Some People Aren’t Getting Buried Instead They Are Doing THIS With Their Ashes! Would You?

Dealing with death is difficult for everyone…those who are dying and those who are left behind.  Some people abhor the idea of being buried in the ground, and choose to be cremated instead.  Those who choose cremation, sometimes leave instructions as to where they want their ashes spread, and often times they do not.

For those who choose cremation, a jewelry company may have come up with an option that might appeal to you, or to those left behind, who want to keep a part of their remains close. A company called Algordanza, out of Switzerland, has created what they call a “Memorial Diamond”.  Incredibly, they utilize a portion of the cremated remains of a love one, and convert it into a genuine diamond!

As astounding as this sounds it has a sound scientific basis.  The human body contains 18% carbon, which as you know, is the element that diamonds are composed of.  Algordanza created a process that utilizes 2% of the carbon that remains in what is left after cremation.

The graphite is pressurized in huge machines, after it has been heated to 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit, creating a simulation of the way natural diamonds are made.  The color of the stone varies from white to dark blue, depending on the level of boron that is in the cremains.

Watch the following footage for a better understanding of the process and how it can be used to keep your loved ones close, and honor them every day after they are gone.  Clearly this is not for everyone, but for those of you who contemplate cremation and what comes afterward, this is well worth watching.

The cost of such a process is $4,500 as compared to the cost of burial, which averages $10,000.

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She Places A Doily On Top Of This Balloon. When She’s Done a STUNNING Surprise!

I remember my grandmother having doilies on the armrests of her chairs and couches back in the day.  I must say that they always had an old-fashioned connotation in my mind.  But as we see over and over, through the incredible creations that we are privy to on the internet, old things can be used in new ways.

The DIY video you are about to watch below, introduces a way to use doilies in a modern romantic way.  Sarah, from Socraftastic, shows us how easy it is to make a lace -patterned lantern to create a beautiful ambiance in any room in your home.

Giving some romance to lighting can turn an ordinary room into something special. To construct this DOILY LANTERN you will need Doilies, a balloon, petroleum jelly, a mixture of Elmer’s glue, water and flour, and a light kit.

Watch how Sarah blows up the balloon, rubs the balloon with petroleum jelly, for initial adherence for covering the ballon with the doilies, and then see how she uses the glue mixture to paint on the doilies.  When all is dry, she pops the balloon and inserts the light bulb and VOILA!  With a flip of the switch you have a beautiful doily lantern.

Watch the tutorial to see this creation, that is nothing short of gorgeous.

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This Woman Stuck Paint Brushes On Her Pregnant Stomach. The Reason Just WOW!

In underdeveloped countries in Africa, thousands of babies do not survive their own birth. This is due to many different reasons, such as lack of proper resources for delivery, malnutrition of the mother and child, or untreated diseases.

A Belgian project called Unborn Artists has been formed in order to support the organization SOS Kindergorpen to help reduce the number of children dying at birth. Unborn Artists raises funds in a very relevant and heartwarming way.

As you see in this video, women who are almost full term in their pregnancy, from 32 to 39 weeks, donate money to have their womb become an Unborn Artist. Paintbrushes are lathered in a variety of colors and then gently taped to numerous places on the pregnant belly, all in contact with a small blank canvas.

The mother sits and lets the baby paint its first picture as it moves the brushes to create beautiful abstract markings. To witness a child moving in the womb is nothing less than remarkable. The skin of the belly bulges and shifts in a way that is not unlike some alien creature.

To know what’s happening inside, to imagine the little bundle of joy practicing movement and making itself comfortable, as you would in your most lofty sleep, is an event to be cherished, especially for the parents to be.

By having this movement recorded as the image of a painting, not only can it be remembered forever, but other babies are given a chance at a life which they might not otherwise have had.

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She Coils Her Hair Around This Regular Straw. When She’s Done An Unexpected Stunning Surprise!

Do you love curly hair, but lack the time and patience it takes to attain it? If you’re short on time in the morning and have flat or unruly hair, then you know how much of a pain it can be to try and style it into the perfect look. Most of the time people just throw their hair up in a bun or let it fall as it may. When it comes down to it, achieving beautiful looking hair is hard to do outside of a salon, especially well defined and perfect curls.

It takes time, patience, and a lot of heat and styling products to get frizz free curls, at least that’s what most of us commonly assume. However, there is a much easier and less expensive alternative to traditional methods of curling hair. Best of all, you can do this yourself at night right before you go to bed.

