This Guy and His Son Moved Into An Old Gas Station. But When I Walked Inside It’s Incredible.

If you were a young boy, and your father took you to an old gas station and with great excitement asked you what you thought about living there, do you think you would jump with joy? Needless to say, it’s a rhetorical question! Robert Guthrie, an artist , kept looking at an old gas station with the idea of turning it into a home, but had to wait until he was able to afford it!

When he got the funds together and told his son he was going to turn it into a home for them to live in, his son really thought he had lost it! As you will see in the video you are about to watch below, that shows what an artist with a vision is capable of creating, you will be as blown away as his son and everyone who has seen it has been; the ‘before and after’ of this magnificent two-story loft is truly exciting
to behold!

Although he refurbished the outside, he maintained the look of an old gas station, but when you look inside Guthrie’s masterpiece of architecture with quirky details that incorporate parts of the original…WOW! The transformation is truly a testament to this artist’s imagination, vision and rare talent! Let us know what you think about this unusual living space.

Please SHARE this fantastic home that is truly a work of art, with your family and friends

Her Neighbors Kept Complaining What A Mess Her Home Was. But When He Came To Her House Wow!

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!  Words certainly can be powerful, but good deeds show that the intention behind respectful and loving words are real.  Such is the case in the unbelievably touching video you are about to watch below!

Agnes, a 90-year-old widow, had been reported by the neighbors about garbage and junk that had been mounting in her back yard for years.  This was a result of a relative dumping his stuff on her property, which Agnes was helpless to stop.  After being reported, she was terrified and humiliated.  Facing fines she could not afford to pay, Agnes contacted a group called “Operation Blessing”, to see if they could help her in some way.

Certainly, as will see in the footage of what they did for Agnes, this was no small act of kindness.  You will be as amazed and touched as Agnes was, to watch these “angels” who came to her rescue.  In these days where we wake up to such horrible news of man’s inhumanity to man, this wonderful video is a reminder that we all must try to counter all the hatred.  Doing acts of kindness, large or small, is so important in keeping our hearts open to love and goodness.  Human beings are truly capable of loving selflessness and caring, despite all the darkness currently in our universe.

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This Dog Died An Hour After Eating This Common Yet Very Deadly Plant. Everyone Should See THIS

There is a renewed sense of urgency in spreading the word about a very common, dangerous and deadly plant that can kill a dog within an hour if any part of it is consumed. Water hemlock is the plant that is responsible for the recent death of a 3 year old Border Collie in Colorado, and it poses a risk to all animals as well as humans. The dog was out playing at Horsetooth Reservoir when she ate the plant, which is known as one of the most toxic plants in all of America. Soon after ingesting it she started panting and her tongue was hanging out, then she lost her motor functions and couldn’t stand up, within 60 minutes she had passed away. The shocking death has many pet owners and lovers on edge, since the water hemlock plant is so widespread and common in North America, yet not many people know about its extreme deadliness.

The plant is most often found around moist, wet areas such as lakes, marshes, rivers, ditches, and streams. It sports serrated green leaves with sharply toothed edges and in the springtime it flowers with green or white petal blossoms that appear shaped as an umbrella.

While dogs are not drawn to the plant they could chew on it, plus owners and the public in general should be aware of the danger it poses. Even a large dog who eats just a few leaves can die within two hours, and smaller ones often succumb to it’s toxic effects much quicker. In some instances dogs have been poisoned by hemlock roots that were soaking in water and thus had contaminated it. Symptoms from water hemlock poisoning in dogs show up within minutes after they ingest it and include dilated pupils, seizures, twitching, and drooling. Eventually the dog becomes paralyzed and soon after death sets in, so it’s vitally important to get the dog to a veterinarian quickly. They need to induce vomiting as soon as possible and get the toxic poison out of the dog’s system.


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This Woman Places 4 Pounds of Onions In a Crock Pot Then Adds Butter. When She’s Done YUM!

There’s a million different ways to eat an onion, from raw to sauteed or fried. However, one of the most popular and tastiest types is hands down caramelized onions. When onions are caramelized they become tender and brown up. They also take on a deliciously smooth flavor that’s sweet, but not too sweet that it’s overpowering, and lose the bitter taste that they’re commonly associated with.

Caramelizing is a cooking method in which a food is slowly cooked over low heat to allow for the natural sugars in it to change and turn into caramel. These properties are what makes this onion recipe the perfect thing to toss in the crock pot and cook up. It’s the easiest way to make a huge batch of caramelized onions that are both affordable and delicious.

The video shows everything you’ll need to know about perfecting this recipe and the following is a list of all the ingredients that it calls for:

4 pounds of yellow onions
½ cup unsalted butter
Salt and pepper

How to prepare the ingredients:
1) Slice up all the onions and cut the butter into small pieces 2) Place the onions and the butter in a crock pot and place the lid on the pot 3) Cook on low for 8 hours 4) Uncover, stir, and season them with salt and pepper 5) Cook on low for about 2 more hours or until most of the juice cooks off

When you’re done cooking you can either eat and enjoy the onions immediately or store them in the freezer for later. It’s likely you’ll end up with a lot of leftovers and if you choose to freeze them they last up to six months in the freezer.

These pair well with a range of other foods and meals. A classic American tradition is topping off hamburgers and hot dogs with them and many people also like them served with steak. Another option is to toss a bunch of the sweet and savory onions into a stir fry to kick the flavor level up a notch. There you have it, now you won’t ever have to go without caramelized onions ever again!

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This Guy Begins Skinning THIS Watermelon In a Weird Way. The End Result Is Incredible!

