This Lady Wraps A Rubber Band Through The Dashboard Vent Of Her Car. The Reason Is Brilliant

Few things are as distracting and dangerous as using a cell phone when you’re driving a car. They take the user’s focus and attention away from where it should be, on the road, and are to blame for thousands of auto-related accidents and fatalities every year. That’s why many states in the US and countries have banned the use of them while driving and made it an illegal offense.

However, the law doesn’t stop drivers from utilizing their phones, especially for navigational purposes. The paper maps of yesterday have been replaced by the mobile phone GPS systems of today. Lots of people would be lost without their cells directing them where to go, exactly when to turn, and how to avoid tolls or traffic.

If you’re going to use your phone then you may as well lessen the risks involved and have it close-by within your line of sight. That way you don’t have to take your eyes off the road for as long or look all over for it, thus reducing your overall level of distraction. The best way to keep it handy and nearby is via use of a cell phone holder and if you don’t have one, don’t sweat it, just check out this video from One Crazy House!

The creative solution seen here is an easy and affordable way to quickly rig up a cell phone holder. All you need is a sturdy rubber band and 5 seconds of time. Take the rubber band and stick one end of it through your car vent. Loop it around a vent slot so that you end up pulling the end out a different one that’s below it. To make this a lot easier you can use a screwdriver to catch the band, as shown in the video. Once it’s looped through the vent pull the two ends of the band out and place your phone in the open space between the dash and elastic. Adjust the rubber band towards both ends of the phone to form a snug fit that will hold it securely in place and you’re all set to go!

This is the most simple and effective way to create a smartphone holder for your car. Besides making life all the more easy, it will also make driving safer for you and your passengers, and who doesn’t want that?

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A Gorilla Sneaks Up Behind This Pup. How The Dog Reacts Is Hysterical.

Lots of dogs absolutely love playing and cuddling up with stuffed animals and little Maymo happens to be one of them. The sweet lemon beagle was gifted a large stuffed animal gorilla by his owners and it was game over the minute he laid his cute puppy eyes on it.

As the video shows, Maymo was relaxing on the couch lost in thought when the plushy gorilla first came into his life. The giant black furry animal suddenly peeked around the corner and drew the dog’s attention to it. His tail wagging quickly back and forth, Maymo immediately jumped up to sniff out his new best friend and give it sloppy dog kisses, it’s the cutest thing ever!

One thing leads to another and we get to watch as the friendly beagle courts the object of his affections. For their first date the dynamic duo sit down to a thoughtful, romantic meal of freshly prepared bananas accompanied by a refreshing white wine. The dinner must have gone well because the next thing we see is Maymo out with his gorilla friend at the park enjoying a nice relaxing walk together. They end up back at his place and not wanting the date to ever end, he challenges the primate to a long game of Scrabble.

Soon afterwards the unlikely pair are spending all of their free time together. They do everything from watching movies and napping to cuddling up and grooming one another. Things move super fast and before they know it they’re living together! You can just feel the love they share and their storybook romance comes to a head with the two furry soulmates celebrating their undying love by tying the knot. This is one love story that’s truly a timeless classic!

You may be familiar with the star of the clip because Maymo is a very popular dog who brings happiness to millions of people across the world. His clever and endearing antics are shared on his Maymo YouTube channel and after viewing several videos it’s easy to see why so many people love him. He’s always up to something and no matter what he does, whether it’s chowing down on carrots or fleeing in fear of Richard Simmons, he manages to be hilarious, adorable, and cute all at once! Check him out here and now and watch his love story unfold right before your eyes!

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The End Of Your Tape Measure Has Features You’ve Probably Never Heard Of. I’m So Glad I Learned THIS

Most people think that a tape measure is for measuring things. They are right, of course, but there is more to a tape measure than first meets the eye. There are specific features built in to the indispensible tool that make it much more effective and efficient, but only if one knows what they are and how to use them. Many of the features are to be found at the terminal end of the tape itself, ingeniously built in to the metal tab that holds it in place on an edge or against a surface.

