Animal Adopts THIS Unlikely Orphaned Baby. What They Look Like Years Later Is An Unexpected Surprise!

The depth of compassion that one animal has for another, when they come from different species,  never fails to amaze me.  The touching video you are about to watch below, tells the story of little Poncho the opossum, whose mom was killed by a car, when he was just a newborn.

Poncho was found by animal rescuers, as the tiny infant clung to his dead mother’s side, after she had been hit by the car.  In fragile condition, and an unlikely chance of survival, little Poncho was lucky to be found.  Receiving veterinary attention, he was nursed back to health, but the sweet little guy was still a motherless child…until Hantu came along.

A most unlikely surrogate mom, the white German Shepherd had never had pups of her own.  It seemed like her need to nurture met with Ponchu’s need for a mother figure, and a bond was formed.  Ponchu clung onto to Hantu’s side just as he had with his mother!  The two brought comfort and happiness to each other.

To this day, years later, they are still inseparable!  Though bigger, Poncho still clings to Hantu’s side as they take walks in the woods. This is truly a sight to behold.

You will find this footage of Ponchu and Hantu so heartwarming and simply adorable. It is an uplifting video that will make your day! Let us know how you feel about this unlikely interspecies relationship!

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At First I Laughed When She Put Orange Peels In The Fridge But When She’s Done YUM!

The world is full of fast food options and temptingly convenient prepackaged snacks which make it difficult to find and choose healthy foods. It is even harder when you need to come up with a tasty snack that will please a whole classroom full of youngsters. On top of that, many schools now strictly enforce no-nut and no-candy or junk food policies that aim to keep kids healthy and safe from potential allergic reactions. When one woman was asked to bring in a homemade snack for her daughter’s class that fit within the guidelines she came up with the perfect recipe. It is simple, easy to make, delicious, and above all healthy.

All you need for ingredients are six oranges and one packet of unflavored gelatin. In the video the chef, Meg, uses valencia and navel oranges for juice and then the navel orange peels she saves for a later step. Start by slicing the oranges in half crosswise and then juice them until you have one and three quarters cups of juice. Next, pour the juice through a fine mesh strainer to remove the pulp.

Place the gelatin in a saucepan and pour about one quarter cup of juice over it, let this stand and dissolve, before placing the saucepan over medium heat for approximately 5 minutes or until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Mix in the remaining juice and set aside. Take the orange halves and remove the remaining inside flesh with a spoon. Place them in a muffin tin so that they stand up and fill them halfway with juice, place the tray in the refrigerator, before finally filling them up. It is best to refrigerate them overnight or at least four hours before slicing them into wedges and serving.

Kids and adults will love this snack and many children who don’t even like fruit will be tricked into eating it because its presented to them as a treat. There are no added sugars and its even fun to make. Get the kids involved by having them help you juice the oranges and strain out the pulp. If you ever need to bring an item to a potluck, picnic, baby or wedding shower, or really any type of party, they magically fit the bill for all occasions!! Even if you have no where to go make them for yourself as a guilt-free treat. Plus, eating them will make it feel like summer has finally arrived.

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Apparently If You Blow Air On Your Thumb THIS Happens To Your Body!

It is really a fascinating phenomenon, that all the parts of the body have interactions with other parts, that are so unexpected.  In actuality, ancient Chinese medicine is based on their knowledge of pressure points that mysteriously are capable of taking away pain in certain areas, that you would never think would be related. These pressure points as well as other unknown tricks, will be discussed.

For instance Dr. Scott Schaffer; an ENT specialist, shared the SECRET TO RELIEVING THROAT PAIN, with “Men’s Health”;  he said the answer is to scratch your ear!  The explanation lies in certain nerves in the ear.  ‘Stimulating them causes a reflex in the throat to cause a muscular spasm, and that in turn relieves the tickle which can be painful’.

Have you ever noticed in movies, that when people are having an anxiety attack, someone will offer them a glass of water?  I’ve always thought to myself, “what in the world is water going to do?”  Well it turns out, according to “WebMD”, that the relationship between water and STRESS RELIEF, is well-documented.  Apparently, splashing ice-cold water on your face when you are anxious has a direct impact on your brain, known as the “mammalian diving reflex”.  The water shocks you into holding your breath, which in turn stops the shallow breathing that accompanies anxiety, and regulates your breathing into a more normal depth; deeper breathing calms you down.  Similarly, if you have the “butterflies” before an event, BLOWING ON YOUR THUMB regulates your breathing and controls the vagus nerve, which will slow down your heart rate.  When this happens it signals your brain that you are not in danger, and you CALM DOWN.

There’s nothing more annoying than a STUFFY NOSE, that just won’t drain.  If you want to relieve sinus pressure caused by Phlegm, press your tongue to the roof of your mouth, and alternate that with pressure with one finger against each eyebrow.  The mucus gets loosened by the force on the “vomer bone”.