Summer is coming and that means cook outs, picnics, and barbecues will be kicking off. If you want to be a thoughtful and helpful guest at any shindig, you can’t just show up empty handed. Instead you should bring something to the table, or at least offer to because it’s simply the nice thing to do.

With this party melon trick, you’ll always have something fun and cool to bring to the party. Heck, you may even blow a few people’s minds, even if they happen to belong to young little children! So if and when life hands you watermelons, go to town and carve them up. Better yet, skin one up and stick it inside of another one for a really cool and amusing twist on watermelon presentation.

This video will show you exactly how to do just that and the process is really not as hard as you’d imagine. Plus, it’s the perfect way to go about bringing food to a party with a little extra flair. So step up your food game, quit being so boring and bland, and give this a try. All you need is two watermelons that are similar in both shape and size, a sharp knife, and a brand new dish scrubbing pad. When it’s over and done you’ll have the perfect snack to bring to any picnic or party!

Start with one watermelon and skin it in a similar fashion as you would a pineapple by making a bunch of cuts along the sides to remove the rind and green pieces. Try your best to maintain the oval shape and go over it a second time with a sharp knife to further remove white spots and to even out the surface. In order to make it really super smooth you’ll need to take a brand new dish scrubbing pad and use it to sand down the fruit until it’s all nice and pink.

Take the second watermelon, cut it in half, and gut it. Make sure to thoroughly remove all of the flesh from off the inside rind. This part is crucial and you’ll likely need to scrape the remaining bits of pink from the insides so that the other watermelon can fit inside of it.

At this point all that’s left to do is to make sure that the two fit together neatly. If they don’t, make any necessary adjustments and carve down the fruit further, then try again to see if it fits. Also, be sure to refrigerate the whole piece if you aren’t going to eat it until later.

With your neat, skinned, watermelon type-egg creation in tow you won’t show up empty handed and you can wow friends, family, even strangers! Plus, it’s not only cool to look at, it also cuts down on the mess later on. Once you slice the skinned melon and eat it up there aren’t any leftover rinds to deal with.

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97% Of People Can Find The Horse In This Picture In Less Than 5 Seconds. Can You?

If you enjoy picture searches, this quick and easy one should be right up your alley! The image below has been stumping people left and right. Take the timed challenge and see if you can pass the test! The photograph of a quiet street looks like it could have been taken just about anywhere in New England.

Cars line the sidewalk in front of a historic looking stone house that sits next to a four story red brick building. Nothing about this picture jumps out at the viewer, in fact it’s quite plain and uneventful. However, somewhere in the photograph there is a horse!

Yes, a horse, as in the famous words of Mister Ed “A horse is a horse, of course, of course.” The challenge in finding the horse lies within spotting it in five seconds or less. Try it now and see if you can pass the test.

If you’re successful, congratulations, you’re among the rare few who passed! According to the quiz site playbuzz, a whopping 97% of the people who try are unable to find the horse in under 5 seconds. Were you able to find the horse in less than 5 seconds? Let us know in the comments 🙂 Good luck!

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If You’re Feeling Depressed Anxious Sad Or Nervous Try This Ancient Method For Instant Relief

Most of us have heard of acupuncture, reflexology and massage therapies that are derived from Eastern medicine. Although they have been used as healing practices for alleviating pain, trauma, illness and stress for thousands of years, they have only become accepted as a viable adjunct to Western cultures and medicine, in recent years.

According to Complementary Therapies Centre, a less well-known ancient Japanese healing practice known as “Jin Shin Jyutsu”, has been known to effectively treat depression, anxiety, sciatica, PTSD, and chronic neck and back pain to mention just a few ailments. It was brought to the United States in the 1950’s by an Asian-American woman, Mary Burmeister, after she met with Jiro Murai, an expert in the field in Japan.

The video you are about to watch below does a great job of describing and discussing this method, which involves lightly pulling or squeezing each finger, to alleviate disabling emotional states such as fear, anger, anxiety, depression and sorrow that goes on beyond the normal parameters. Each finger addresses a different issue. This a wonderful adjunct to other treatments that can help both children and adults achieve spiritual and emotional balance. Let us know if you will try this.

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Tiny Baby Elephant Notices People Watching Him On Safari. But Seconds Later He Does The Most Adorable Thing Ever.

When on safari, expect the unexpected. There’s absolutely no way you can ever know what you’re going to come across which is all part of what makes the experience so awesome and exciting. Venturing out into the wild where some of the planet’s largest, most fierce animals roam freely is simply guaranteed to be action packed and filled with one thrilling adventure after another.

Of course, sometimes the most memorable thing that you end up witnessing on a once in a lifetime safari vacation isn’t necessarily going to be a pack of lions taking down a Wildebeest. Nature works in mysterious ways and as the tourists in this video found out, those ways can be quite adorable and endearing!

The group had stopped on a dusty beaten path near a watering hole to allow a family of elephants to pass. The larger mother was leading in front and trailing closely behind her were two smaller elephants. The smallest one of the bunch was just a baby and as the people in the group fawned over how adorable the calf was he turned and looked right at them. The glance was the perfect photo opportunity, but it only lasted a few seconds before the little guy suddenly seized up and let out a big sneeze! The force rocked his body and caused him to let out a mini-trumpeting noise that sounds absolutely adorable.

Just as cute as the actual sneeze was the baby elephants reaction to it. While the noise he made caused everyone else to laugh and giggle in delight, it ended up spooking the poor baby! He took off running, his little feet moving double time to help him skedaddle on over to his mama, where he proceeded to hide behind her massive frame. You just have to see and hear this baby elephant sneeze, it’s nature in its most lovable and comical state!

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