I’ve Been In An Elevator A Million Times But I Had No Idea You Could Do THIS!

If you’re like me and the mere act of stepping into an elevator sends you right to the edge of a panic attack, then this is a good trick for you. When you are in the seemingly eternal moments of enduring claustrophobia and wondering if the elevator door is ever going to open again, it could be handy to get the ride over with as quick as possible.

Usually, you have to keep your cool through the repeated stopping of the lift, feeling the enclosed box come to a sudden halt and the instantaneous loss of gravity which provides the feeling of all your innards moving toward your mouth.

Apparently, there is a way to lessen the amount of time spent suffering in this manner. You can actually control whether the elevator stops along the way while you are in it. When you step inside and push the number of the floor you wish to get off at, you can hold down that number together with the close door button for five seconds, and the elevator will go straight to that floor without interruption.

You no longer have to have your anxiety multiplied by every floor and by each person that enters into the tiny space effectively making it smaller and smaller. Conversely, maybe you are a thrill seeker and happen into an elevator with an attractive person whom you might be able to put the moves on.

By inhibiting any disturbance from other elevator riders, you could squeeze in a quickie if the building is tall enough. If you’re only traveling a few stories, a good make out session, or some touchy feeling, is feasible without the intrusion of unsuspecting visitors.

No matter what your incentive, this is a great trick for the elevator regular, except not if you’re the one waiting to get inside.

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This Woman Starts Cutting The Stems Of These Roses. When She’s Done Unexpectedly STUNNING!

I’ve seen tie-dyed roses many times, but had no idea I could make them myself.  The video you are about to watch below, was made by Kathy the CRAFTY CHICA who always wanted these roses herself, and made it her business to put together an easy and fun-to-follow tutorial on how to create this kaleidoscope effect.

With just some white roses, a packet of dyes, scissors, a knife and some clear plastic cups, you will see how easy this is to do. Each plastic cup will have a different color dye in it.  Kathy shows you how to prepare the roses for optimal absorption of the different colors.

The angle and length that you cut the stems is critical to obtaining the most vibrant outcome.  Additionally you will get to see how the color gets established from hour to hour over a 24 hour period.  The great thing about creating these really cool color gradients, is that you have control over the hues you want to establish.

This is just such a great DIY to create for your own pleasure, to bring to a party, or to do for different holiday adornments.  This will be totally perfect for Mother’s Day this year!  Have fun watching this and let us know if you will try creating your own.

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This Boxer Pup Sees A Feather For The First Time. Now Watch His Unexpected Hysterical Reaction!

At first I had no idea what this dog was playing with. Then, as I kept watching I realized the small object loftily moving in the wind was a feather attached to a sliding door frame. The dog was equally bewildered, but for a much longer time frame, still trying to decipher the strange moving object in front of him.

As it turns out, he actually was a bit terrified by the unknown happenings and attempted to make peace with it in the way that dogs know how; by playing. When aimless bats at the feather prove nothing, the dogs hops about a bit to get its attention and see if it makes any moves.

Nothing results and the canine gets more brave, moving at little closer. Panting in anticipation, the boxer scrapes its paws close to the feather, not unlike a scene from the movie with Chris Farley and David Spade, either Tommy Boy or Black Sheep, when they are trying to catch a bat but unsure if it is alive.

One friend tells the other to touch it and the second swipes his hand just over the creature resulting in bickering banter of whether it was actually grazed or not. So this poor dog is pretending to check the feather for safety but the courage is not quite there.

Finally, after much internal struggle, the tip of the dogs toenail barely hits the feather and it falls anticlimactically to the ground. The investigator jumps back with startled caution but with little information gained, the boxer is as baffled as ever.

He slowly approaches the flattened material and sniffs for further examination. I’m curious how long this excitement continued until the pup realized the feather was far less than menacing.

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5 Thing You Should Stop Doing Immediately If You Are Experiencing Any Back Pain!

Back pain is something that everyone will experience at some point in their life. If you’re lucky it ends up being minor and temporary, but for some people it turns into a chronic, debilitating nightmare. Even with all the advances that modern medicine has made and afforded people, back pain remains the world’s number one leading cause of disability related issues.

According to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) at any given moment an estimated 31 million Americans are experiencing lower-back pain and every year they spend at least $50 billion in their search to find comfort and relief.

The statistics are grim, but thankfully there are some things that you can do, and refrain from doing, to help improve how you feel. Refer to the accompanying video for more information and if you’re presently suffering from back pain, or happen to know someone who is, the following things should be avoided.

1) Stop slumping and slouching! Posture is a major factor that can determine whether or not you end up developing an achy back problem. When your mother told you to sit up straight with your shoulders back and both feet on the ground, she was right. Practicing better posture can help to alleviate back pain and even keep it at bay.

2) Take it easy. The majority of back pain cases stem from mechanical types of problems, like a slipped disk or a pulled muscle. By simply slowing down and spending more time resting, you can help your body heal and avoid further aggravating the underlying problem.

3) Stop carrying heavy stuff. Obviously you don’t want to head out to the gym to pump some heavy iron when your back is feeling less then optimal. However, people often overlook the many other things that they may be lugging around and carrying throughout the day.  The list is long and the items on it can be heavy; backpacks, purses, luggage, briefcases, grocery bags, small children, boxes and packages that come in the mail, etc.

In the age of over-sized totes and carry-all bags, it’s easy to further strain an already strained back. Try to avoid lifting anything that may be heavier than a total of 5 pounds for at least one week after you first experience any pain. That way your back has a chance to rest, recover and heal.