When I was a kid they used to tell you to put butter on a BAD BURN, which was then debunked by icing quickly, to AVOID A SCAR.  Well, it seems that there is a better remedy than ice.  Pressing the pads of your fingers directly on the burned area, lessens the chances of blistering and scarring.  This is because a slower return to normal body temperature for the burned skin is less shocking to the system.

There are nerve pathways in the webbed area between your index finger and your thumb that signal the brain about pain coming from the face and hands.  Applying an ice cube to this webbed area, for instance if you have SENSITIVE TEETH, can block the pain message and the sensation will be alleviated.

In this epidemic of addiction to pain medications, these natural remedies as well as the pressure points illustrated in the video you are about to watch below to relieve MIGRAINE PAIN, can be a much safer answer for pain relief.  Releasing energy in one part of your body by knowing where to press, is the key!

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Apparently If You Take This Vitamin 1x Per Day You Won’t Get Bit By Mosquitoes This Year

This year mosquitoes are in the news for all the wrong reasons. The pesky bugs are making headlines for their role in the developing health crisis surrounding the Zika virus which is spread primarily through mosquito bites. The disease is known to cause fevers, aches, painful joints, rashes, and pregnant women are being advised to avoid traveling to areas where infected mosquitoes have been found because Zika has been linked to birth defects!

It’s just the latest international health threat that’s directly related to skeeters and it’s all too familiar. Mosquitoes spread a slew of diseases that include West Nile Virus, malaria, dengue fever, encephalitis, and more. The best practice to avoid contracting any mosquito borne disease is to avoid them in the first place, but that’s basically impossible. They’re found everywhere on Earth except for Antarctica and if they want to bite you, they will, or die trying.

Since you can’t avoid them all together, the next best way to lessen the amount of bites is to repel them. Most people turn to bug sprays and insect repellents that contain DEET, a powerful chemical that can produce serious side effects in users. However, there’s a much safer and more natural way to avoid attracting mosquitoes to yourself and all it takes is vitamin B1.

Also known as thiamine, vitamin B1 has been used for years to repel mosquitoes. Many people swear that by taking a large dose of vitamin B1 daily they have been able to drastically reduce the average amount of mosquito bites they suffer from. It’s believed that thiamine alters how your sweat smells and makes you unattractive to mosquitoes who pick up on the change in body odor. Scent is what attracts mosquitoes to a person in the first place and the more appealing you smell, the more bites you’re likely to get. Since mosquitoes have excellent scent receptors in their antennae, they have the ability to easily sniff out any human within a 100 foot range, but not if you take thiamine and change how you smell!

The accompanying video from YouTube’s Shepherd School goes over one man’s experience and the results he found after trying thiamine to repel mosquitoes. Turns out, he was pleasantly surprised to find the vitamin supplements worked and he thoroughly explains all the information you need to know and the basics surrounding the use of them.

While some people have been quick to point out that there’s no scientific research or evidence that shows thiamine works, that doesn’t automatically mean it’s completely useless. Whether its effects are indeed placebo-induced or not, the fact remains that many people swear by vitamin B1 and take it daily to keep the bloodsuckers at bay. It won’t hurt to try because taking B1 is safe and any excess in the body simply gets passed through in urine. You’ll never know if it works for you unless you try it!

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Animals In The Wild Eat This Intoxicating Fruit and Get Super Drunk. Now Watch Their Reactions!

So it seems that it is not only the human species that enjoy the effects of alcohol.  This most entertaining video shows the behavior of several wild species in the African jungle eating the rotting marula fruit that they come upon in their journey. It’s strange to think that animals of all species can get drunk naturally in the wild. Honestly I never even thought this was a thing but it’s been going on since before humans even existed!

They ravenously indulge in this fruit.  The monkeys, giraffes, elephants, and many others devour the fruit which then ferments as they digest.  They soon literally are all drunk and the hilarity ensues.  The narration adds to their incredible antics. The narrator takes the whole thing video to the next level. This is too good!

As if the drunk animals in action weren’t funny enough, watch as they struggle with their morning after hangovers! Who knew having a hangover was a universal problem that all species on planet earth have to deal with! This is really one of the most enjoyable animal videos I’ve seen in ages.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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Apparently If You Eat 5 Walnuts and Wait 4 Hours THIS Is What Happens To Your Body!

Did you know that eating just a handful of walnuts a day can vastly improve your health in a number of different ways? The simple nuts grow on trees and are most commonly harvested after they have fully ripened..

Most of the commercially available types carried in stores have the shells removed and the inside kernel, which is known as nutmeat, is the part that people consume. Walnuts have a mild, tangy, somewhat buttery taste which makes them perfect for eating alone or as a mix-in in salads and sweets like brownies or cookies!

It only takes a one quarter cup serving, which amounts to about a handful, to get the heart healthy benefits. Walnuts are packed with protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They also contain a lot of “good” fats that are hard to find in foods and incorporate into our diets.