Upon close inspection, one will notice a notch in the face of the tab. If, like many people, you find yourself trying to measure something without someone to hold the end still, only to have the end slip off until your temper begins to slip with it, you can place the head of a nail or screw in the slot and it will hold the tape securely from any angle.

The second feature is the serrated edge of the tab. It can be used in lieu of a pencil to mark the measurement, and it will always be accurate because it is built in to the tape itself.

You might have noticed that the tab wiggles quite a bit. You may have assumed that you have a faulty tape measure, but they all have this feature. If you look closely at the markings of the first inch, you will see that it is 1/16 inch short.

When you hook the tape to an outside edge, the tape pulls away from the tab by 1/16 inch. Conversely, when you place the tape on an inside edge, the 1/16 inch thick tab itself makes up the missing distance. There is a final, crucial design feature that is even more helpful and rarely known, but you’ll have to watch to the end of the video to find out what it is!

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A Cop Beats Him But This Homeless Man Doesn’t Fight Back. Now Watch What The Kid Behind Him Does

Homelessness is one of the most tragic issues in the United States.  Many of the homeless are mentally ill and without family support or treatment, to help them cope.  Others become ill and have no medical insurance, lose their jobs and have nowhere to turn.

One of the most startling and upsetting group of homeless are vets who have served our nation, try to get employment, and end up on the streets.  Often they are suffering from PTSD and do not get the psychological support they need and deserve, from the government they have served.

There are more and more YouTube channels that are dedicated to social experiments.  Their aim is usually to either reveal the kindness or cruelty of humanity.  In the video you are about to watch below, OCK TV who has done a number of experiments looking at both the reaction to the homeless and the homeless reaction to unsuspected circumstances.

In the following footage the two older brothers have their younger brother, who appears to be 12-13 years old, pretend to be homeless.  They have him sit a few feet away from a homeless vet, with a similar sign that says he is hungry and would appreciate some change.

The reactions to the posing boy and to the homeless vet are startling.  The unbelievable cruelty and conversely generous acts you will witness in the upcoming footage will stay with you for some time, and will hopefully make you think twice when you pass the homeless.

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These Guys Were Out In The Ocean When They Noticed Something Very Strange Swimming In The Water!

A group sailing off the coast of Italy stumbled upon an unbelievable sight. The members of the RYCC Savoia Club were out in the Gulf of Naples when they spotted something far off in the rolling waves. It was steadily coming towards them and once it got closer they could barely believe their eyes.

A small, yellow little puppy was struggling to keep its head above water as it paddled towards their boat! The group quickly jumped into action and urged the dog towards them, if they couldn’t reach the puppy it would definitely end up drowning. At this point they were at least a mile offshore and were sailing in some very cold, open water.

After several tense moments the puppy made it to the side of the boat and was immediately hauled out of the freezing water by the scruff of its neck. A woman quickly embraced the exhausted animal and set about trying to warm her up. She rubbed the puppy quickly to help restore her blood flow and soon afterwards wrapped her up in a jacket and held her close.

The dog cried weakly and her legs were sluggish. She was visibly exhausted and trembling, but otherwise she looked okay. The group called for a rescue boat to come take her back to shore, where she was dried, warmed up with a hairdryer, and reunited with her owner.

Soon after the story about how the poor puppy came to be lost at sea emerged. Earlier that morning a dog named Noodle had boarded a ferry in Naples with her owner, Mario Di Meglio, who was bringing his new puppy home. They were headed to the island of Ischia, which is around 20 miles West of Naples, when suddenly Noodle slipped out of her leash and fell overboard.

Mario immediately told the ferry crew and tried to get them to turn back and rescue his puppy, but they wouldn’t stop and told him that it was likely she had already drowned. However, Noodle stayed afloat and paddled for at least the next half hour before her rescuers finally spotted her and picked her up.