When you wake up all you need is 5 minutes or less for your hair and that’s it! There is no heat, irons, or dryers necessary for this, you don’t even need to shower, but you will need a brush, plastic drinking straws, a spray bottle with water, and some bobby pins.

First you should brush your hair to get any tangles out and make it easier to work with. Take a section of hair and damp it with the spray bottle and water. Then take a straw and wrap the hair around it, starting at the top near your scalp, and working down to the ends. Once the section of hair is completely wrapped around the straw, take a bobby pin and secure the top part to your scalp.

Take another bobby pin and fold the bottom portion of the straw back, so that it naturally seals the lower end of the hair, and pin it into place. Repeat these steps for the rest of your hair until all of it has been sectioned off and secured in place. At a minimum, wait a couple of hours or longer until you’re positive that all your hair has completely dried before taking it out.

The longer you keep the straws and bobby pins in the better, and you can leave them in overnight. When you wake up, or are sure that your hair is dry, simply take a section of hair and remove the bobby pins before sliding the straw out. You can tussle it up and disarrange it for a messier look and add a little hairspray to better hold the curls.

For a quick volume boost try flipping your hair over and spritz some hairspray near the roots, wait a few seconds for it to dry, then flip your head back up. All in all, it’ll only take about 5 minutes to style your curls and you’ll look great.

It really is easy to master and this technique can give you bouncy, frizz free, beautifully defined curls. There’s no need for any products or gadgets, and since it can be done overnight you’ll free up a lot of time in your morning routine, yet still look great.

This video will show you exactly how to curl your hair with straws and it provides a lot of great tips on the process. Check it out and try it tonight!

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He Tapes Cash To His Suit With A Sign Reading ‘Take What You Need’. What This Man Does Surprising!

If you saw the man in this video walking around with dollar bills taped to his suit, would you take any of it? The man in the suit is Coby Persin and he donned the expensive outfit as part of a social experiment. In addition to covering himself in fifty $1 bills, he also held a sign that read “take what you need.”

He hit the streets of New York City and walked around the Union Square area holding up his sign. The experiment was to see if people would actually take only what they needed, and to gauge how the city residents would react to such a sight. In a way, they didn’t disappoint, yet they did.

The first few individuals who helped themselves to the free money clearly did not need it. The first man to approach was a heavy set business-type man. He set down his briefcase before he started grabbing at least ten dollars off of Coby, and when questioned whether he really needed it he replied “I don’t need it, but it’s free…who wouldn’t take it?”

That seemed to be the rationale of the next man, a jogger, who ran past before turning back to grab about $5-7 from the money suit. And the next, a man on his cell, who plucked a few ones off of Coby before telling his friend on the phone that he didn’t even need it.

Soon after a blonde woman in a suit who was carrying a pricey designer handbag stopped to grab some money. Coby pointed out her Louis Vuitton bag and asked “You really need this?” to which she replied “Yeah, I have a nail appointment tomorrow.” So far, everyone who had taken money clearly did not need it in any way whatsoever.

They took it out of pure greed and for selfish reasons. Finally, Coby walked by a young man who appeared to be homeless. He was quietly sitting on the sidewalk with his dog, a larger breed covered in a warm blanket/shirt, when he spotted Coby and got up to approach him.

He was the first person of the day to actually greet Coby when he asked “How are you doing man?” and he didn’t just start plucking money off of his suit like he was entitled to it. Instead, the one man who truly needed the money the most, took just $2.

He said that was all he needed to buy food for himself and to “give whatever you gotta give to other people.” Coby tells him to take a few more dollars for the next day or meal, but the man declines and tells him again to give it to whoever else needs it.

That’s when Coby tells the guy that he’s amazing and that he wants to help him out, so he gives him $60 to put towards food for himself and his dog. Of all the people who took money from him, only one person actually needed it.

The others who took the dollars were seemingly well off in that they carried designer handbags and wore business suits. The reasons they provided for as to why they “needed” the money were either no reason at all or some sad excuse, like they needed it for a nail appointment the next day, or because it was free.

All those people took more than what they didn’t even need, while the one man who needed it took only $2 and did so because he was thinking about the others who might need it to eat as well. The video was summed up best with a few simple words “You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.”

Check out the video to see all the reactions, and for this message to really hit home.

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Every Night Daddy Puts On The River Dance Music. The Parrot Proceeds To Do The Most Hysterical Moves.