The two major ones are monounsaturated and omega 3 fatty acids. The plant based omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) has anti-inflammatory effects on the body and a University of Maryland study(1) found that those who eat diets high in ALA have about a 50% lower risk of sudden cardiac death. There are other heart healthy benefits as well and eating a few everyday can help to lower both LDL and overall cholesterol levels.

Studies have also shown that they can reduce the risk of excessive blood clotting and inflammation, both of which can be major factors in cases of stroke and heart attacks. One of the best benefits walnuts pack are powerful antioxidants, which help to fight and remove the free radicals that damage and age our bodies.

Some of them, like the tannin tellimagrandin and the flavanol morin, are exceedingly rare and hard to find in foods. A few other antioxidants have even amazed researchers because they have proven to be so extremely powerful at combating free radicals.

Even though the tasty nuts are high in fat, they can help to control and maintain weight over time. People report feeling more full and for longer periods of time after eating them. They also can lead to improved reproductive health in men by improving overall sperm quality. In addition, the antioxidants they contain can help our brains as they age by enhancing overall cognitive and motor functions.

Walnuts seem to positively effect a little bit of every part of our bodies, and as you can see, there is a wealth of awesome health perks that you can get when you eat them. If you have not already, try incorporating a few into your diet. Your body will thank you!

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After You Watch This You Will Never Buy Cough Medicine Again. I’m So Happy I Learned THIS.

Have you ever wondered what is in the cough drops that you buy at the store?  Why do they often taste so strange and sometimes really bad?  If you read the ingredient list there are usually several hard to pronounce words that sound completely foreign.  Many people often wonder if some of the brands they have tried even work or help at all.  Now you can skip the drugstore and make your own natural, limited ingredient, soothing cough drops to have on hand for the next time you feel sick!

Start by filling a pan with 1 cup of sugar and a ½ cup of water.  Cut a lemon in half and add 1 tablespoon of the juice to the water.  The vitamin C in the lemon will help your body fight the cold.  Next, add in 1 tablespoon of honey which is a natural cough suppressant, antibacterial, and helps soothe a sore throat.

Add in ½ teaspoon of ground ginger to help with nausea, pain, and to maintain your immune system.  It also has anti-inflammatory properties and tastes yummy.  Continue to add in ¼ teaspoon of ground cloves that have antiseptic properties, many antioxidants and also help to reduce phlegm.

Once all the ingredients are mixed up in the pot turn on the stove and keep stirring until it simmers.  Reduce the heat and allow it to simmer for an additional 15-20 minutes while stirring regularly.  In the meantime, take out a baking tray and line it with baking paper, when time is up take the pan off the stove and let it cool down to a thick, dark, syrupy texture.  When that consistency is met it’s now time to make the drops on your baking paper.

Spoon the syrup onto the baking sheet and make sure to be very careful because it is likely still hot.  Let the drops cool for a further 20 minutes then coat with a dusting of powdered icing sugar to keep them from sticking together.  Take them off the paper and check to make sure they’re all well coated, adding more powdered sugar if necessary.

That’s it!  You now have homemade natural cough drops that taste great and help relieve your ills.  The video mentions that you can also take a few and dissolve them in hot water for a soothing drink.  Or, you can just eat them whenever like a hard candy!

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A Thief Kept Stealing Their Packages. So They Came Up With a Plan and Got An Epic Revenge.

When one man noticed that packages left at his door were mysteriously vanishing, he naturally assumed they’d been stolen. After discussing the issue with his neighbor, he found out that he wasn’t the only one in the neighborhood who was missing items. That’s when he decided to take matters into his own hands and play a little game with the suspected thief. His plan involved sweet revenge and near-instant karma, something that was inevitably about to catch up with the criminal anyways.

His name is Tom Mabe and his payback plan involved a box rigged with poop that would explode all over the mail thief or his car! Before leaving the bait box he did a test run to make sure his device and plan would work, it did, before setting it out on his doorstep. With the lens of his home video surveillance system focused on a wide shot of the front yard, he sat back in his home office watching and waiting for the bandit to show up once again.

It didn’t take long before a car slowly rolled up right in front of his house and an older bald man hopped out the passenger side door. He sauntered down the front walk, up the stairs, and reached down to pick up the bait box. The bald man then turned and headed back to his waiting ride, walking calmly and acting nonchalantly the entire time. He climbed back in the car, shut the door, then drove off.

Mr. Mabe was watching this all unfold in real time and immediately recognized the thief. Now he knew for certain the identity of the culprit! According to him, the package was set to go off exactly 40 seconds after being moved and so unfortunately the camera above his door would miss it.

However, he was prepared for this and had set up a second camera which was trained further down the street. That one did capture the moment the poop box exploded and you can see the passenger door fly open and the bald thief spill out of the car!! He appears shocked and disgusted, it even looks as if he’s about to throw up or something as he lens forward bent at the waist with his hands on his knees. He just got covered in two day old, stinky, stolen poop, it’s just so gross!

In the end, he got what he deserves for stealing from others, people that he even knows. It’s justice at last for Tom Mabe and the other homeowners he took from. That should teach him a lesson he’ll never forget!

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