a bit uncomfortable for her, however, and was not exactly what she was going for.

She really would have preferred he politely respond with a “you are quite welcome, tourist lady”, or at least a grunt before walking straight into the woods and away from her kayak and herself. As luck would have it, he expressed interest in her and continued in her direction. She was prepared for this possibility, which makes sense due to her Alaskan locale, and she made sure to explain to the english speaking bear that she was going to spray him with pepper spray.

He didn’t seem to care until she gave a quick squirt. Still out of range, the spray did not reach him, but he must have known what it was, because he promptly turned and went straight back to the kayak. She realized almost immediately what she had done, and became quite concerned.

She began pleading with him, always calling him by his formal name, Bear. Moving in succession through all of the appropriate emotional states, she began by nicely asking the bear to stay away from her kayak. If you want to know how that worked out for her, watch the video until the very end.

That’s all I’ll say, it’s best if you see it for yourself.

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It Seems Like A Regular Handicap Spot. But Watch What Happens When You Try To Park Here. Brilliant!

There is a reason that Handicapped parking exists. This fact often goes over the heads of able-bodied people. We often see people parking in disabled spots, emerging from their cars and walking without any evidence of disability.

What goes through the minds of the lazy people who opt to take the spots reserved for the handicapped? All kinds of rationalizations are used ranging from “nobody is gonna need this spot for the time I will be here” to “I’m sure they will find another spot, and I won’t take that long anyway”.

It is sad to say that this occurs over and over again, because there are rarely consequences for this transgression. The lack of enough officers to enforce the laws makes this possible. Unfortunately, many people don’t have the integrity to obey the law, if they can get away with not doing so.

The statistics for this type of transgression is particularly high in Russia, where nearly 30% of able-bodied drivers think nothing of taking a Handicapped parking spot. They just don’t seem to have a conscience with regard to this really awful behavior. In reaction to this alarming statistic in Russia, a non-profit organization called Dislife came up with an inventive solution.

You are about to watch what they did in the video below, using unbelievable cutting-edge technology, in their effort to get people to wake up and realize the harm caused by their thoughtless behavior. I was literally shocked to see what they came up with.

Let us know what you think, about this inventive way they devised to get their message across, loud and clear!

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