With a name like ‘Lovebird,’ you have to be happy, upbeat, and fun loving! That’s exactly how this beautifully vibrant blue and white feathered lovebird acts when he hears his favorite music. The energetic little parrot has some seriously sweet and awesome dance moves and knows how to boogie on down! The adorable bird seems to really enjoy the fast Irish tune that’s playing and he knows exactly how to dance to the music. He hops up and down while tapping his tiny feet along to the beat, just like how an Irish step dancer moves!

Some of his moves are quite impressive and his Irish jig is seriously on point. He may even dance better than some of the professional River Dancers because he’s doing it all on his own with no training or direction! Check out the way he kicks and moves his feet, it’s awesome to see what a naturally talented and sprightly bird he is.

Lovebirds got their name from the fact that they form monogamous relationships and stay with the same mate for their entire adult life. Even if that were not the case they’d probably still be called lovebirds just the same because of their naturally warm, friendly, affectionate, and caring nature.

Once the small colorful parrots find a lover they spend most of their time sitting right alongside them. They strengthen their bond with their mate by preening and feeding one another and basically doing all of the adorable, sweet types of things that any loved up couple would do.

The clever, intelligent, brightly feathered little birds have long been a much loved favorite of people and bird enthusiasts all over the world. Many keep bonded pairs as pets and if they are treated right and well-taken care of, they can even end up forming super-close bonds with their human counterparts.

It’s easy to tell when a lovebird really and truly likes you because they will cuddle and nestle closely, and sometimes even preen you. Be sure to check out this one’s dance routine to see just how awesome and fun loving they can be!

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This Owl Poops On His Friend. Now Watch The Hysterical Confused Look On His Face When He Realizes.

Every animal excretes waste in one way or another, the most common method being out the rear end. It’s basically a universal law of nature that food goes in one end and comes out somewhere else. While the subject of poo tends to be viewed as impolite to speak about in public discussions, the fact remains that it’s an essential bodily function that we all need and rely on to stay healthy.

Not to mention it just tends to be a hysterical subject matter regardless of the situation. In a world that seems to be getting more and more serious it’s always a good idea to lighten the mood with some old fashioned comedy. Finding humor in peace in the world today is a skill that all people should seek to master!

Best selling books have even been written on the topic, like the one titled Everyone Poops, which certainly rings true in this short video clip. As you can see there are two adorable little owls perched up on a rooftop next to one another. They’re just enjoying a moment of relaxation and hanging out together, taking in the sights and sounds around them on what looks like a beautiful day. A nice breeze is blowing the sun is shining and this duo couldn’t look more content with their situation. That is until nature calls and the afternoon takes a sudden turn that neither of them expected!

When one of the owls turns to leave he does something completely unexpected… and gross. He does a half spin, lifts his tail feathers, takes a dump all over the roof, then flies off! His buddy is unfortunately perched lower down on the slope and all the poo runs down the the roof, right into him.

When the poor owl notices that he just got pooped on he seems to be in shock, like he cannot believe that just happened. Check out his face and reaction, it’s priceless and makes you feel like you know exactly what’s going through his mind!

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This Rottweiler’s Human Asks Him To Show His Mean Face. Now Watch The Pup’s Reaction!

Reese the Rottweiler is an incredibly talented dog with a special gift for play acting. While many people will spend their entire lives practicing and perfecting the art, Reese seems to be a natural at it. Even though his owner likely spent a lot of time and dedication teaching him this awesome trick, now that he has it down pat he can do it on command without even thinking. Reese certainly is a natural, not many dogs can do what he does so easily, time and time again.

This short clip of Reese in action is proof of his skills. In the beginning, he looks like any other strong, powerful, handsome male Rottweiler as he sits serenely on a cushion. When his dad asks him to show his teeth, he immediately obliges.

But that’s only the beginning and he’s just getting warmed up. When his dad tells him to “show me your mean face” the real acting begins. Reese curls back his upper lip and bares his sharp white teeth to the hilt. Then he adds in a low, menacing growl and he even does that weird licking thing dogs seem to do when they’re super angry. Personally, I’ve never seen a dog look so mean and angry on cue, at least not like this!

In fact, Reese’s acting is so good that I had to watch the video a few times to convince myself that he isn’t actually angry. The give away doesn’t happen until the very end; up to that point he stays in character perfectly, although his eyes do look pretty calm and gentle throughout.

Either way, to be able to learn this trick and perform it so well, that takes talent and brains. Reese has both in spades and you have got to watch his performance to see just how well he nailed the part. It’s spot-on!

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