The ferry company apologized for the incident and have since launched an internal investigation into their crews response and what exactly happened. Mario and Noodle are back together and are eternally grateful for the quick actions undertaken by the awesome group of sailors who rescued the stricken puppy.

It’s wonderful to know that there’s a happy ending to this unbelievable story that could have so easily ended tragically. It makes me want to hold my pets a little closer tonight and be thankful they are all well and safe.

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They Call This Dog The “The Horse Whisperer.” The Reason Why Is UNREAL!

It never ceases to amaze me, when I get to see bonding between different species of animals.  In the case of the incredible footage you are about to watch below, it is between a dog and horses.  Dogs are one of our most beloved pets, because they are so social in nature.

As descendants of wolves, their inclination to be part of a pack has extended to their position within human families. Their bonding extends to other groups, as you will see in this beautiful video showing a Doberman interacting with a group of horses.

His owner takes care of horses, and the dog has modeled his care-taking behavior after his owner’s. People who have watched his amazing interactions, have begun to call him “The Horse Whisperer!”  You will see why as you watch this compilation of video footage and still pictures that will leave you feeling good all day.

His protective, loving and commanding behavior with these horses, who clearly love him back, are just simply heartwarming!

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THIS Is How You Can Clear Your Stuffy Nose For Good With This Genius Trick In Only 2 Minutes

It’s that time of year again when the weather changes and we all start getting colds. There are many annoying symptoms of the common cold, but for me the very worst is not being able to breathe.

What I’m talking about here is the endless runny nose; no matter how many times you blow it to try to get relief, there just seems to be an endless supply of mucous. Your nose gets raw from all the blowing, your head hurts and you still can’t get any air!

It makes sleeping difficult, and is just generally a terrible drain on your whole system.In the video below, Prevention magazine offers two great solutions that can clear a stuffy nose in 2 minutes.

The first involves touching your tongue in back of your front teeth and tapping between your eyebrows. It’s best to watch the demonstration and explanation of how to do it, and what it releases.

The second exercise is the “Hold Your Breath and Pinch” method. Watch to see how to do this properly. I think you will find the explanation of why this works not only useful but quite interesting.

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This Is The Reason You Should Sleep On Your Left Side Every Night. I Had No Idea!

The average person sleeps for about eight hours a day. Over a lifetime this amounts to spending about one third of our lives asleep. It’s common knowledge that a good nights rest is vitally important for maintaining health and balance both mentally and physically. However, it’s not so well known that the position you sleep in can also greatly affect your health.

There are many different ways that people like and prefer to sleep in. The most common seem to be on either the left or right side, on your back, and curled up in the fetal position. Each one affects your health in different ways that can be either good or bad.

For example, sleeping on the back can be dangerous for those who have asthma or sleep apnea because it increases the risks associated with breathing difficulties. Sleeping on the right side can aggravate digestive problems and make them a lot worse. These negative effects and issues lead to lower quality, and less amounts, of sleep.

The left side is the best side to sleep on and it’s better than all the others in terms of the benefits it has on our bodily health. Sleeping on the left side helps us digest easier and improves the overall digestive system by allowing the body to extract nutrients and dispose of toxins faster and more efficiently.

It also affects our circulation and cardiovascular health because the heart is better able to pump downhill and the blood circulates more efficiently back to the heart. Furthermore, the position also allows for bile and wastes to travel more freely through the body and helps improve spleen function.

This results in better lymphatic drainage and more toxins leaving the body, with less overall stress and negative impacts to our health. Dr. John Douillard explains these benefits in greater detail and covers much more in the accompanying video.

It’s incredible how much of a difference the position you sleep in has on your body. If you aren’t already sleeping on your left side, you should try to make the switch as soon as possible. You can train your body to do so by switching on a light on the right side of where you sleep.

Your body will naturally want to face away from the light source and thus will turn on to the left side. There are lots of other ways that people have used to effectively change sleep positions, you just have to find out which one will work for you.

If sleeping on the left side improves health and promotes better sleep, why wouldn’t you want to do it!

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