4) Don’t lay in bed or stop being active. You should aim to keep busy and on your feet, so long as you stay within your comfort limits. Just because your back hurts, it doesn’t mean you have to stop doing everything. Staying active can sometimes help your body heal faster, it can keep you flexible and make you less prone to further potential injury.

Light exercise, yoga, and a daily walk are all excellent ways to stay on your feet. However, if it hurts too much you should stop whatever you’re doing and keep resting, never strain yourself further

5) Don’t wait until the pain is unbearable or it’s been around forever. If the back pain you experience doesn’t lessen or go away after awhile, or gets worse, you need to go see a doctor. Only a medical professional can pinpoint the exact cause of back pain and help you to manage it.

If the pain is chronic and severe, the underlying cause may be a more serious condition, such as an infection, cancer, fracture, or inflammatory arthritis. Visiting a doctor can also help put your mind at ease and less stress means better overall health.

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She Wraps A Hair Tie Around This Coffee Filter Then Places It In Water. When She’s Done WOW!

There is nothing like the gift of flowers, that is, except homemade flowers! Jamie Pettito is a YouTuber who has a channel called “Do it, Girl”.  She specializes in the best homemade gifts that really say “I care about you”.

Although she was trying to save us money for the flower extravaganza of Mother’s Day, this coffee filter bouquet of flowers makes a beautiful gift any time of year!  It’s especially nice in the winter time, when we can’t go out and pick flowers, and we don’t want to spend the money on an item which has such a short life.

This easy-to-follow tutorial that you are about to watch below, allows you to give a gift with a personal touch, or just cheer up your own space with flowers that will give you pleasure every day.  All that is required are some coffee filters, scissors, pipe cleaners, masking tape, rubber bands and basic glue.

She shows you how to make 2 different kinds of flowers.  When you see the finished product, it will inspire you to try it yourself.

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This Woman Trims The Edge Of Her Pie With Pearls. The End Result Is An AMAZING Surprise!

It’s never a bad time to cook a pie! Pies can make an easy and delicious home made dessert…that is, if you have a great crust.  Not only is the taste of the crust critical, but as we all know “presentation is everything!”

So if you have a great recipe, the next step is addressed in the footage you are about to watch, below.  The video presented by YouTuber Libbie Summers is simply mesmerizing.  She makes you want to make your own pie by showing us 20 different ways to crimp the edges.  She turns pies into works of art.

Most of the designs are really simple to replicate, and a few are a little more elaborate for the more creative and adventurous among us.  Using everyday items she shows us how to dress up our pies.  I can guarantee that you will be as inspired as I was, after watching this.

Using a string of Pearls, a small measuring spoon, a fork, two pairs of thumbs, and a scissor, Summers has devised the easy-to-follow beautiful edges for your pie.

Sit back and enjoy this magical video.

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Have You Ever Wondered Why They Spoke In A Strange Accent In Old Black And White Movies? THIS Is Why!

I don’t know about you, but I have always wondered why in the world actors in films from the 1930’s and 40’s spoke in such a strange, hard to place accent. I always thought it was some weird affectation, and apparently I was right. The video that you are about to watch below gives a great explanation for this manner of speech.

Apparently it actually had a name; known as a Trans Atlantic or Mid-Atlantic accent, it didn’t organically evolve. Rather, people were taught to speak this way in order to sound aristocratic. It has a quasi British sound to it; vowels and R’s are softer and T’s are accentuated.

In actuality, the accent isn’t truly British or American and apparently it wasn’t only taught to actors, but to students in private and boarding schools. This bizarre affectation stopped being taught after World War II, which is why it sounds so foreign and old-fashioned to our ears.

The footage below goes on to explain this phenomenon in more depth. I found it really interesting and funny.

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I Could Never Figure Out How To Get My Stove Grates Clean. Then I Learned THIS Strange Trick!

If you cook a lot of food and dinners up at home, your stove is bound to get dirty. It’s one of the hardest areas to clean in the kitchen and it’s extremely important to take care of it. Baked on crud that builds up on stove top burners can be a health and safety hazard and if you want the stove to last, you have to clean it thoroughly once in awhile.

The problem with that is it can be a real pain in the behind getting those black crusted grates looking like new again. Now you don’t have to scrub them endlessly and risk scratching the heck out of them, because DIY Super Mom tested out an easy way to clean them up. The method she covered in this video takes minimum effort and works wonders at removing built up grease, grime, and food from burners.

All you really need to clean them is ammonia and a large Ziploc plastic bag. Here’s how you can do it: First, pour some ammonia into a spray bottle and place the dirty burner into the bag. Spray some ammonia all over the burner while it’s in the bag, so that it’s completely coated, then seal it closed so that all of the nasty fumes are trapped and locked inside.

Gently shake the bag and turn it over a few times to agitate the liquid inside and to ensure that all of the cracks, corners, and crevices are soaked in it. Allow the bag to sit overnight while the ammonia works to loosen up and dislodge the baked on food.

Open up the bag the following day and remove the burner, placing it somewhere safe that you can scrub it, like in the kitchen sink. Put on a pair of rubber gloves and use a sponge to wipe off the rest of the black, icky crud. It should come off easily and since you don’t need to scrub hard or scour, it won’t scratch the grates.

The next time you notice your stove top is looking a little worse for wear, pop the grates in a bag and try this simple and effective cleaning trick. It’ll have your stove top burners looking clean and polished without the use of harsh, expensive cleaning supplies that stores sell.

Best of all, you won’t have to scrub until your arm feels like it’s falling off!

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